Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Lagerstroemia Chongqing

Lagerstroemia Chongqing

1. Sakura


Mostly deciduous shrubs. It has wide adaptability to climate and soil. It is light-loving, cold-resistant and drought-tolerant, and grows well in well-drained soil. Flowers bloom in April.

Morphological characteristics:

The crown is oval to round, with alternate leaves and glandular serrations. Single branches or 3-6 clusters of flowers are umbrella-shaped or corymbose inflorescences, which are produced at the same time with leaves or bloom after leaves. The calyx tube is bell-shaped or tubular, and most cultivated varieties are double petals. The fruit is red or black and ripens in May-June.

Common cultivated varieties are:

Pterocarya stenoptera is a deciduous tree with a height of 1.5-25m, and its bark is dark chestnut and smooth. Leaves ovoid or ovoid-elliptic, with awn semi-mature teeth at the edge; Flowers are white or pink, 2.5-4 cm in diameter, and bloom in April.

Japanese late cherry (P.lannesiana) is about 10 m high and its bark is light gray. Leaves obovate, with long awn teeth on the edge; Single or double flowers, drooping, pink or nearly white, fragrant, 2-5 in clusters, flowering in April.

Japanese early cherry (P.subhirtella) is a small tree, about 5m high, with striped bark and older bark. Branchlets brown, leaves obovate to ovate-lanceolate. Pink flowers, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, 2-5 umbels, which bloom first and then leave in spring.

Korean pine is 12-20m high, with brown bark, purplish brown branchlets and oval leaves. Pink flowers, 2-4 in a cluster, 3-5 cm in diameter, flowering in March-April.

Yunnan cherry (P.cerosoides) is about 10 m high, with brown bark, purplish brown branchlets, oval or obovate leaves and heavy teeth at the edge. Flowers pink to deep red, 2-5 in a cluster, flowering in February-March.

About 25 meters high, light brown bark, green branchlets, long oval to lanceolate leaves and pink flowers. The flowering period is from 65438+ 10 to 65438+ 10 in the following year.

2. Peach blossom

The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruit ripens from June to September. The varieties are crimson, crimson, pure white and red and white mixed colors, as well as double petals and double petals.

Peach blossoms are deciduous trees. Its leaves are elliptic-lanceolate, with coarse serrations on the edge, hairless, and its petiole is 1- 1.5 cm long. Flowers are solitary, the first leaf is open, the stems are few, pink, and there are 5 petals.


Flowering: May -65438+ 10.

The sexual reproductive function of frangipani degenerates, and many of them do not bear fruit. Branchlets of deciduous shrubs or small trees are plump and fleshy. The leaves are large and thick, papery, mostly clustered at the top of branches, and the veins are connected to one side near the leaf edge. Several flowers are clustered at the top of the branch, and the corolla is tubular, about 5-6 cm in diameter, 5-lobed, milky white outside, bright yellow in the center and extremely fragrant. Plumeria blossoms in summer, fragrant and elegant; After the leaves fall, the bare trunk naturally bends and looks beautiful. Suitable for planting in courtyards and grasslands or potted plants. The fragrance of flowers can be extracted from spices, or dried in the sun for beverage processing, or used as medicine.

4. Manglietia rubra

Evergreen trees bloom from May to June and bear fruit from August to September.

Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen trees, up to 30 meters high and 40-60 cm in diameter at breast height; Bark gray and smooth; Branchlets are grayish brown with obvious stipules and lenticels. Young branches rust or yellow-brown, and then become glabrous. Leaves leathery, oblanceolate or oblong-elliptic, length 10-26 cm, width 3- 10 cm, apex tapering or tail tip, base cuneate, entire, slightly rolled back, top green, glabrous, bottom light green, midvein pilose, lateral vein12-. Petiole 2-5 cm long; Stipule scar is 1/3 to 1/4 of petiole length. Flowers are fragrant, branches are lonely; Perianth 9- 12, outer wheel 3 obovate-oblong, about 7 cm long, yellow-green, with red ventral surface, red or yellow-white middle inner wheel, obovate-spoon-shaped, 5-7 cm long; Stamens are 1- 1.8 cm long, filaments are as long as connective; The gynoecium is cylindrical, the ovary is hairless, and the pedicel is 1.5-2 cm long. Aggregate fruit oval, 5- 10 cm long.

5. Magnolia grandiflora

Evergreen trees bloom from May to June, and the fruiting period is 65438+ 10.

Morphological characteristics:

The bark is grayish green, rough and cracked. Branchlets have dense hairs and punctate lenticels. Leaves are leathery, oval or oblong, with blunt apex, round base, dark green surface, white powder on the back and sparse hair. Flowers are solitary at the top of branches, milky white, with thick petals and fragrance. Aggregate fruit is oval and cylindrical, and is made of wood.

6. Paeonia lactiflora, flowering from April to May.

Perennial perennial herb, about 1 m high. It has spindle-shaped tuberous roots and produces new buds in underground stems, which are pulled out of the ground in early spring. The first leaves are red, and there are often scaly deformed leaves at the base of the stem. The middle leaves are compound twice and thrice, the leaflets are rectangular or lanceolate, and the branches are smaller or simple. Flowers are large and beautiful, fragrant and have single branches; Petals are white, pink, red, purple or red.

7. Bananas bloom in summer and autumn, and the flowering period is quite long.

This plant looks like a banana, only slightly thinner. The height of the pseudostem is 1-2 meters. The leaves are rectangular. Leaves are yellow-green, and the back is light yellow-green. Inflorescences are drawn from leaf axils, erect, with bright red bracts outside and yellowish pink bracts inside. Each bud has 3-4 yellow flowers arranged in spikes. Berry bears fruit after flowering, and there are many seeds in the fruit, so it is inedible.

8. leek

The plant height of leek is about 15-30 cm, and the plants are clustered. The leaves are linear, much like leeks. The flower stem is drawn from the leaves and has 6 petals. The leek is large in shape, pink and slightly curved in petals; The shallots are pink, and every bulb can blossom. Clusters of flowers shine in the bright sunshine, and everyone loves them. The flowering period of leek is from April to September; The flowering period of leek is from May to August in summer.

amaranthus tricolor

Perennial herbs. Underground bulbs are plump and spherical. Leaves are planted at the top of the roasted stem, with 4-8 pieces overlapping in two rows, and the rope is thick, and the flowers and leaves develop at the same time, or the flowers expand after a few days of leaf development, and the flowers are thick, upright, hollow and higher than the leaves. Subumbel, 2-6 flowers per person, large, funnel-shaped, red or with white stripes, or white with red and purple stripes, flowering in April-June. Fruit ball

10. trollius chinensis

As a succulent herb, it is often cultivated as a 1 year or biennial herb, with slender stems, hollow pulp, semi-tendrils or reclining, gray-green, and the length can reach 1.5 meters; Flowering: July-September in spring and February-March in autumn. Under suitable climatic conditions, flowers can bloom all year round. The fruit is pale white and green, with many longitudinal grooves on the surface and kidney-shaped seeds. 1000-grain weight 125- 143g, germination ability over 5 years.

1 1. Dianthus China

Biennial herb, plant height 15-50cm, smooth, erect, soft, branched, clustered and swollen nodes. Leaves opposite, linear-lanceolate, petiole-free, veins obvious. Flowers are solitary or clustered into cymes, with cylindrical calyx with 5 petals, red, pink and white flowers, linear bracts, flowering from April to May, round capsules and ripe fruits from May to June.

12. Lycoris China

After the leaves come out in spring, they are yellow and dormant in early summer and bloom in late summer and early autumn.

The leaves are broad and linear, dark green, with yellow flowers, and the perianth tube is 1.7-2.5 cm long.

13. Eupatorium adenophorum

The stem is stout, the leaves are fleshy, two rows, about 20 cm long, long and narrow, with unequal length at the top and 2 cracks at the base, and it expands into a sheath. Racemes axillary, pendulous, unbranched. Corolla orange-red, fragrant, lip 3-lobed, with upward spur. The flowering period is from July to September.

14. Hard bones

Branches are slender and often have small tumor-like processes. Odd pinnate compound leaves, opposite leaves, 7-9 leaflets, serrated edges. The raceme is terminal. Corolla funnelform, slightly curved, orange-red to bright red. Capsule linear. Flowering: June -65438+ 10.

15. Money comes at night.

Flowering: July -65438+ 10.

Panicum miliaceum is 50-80 cm tall. The stems are erect with few branches. Simple leaves alternate, strip-lanceolate, base trifoliate, margin obtuse serrate. Flowers 1-2 axillary, pedunculate, about 3cm in diameter, drooping 5 petals when opening. Flowers bloom at noon, and the stamens of the petals fall off before the next morning, and the corolla is like money. These flowers are big red.

16. Primula

The flowering period is from June 10 to April of the following year.

Cyclamen tuber is oblate or spherical and fleshy. The top leaves of tubers are heart-shaped, oval or kidney-shaped, with serrated edges, white or gray spots on green leaves, green or dark red backs, long petioles, reddish brown and fleshy. Flowers are solitary at the top of the stem, with drooping flowers and rolled petals, especially in rabbit ears; Flowers are white, pink, rose, scarlet, purple, snow blue and other colors, with dark red spots at the base; Petals have various edges, such as whole edges, notches, folds and waves. There are many horticultural varieties, which can be (1) large according to the flower shape: large flowers, complete petals, unfolding, rolling back, single petal, double petal, fragrant and other varieties. (2) Flat petal type: the petals are flat and rolled back, with fine notches and wrinkles on the edge, sharp buds and narrow petals. (3) Rococo type: flowers droop half-open; Petals do not roll back, they are wide, with wavy edges and thin notches. The top of the bud is round and the flowers are fragrant. The leaf margin is serrated. (4) Folding type

17. chamomile

Flowering and fruiting period may-July.

The stem is erect, 30-40cm high, and the upper part is much branched. Leaves 2-pinnately divided, sessile, lobes strip. The flower head, with a diameter of 1- 1.5cm, is arranged at the top of branches in an umbrella shape, and the tongue-shaped flowers are 1 round, white, and the tubular flowers are mostly yellow and 5-lobed.

18. Forget me.

The natural flowering period is from March to May.

Perennial herbs. The plant height is about 60 ~ 1 10 cm. The whole plant has fine hairs. Leaves clustered; Leaf blade is about 25 cm long; Inflorescence branches with 3 ~ 5 wings; The seeds are very small.

19. Iris spaniei

Flowering in May

Iris bulbifera is a species. Bulbs are oval, wrapped by brown skin and about 3 cm in diameter. The leaves are linear, deeply wrinkled and pink-green. Scape erect, with 1-2 flowers at the top. Flowers are blue and purple. Capsule, with 3 edges.

20. Epiphyllum

Flowering: June -65438+ 10.

Evergreen perennial shrub with erect stems and branches, cylindrical main stems, flat new branches, leaflike, green, oblong, thick ribs in the middle, wavy edges, knotted top, faded leaves, large corolla tube with many appendages on it, and purplish red. When open, the flower tube hangs down, the flowers are inclined and the flowers are pure white.

2 1. Begonia Four Seasons

The flowering period is very long, and it can bloom almost all year round, but it is more prosperous in late autumn, winter and spring.

The leaves are ovoid, with irregular notches and fine villi at the edge. The color of leaves varies with varieties, such as green, red, brown, green, etc., with waxy luster. Flowers terminal or axillary, dioecious, female flowers with inverted triangular ovary. Colors are orange, pink, pink and white.

22. azaleas are beautiful

The flowering period is April-May, and the fruiting period is 9-65438+1October.

The leaves are thick leathery, oblong-oblanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, with sharp or obtuse apex, wedge-shaped base, slightly curled edge, bright green surface and light green back. Terminal short racemose umbel with 15-30 flowers; Pedicel stout, red; Corolla broadly bell-shaped, red or pink to white. Capsule oblong to rectangular.

23. Lysimachia christinae

Flowering from June to August

Rhizomes are thick and slightly lignified. Stem erect, usually unbranched. Simple leaves alternate, sessile, long lanceolate, nearly entire. Racemes are long and spike-shaped, and are born at the top of the stem. Flowers are big and numerous, red and purple. Capsule linear.

water lily

The flowering period is from July to August, the fruit is spherical, and the fruit matures from August to September.

Aquatic species

Rhizomes are short and erect. The leaves are round and shield-shaped, leathery and green, with purple-red back, floating on the water. Flowers are white, red, pink, yellow, blue, purple and other colors and their intermediate colors, and they also float on the water.

25. Ling Xiao

The flowering period is July-August. The capsule is slender like a pod, and its maturity is 10 month.

Deciduous woody vines with air roots. The bark is grayish brown with longitudinal cracks. Pinnate compound leaves are opposite, 7-9 leaflets, oblong. Cymbal panicle with funnel-shaped and bell-shaped flowers, orange-red outside and bright red inside.

26. honeysuckle

The flowering period is April-June, and the fruiting period is 7-65438+1October.

Semi-evergreen climbing shrub with young branches densely pilose and glandular hairs and small hollow pith. The leaves are ovate to oblong, 3-8 cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide, with a tapering or obtuse tip and a nearly heart-shaped or round base, with hairs on both sides when young and hairless on the back when old; Petiole 5 mm long; Flowers axillary in pairs, bracts leaflike, up to 2 cm long, bracteoles free, about 65438 0 mm long; Calyx tube glabrous, corolla 3-4 cm long, hairy outside, glandular. It is white or purplish, and then it turns yellow. It smells good and has two lips. The upper lip has 4 teeth upright and the lower lip is inverted. Corolla tube is almost as long as lobes. Stamens are shorter than styles and protrude beyond the corolla. The fruit is black when it is ripe.

27. Petunia rotundifolia

Flowering: June -65438+ 10.


The cotyledons of seedlings are almost square, and the top is deeply sunken, and the gap can reach 1/3 of the length of cotyledons. The whole plant is covered with rough bristles. Stems twining, much branched. Leaves alternate with long stems. Leaf blade cordate, apex acute or obtuse, base cordate, entire. The inflorescence has 1-5 flowers, the total flower is almost as long as the petiole, the sepals are 5, ovate to lanceolate, the apex is blunt, and the base is thick and bristles; Corolla funnel-shaped, red, blue-purple or nearly white, with 5-lobed tips; 5 stamens; Stigma capitate. The capsule is spherical. Seeds obovate, black to dark brown, rough surface. Twining herb with white, pink, purple and purple flowers,