Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Collect beautiful legends in the world

Collect beautiful legends in the world

12 constellation love legend

Aries (March 21~ April 19)

In an ancient and distant country, the king and queen divorced because of their incompatible personalities and married another woman. Unfortunately, the new queen was born jealous and couldn't stand the king's love for a pair of children left by his ex-wife, so an evil plot gradually formed in her mind.

Spring has come, it is the season of sowing and farming. The new queen will send the fried wheat to unsuspecting farmers all over the country. Of course, no matter how watered and fertilized, mature wheat can't germinate. The farmer who was kept in the dark was very confused.

At this time, the new queen spread rumors about wheat, claiming that wheat could not germinate because the country was cursed, and all the cursed people were because of the evil thoughts of the prince and princess, which caused the wrath of heaven and led to the punishment of the gods for the country.

Hearing this, the simple-minded farmer, oh, my God! Oh, come on! Because of the evil prince and princess, the whole country will fall into the abyss of poverty and hunger. What a terrible thing!

Soon, men, women and children all over the country unanimously demanded that the king must execute the prince and princess, so that the country could untie the curse, calm the wrath of heaven, reap the fruits of the people's hard work and restore the country's former stability and prosperity.

Although the king was reluctant, in order to calm the public's anger, he had to reluctantly agree to people's demands and prepare to execute the princess and prince in order to gain the people's trust. The news reached the birth mother of the prince and princess. Of course, she was surprised and scared. She quickly turned to Zeus for help. Zeus certainly knew that the queen had made the ghost, so he promised to help. On the day of execution, a ram with long golden hair suddenly appeared in the sky and rescued the prince and his brother and sister. On the way across the sea, the ram accidentally let his sister fall into the sea and died.

Later, in order to reward this brave but careless ram, Zeus hung it high in the sky, which is today's Aries.

Virgo Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Posephona is a pure goddess.

She is the mother of the earth, the only daughter of Demeter, the god of grains, and the goddess of brilliant spring. As long as she is light-footed, all the places will be full of beautiful flowers.

One day, Posephna and her companions were picking flowers on the grass in the valley. She was surprised to find a silver daffodil, beautiful and brilliant. She gradually moved away from her companion and reached for the daffodils. At the moment when she picked it, the narcissus turned into purple smoke, and a faint fragrance spread. The smoke gradually dispersed and a man dressed in black with purple eyes appeared in front of him.

Poseidon took a step back. I saw a terrible smile on the man's lips and said, "Goddess, you broke the spell and saved me. Then fulfill my oath and marry me!" "Posephona still didn't understand what had happened, when a crack appeared on the ground and a powerful force swept her in. ...

Poseidon's cry for help echoed in the valley, and Demeter dropped her food and flew over Qian Shan to find her daughter. Without Mother Earth, seeds will no longer germinate, fertile land will not produce clusters of wheat ears, and mankind will face great disasters. All this soon reached Zeus, who knew that Posephone had been robbed by Haitian, the keeper of hades, and ordered him to be cursed again. Haitian, after all, can't compare with Zeus's magic, but he really loves Poseidon. Knowing that he would fall asleep again soon, he said to Poseidon, "My fragrance belongs to the world. Please take it away! " With that, Haitian closed his eyes and never saw his beloved spring goddess Posephone again.

It was spring when Poseidon returned to earth from hell. She scattered the flowers to the earth and brought the bright sunshine to everyone. However, she can't forget the Haitian buried in hell, and those purple eyes linger in the goddess' heart. In summer, the goddess wants to be tired; In autumn, the goddess is preoccupied. In winter, the goddess finally couldn't help going to hell to visit Haitian. At this time, Haitian will miraculously wake up, and when Poseidon left him in spring, he fell asleep again. Year after year, this pure and beautiful virgin found herself really in love with the gloomy ghost of the underworld.

So Zeus stipulated that they could meet for a quarter of the year. Since then, the winter when the earth is frosty and nothing grows is the day when Posephna goes to hell and meets the sea and the sky. Zeus was moved by this special love and named a constellation in the sky Virgo to commemorate what Poseidon had done for the world. Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)

In the very distant ancient Greek era, the European continent had no name. There is a kingdom called Phoenicia, and the capitals of Taylor and Sidon are rich places. King agenor has a beautiful daughter named Europa.

Europa often dreamed that a strange woman said to herself, "Let me take you to Zeus, because the goddess of fate has appointed you as his lover." At that time, Zeus had only one wife, Hera, and Zeus did not love his wife. He was unhappy all day, and Clouseau, the goddess of fate, thought it would help Zeus find happiness. She knows that Vulcan has a long skirt, and many pictures of immortal life are embroidered with gold and silver thread on the fine lavender sand, which are priceless and beautiful. Clouseau asked Zeus to give this dress to Europa. At first, Zeus was not interested, but when he saw Europa, he was deeply attracted by her beauty, and Zeus fell in love with the European princess. As a prince of a neighboring country, he proposed to Europa and gave her the robe. But Europa didn't promise him. She kept thinking about the promise of the goddess of fate.

One morning, Europa and his companions came to the seaside grass to play as usual. Just as they were happily picking flowers and weaving garlands, a group of fat and strong cows came to a meadow, and Europa saw the noble and gorgeous Taurus in the herd at a glance. The horn is small and exquisite, like a finely carved handicraft, glittering and translucent, with a crescent-shaped silver birthmark on his forehead, golden hair and a pair of blue eyes burning with lust. The invisible temptation made Europa irresistible. She jumped on the cow's back happily and called her companions up together, but no one dared to ride on the cow's back like Europa. Just then, Taurus jumped gently from the ground and gradually flew into the sky. The companions shouted Europa's name in panic, and Europa was at a loss. Taurus flies over the beach and the sea until it reaches an isolated island. At this time, Taurus became a handsome man. He told her that he was the master of Crete and that he could protect her if Europa promised to marry him. But Europa didn't promise him, and she kept thinking about the goddess of fate.

A red sun Ran Ran rose, and Europa was left on an island. She shouted angrily in the direction of the sun: "Poor Europa, would you like to marry a beastmaster as a concubine?" Nemesis, why don't you give me back that golden bull and let me break her horn! "Suddenly, there was a little smile from behind, and Europa looked back and saw the strange woman in her dream. The beauty stood in front of her and said, "Beautiful girl, calm down quickly. The tight cow you cursed will soon send his horns to break you." "I am Venus, the god of beauty. My son Cupid shot through your heart and Zeus's. Zeus himself brought you here. You are a goddess on the ground now, and your name will be immortal. From now on, this land will be called Europa. " Europa was suddenly enlightened and finally believed in the arrangement of the goddess of fate. And Taurus in the twelve constellations also got its name and became a symbol of love and beauty.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

A long time ago, when He Wuli was fighting the snake demon, a cancer rose from the sea and bit He Wuli's ankle to help the snake demon. Later, this cancer was killed by Hector Li Wu and landed on an island in the Aegean Sea. Cancer didn't finish the task of the goddess Hera, so it was cursed, and the curse spread to the queen of Athens. When Princess Melo of Athens was born, a prophet predicted that when the princess got married, the queen died. For this prophecy, the queen has never proposed to the princess.

Until Milo was twenty years old, a prince named Sosa came to Athens. Sosa came here because he wanted to marry Milo, who fell in love with him at first sight. However, the curse is terrible, and the princess doesn't want to sacrifice her mother's life just for her own happiness. So she tried her best to stop what she said and her desires. He set up nine levels, just like nine impossible tasks. Only by completing them one by one can he marry Milo. However, the brave things have been done one by one! The princess is in a dilemma. The great mother decided to marry Milo to Sosa for the sake of her daughter's happiness.

On the day Milo and Sosa got married, the Queen was not present. She didn't want any accidents to spoil the party. The queen quietly walked to the seaside, faced the waves of the Aegean Sea and drowned herself. When people couldn't find the queen ant, they found a huge crab at sea, with its arms around its chest, as if it were insecure and like a protector's mother.

When Barbara learned about this, she regretted it, so she shaped her gentle and sensitive mother into a constellation in the sky, and its image was a cancer.

Cupid)-A beautiful love legend

Cupid has always been regarded as a symbol of love. According to legend, he is a naughty little god with wings. Once his arrow hits the hearts of young men and women, it will make them deeply in love. In ancient Greek mythology, he was the youngest son of Venus and Aphrodite, and in Roman mythology, he was called Cupid. Legend has it that a king and queen gave birth to three beautiful daughters, and the youngest daughter was named Psyche. Venus was very jealous of her because of her beauty, so she ordered Cupid to punish her.

However, when Cupid saw Psyche, she fell in love with her deeply, married her and took her to live in the temple. However, because she is only a mortal, she has never seen Cupid's face, so she is very depressed. Psyche's two sisters were jealous of her life in the temple, so they lied to her that Cupid was a demon and encouraged her to secretly look at him at night. She didn't know that Cupid was a handsome boy until she lit an oil lamp at night and saw him. Unfortunately, Cupid woke up with a start and left angrily. The palace and garden suddenly disappeared, and she finally found herself lying alone in a wilderness. Psyche looked for Cupid everywhere and unconsciously came to the Temple of Venus. In order to destroy her, cupid gave her many arduous and dangerous tasks.

The last task is to ask her to give an empty box to prosser Ping (the Queen of Hades) and bring back another box from her for beauty treatment. On the way back, there was always a voice instructing her how to get rid of all kinds of death threats and warning her not to open the box when she got it back. Psyche overcame all kinds of obstacles and finally completed the task. But in the end, her curiosity overcame the sound and drove her to open the box to find out. There are beautiful women inside, but they are sleeping ghosts in hell. It ran out of the box and attached itself to psyche, turning her into a sleeping corpse. Cupid found Psyche sleeping on the ground, so he grabbed the sleeping ghost from her hand and put it back in the box. Cupid forgave her, and the gods were moved by her persistent love for Cupid, so they gave her a bowl of immortal soup and made her a goddess.

Finally, Cupid and Psyche began to live happily again.