Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Who knows the Happy Dictionary-A Brief Introduction of Li Jiaming?

Who knows the Happy Dictionary-A Brief Introduction of Li Jiaming?

At the beginning of 2004, Li Jiaming, the increasingly popular handsome host of CCTV-2, was active in various time periods of CCTV-2, which made people see things in a blur: the model contest broadcast in the morning, the magic training camp with you at noon, not counting his own job, the Happy Dictionary, and the large-scale human resources column Absolute Challenge broadcast last year. Plus CCTV-3 new program "Red Song", for a while.

Overnight, Li Jiaming became the host of CCTV with high photogenic rate.

During the May Day Golden Week, Li Jiaming once again became the red host of CCTV. First, he hosted the reality show "Driving Training Camp" in the brand column "Happy Hero", and then the new program "Entrepreneurial Passion" also appeared on the stage. Looking at the smart and handsome Li Jiaming's wit and humor on the screen, who would have thought that he betrayed his parents and ran away for his dream, and experienced the frustration brought by youth and frivolous, from which a touching story happened between him and his parents, from which he gained the life sentiment on the road of chasing dreams.

His parents don't accept his dream.

1975 was born in Li Jiaming, Xinjiang, and came to Mianyang, Sichuan with his parents at the age of 8. As a teenager, Li Jiaming spoke Mandarin very well and was often active on the school stage. At that time, his ideal was to take an examination of Beijing Broadcasting Institute and then become a host. However, as the father of an engineer, he hopes that he can follow his father's career and study electronics. They often quarrel about it. When Li Jiaming was in senior three, an accident happened, which led to a fierce conflict with his parents and his ideals.

At that time, Li Jiaming was the monitor and president of the student union. At that time, he was studying science. In his view, studying in the broadcasting institute seems to be the only way to be a host, so he locked in the broadcasting institute and worked hard on it. However, when 1993 filled in the college entrance examination volunteers, he said that science students could not fill in the broadcasting college, which gave him an unexpected blow. Li Jiaming felt that his dream was shattered, so he got good grades. In desperation, he signed up for the film and television performance class of Sichuan Normal University. He took part in the interview before the college entrance examination, and the school accepted him immediately, but that major didn't have a diploma, so he could study without taking the college entrance examination. Li Jiaming's action made his parents very angry: if he didn't take the college entrance examination, it would mean that his primary school, middle school and high school were all in vain.

At that time, Li Jiaming told his mother that he wanted to do this job and asked her for tuition: 2800 yuan for the first year. Mom disagreed: "If you go to this school, you don't have to pay tuition." Li Jiaming stubbornly said, "If you don't pay the tuition, I won't go to school!" He really stayed at home for three months. At that time, the college entrance examination was approaching. He stays at home and watches TV every day. When he woke up in the morning, he watched TV all day, as if he were possessed. It happened that he was under great pressure to study in senior three, and he was happy at home. He decided to be a host and study art. He didn't care about school. In his view, this is an art school. He felt that he had something to do with art and made up his mind to embark on the road of art.

Li Jiaming said to his mother, if you don't give me money, I'll borrow it myself. But who will lend money to senior three students? And a loan of 2.8 thousand. In the end, Li Jiaming only borrowed 500 yuan. Unexpectedly, the 500 yuan I borrowed touched my mother. After learning this, the mother felt that her son was determined and finally agreed to his decision.

In the eyes of parents, going to a good university is the guarantee for future life and work. Li Jiaming's stubbornness means that he must make achievements on the road he has chosen to prove that he is right. But what Li Jiaming didn't expect was that he couldn't find a stable job after graduating from the film and television performance class. After being recommended, I went to sctv and worked as a temporary presenter in a rural program that was broadcast once a week. When I bid farewell to my parents and went to Chengdu, my parents never wanted my son to go out as a temporary worker. But Li Jiaming has another feeling: he has finally taken the first step towards his dream.

Working away from home only for dreams.

When Li Jiaming was intoxicated with the joy of being a host at first, his parents were hard to be happy: the jobs and incomes of temporary workers were unstable. As a matter of fact, as parents worry, Li Jiaming's monthly salary is only 400 yuan, and she has to buy clothes and cosmetics for her appearance, so her life is becoming more and more embarrassing. Li Jiaming decided to take a part-time job to earn money.

So he worked as a host in sctv while working in a nightclub. In nightclubs, besides making money, he also has an addictive idea: to be a host here, to enliven the atmosphere in time, and to use this opportunity to exercise his ability to grasp the scene. He did a good job in nightclubs, and guests, including foreign friends, praised nightclubs for three things: first, they danced well in the national standard; Second, saxophone plays well; Third, the host presided well. This kind of praise made Li Jiaming feel happier than getting paid. But he never dared to tell his family about being a host in a nightclub. He is afraid that his mother will worry, that the place is too messy and complicated, and that his son will not learn well there.

Although working in a nightclub, Li Jiaming's economic situation has not changed much. During his days in Chengdu, he often worried about food and shelter. There was no money to rent a house, so the manager of the nightclub put him in a room, where seven security guards slept, even eight in Li Jiaming, where it was crowded with people. His daily necessities at that time were a bicycle and two large snakeskin bags: one with a quilt and a pillow; One is full of books and cosmetics. Because of his unstable job, he often moves. After sleeping here for a few days, he moved there for a few days. But he doesn't feel bitter: in order to change the status quo and for his dream of tomorrow, he must stick to it!

A year has passed, but the kind of change that Li Jiaming expected never happened. Because of his education, he has been working as a temporary worker in TV stations, and the programs he hosts have never been recognized by others. The black-and-white work and embarrassing life in the nightclub made him deeply feel farther and farther away from his original dream. Li Jiaming began to be confused and shaken.

One night after work, it was already 1 o'clock in the morning. Everyone rode their bikes back to the dormitory, and Li Jiaming rode wearily to the end. The surrounding residential buildings are all dark. At this time, people are immersed in a sweet sleep, and occasionally several vendors who get up early to sell meat and vegetables pass by him. Li Jiaming thinks he can call it a day and make works of art like these vendors. He works very hard. Why did he choose this road against his parents' wishes? In the cold wind in the morning, he remembered his family and family affairs: he forced himself to take a film and television performance class, but his mother didn't pay his tuition. In those three months, he didn't go to school and watched TV at home all day. Those scenes flashed before his eyes ... I don't know if it was sadness or guilt. He rode his bike, tears falling one after another, cold wind blowing, and his face was chilly. He simply stopped, sat on the side of the road and burst into tears: Is he really wrong? As the saying goes: if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer. I didn't listen to my parents. Now I deserve it. He really wants to go back to his parents at once and plan his future life according to their ideas. He decided to go home.

He bought a train ticket home. From the moment he held the ticket, he had another sad feeling in his heart: he was giving up his dreams, his efforts and all his confidence and personality. His heart is getting more and more uneasy. Just an hour before the train started, he suddenly stood up and tore up the train ticket. After so much suffering outside, he didn't want to go home halfway. He still needs dreams. He dare not imagine how a person without dreams, especially young people, should face the future.

Lost heavily on the road of dreams.

During the period of 1997, Chengdu TV Station openly recruited program hosts, which brought a good opportunity for Li Jiaming to compete on an equal footing. At that time, more than 2,000 people applied for the exam, and Li Jiaming was confident that he could pass the exam 100%. Sure enough, interview, written test, static test, initial test, second test … all the way through. Finally, there were 15 people left, and Li Jiaming was one of them. A * * * recruit 10 people, Li Jiaming thinks he is determined to win. He felt that he could basically pack up and go to Chengdu TV Station, and his joy was beyond words: his dream was finally combined with his parents' wishes. He didn't tell his mother the good news for the time being. When she was officially admitted, he gave her a surprise.

After eagerly waiting for a week, when the phone calls, he thinks he must be ready to report for work. Unexpectedly, it's just another sentence: welcome to apply next time. Stupid, my head went blank, and the whole person stood there waiting for a while with a microphone. He didn't know when the other party was connected. He didn't even ask why on the phone, but his heart roared like a wave lapping on the coast: Why? Why? What's wrong with me? Later, a friend who took the exam with him and was admitted told him: Maybe your ego hurt you at that time. Li Jiaming didn't understand the meaning. My friend said, you seemed to say: Who does Chengdu TV want? They think you are too arrogant to control.

Half a month after losing the election, he felt like he was going through purgatory, and his heart was very painful. He didn't do anything, just sat there thinking, sleepless all night, crying from time to time. Sometimes he foolishly said to himself: you don't want me, naturally someone wants me; Sometimes he thinks: if he is modest, this opportunity is his own! At this point, Li Jiaming has run away from home for more than a year.

Li Jiaming, full of lofty sentiments, was empty-handed after one year. The failure of the TV exam is unbearable for the young man. He is homesick again and wants to go back to his parents, eager for their comfort and even scolding.

He really went home this time. When he got home, he really realized the special feeling of the lyrics "Only when you are injured can you go home". To Li Jiaming's surprise, when he met his parents, they were very kind to him and didn't blame him at all. His father, who had always opposed him going this way, took the initiative to talk to him, and the father and son chatted all night. Father said: Since we have chosen this road, we must go on. Do you know why our family moved back to Sichuan from Xinjiang? Li Jiaming replied: You should come back if you go to support the frontier. Dad said, that's not true. We had a good time in Xinjiang and got used to it after more than ten years. It was because of the educational problems of your three children that the education in Xinjiang was relatively backward at that time. Your mother and I wanted you to study more, so we moved back to Sichuan.

At this time, Li Jiaming realized how much harm he had done to his parents in senior three! After finishing primary school, junior high school, senior high school and college entrance examination, I chose another road, and it was a road that worried my parents and failed all their efforts!

Although their parents encouraged them instead of blaming them, Li Jiaming deeply blamed himself. Li Jiaming understood what to do at this time. He abandoned the star dream and told himself: I have chosen this road, and I will go down steadily! Practicality is a weight that he never dares to give up easily.

Become a popular host of CCTV

The unsuccessful experience of Chengdu TV Station made Li Jiaming mature a lot and made him understand that he should shoulder more responsibilities and love in the process of pursuing his dreams. He can only repay his parents by down-to-earth work. At this time, he heard that Chongqing Jiulongpo TV Station was recruiting a program host and left home for the second time with his parents' expectations.

This time, Li Jiaming, who learned the lesson of the last election failure, was admitted to the TV station for trial. During the probation period of half a year, he was almost crazy about TV. In order to improve his quality, he took a correspondence course in the Broadcasting Institute and studied TV interview, editing, sound and production. This has made him make great progress.

On one occasion, Li Jiaming went out to interview with a reporter from Taiwan Province. When he saw that a vegetable market on the roadside was particularly dirty, he told reporters that it was news. The reporter said: Do you think you are the host of CCTV? You want to show up at the scene and expose it? Do your job honestly. Li Jiaming said: Whether it is used or not is your business. It's addictive. That is, go in and observe and report what is needed. Li Jiaming remembers that he was wearing a hat, a plaid shirt and a microphone that day, as if he were experiencing the feeling of CCTV reporters appearing in the camera. Later, after the news was broadcast, Li Jiaming was praised by the leaders of Taiwan Province. At this time, Li Jiaming's working conditions in the TV station are very good.

Because of his stable job, Li Jiaming was quickly hired by Chongqing TV Station. During his three years in Chongqing, Li Jiaming cherished every opportunity, gradually became the host of this station, and officially transferred to Chongqing TV Station. In the past three years, Li Jiaming has realized his double wishes with his parents.

In 2000, an accidental opportunity made Li Jiaming step onto a bigger stage. When the cast of CCTV Singer Contest was touring in Chongqing, they found Li Jiaming and invited him to host the three-month Young Singer Grand Prix. After the game, Li Jiaming was officially transferred to CCTV. From Music and Painting Fashion and A Dictionary of Life and Happiness, Li Jiaming has realized his dream step by step, and the name Li Jiaming is well known by more and more audiences. Li Jiaming didn't forget his parents' wishes.

200 1, Li Jiaming finally returned to Xinjiang with his parents. After revisiting the old place 20 years later, my father looked at his former home and had a lot of thoughts. It was his son who realized his dream. He was pleased with his son's choice and growth. Because he left Xinjiang for the growth of his children. Now that the child is as he wishes, he is relieved.

Absolute Challenge is the first large-scale human resources program launched by CCTV in 2003. The word human resources sounds strange and awe-inspiring. In fact, it is closely related to everyone's life. It is a program that teaches you to find a job and helps you find a job. Compared with the green leaves of Wang in Happy Dictionary, Absolute Challenge finally fell in love with The First Hero. The program "Absolute Challenge" is definitely an "absolute challenge" for my host career, Jia Ming said frankly. In my previous impression, the word HR was a serious and rigid personnel cadre, that is, personnel management. When I really get in touch, I find that HR has endless mystery and fun. "

"I have been wandering in the Jianghu for 10 years, and I have worked for 10 years. It should be said that I have rich experience in social life. I am full of curiosity about how to find a job and how to interview. In addition, I hosted a program called Destiny Sky on Chongqing TV Station, which strengthened my confidence in accepting this program. Destiny Sky is a blind date program, and I understand that absolute challenges mean that players fall in love with enterprises. " It is precisely because Jia Ming learned about the program in advance that in the real hosting process, he did it step by step and with ease.

When it comes to future plans, Jia Ming said that he is not a person with lofty ideals. "I found that I have one more choice in my later life. If I don't be a program host, I may be a good human resources manager. " After doing this program and reading related books, Jia Ming became more and more interested in human resources and realized the importance of human resources to an enterprise. His current book is: Introduction to Human Resources. With the ratings of Absolute Challenge rising, Li Jiaming's fame is growing. In the face of star worship, Jia Ming has positioned himself as a "lucky ordinary person" many times. He always reminds himself that in his thirties, he should stop pursuing those vain and illusory things, don't forget the bumpy experience of that year, do his job in a down-to-earth manner and do it as well as possible. "I hope my hosting style is relaxed, natural and sincere. My favorite sentence: to do everything now is to make the best preparation for the future. " Believing in Buddhism, full of gratitude, Jiaming's road to hosting will surely get better and better.