Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - There is no water in Wei Zi.

There is no water in Wei Zi.

I used to listen to so-called experts like many ignorant alcoholics. Later, after my research, I found that many people didn't think much and didn't feel guilty after masturbation, but they also had many symptoms. What experts call hypothetical symptoms is extremely misleading, and this argument has poisoned many teenagers. If a person knows a little about TCM health care, he will know that masturbation will hurt the kidney, and only after masturbation will symptoms appear. Symptoms are not imaginary. Western medicine and Chinese medicine have actually proved that masturbation is harmful, such as prostatitis and spermatic cord after masturbation. In fact, this point is also mentioned in the articles of western medicine, and masturbation leads to neurasthenia, which is also mentioned in the articles of western medicine. There are many articles about the harm of indulgence in traditional Chinese medicine, and I don't know how many medical records prove that indulgence is very harmful. What experts say is really unreliable, especially sexologists. If you trust experts, you will only hurt yourself in the end.

My opinions are all based on my own in-depth research. I have seen more than 10000 cases now, and I still watch cases in the abstinence bar every day. I have talked with tens of thousands of abstainers, and I am also a profound symptom experiencer and victim. I think it is necessary for me to tell the truth, and I also want to say a very responsible sentence, that is: the truth lies in abstinence, the truth lies in various forums of abstinence, the truth lies in the mind of conscientious Chinese medicine practitioners, and the truth is definitely not in the hands of so-called experts.

Experts are such people. When your body goes from bad to worse after masturbation and you want to climb out of the masturbation trap, the experts kick you back into the trap. Experts shouted: Come on, it's harmless, and there are many benefits!

All these experts have overlooked one thing: extubation is very addictive! The biggest feature is: out of control! These six words are the most incisive summary of masturbation

List several addiction phenomena: drug addiction, drug addiction, internet addiction and smoking addiction. Which of these four addictions do you think is the most addictive? I can tell you that addiction will never be lost to addiction, and it is basically out of control. It's hard to quit when you get it!

Why don't experts talk about Lu Guan's high addiction? Bottom line: experts are too cunning! Be ignorant or avoid talking about it. Experts used a very cunning word: moderation! The word moderation is too abstruse, because everyone has different physique, so no one knows where the degree is. And indulge in it, it would be ridiculous to talk about moderation! If you are addicted, it is out of your control. When you have symptoms, it's too late to control yourself. Some people are in good health and will be fine twice a week, but if they live like this for three to five years, they are very likely to have symptoms. And some people are born with poor physique, twice a week, and within two years, they will have systemic symptoms. The harm of tube stretching is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, which is frog-like harm cooked in warm water. Moreover, senior abstainers all know that psychosexuality is a leak, and its lethality is also very great. If you are addicted to psychosexuality, you are also prone to symptoms.

In short, the word mean kills people! This is a warning from a person who has experienced it, and it is also the truth revealed by the blood lessons of countless abstainers. In the age of harmlessness, who hasn't seen moderate harmlessness? Everyone wants to be moderate, and finally they all waste themselves and fill themselves with symptoms and pain! Medium water is too deep. If you want to make a fuss about moderation, I advise you to forget it. Moderation is like walking a tightrope at high altitude. Without a high sense of abstinence, it will drop 100% and fall into the abyss of symptoms.

On harmful abstinence theory

Many people will ask, is abstinence harmful? Especially for newcomers, my answer is that abstinence is harmless. If it is harmful, aren't all monks sick? In fact, many monks live to be over 100 years old, virtual cloud mage 120 years old and Benhuan Elder 106 years old. There are many people who live long in Buddhism, so abstinence is harmful to health. If abstinence is harmful, there is only one situation, that is, if you don't have the skills to cultivate your mind, you will fantasize every day and dare not masturbate, so you may suppress something wrong. There is no harm in abstinence if you have the skills to cultivate your mind and nature.

To add another point, it is the harm of psychosexuality. Many newcomers will ask: is it not a violation of the precepts just by looking at it? Is it harmful not to watch it? In fact, the loss of psychosexuality to human body is also very serious, even more serious than masturbation. This is very clear in Chinese medicine. When many abstainers look in the mirror, they immediately find that their energy is declining. This is what Chinese medicine says: careful and self-sufficient. As long as there is psychosexuality, the essence will automatically leak out. Masturbation is explicit consumption, psychosexuality is dark consumption, and the harm of dark consumption is more serious. I hope that the abstainers can deeply understand this point, strengthen their study and practice, and completely put an end to psychosexuality, so that they can read it immediately without following it, and they will feel it immediately after reading it.

Many abstainers will have repeated symptoms after psychosexuality. Some abstainers will leak some liquid under their girlfriends after kissing or making a phone call, and then feel uncomfortable immediately. These are common situations, so the harm of psychosexuality should not be underestimated. Abstinence is harmless if you pay attention to spiritual cultivation and can overcome lewdness. Abstinence is harmful if psychosexuality cannot be overcome. You can overcome indecency by studying professional abstinence or believing in abstinence. After quitting, it's harmless to quit.

If you can't recognize the harmful theory of abstinence, it is likely to shake your abstinence position, which belongs to doubt and violation of precepts. As long as people are confused, their positions will not be so firm. So we must be clear about this.

Share another story about Dumian Pill: Bao Hui was 88 years old in the Southern Song Dynasty, and his spirit was still very strong. Jia Sidao asked him what his health secrets were, and Bao Hui replied, "The old man has lived on Dumian Pills for fifty years." Full of laughter. As the saying goes, "indulgence makes people old, and housework makes people short-lived." These words are not alarmist, but have a profound theory of traditional Chinese medicine behind them.

The theory of masturbation

About SY's theory of all diseases, a bar owner once talked about it in one of his articles, and I think what he said is very reasonable. Although masturbation can cause many symptoms, we can't blame all the symptoms on masturbation. After all, there are many pathogenic factors. Of course, there are also some newcomers who have superficial knowledge and little experience. He thinks that masturbation can't cause so many symptoms, and this idea is also biased. A more objective point of view is that masturbation does cause many symptoms beyond your imagination, but not all symptoms are caused by masturbation.

TCM: Kidney deficiency is the root of five internal organs. After masturbation hurts the kidney, symptoms and disorders may appear all over the body. But there are many ways to hurt the kidney, not just masturbation, such as drinking cold drinks to hurt the kidney. I remember a medical record that a primary school student had diabetes, and his family didn't inherit it. It turned out that he drank frozen carbonated drinks every day in summer, and after drinking for a few months, he became diabetic. There are also sedentary kidney injuries, staying up late, taking too many drugs and eating too salty, which will all hurt the kidney. There are also overworked kidneys, and overworked kidneys. There are still many ways to hurt the kidney. Chinese medicine also says that the kidney is full of qi, and all evils rest. The more kidney qi, the stronger the resistance, and the probability of getting sick will be greatly reduced. However, if the kidney qi is sufficient, we should also pay attention to the way of keeping in good health. Otherwise, if you don't pay attention to maintenance, kidney qi will continue to be lost. Many friends who quit are like an overdrawn bank card. They used to have bad living habits, staying up late for a long time and indulging in it. Within a few years, they were entangled in symptoms.

The following are the pathogenic factors analyzed by TCM:

First, six lewdness. Abnormal wind, cold, heat, humidity, dryness and fire (heat poison) will all harm the body.

Second, boils. That is, rage and plague, that is, infectious diseases.

Third, seven emotions are internal injuries. That is, excessive happiness, anger, worry, thinking, fear, sadness and shock will hurt the body.

Fourth, dietary damage. That is, unclean diet, irregular diet (irregular) and partial eclipse.

Fifth, work and rest damage. Namely, overwork, overwork, overwork and excessive comfort.

Sixth, secondary reasons. That is, phlegm, blood stasis and stones.

Seventh, other reasons. That is, trauma, burns, frostbite, insect and animal injuries, etc.

In addition to these seven kinds, genetic factors can not be ignored, as well as bad living habits, such as staying up late for a long time, smoking and drinking. We should know something about the pathogenic factors, so as to avoid the causes of the disease. This actually belongs to the category of health awareness. Many rich people lack health awareness. They worked hard to earn money when they were young. It can be said that they bought money with their lives. After forty years old, my health went from bad to worse and I began to buy my life with money. It is estimated that many abstainers have paid attention to the news that Kai-fu Lee is terminally ill, and I have also paid attention to it, saying that Kai-fu Lee often answers emails at two in the morning and often stays up late. Even an iron man is too harmful, not to mention his age. Four words are often mentioned in my articles: abstain from color and keep healthy. Just quitting is not enough. It is extremely important to work hard on health care, watch more health care articles and videos, and strive to improve your health care awareness. Three-point treatment, seven-point health care, and most of the rehabilitation is here. Physical health also needs maintenance, just like a car needs regular maintenance, otherwise it will depreciate quickly. If it is well maintained, it will be 90% new after one year. If you don't pay attention to maintenance, it may only be 50% new, or even have to be overhauled several times.

The following are eight points about the symptoms of quitting friends to share with you:

1 before. SY: There are some abstainers who have poor physique and congenital deficiency, and have been sick before development. Take me for example. When I was a child, I was in poor health and had rhinitis and tracheitis. Tracheitis was brought up during my development, but rhinitis became more serious, especially after indulging in tubes. So, I had three operations, which was really miserable. Later, moxibustion greatly improved my rhinitis symptoms. Of course, this is inseparable from my insistence on abstinence from color. I insisted on abstaining from color and taking active exercise, and my physique has been improved. It's rarely committed now. If you have a disease before SY, it is not caused by masturbation, but when you indulge in masturbation, your past diseases are likely to get worse. Some people have white hair and myopia when they go to primary school. When they developed well, they began to masturbate, and their white hair and myopia were more serious, which made him very upset. Myopia is related to extubation, but it is also related to eye habits. Bad eye habits, excessive eye use can also lead to myopia, as well as genetic factors.

After 2.2. SY: Many abstainers are in good health before masturbation. However, after masturbation, I obviously feel bad and my physical fitness drops obviously. Various symptoms emerge one after another, which are closely related to masturbation, such as low back pain after masturbation, prostatitis after masturbation, listlessness after masturbation, general weakness, listlessness after masturbation, weakness of waist and knees, lying lazy, etc., all of which are closely related to masturbation. People are very lively and cheerful. After masturbation, they got social fear and their psychology changed greatly. If there is a great disorder in your body and mind after masturbation, then I dare to assert that it is probably related to masturbation. After masturbation, people's appearance may also become ugly. This truth is not known to most people, and it needs some understanding and experience to know it. There is also a sharp decline in brain power after masturbation. This feeling is only known to the abstainers themselves. I can't keep up with my brain power, and my study and work are very hard. In short, after masturbation, the body and mind will be greatly devastated. Pleasure is fake, symptoms are real. Happiness is short, and pain is long.

3. Pathogenesis caused by comprehensive factors: Some abstainers have short penis, which may be caused by tube squeezing, because the penis belongs to the liver, which may affect the development of penis, but the length of penis is also related to heredity and nutrition. Insufficient nutrition, lack of exercise and lack of sleep will inevitably affect a person's development. The same is true of bone development. The kidney governs the bone, and masturbation may affect the height, but it is only one factor that affects the height. If you can actively exercise, keep up with nutrition and inherit well, you can still grow to your ideal height. If you are picky about food, don't like sports, can't keep up with nutrition, and your inheritance is average, I'm afraid it's difficult to grow to your ideal height. Stiffness, lumbar spondylosis, cervical spondylosis, these are all related to tube pulling, because the kidney dominates the bone. Some Chinese medicine books also say that masturbation can lead to cervical spondylosis, but the incidence of cervical spondylosis is also closely related to living habits, such as sitting in a posture for a long time and sitting incorrectly. It is also a potential pathogenic factor. So many diseases are actually caused by "comprehensive factors", that is, several pathogenic factors work together, which eventually leads to that kind of disease. According to my investigation and study, comprehensive factors are common patterns for abstainers.

4. Direct illness: Direct illness is actually easy to understand. Many abstainers have personal experience. For example, after masturbation, frequent urination occurs immediately, or the legs are soft the next day, or low back pain and a broken waist. Or get up the next day and look in the mirror and find that you look terrible. Before and after masturbation, I feel very different. This can be classified as a direct disease, and some abstinence friends are more obvious. For example, after masturbation, the heart is uncomfortable immediately, or the previous symptoms are obviously aggravated. A serious person, after firing two shots in a row, has a sense of dying, scaring himself half to death and thinking that he is going to die soon. Some friends gave up masturbation for a few days, and then they started to have a fever and went to the hospital to hang water. There is also sexual dysfunction. In the first few years of masturbation, everything was normal, but after masturbation for several years, I suddenly found that the time was shortened and the hardness was not enough. In fact, masturbation hurts the kidney, and sexual function will decline to a certain extent.

5. Indirect diseases: Indirect diseases are also well understood. Masturbation will lead to a decline in physical fitness and physical resistance, that is, a decline in disease resistance. In this way, the probability of contracting other diseases will greatly increase, and the so-called kidney deficiency will be riddled with all diseases. Just as a country's national defense has deteriorated, so has its national defense. First, it is prone to civil strife; Second, it is easy to be broken by external evils. When you are in good health, you won't think that when you are in poor health, various diseases and symptoms will start to find you.

6. Luck: Masturbation leads to bad luck, which is still controversial among abstainers. Some people think that bad luck is pure nonsense or superstition. Some alcoholics think masturbation really brings bad luck. In fact, according to religion, there are gods when you look up three feet, and there are good and evil in heaven! If you keep adultery, it will be very bad for your fortune and life will be full of difficulties. If you have no religious belief, you can also understand it from Chinese medicine, because masturbation will lead to a decline in brain power and energy. If the brain power drops, many things that could have been done well will not be done well. On the surface, it is bad luck, in fact, it is closely related to the mental decline caused by masturbation. There is also a face interview. I remember a friend who resigned interviewed for a bank position, and several banks passed the written test, but they were all brushed off during the interview. Although he passed the written test, his first impression is very important in the interview. At first glance, if you have no energy, a hard face and no self-confidence, the interviewer's impression of you will be greatly reduced. If you are honest, sunny and energetic, the positive energy field can completely subdue the interviewer, and your impression will gradually rise. I'm afraid you don't have that momentum, giving people the impression that you don't have confidence, as if you have a ghost in your heart. There are ghosts in my heart. What the hell? Goat! Of course, some pure luck things should not be caused by masturbation. For example, if you roll the dice, you throw two sixes in a row, and then you don't throw six for the third time, and then you say it's caused by masturbation, which is ridiculous. The meaning of the word luck is still very broad.

7. Wretched: Masturbation can lead to ugly appearance. This is beyond dispute. If you are a newcomer to abstinence, or your own experience is not profound, you may not agree with this. If you are a senior abstainer or someone with deep experience, you will definitely agree with this article. Some people just masturbate soon, love sports, and have no bad habits such as staying up late, so their appearance hardly becomes obscene, and then narrowly think that masturbation will not lead to the appearance becoming obscene. This is a frog in the well, and personal experience has great limitations. If you have studied thousands of real cases, you will find that they look obscene after masturbation.

8. Poor grades: If you don't know that masturbation will lead to mental decline, you won't know this medical theory. Then you may be disgusted to see masturbation lead to poor grades. Psychological society thinks: Why does everything masturbate? In fact, masturbation does lead to poor grades. Many real cases of victims have feedback. I used to get good grades, but my grades dropped a lot after masturbation. Of course, poor grades also vary from person to person. Some people are blessed with generous rewards and are born with superior intelligence. Although he masturbates, the influence is relatively small. Maybe he doesn't masturbate much, and his nutrition can keep up, which will have less influence on his brain power. There are also many graduate students and doctoral students who quit the ribbon. Although I have been admitted to graduate school and doctor's degree, I have already had many symptoms of masturbation sequelae, and I am also very upset. I remember a doctor who gave up his friends and had serious sexual dysfunction, which made him very upset. In short, masturbation will lead to a decline in brain power, but the degree of decline varies from person to person. Some people's IQ is not high from the beginning, and if it drops again, things will get worse. Some people have a high IQ and can cope with a slight decline, just like rich people, who spend a little money and feel nothing. But for the poor, it's even worse. You can't stand being hurt.

See "Learning from Commandments"