Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Description of strange stones

Description of strange stones

The description of strange stones is described from the aspects of shape, texture, color and grain.

1. Form: We can start with the form of strange stones. Describe the size, shape, texture and various differences of strange stones. For example, describe whether the appearance of a strange stone has amazing geometric beauty, or whether it has a more natural and smooth curve beauty. For a unique stone, we can focus on its special features, such as peculiar shape, surface texture, color change and so on.

2. Texture: The texture of strange stones is another important description aspect. We can observe the surface of the strange stone to see if it has luster, texture, pores or other unique texture characteristics. These characteristics may reveal the formation process of the strange stone and the traces of time it experienced. In addition, we can also describe the feeling of softness and hardness of strange stones by touching them.

3. Color and texture: Color and texture are one of the most striking features of strange stones. We can describe in detail the color of the strange stone and the change of this color in different light. At the same time, we can also describe the lines of strange stones, which may be naturally formed or artificially carved or polished. These lines and colors are intertwined to form a beautiful picture, which is amazing.

Describe the texture of the strange stone by touch;

1, warmth: it can describe the warmth of strange stones, whether it gives people a warm feeling or a cool feeling. For example, if you hold some strange stones in your hands, you will feel like jade, as if you are holding the breath of spring.

2. Hardness: You can feel the hardness of the strange stone by touching it. Some strange stones may be as hard as iron, while others may be as soft as cotton. These different hardness feelings will also bring people a completely different tactile experience.

3, satiny: The surface of some strange stones may give people a feeling of satiny, which may be related to the pores or textures on the surface of the stone. You can describe the degree of this satiny and the touch it brings to people.

4. Delicate degree: Some strange stones may have delicate textures on the surface and inside, giving people a delicate and elegant feeling. You can experience this delicious food through touch and describe it to the readers.

5. Other feelings: In addition, you can also describe other feelings brought by strange stones, such as whether there is a heavy feeling or a rough texture.