Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - HR is despised by candidates. Do you want to go back?

HR is despised by candidates. Do you want to go back?

HR is despised by candidates. Do you want to go back?

Hr is despised by candidates. We all know that there are many rules in the workplace, especially for HR, there are always some wonderful people when recruiting, which brings great difficulties to our recruitment work. Let's see if HR is despised by candidates.

HR is despised by candidates. Do you want it back 1 Fangfang told me that she just graduated and started recruiting as soon as she started working. Whenever she has to interview a candidate who is older than her or seems to have rich work experience, she gets nervous.

At first, she felt uneasy when communicating with the candidates. Most of the people she met were modest and polite, and the interview went well. However, when she meets a candidate who despises herself, she will be timid. Fang Fang still deeply remembers that before a conversation, the first sentence of the applicant was: Is your manager not here? Fangfang's weak answer: the department manager is not here. I gave Fangfang a white look and said, won't you tell her that you are the manager?

Fangfang said that she is not confident. She is really not a manager, nor does she have the aura of a manager. A HR white is like an intern, and she doesn't have the courage to interview the candidates she invited. Fangfang decided to make a change. She didn't become a manager, but at least she looked like a manager, wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers, which put aside her student spirit. Plus professional light makeup, at least before I spoke, I didn't lose my temper.

If the hiring manager has "skin", what about the inside? Fangfang has been playing drums in her heart. She asked me: how can I reflect professional and in-depth questions in the interview process?

If this question is answered, it needs to be accumulated and precipitated. Will this wrong answer cause the boat of friendship to capsize? In fact, there is nothing wrong with this answer, but far water can't put out a near fire. It takes time to accumulate and precipitate, but recruitment can't wait until there is enough accumulation and precipitation to arrange an interview!

Since ancient times, love can't be kept, and only routines have won people's hearts. The simple and quick mode can deal with Fangfang's urgent needs first, that is, prepare questions in advance, list all the different questions of different positions, and form a question bank to avoid chatting during the interview. Fangfang sighed again and said that because she didn't know what questions to ask, she couldn't list the so-called question bank. Word day, I asked her, have you really never heard of a thing called Baidu in the first half of your life?

Fangfang also asked, what should I do if the questions communicated with the candidates are out of control and there are no suitable questions in the question bank? The answer is four words, improvise.

I think the ability of improvisation can be trained, and the speed of improvisation comes from past knowledge. Therefore, I suggest that Fang Fang relax the conditions in the process of selecting resumes and invite more candidates to participate in the interview before arranging the interview. Improvisation is exercised in constant interviews. In the interview process, we should not only verify the question bank, but also try to open it. Someone once said: Interview is the lowest cost of social communication. For Fangfang, the interview is the lowest-cost professional training.

The opening of the interview can change the routine. Don't just start with someone else's "self-introduction". Find a topic on your resume and come straight to the point, so that the manuscript prepared by the applicant has nowhere to play, which not only tests the adaptability of the other party, but also examines your grasp of the topic. ...

These methods, I think, can make Fangfang develop her own interview style quickly in a short time. Only when the heart is full, self-confidence will be revealed, at least it will not be despised.

Fangfang was dubious, still sad, and looked like a dead horse. This is a stage that must be experienced and crossed until the question can point to the core of past experience and ask the details that the other party wants to hide ... If you want to be a rich hiring manager, you still need to accumulate and precipitate. Fangfang's eyes lit up when she heard the word money. Can recruitment make a fortune? I smiled and said, of course. It just needs accumulation and precipitation. Hearing this fake answer, Fangfang ignored my Baidu question bank.

I thought to myself, of course, there are rich hiring managers, probably personal brands that will be with me for life. Talk to you later!

HR is despised by candidates. Do you want to go back? Facing the interviewer who asks questions, the most important thing is to keep a cool head. Only in a calm state can you judge which questions of the interviewer are really problematic and need your serious answer, and which ones are deliberately difficult and need your language skills to solve. Of course, in order to resist doubts, the basic condition is to ensure that what is written and said on your resume is true. A straight body is not afraid of a crooked shadow, and this sentence also applies to interviews.

No matter what kind of interviewer you are unhappy with, you should keep your good attitude and emotions, and try not to expose your emotions to your face, because you can't be sure that the other person is deliberately stress interview you. Of course, if you are insulted, that is another matter.

I also want to remind interviewers that in the eyes of job seekers, you are the first mirror of the enterprise. If your personal reasons lead to brain drain or even image damage, it can only be said that you are also irresponsible for your career.