Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Wei Zi slapped a face.

Wei Zi slapped a face.

Sang Sang pushed his way through the crowd, stopped near the red gate and looked in quietly.

It was Hou Zhuang Zhu I who quarreled with Du Yonghe.

Zhu I held a soy sauce bottle in one hand and pointed at Du Yonghe in the other: Mu Yonghe, listen! It's not a day or two since you mixed water into soy sauce! "

Du Yong and Gao Zhu are two heads, regardless of Zhu: "Zhu, if you talk nonsense again, I will slap you in the face!" " "

Zhu Yi is short and thin, but Zhu Yi is a "celebrity" in this place and the most difficult person. I'm not afraid of anyone, Zhu. I'm afraid of you, Du Yonghe? He put his face together and slapped Du Yong and Yang Yi in the air: "Fan! You are a fan! Fan, if you have the guts! "

Du Yonghe, of course, can't fan. He gave him a push with his hand: "Well, I know you, Uncle Zhu! Would you please go out and go to the head office? "

"no!" Zhu I put the soy sauce bottle behind me and squinted at Du Yonghe. "Let me out? It's easy to remember! " He turned to the door and said to the people outside, "Look at this soy sauce. Is there any soy sauce? " He lifted the bottle and put it in the sun. "Look, look! I caught a cold the day before yesterday and spilled a bubble of urine, which is heavier than this soy sauce! "

Several people laughed.

Zhu I said, "You're still smiling. Which one of you has never used this soy sauce? Who hasn't used it? Raise your hand and let me see! "

The people who laughed just now stopped laughing and felt that they had no place to laugh.

Zhu I step in and step out: "Have a taste. Is this still soy sauce? " He tilted the soy sauce bottle downward. "Never mind, try cold. I paid for it. "

It's just that a dozen fingers of different lengths, thicknesses and colors stretch out to cool the soy sauce, and then mock in their mouths, making a brushing sound, followed by a tasting sound, just like the sound made by a group of fish floating on the water in a fish pond with their round mouths open in the summer morning.

"Is it soy sauce? Why use it to Zaba? " Zhu I is a little impatient with those who haven't tasted this taste for too long. He returned to the yard with a soy sauce bottle and shouted at Du Yonghe, "What did you say, Du?"

Du Yonghe obviously didn't want to expand the situation and said, "I told you, I know you!" " Shall I pour you another bottle? "

Zhu couldn't help laughing: "Du Yonghe, dare you change a new bottle for me? How dare you? "

Du Yonghe: "Of course!"

Zhu put the soy sauce bottle face down, poured all the soy sauce inside, and then handed the empty bottle to Du Yonghe: "OK, you can put another bottle!" " "

Du Yonghe came into the room with a soy sauce bottle.

Zhu said to the people outside the door:' You will see later that it is just a bottle of soy sauce mixed with water, and their soy sauce tank is filled with soy sauce mixed with water! "

Du Yonghe refused to come out, as if not to refill a bottle of soy sauce, but to start with planting soybeans and then make a new bottle of soy sauce.

"I said Du Yonghe, is there no soy sauce in your soy sauce tank?" Zhu said loudly to me in the room.

Du Yonghe had to take out a new bottle of soy sauce.

Zhu I took the soy sauce bottle, walked to the door, and then held the soy sauce bottle in the sun: "Look, look, is it the same color as just now?"

Someone whispered, "One color."

Yi Zhu walked up to Du Yonghe with a soy sauce bottle and suddenly slammed the bottle on the brick floor: "Are you kidding!" "

Du Yonghe was also forced to worry: "I hit you, how?"

Zhu couldn't help jumping up and grabbing Du Yonghe by the collar.

The man outside the door said, "Don't make amends if you mix water!" ""Not only soy sauce is watered, but also wine and vinegar are watered! "

Du Yonghe and Zhu and I were entangled in the courtyard, and no one went up to stop the fight.

At this time, Sang Sang got out of the crowd and hurried back to the classroom from the ice, loudly saying, "Go and see, there is a fight at Dahongmen!" " "

I heard it was a fight, but I thought it was only a few steps away from the ice. A room full of people soon ran out of the classroom.

The bell for class preparation rang and the children came back one after another. Sang Sang sat there and heard the ear say, "Du Xiaokang's soy sauce is watered!" " ""Du Xiaokang's wine is also watered! " "Du Xiaokang vinegar also mixed with water! "... sang sang looked back at Du Xiaokang and saw Du Xiaokang lying on the windowsill, leaving only a butt and a figure.

This happened on the eve of the re-election of class cadres in the class.

Before the official election, there is a primary election. The day before the primary election, there was a mysterious little note that was passed among the students one by one. There is a sneaky sentence written on it: we don't want Du Xiaokang to be the monitor!

As a result of the pre-selection, Du Xiaokang, who has been the monitor, lost the election.

On this day, Sang Sang was in a good mood. He sprinkled food on his pigeons again and again, so that none of them flew out to hunt wild food.

The official election was not held as scheduled, because Jiang had to concentrate on participating in the school's cultural and entertainment competition before the Spring Festival. This kind of competition is held every year. Sancho is very clever. He wants to find good programs and performers through the competition, and then transfer them to the school, and then he will process and handle the literary performances in the town. Yes, some of these programs may also represent the village in the county's cultural performances. Because of the establishment of the competition mechanism, all classes are faced with a face problem and have to compete in secret. Sancho see all classes are staring at each other, Bini is a very calculating look on his face, secretly happy in his heart.

One of Jiang's classmates teaches in the county middle school. One day, Jiang went to town to buy books and visit his classmates. It happened that the classmates were directing the girls in the class to rehearse and sing "Knocking with a Disc". When the students saw him coming, they all shook hands and said, "When I finish rehearsing this program." Jiang Yilun said, "I'll go and have a look, too." I sat in a chair. Twenty girls, dressed in the same color, lined with a girl dressed in bright colors, each holding a beautiful small plate in his left hand and a crimson painted chopsticks in his right hand, were walking back and forth on the stage, singing "Knocking on the plate in his hand ...". The sound of food is like a clear rain falling in clear water, which is very nice. The dishes are up, down, left and right, gathering and dispersing, and the sound keeps changing, just like the clear rain is affected by the wind. The wind is small and the wind is strong, and the sound of clear rain falling in clear water is very different. This classmate glanced at Jiang Yilun, which means: What do you think? Jiang Yilun nodded at him, meaning: Good! All right! Very good! After the rehearsal, classmates and Jiang went to the dormitory in turn and said, "I'm from Honghu Red Guards, but my program is more enjoyable than the scene inside." Do you know how to look good? "Ginger felt it in the first round, but he was speechless. The classmate said, "I have a large quantity." "I have 28 students, plus one in the background, 29 people. Knocking on the plate can make people tremble, and singing so seriously can break their hearts. Twenty-nine people, doing the same action, as long as they are neat, they must look good if they are not good. " Jiang Yilun said, "I see."

Nowadays, when Jiang thinks of the scene of twenty-nine girls knocking on vegetables day and night, he feels that if his class can get this far, even if there are no other programs, it will be enough to make people fall behind. He calculated that there are 33 girls in this class, except one who is too fat, one who is too thin and one who is too short, and there are 30 left, all of whom are good-looking. Chiang Kai-shek had his own stage in one round. Standing on this stage are his thirty screaming girls. Jiang Yi even saw the admiration and envy of the audience. But when Jiang Yi came back to reality, he became depressed. First of all, he wants to have 30 dishes as exquisite and beautiful as before, 30 brightly painted chopsticks, 30 girls with the same red head rope and the same white velvet flowers. It will cost a lot of money. The school refused to take a penny, and there was no penny in the class. He wants to pay by himself, but he is a poor teacher and can't get much money a month. He went to the canteen to have a look. There are more than twenty kinds of dishes in the canteen, but the big ones are big, the small ones are small, the thick ones are thick, the thin ones are white, and the flowers are flowery. Many places where the whole piece is missing are cracked. Chopsticks are black bamboo chopsticks. There are not many such bamboo chopsticks, only one on the table, and the program is all over. He mobilized all the children in the class to bring bowls and chopsticks. As a result, in a pile of dishes, there are less than ten dishes of the same color and less than ten chopsticks of the same color. Yau Ma Tei is a poor place, which can't satisfy Chiang's aesthetic desire. As for the thirty girls' red headbands and white velvet flowers, several of them can be regarded as the scenery of heaven. Jiang Yi-Yuan Yuan seemed to see a beautiful scene, sweating with excitement, but when he looked calmly, it was just a mirage, and he was very uncomfortable.

Jiang remembered Du Xiaokang in the round. He called Du Xiaokang to the office and asked, "Does your family sell vegetables?"


"Is it much?"

"A basket."

"Do you sell painted chopsticks at home?"


"How many?"

"A bundle."

"Do you sell red ropes at home?"


"Is it much?"

"It's almost the New Year, a lot."

"Do you sell white velvet flowers at home?"

"Sell. It's for Qingming next year. Many women wear it when they sweep the grave. "

"Can I borrow it for a while? Thirty copies of everything. "

Du Xiaokang shook his head: "No."

"Why not?"

"Can I still have used things?"

"Didn't you take out what you want to sell before?"

Du Xiaokang rolled his eyes at Jiang Yi and said to himself, I used to be the monitor, but now I'm not the monitor.

"Go back and tell your father."

"It's no use talking."

"Do me a favor. Even if you do a good thing for the class. "

Du Xiaokang said, "Why should I do good for my class?"

"Du Xiaokang, what do you mean?"

"I'm not interested."

"Oh, you don't want to work for the class because people don't choose you as monitor?"

"It's not that people don't choose me, but that someone is passing a note below asking people not to choose me."


"I don't know."

"This matter to say again. Now you give me a word, will you help me? "

"I want to know who sent this note!"

Jiang Yilun was very angry: This Du Xiaokang wants to make a deal with the teacher, which is outrageous! But now the overwhelming thing is to be on the program "Knocking with a Disc". He said, "Du Xiaokang, you learned this at an early age! Of course I want to look into this matter, but it has nothing to do with whether you help or not. "

Du Xiaokang bowed their heads and said nothing.

"You go."

"When do you want those things?"

"It will be fine in two days."

Du Xiaokang is gone.

Two days later, Du Xiaokang brought everything that Jiang Yi wanted: 30 uniform saucers, 30 crimson chopsticks, 30 red headbands and 30 white velvet flowers.

Jiang was silent for a while and locked all these things in his room until the official performance. That night, the weather was very clear, there was no wind, only a beautiful crescent moon hung obliquely in the blue sky in winter.

Although it is a performance of each class, the earthen platform of Yau Ma Tei Primary School is just like the specifications of previous schools or local literary and artistic publicity performances, with curtains and lights. As soon as "Knocking on a Disc" appeared, Jiang wanted to applaud himself. First, twenty-nine little girls knocked on the plate and walked onto the stage. When people thought it was these twenty-nine girls, they all looked away vividly. Then, a girl dressed differently, but different, knocked on the plate and walked onto the stage alone. This girl is a paper moon. On the evaluation of Paper Moon, Sancho's words are: "This little girl doesn't really need to act, just go there for a stop." This program is not plagiarized, just slightly modified according to your own taste. When Jiang watched it below, he only thought that the program was performed by a little girl in the country, which was more interesting than that performed by a little girl in the city.

Sancho sat down to watch, and decided that the program could be brought to the town to perform. He thinks that the highlight of this program is that all 30 girls turn around, leaving only their backs to others. Thirty braids, all big red ropes, all white velvet flowers. The white velvet flowers are well inserted. Looking from a distance, I feel a white moth shivering on the black braid. These white velvet flowers set off the bleak moonlight and the singer's cold, sad and unyielding mood. If you switch to other colors of velvet flowers, the effect will not be so good. Sancho felt that Jiang's first round level was unusual. In fact, Jiang only remembers a classmate's sentence: "This program is all about that white velvet flower." Jiang Yilun's classmates were very emotional when they were studying.

After the performance, when Sancho asked where those plates, chopsticks, red ropes and white velvet flowers came from, Jiang Yilun told him that Du Xiaokang had temporarily misappropriated things from his father's grocery store. Sancho said, "You really can't leave Du Xiaokang in this class."

Jiang Yi-Yuanyuan thought the same thing, so he talked about Du Xiaokang's contribution to the class while checking who wrote the note encouraging his classmates to give up Du Xiaokang. The children suddenly found that many of the honors they shared again and again were won because of Du Xiaokang, and they could not help but regret it: How could they not vote for Du Xiaokang? I feel like the most ruthless villain in the world.

The official election has been announced: Du Xiaokang is still the monitor.

On the same day, Sang Sang saw Asu, who had been calling him Shadow, follow Du Xiaokang to the threshing floor to learn to ride a bike.

Two days later, Sang Sang was called into the yard by his father. Before he knew what his father was going to do to him, his ass was kicked hard. He fell to the ground and his father kicked him again: "You are really promising! If you are narrow-minded and have no ambition, you can also engage in intrigue! " As the headmaster, Sancho felt that his son had humiliated him, and he was extremely annoyed.

Sang Sang was prone on the ground, and Asu appeared in his tearful eyes. He cursed: "shameful traitor!" "

My mother stood on the threshold and shouted that she played well, helping Du Xiaokang to say "no position": "Du Xiaokang is a child and knows that he has contributed to your father's school."

Sang Sang grinned and shouted, "He is a bully! Bullying people! "