Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What idioms are there to praise "everything you see is particularly good"?

What idioms are there to praise "everything you see is particularly good"?

Beautiful, unparalleled, impeccable, amazing, and ingenious.


Source: Qian Qing's "Garden Art and Governance": "Only one fish is beautiful."

Interpretation: There are many beautiful things that can't be seen for a while.

These root carvings are beautiful beyond description.

B. The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River has beautiful scenery and colorful weather, which is really beautiful.

C. The peony flower exhibition is colorful and beautiful.

2. unparalleled

Source: Tang Hanyu's "Buddha Bone Table": "For thousands of years, there is no comparison."

Explanation: It means that something is perfect and nothing can compare with it.

Ex.: A. He is unparalleled in serving, volleying, sideways, smashing and many other aspects.

B. The typhoon's power is unparalleled, exceeding all records.

C. the strength and beauty expressed by this master's woodcarving works are really unparalleled.

3. impeccable

Source: Sun Tzu's Art of War: "Take it by surprise." Cao Cao's note: "Strike its slack and show its emptiness."

Interpretation: There is no weakness in attack. The description is very rigorous and no loopholes can be found.

Example: A. If he is as stubborn as Yuntianbiao, he is also impeccable in reason.

B. The courage of Georgians is impeccable, but their judgment is another matter.

C. this article is correct, rigorous and logical, which can be said to be impeccable.

4. amazing

Source: Twenty-nine years of Zuo Zhuan's "xianggong": "Deda, great! If there is nothing in the sky, there is nothing on the earth. Although it is virtuous, its contempt is added to the same feeling, and the point of view is over. If he is happy, I dare not invite myself. "

Interpretation: refers to praising what you see to the extreme.

Example: A. Really shot a stunning African iron fist! Passionate years.

B. the magician's trick of stealing the day is amazing.

C. this growth rate is amazing, but it is not unexpected.

5. Clever? [ancient f incarnation]

Source: "Zhuangzi Sheng Da": "Zi Qing succeeded in chopping firewood, and the audience was shocked."

Interpretation: It seems that ghosts and gods did it. Describing superb artistic skills is beyond the reach of human beings.

Example: A. Streamlined and bizarre appearance, extremely fast brake engine and exquisite interior.

B. the mountain roared with tigers and lions, and suddenly it was heavy and broken; The mountains are undulating and wonderful.

C. I'm sure it's not the uncanny workmanship of nature, but a huge artificial statue.