Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Wei Zi is sleepy and weak these days.

Wei Zi is sleepy and weak these days.

As the saying goes, spring sleepy autumn sleepy, summer sleepy winter sleepless in March. It seems that every season has a reason to feel sleepy, especially in spring, when the weather gets warmer, people are more likely to feel sleepy. However, after being sleepy for so many years, have you ever thought that it may be caused by something missing from your body?

From the point of view of nutrition, the lack of certain nutrients does cause fatigue, lethargy, memory loss and other symptoms, such as iron deficiency and iodine deficiency.

Let's talk about iron deficiency first: many people think of iron deficiency anemia for the first time, and they can think of the close relationship between iron and blood. Actually, it's true. Blood relies on hemoglobin to transport oxygen, which is sufficient and has strong oxygen carrying capacity, so that tissues and organs have sufficient power. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin. If there is iron deficiency in the body, hemoglobin will be reduced, the oxygen carrying capacity of blood will be weakened, and tissues and organs will be in a state of hypoxia. Just like a machine without engine oil "dry burning", it does great harm to the machine. When the body is short of iron, it is listless, sleepy and weak, which affects immunity in severe cases and is prone to various infectious diseases. It will also affect children's intellectual development.

As for iron supplementation, it is best to eat complementary food. For example, spinach is rich in iron, and red meat is also the best source of iron. Vitamin C can cooperate with iron supplementation, which can promote the absorption of iron.

Let's talk about iodine deficiency disorders: May 15 is the "National IDD Publicity Day" every year. When it comes to iodine, the thyroid gland is the easiest thing to think of. Yes, it is the iodine of big neck disease that appeared in many places in the last century because of iodine deficiency. Iodine can regulate the function of thyroid, and thyroid secretes hormones to regulate the metabolism and microcirculation of the whole body. Therefore, iodine deficiency will not only affect microcirculation, cold hands and feet, but also reduce immunity and slow metabolism, and people will appear lazy, sleepy and listless. Seriously, it can also lead to cardiovascular disease and Keshan disease.

The main way to supplement iodine is food supplement, such as edible salt, cereals, seafood, liver and kidney, meat and other foods have iodine.

In short, when there is fatigue, listlessness, lethargy and other conditions, we should not only consider whether we have enough sleep, but also consider whether we are undernourished. In addition to the above two can lead to drowsiness and fatigue, such as lack of copper in the body, dark skin; Abnormal metabolism of sugar and fat is often chromium deficiency, loss of appetite is zinc deficiency and so on. However, as long as we are not picky about food and try our best to achieve a balanced diet, there is generally no shortage.