Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Interpretation of "Harmony of Rites and Music"

Interpretation of "Harmony of Rites and Music"

Liu Yun: Everyone is on the road of "reason", and "luck" is endless. Everyone knows Li Ming and brings it from the unknown to the known.

Datong: There is one family in the world, and everyone loves each other as themselves. There is no deception. We treat each other sincerely and help each other. However, it should be noted that this Datong is not produced by * * *. * * production is to ask people to be with him, and he is not with others. This is the difference. In a word, Datong is you and me, and there is no distinction between each other, others and right and wrong. Everyone is free.

Avenue trip: Avenue is the rule that * * * abides by. This Guangming Avenue is not a private road. You can accept it or I can accept it. When you practice, your road will be bright, and I practice. This bright and flat avenue leads directly to the world of Datong.

The public in the world: everyone is indisputable, not greedy, not seeking, selfish, selfless, and naturally selfless. If it can reach this level, it will be made public. This is the democratic politics advocated by Confucius, because he is willing to restore the government of Yao and Shun.

Selection of talents and abilities: When electing a head of state, we should choose talented people and talented, intelligent and capable people. Such people can seek happiness for the people and make the country rich and strong.

Honesty, trustworthiness and reconciliation: keep faith with neighboring countries, do not cheat each other and live in peace. Say what you do and do what you say. There is no fraud. There is harmony between people. Everyone stresses morality and doesn't care about interests, so naturally there will be no war.

Old friends are not just relatives: because of this selflessness, everyone loves each other. Not only show filial piety to parents, as the saying goes, "I am old, and people are old." In order to serve their parents, but also to serve other people's parents, so that other people's parents can be happy.

Don't be an only child: don't take care of your own children alone, but also take care of others' children. As the saying goes, "We are young, so are we". In order to educate your own children, you should also educate other people's children, so that other people's children can also acquire knowledge.

Put an end to the elderly: a well-equipped home for the elderly. Take good care of the elderly, make them happy and enjoy their old age. Carefree, worry-free and worry-free, he died in the western paradise.

Strong and useful: young and strong people must serve the society and do their best to contribute to the country. They should not receive unemployment benefits or welfare benefits, otherwise they will become a great burden to the country. They should strive to maintain social order, and should not be idle, be parasites and endanger the country.

Children should be taught how to be filial to their parents and how to be loyal to their country and duties. If they grow up under this kind of education, they will be good citizens in the future.

Pity those who are widowed, lonely and sick: Pity means pity, love and sympathy. Widows are people who have lost their wives, and widows are people who have lost their husbands. Loneliness is a child who lost his parents in childhood, and is called withdrawn or orphan. People who lose their children in old age are called independence. Abandoned people are disabled people. A disease is a disease.

Everyone is supported: these unfortunate people can live a stable life, their spirits are not threatened, and their lives are guaranteed. The state has set up various institutions to take them in and treat them.

Men are divided: men have their own duties, positions and responsibilities. They should do their duty for the country and the family. They shouldn't be bad elements.

A woman has a home: a woman has a home. It is a woman's responsibility to be a good wife and mother. Everyone lives in his post and does not abuse his power. Men and women should not compete for power. Men are outside and women are inside. Goods abandoned on the ground: goods refer to all food and all substances. Evil is unwilling. Giving up is a waste, a waste and a loss.

You don't have to hide it from yourself: you have to exchange things with each other, and you don't have to hide it privately. You think imported goods can survive and wait for a good price, and you can't manipulate them. You should barter things and trade fairly. If it is not available in this country, you can change it. If you are good for others, why not? If you refuse to do so, it is an act of dumping the goods in the ground and hiding them in yourself.

Strength is not in the body: strength is ability. The skills you learn are not for your own use, but for human beings all over the world. The so-called "apply what you have learned".

Don't think for yourself: don't think for yourself. Anyway, don't think of yourself, think of all beings. We should have the spirit of "sacrificing ourselves for others", which is the minimum truth of being a man.

So, for all these reasons, everyone is very frank and frank. In the world, there is no intrigue or competition.

Seeking unsuccessful closure: Seeking closure is a strategy. Closing the door is closing the door. Without strategy, the door to cheating will be closed, and there will be no means to cheat money by "selling dog meat with a sheep's head". This kind of misconduct will never rise again.

Stealing chickens and not eating rice: stealing openly and secretly. The thief is a rebel. Because it is unfair, theft will happen with or without him. If everyone lives a stable life and has no worries about food and clothing, theft will naturally disappear. Everyone is revolutionary because of famine. Famine makes people miserable, homeless and miserable. The so-called "winner is king, loser is kou".

Therefore, the door has not been closed: in this state, there is no domestic trouble and foreign invasion, and everyone abides by the law. At that time, the road was not connected and the door was not closed at night. The weather is fine, and the country and people are safe.

It means great harmony: this is the great harmony world. Everyone is selfless and selfish. If everyone is fair and everyone is kind, the world will be peaceful.