Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Save the unfortunate

Save the unfortunate

Men, women and children, people of any background may suffer from depression.

Generally speaking, depression mainly refers to "unhappy" experience, and "unhappy" is an experience that everyone has had. We may feel discouraged, disappointed and helpless in difficulties, which is a natural reflection. Through self-regulation or talking to friends, there will be no problem after a few days of emotional stability, and it will not affect our lives.

When this "unhappy" emotion and symptoms last for more than 2 weeks and have a significant negative impact on our work and life, it may be depression.

Not all symptoms will appear at the same time. However, most people with depression will have 5-6 or more symptoms, as follows.

(1) I feel unhappy most of the day;

(2) it is difficult to enjoy life without the joy of life;

(3) it is difficult to make a decision because of indecision;

(4) It is more difficult to be competent for work and tasks than before;

(5) I can't work hard;

(6) Feeling very tired;

(7) Feeling uneasy, irritable and irritable;

(8) Changes in appetite and weight (mostly decreased, some people just the opposite);

(9) Unexplained physical discomfort, such as pain, headache and indigestion;

(10) It takes 1 ~ 2 hours to fall asleep but wakes up earlier than normal;

(1 1) suddenly lost interest in sex life;

(12) lose confidence;

(13) feel incompetent, useless, hopeless and worthless;

(14) Don't contact or talk with others;

(15) lost his mind;

(16) cried a lot;

Abuse/misuse of drugs and alcohol;

(18) violent impulsive behavior;

(19) suicidal thoughts.

Depression tends to spread in families. If a father or mother suffers from severe depression, their children have a higher risk of depression than the general population?

Ensure a good working style and lifestyle.

(1) Avoid setting too high a goal;

(2) avoid putting too much pressure on yourself;

(3) Reasonable arrangement of life and work rhythm;

(4) moderate exercise;

(five) appropriate arrangements for social activities and entertainment activities;

(6) Talk to others when you are upset and express your feelings;

(7) Participate in some activities that help to regulate emotions.

1) Don't keep things to yourself. You may need to talk to your friends several times (or cry) before you can slowly accept and face the pain, which is a natural process to calm your mood;

(2) Keep yourself busy. Try to go out for a walk, do some exercise and take a walk. You can also do some housework, simple repair work (such as changing light bulbs) or other daily chores;

(3) Ensure nutrition. Maybe your bad appetite may lead to weight loss and long-term malnutrition; Still should try to eat regularly, fruits and vegetables are good choices;

(4) don't drink. It may make you feel good for the first few hours, but it will make you feel worse afterwards. Drinking too much wine will also make you not want to seek other help and solve the current problem, which is harmful to your health. In short, "it's more worrying to drown your sorrows in wine." The same is true of other similar substances (such as methamphetamine and marijuana). );

(5) sleep. Try not to worry about sleeping badly. Even if you can't sleep, it is beneficial to read your favorite books, watch TV and listen to the radio, and lie down and have a rest, so that you can relax and fall asleep more easily.

(6) actively deal with problems. If you know the cause of your depression, you can consider writing down the problem and then try to find a solution. Choose the most feasible method to try, and maybe you will get amazing results;

(7) Keep hope. Remind yourself that many people have suffered from depression; I will definitely recover in the end; Depression may also be a beneficial experience, and many people become stronger and more capable of solving problems; You can have the ability to face important choices and changes in your life, especially those you avoid.

The pain will eventually pass!

As long as you persist, the pain will always endure! You may have experienced many difficulties before, but after a while, you find that you can get through it and overcome it.

If you have any ideas, please say so!

Talk to some friends or family. If they don't understand you, please don't lose heart. Maybe they don't know how to deal with a problem like you. Please continue to look for people who can understand your pain and are willing to help you;

You are still a useful and valuable person!

Maybe you feel worthless now, but that's just a negative thought under your extreme depression. Your relatives need you and your friends are helping you. After your recovery, you will certainly make contributions to yourself and others;

There is still a glimmer of light ahead!

Maybe you feel that you can't see tomorrow and there is no hope. This is the idea that you are in a difficult situation now. If you actively receive treatment, you will see the dawn and see the light of day again.

⑤ There will be a turn for the better!

The problem may not be solved for a while, but there are always some contingency and emergency measures. Try to calm yourself down, your adaptability will be enhanced, and then try to deal with the problem step by step;

Life can still be loved, and it is worth living!

Don't just live for others, but more importantly, live for yourself. There are many ways to relieve pain, and you don't have to leave this world. It may be a good choice to try to let go of those people or things that make you feel pain.

Become popular. Going to some crowded places may be safer than being alone, and it can also reduce the chance of "walking into a dead end";

(3) Remember the emergency call. Remember the telephone numbers of relatives or friends and ask for help if necessary. Stick to it and there will be a turn for the better;

4 don't give up. Stay green, even if there is no material to burn. What you need most is to give yourself a chance and some courage. Take the belongings of your loved ones with you, and take them out when you want to give them up, reminding yourself that as long as you are alive, the problems will be improved and solved.

(2) Identify danger signals.

Express or imply suicidal thoughts or plans. Express words such as "I don't want to be a man", "I want to die" and "You should take care of yourself while I am away" when you are depressed or impulsive, or secretly hide a lot of drugs or other dangerous goods;

(2) arrange a funeral, talk about the arrangement after death, write a suicide note, give away a lot of beloved items, and make a final farewell to relatives and friends.

(3) After the suicidal thoughts are confirmed, immediately pay attention to and seek help.

(1) shows concern and support. "I may not be able to help, but I am willing to listen to you and go with you for help" "Let's get through this together" and "Speak out if you have something on your mind";

2 try to enlighten. Try to identify with his feelings and emotions, but make it clear that suicide is not the best way to solve the problem. Through your joint efforts, you will certainly find a better way;

(3) avoid blame. Don't blame them for "not cheering up" and "feeling sorry for these little things", try to encourage them to face difficulties and actively seek help;

(4) accompanied by. Please try to arrange friends and relatives to accompany you, stay with him quietly, and provide calm and powerful care. Avoid nagging or arbitrarily persuading "don't think so much" and "forget your troubles";

When do people with depression need help?

(1) When I feel depressed, it is more serious than usual, and there is no sign of improvement;

(2) When depression affects your work, life and feelings for family/friends;

(3) When you feel that there is nothing lovely in life, you will die, or you will be a burden, and people around you will live better without you;

(4) Through the efforts of yourself and your relatives and friends, your situation shows no signs of improvement.

How do you help friends or relatives suffering from depression?

(1) Be a good listener. However, this is easier said than done. You may have to listen to the same thing many times. Even if you think the answer is so obvious, it's best not to give advice-unless the patient asks. Of course, sometimes depression is caused by obvious problems. If so, you can try to find some coping methods or solutions with the patients.

(2) companionship is positive. You can encourage him/her, talk to him/her, accompany him/her in daily life, or just accompany him/her quietly in some cases;

(3) Give them hope of recovery. People with depression often don't believe that they can get better. Comfort and encourage them, their situation will certainly improve, which may be helpful. However, you may need to take pains to comfort again and again to be effective;

(4) Ensure that they have enough food. "People are iron, rice is steel, and you will be hungry if you don't eat a meal";

(5) Help them stay away from alcohol or drugs.

(6) Be alert to the risk of suicide. If the illness gets worse or there are signs of suicidal thoughts, please take them seriously and get in touch with doctors or related professionals immediately;

(7) try to assist in treatment. Try to help them get treatment, and don't encourage them to stop taking drugs or not to go back to the clinic. Please discuss with your doctor if you have any questions during the treatment.

It's nothing. Try to read the original. It's a long way from depression.