Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What are the chewing pests of garden trees?

What are the chewing pests of garden trees?

Chewing pests mainly refer to some leaf-eating pests, such as chewing mouthparts, which bite the stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of plants. Common ones are:

(1) scarab

Commonly known as Tong Kelang and Jin Kelang. Widely distributed, eating miscellaneous. Adults gnaw at flowers, leaves, buds and fruits of plants, making them incomplete. In severe cases, leaves, flowers and pulp can be eaten up, which seriously affects the growth and ornamental value of garden trees. Larvae, called grubs, are important underground pests. Scarab is a medium-sized beetle with hard horny front wings, which is called COLEOPTERA and has no flight function. Some of the sheath wings have metallic luster, while others have no metallic luster. The posterior wing membrane is wide and has flight function. Adults come out at night or cluster or disperse on damaged flowers and trees, day and night. Some species also have phototaxis or suspended animation. Scarabs occur once a year 1 generation and overwinter in the soil as adults or larvae.

1. Common types

(1) Scarabaga aeruginosa

Also known as scarab. Widely distributed, adults mainly harm leaves and flower organs, and the hosts are cherry blossom, begonia, plum blossom, Chimonanthus praecox, butter, apple, hawthorn, walnut, chestnut, begonia and so on.

(2) Martens beetle

Also known as apple hairy scarab, hairy scarab and so on. Distributed in North China and Northeast China, it harms apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, grapes, walnuts and chestnuts.

(3) Scarab with White Star

Also known as the white star scarab, the white scarab and so on. Distributed in Northeast China, North China and Central China, it harms hibiscus, rose, apple, pear, peach, apricot, plum and cherry.

(4) Scarab.

Also known as Xiaoqing Scarab. It is distributed all over the country, endangering clove, hibiscus mutabilis, rose, hawthorn, peach, apricot, chestnut, apple, citrus, pear, quince and so on.

2. Prevention and control methods

(1) Trap and kill adults with black light.

(2) By using adult suspended animation, you can knock the tree and shake the insects at dusk or early morning, and stick large plastic sheets under the tree to kill the adults in a concentrated way. The peak of adult occurrence should be carried out every day 1 time.

(3) When the white star scarab is serious, the method of trapping and killing can be adopted. Small-mouth bottles can be hung on the periphery of the tree crown, and every 3-4 trees can be hung 1 bottle, and 3-5 live white scarabs can be put in the bottle, and diseased fruits can be removed at the same time. Then you can drill the white star scarab into the bottle and kill it collectively.

(4) Strengthen the prevention and control of underground pests, kill grubs and reduce the occurrence of adults.

(5) During the adult damage period, 40% omethoate 1000 times solution or 90% trichlorfon crystal 800 times solution can be sprayed.

(2) Polyrhachis spinosa

Also known as itchy peppers, spiny caterpillars and so on. (Figure 4-6). Toxic hair on larvae can make people's skin itchy, painful and red. The moth is distributed all over the country, and the larvae bite the leaves, which makes the leaves incomplete, and when it is serious, the whole leaves are eaten up. The insect has 1 ~ 2 generations a year, and overwinters with mature larvae on branches or twigs or in the soil under trees. Adults have phototaxis.

1. Main types

(1) yellow thorn moth

It is distributed all over the country, endangering garden flowers and trees such as Platanus acerifolia, Rose, Cherry Blossom, Lagerstroemia indica, Rosa roxburghii, Paeonia lactiflora, Begonia, Plum Blossom, Camellia, Peach, Walnut and Jujube.

(2) Flat moth

Also known as black spot moth. Harm camellia, begonia, rose, peony, osmanthus, peach, bauhinia, apple, walnut, persimmon, jujube, citrus and other flowers and trees.

(3) cinnamon soil element

Also known as green thorn moth, green thorn moth and so on. This is the case all over the country. Larvae harm pomegranate, rose, plum blossom, cherry blossom, apple, jujube, walnut, persimmon, peach and other trees.

2. Prevention and control methods

(1) Trap and kill adults with black light.

(2) In spring and autumn, insect cocoons such as HYMENOPTERA plana and HYMENOPTERA viridis were dug under the topsoil under the trees and the soil under the weeds; Trim or brush off overwintering insect cocoons such as yellow thorn moths on branches, and finally burn them centrally.

(3) Protect and utilize natural enemies, such as Trichogramma, Stichopus japonicus, Shanghai Green Bee, Lepidoptera Japonicus, etc.

(4) According to the habit of concentrated inhabitation of larvae before 3rd instar, the leaves with insects should be removed in time to destroy the newly hatched larvae.

(5) The following chemicals can be used in the larval damage period: 25% diflubenzuron No.3 colloidal suspension 1000 times, Bt emulsion 500 times, Cordyceps sinensis (spores per gram 1000 billion or more) 1000 times, and 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 times.

(3) leaf roller moth

Also known as leaf roller. Damage to the leaves of larvae, larvae spin silk, attach one or more leaves, and hide in them to feed on mesophyll, making it mesh or hole-shaped; Overwintering larvae eat new buds or buds to make them into holes; You can also eat fruit. It has 3 ~ 4 generations a year, and overwinters with white silkworm cocoons in bark seams, under branches and scissors saws, or overwinters with overwintering adults in hidden places such as fallen leaves. The larvae of leaf roller moth are active, but the adults are not phototactic, and they are phototactic to honey and vinegar.

1. Main types

(1) apple leaf roller moth

Distributed in Northeast China, North China and Central China. It mainly harms apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, roses, Chinese rose, begonia and so on. Injured leaves are rolled into a ball, often 3 to 5 leaves are rolled together nearby, and the leaves shrink and fold into a ball.

(2) leaf roller moth

It mainly harms begonia, cherry blossoms, elm leaves, apples, begonia, peaches, apricots and plums.

(3) The leaf roller moth of cotton brown belt

Also known as apple leaf curl moth, Far East brown leaf curl moth, persimmon leaf curl moth, reticulate leaf curl moth, tea leaf curl moth, mulberry leaf curl moth and so on. The host range is wide and the feeding habits are miscellaneous. Harm Buxus macrophylla, Ligustrum lucidum, Begonia, Rose, Apple, Peach, Sakura, Pear, Plum, Apricot, Crataegus pinnatifida, Pomegranate, Citrus, Litchi and Longan.

2. Prevention and control methods

(1) In winter and early spring, the skin is scraped off, the litter is removed, and the overwintering insect source is destroyed by centralized burning.

(2) Trichogramma, the natural enemy, is released in the peak spawning period of each generation, and it is released every 5 to 7 days 1 time.

(3) Using sex pheromones to trap and kill adults and predict the occurrence period of adults.

(4) trapping and killing adults with sweet and sour liquid. The formula of sweet and sour liquid is: 5 parts of brown sugar, 5 parts of fruit wine, 20 parts of vinegar and 70 parts of water.

(5) During the peak period of larvae, the following chemicals can be sprayed: 20% mirex 2000 times, 2.5% deltamethrin 2000 times, Bt emulsion 200-500 times, 50% carbaryl wettable powder 500 times, etc.

(4) Foot moth

Also known as inchworm, walker, bridge builder, etc. , a gluttonous leaf-eating pest, is often overgrown and eats up leaves, which seriously affects tree growth, landscaping effect and urban sanitation. The insect has 1 ~ 4 generations a year, and overwinters in the surface soil or the wall roots under trees as pupae. Larvae can spin silk and droop, which is called eating goods.

1. Main types

(1) inchworm

Commonly known as eating goods (figure 1). Larvae harms Sophora japonica, Sophora japonica, Sophora japonica, etc. And often eat all the leaves.

Fig. 1 geometrid locust

(2) Lepidoptera insects

Also known as mulberry thorn foot moth. It mainly harms Robinia pseudoacacia, walnut, Sophora japonica, Fraxinus mandshurica, mulberry, begonia, clove, elm, Luan tree, apple and Populus tomentosa.

(3) inchworm

Larvae harms many kinds of trees, such as Cotinus coggygria, Melilotus, Poplar, Walnut, Crataegus pinnatifida, Albizia Albizia, Robinia pseudoacacia, Toona sinensis, Pittosporum, etc.

(4) Euonymus lanceolatus

Harm silk cotton wood, boxwood, boxwood, hibiscus, elm, Qilixiang, poplar, willow, Sophora japonica and so on.

(5) Peach Elephant

Also known as snake head worm and big head worm. Larvae damage persimmon trees, black dates, apples, pears, walnuts, Pistacia chinensis, Robinia pseudoacacia and so on.

2. Prevention and control methods

(1) Use black light to trap and kill adults and reduce the harm of the next generation of larvae.

(2) Manually clean the mature larvae during pupation, or dig pupa cocoons at the base of the tree before winter.

(3) Protect natural enemies, such as mantis, wasp, Trichogramma and Agkistrodon.

(4) The following chemicals can be used during the larval damage period: 500-800 times of Bt emulsion, 0/000 times of 25% chlorfenuron No.3 colloidal suspension/kloc-,2,000 times of 20% Taoxiaoling emulsion, 2,000 times of 20% pozzolana emulsifiable concentrate, etc.

(5) Giant salamander

Also known as the big bag moth, the debt-avoiding moth, eating goods and so on. (Figure 2). It can harm many kinds of flowers and trees, such as plum blossom, cherry blossom, peach blossom, pomegranate, rose, crape myrtle, osmanthus fragrans, Chimonanthus praecox, camellia, paulownia, clove, sycamore and cedar. Larvae feed on plant leaves, which can be eaten up in severe cases, leaving only veins, which seriously affects the growth and development of plants. Once a year, 1 ~ 2 generations, the mature larvae overwinter in the cysts, and the larvae walk with the cysts all their lives. It is usually rampant in dry years.

Fig. 2 Giant salamander moth

Prevention and control methods:

(1) winter pruning combined with manual removal of insect cysts to eliminate overwintering larvae. During the spawning period of adults, cysts are removed, and female adults and a large number of eggs are destroyed. The picked cyst should be put in a parasitic wasp protector and let it fly out to parasitize again.

(2) Using black light or sex pheromone to trap and kill adults, so that males and females cannot copulate and lay eggs.

(3) Protecting and utilizing natural enemies, mainly including moth-catching wasps and fly-chasing umbrella skirts.

(4) Pesticide control should be controlled in the peak period of the first instar larvae, and 90% trichlorfon crystal 1000 times solution, 80% dichlorvos EC 800 times solution and 50% chlorpyrifos EC 800 times solution can be sprayed.

(5) Spraying biological pesticides such as Cordyceps sinensis, borer and Dendrolimus punctatus at larval stage with 654.38 0 million spores/ml.

(6) Noctuidae

Noctuidae has many kinds and varied shapes. They lie down during the day and come out at night, so they are called "Noctuidae". Larvae mainly eat flowers, leaves and tender stems. Some species are not only important pests on flowers and trees, but also important pests on crops. Adults have phototaxis and overwinter in the soil as pupae. These pests occur for many generations a year, and they are very fertile, often causing serious harm to flowers and trees.

1. Main types

(1) Spodoptera granatum (as shown in Figure 3).

Fig. 3 Spodoptera granatum

Mainly harmful to pomegranate. Larvae eats young leaves and new buds. When an insect grows up, it will eat leaves, leaving only veins.

(2) Spodoptera rosea

Larvae harm rose, rose, spring jasmine, pomegranate, rose, ten sisters, Rosa roxburghii, Euonymus japonicus and so on.

(3) Spodoptera argentea

It is distributed all over the country. Larvae harms Chinese rose, begonia, Dahlia, scarlet, canna, Cuiju and other herbal flowers.

(4) Spodoptera litura

Harm roses, hibiscus and chrysanthemum, dahlias, carnations and other herbal flowers.

2. Prevention and control methods

(1) Black light traps and kills adults.

(2) The pomegranate seedlings were treated with drugs before transportation to avoid the long-distance spread of the pomegranate towel moth with the seedlings.

(3) spraying 40% omethoate 1000 times in the larval peak period; 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 times; 20% Taoxiaoling emulsion 2500 times solution.

(7) Apple palm ship moth

Also known as Apple Tian She Moth and Boat Moth, the larvae are usually fixed on the stomach when resting, and the head and tail are tilted up, which looks like a dragon boat, hence the name "Boat Moth". The newly hatched larvae gather to eat mesophyll, and when they grow up, they eat it separately. In severe cases, they eat all the leaves, leaving only the petiole. It occurs once a year 1 generation, and overwinters as a pupa in the soil under the tree. Adults have phototaxis. Larvae damages apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, hawthorn, cherries, begonia, hawthorn, quince, loquat, elm leaf plum, cherry blossom, begonia, pomegranate and plum blossom.

Prevention and control methods:

(1) Use the newly hatched larva colony and the habit of drooping silk to remove the leaves of insects and kill the ground larvae.

(2) Trapping and killing adults with black light.

(3) spraying 50% cartap 1500 times solution during the larval damage period; 90% trichlorfon crystal 1000 times solution; 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 ~ 1500 times.

(8) moths

Moths are mostly large insects, with strong body, lively action and strong flying ability. The larvae are obese, cylindrical, 70 ~ 80 mm long, green, yellow or other colors. One to many generations a year, most of them overwinter in the soil as pupae. Adults are phototactic and nocturnal. After the larvae hatch, they eat the epidermis first, then the leaves, and bite out big notches or holes. In severe cases, only the petiole is left. Larvae has the characteristics of avoiding light and transplanting.

1. Main types

(1) frost moth

Harm paulownia, clove, cherry, Huang Jinshu, Catalpa bungeana, Fraxinus mandshurica, Lingxiao, peach trees, etc.

(2) peach fruit borer

Also known as peach six-point moth. Widely distributed, it harms peach, apricot, plum, cherry, loquat, plum blossom, cherry blossom, begonia, peach, jujube, pear and crape myrtle.

(3) Grape moth

Also known as grape ring moth. Harm grapes, Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Euphorbia humifusa, Vitex negundo, Pueraria lobata, vines, kiwifruit, etc.

2. Prevention and control methods

(1) Trap and kill adults with black light.

(2) Capturing larvae artificially.

(3) In autumn, combine tree trays to plough and dig pupae.

(4) Protect and make use of natural enemies, such as wasp with long legs, wasp with yellow legs, mantis with broad abdomen, velvet cocoon bee, Trichogramma, beneficial birds, etc.

(5) When it is serious, spray 1 0,000 times of 50% carbaryl wettable powder, 500-800 times of Bt emulsion and 1 0,500 times of 50% chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate at the larval stage.

Rose sawfly

Also known as yellow-bellied worm and rose sawfly (as shown in Figure 4). Distributed in East China, North China and other places, it is harmful to rose, rose, yellow thorn rose, ten sisters and so on. 10 larvae cluster on the leaves and bite them. In severe cases, all the leaves can be eaten, or only thick veins and petioles are left. Hebei, Beijing and other places have 20 generations a year, and the mature larvae overwinter in the soil with cocoons.

Fig. 4 Rose sawfly

Prevention and control methods:

(1) Excavate the overwintering cocoon in winter and spring to eliminate overwintering larvae.

(2) When the larvae are concentrated, the leaves of the newly hatched larvae are removed and burned.

(3) Spraying 2.5% fenpropathrin EC 2000 times, 50% chlorpyrifos EC 1000 ~ 1500 times, 800 ~ 1000 times and 80% dichlorvos EC during the larval growth period.