Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Classical quotations from Gu Long's martial arts novels

Classical quotations from Gu Long's martial arts novels

0 1, I used to be an alcoholic, and I used to come and go between life and death. Why don't I have some sharp feelings in my heart? Now, although I am willing to be lonely and far away from the mountains, I still feel some involuntary sadness from time to time. But recently I realized that life is like this. -Gu Long's "Laughing at the World of mortals"

02. Bai Yujing in the sky, twelve cities on the fifth floor. The immortal climbed the summit for me, symbolizing longevity. Bai Yujing is not in the sky, but on a horse. -Gu Long's "Four Wonders, Long Life Sword"

03. The most terrible emotion in the world is not hate, but love, because love makes you jealous. It can not only make people stupid and crazy, but also make people blind. Few people in the world understand. Love? And then what? Infatuation? Totally different. Love is like a star, and lust is like fire. The starlight is light but eternal, and the flame is short but warm. Love is conditional and can be explained, but infatuation is stark raving mad's. So love can always make people happy, but the result of infatuation is only misfortune. In fact, this truth is not difficult to understand. Just like a child who has done something bad, parents will certainly beat him and punish him, but if someone beats him, parents will not only feel sad, but may even try their best to find that person. so this is it? Love? , always elusive, but no one can deny its existence. After a person has the true feelings. Why does it always become hard? People who become narrow-minded have scruples when they have love. -Gu Long

No matter who you are, you must learn to blame yourself before you can blame others. Otherwise, it means that you are just a child who has not grown up. -Gu Long's "Big Man"

05. A woman with a sweet smile will not have too bad luck in the future. -Gu Long's "Big Man"

Everyone sometimes runs away from others, but no one can run away from himself. You think you're running away from everyone, but in fact you've been running away from yourself, and the hardest thing is often running away from yourself. )-Gu Long

July 2007 14, sunny. It is advisable to break ground and avoid traveling. Autumn, autumn. Evening, after dusk. The wind blows the lights red, and people walk. -Gu Long

If you are jealous, you might as well have a drink. Vinegar can relieve alcohol, and wine can also relieve vinegar. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

09. The darkest time of the day is also the time closest to the light. Life is the same. As long as you can get through this difficult and dark time, your life will be full of light and hope at once-Gu Long

10, there are many reasons in life, and you won't know until you can't breathe. -Gu Long

1 1 A rich man died. His descendants were afraid that he would no longer enjoy Yang's life when he went to the underworld, and that there would be no more beautiful chariots and horses in the living room, so they made some paper houses and burned them to him, so that he could enjoy them in the underworld. This is just a little filial piety expressed by later generations to the ancestors of their late parents and uncles. Whether the people they sacrificed can really enjoy it or not, they will do it. Of course, filial people should do it, but unfilial people sometimes do it better. -Gu Long's Legend of Chu Liuxiang

12, happy things are usually very tired, but it is not as good as sadness. True sadness is not only mental numbness, but also physical collapse. -Gu Long

13, he has a lot of nerve. He risked his life to see the change of the opponent's moves. The stakes are too high. I never thought there was such a person in the world who regarded adventure as a game. He doesn't know whether it is stupid or clever. Fishing is a smart man's game, but if you fish with your own body as bait, it's like a fish is fishing for him. -Gu Long's Legend of Chu Liuxiang

14, no matter what I did wrong, I will always be a noble person, much more noble than most people in the world, Chu Liuxiang, do you admit this? -Gu Long's "Blood Smell"

15、 ? Where are his people? He hasn't come back yet. He was heartbroken. Where is the return trip? The return trip is in front of him. He can't see. He didn't read it. So he couldn't find it. Although I can't find it now, I will find it sooner or later-Gu Long.

16, total lunar eclipse. The smell of cinnamon is floating in the autumn wind. The fragrance of cassia seed is full of chill. The wind blows in through the window, and the moonlight shines in through the window. The wind is as cold as the moon. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have used many nouns to describe it. Liu? . Some people say that willow is like silk, others say that willow is like snow. In the eyes of ordinary people, willow is always soft, whether it is like silk or snow. Spring night, spring rain, Bashan. Rainy nights in spring are always sad, especially in the mountains, isolated mountains, sloping stone roads and ink-splashing moss marks? How many famous predecessors' sad memories have been buried under the moss marks, and how many spring flowers have turned into spring mud before they are released. -Gu Long

17. There is enough sorrow and misfortune in this world. Why should it be increased? Although a good story will inevitably make some learned people feel too popular, I think it is at least better than adding pain and trouble to others. It is better to earn a little money than to earn others' tears. -Gu Long's "Laughing at the World of mortals"

18, arrogant, rude and cold, but there are one or two things that can fascinate little girls-The Legend of Chu Liuxiang by Gu Long.

19, since you can't sanction me, who else in the world can sanction me? (No Flowers) —— Gu Long's Scent of Blood

20. The old man is greedy for money only because he sees through everything and knows that nothing in the world is more real than money. The admonition of youth is fighting, and the admonition of old age is greed. The older you get, the more you value money. It seems that you forget that if you die, you can't even take a penny with you. -Gu Long

2 1. There may be thousands of wounds on the body, but there is only one scar in the heart. -Gu Long

22. Only cash transactions are reliable businesses, and free things are always troublesome. -Gu Long's Happy Hero

23. Although the light of a meteor is short-lived, what stars in the sky can be more brilliant than it! When a meteor appears, even the eternal constellation can't take away its light. Butterfly's life is fragile, even more fragile than the most colorful flowers. But it always lives in spring. It is beautiful, it is free, it can fly. Its life is short but fragrant. Only the sword is closer to eternity. The light and life of a swordsman are often on the sword he holds in his hand. But if the sword has feelings, will its light become as short as a meteor? -Gu Long meteor butterfly sword

24. The place where everyone stands is equal, only to see if you are willing to climb up. It's really unfair if you stand there enjoying the cool air and watch others climb up sweating, and then say that the world is unequal and unfair after others climb up. -Gu Long

I may not see you off when you leave, but if you come again, rain or shine, I will definitely pick you up. -Gu Long

26, women should be like women, smart women know that if you want to conquer men, you must never use strength, only a gentle smile is a woman's best weapon. -Gu Long

27. Wang Lianhua laughed: If you really hate me, you should marry me. ? Zhu Qiqi said? Hate you for marrying you, you? This is nonsense. ? Wang Lianhua laughed, because there is only one way for you to deal with me, and that way is to marry me. After you marry me, you can torture me all your life, let me make money for you, let me be a cow and a horse for you, and if you are a little unhappy, you can take it out on me. Listen, what else can you do to get rid of it besides marrying me? ? -Gu Long's Legend of Wulin

If a person who has made two mistakes in a row wants to pray for a third chance, it is not only extravagant hope, but also stupid. -Gu Long

29. There are some things in the world. If you ask them, you will never get them. But if you don't ask them, you will refuse them, and they will often be sent to you. -Gu Long

No one in the world will admit that he dare not. Not reconciled? Two words, exactly? Dare not? The best excuse. -Gu Long

3 1, bird, I know it can fly; Fish, I know it can swim; Beast, I know it will go-Gu Long's Legend of Chu Liuxiang

32. high strength:? So let me ask you something. ? Feng Qiu budo:? You say. ? Gao Lidao:? You can refuse me, and I will never blame you. ? Wu listened, and the expression on her face suddenly became strange, as if she had guessed what to say. Gao Lidao:? I want to borrow your peacock feathers. ? Wu didn't speak again, even didn't say a word, just looked at his hand. Without speaking again, Wu also looked at his hand. These hands are well decorated and well maintained. These hands are no longer covered with mud and blood. What about this guy? Or the one who can give his life to his past friends? -seven weapons of Gu Long

33. She turned her back on Chu Liuxiang and said, word for word? I'll give you a month. If you can't find it, Shenshui Palace will come to you! ? Chu Liuxiang way:? Why did you turn around? Can't you say such unreasonable things in front of me? The woman ignored him and walked slowly from the boat to the stern. In the shadow of the stern, there is a delicate boat. She floated down and the boat slipped away at once. Chu Liuxiang leaned against the boat and looked at her quietly. A boat dotted with stars seems to be rippling in the Xinghai, and the gauze dancing with the wind is more like a fairy's down jacket. Suddenly, she turned around and said with a smile, My name is Gong Nanyan. ? -Gu Long's Legend of Chu Liuxiang

34. Death is fair. In the face of death, the greatest man will become ordinary. What's the point of living if a man lives until even his enemies think it's not worth killing? -Gu Long

35. Hero What is a hero? Is this a hero? Heroes often represent coldness! Cruel! Lonely! Ruthless! Someone once defined a hero, that is: killing people like grass, gambling like madness, drinking wine like thirst, and selfish desires like life! Of course, this is not absolute, there is another kind of hero. But how many heroes like Li Xunhuan are there in the world? Heroes may have only one thing in common-no matter what kind of hero you want to be, it is not a pleasant thing. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

July14th, sunny. It is advisable to break ground and avoid traveling. -Gu Long

37. The old monk didn't mean to hurt anyone. Why does Tan Yue use other people's tongues? You know, it's good for your tongue and bad for your heart. You can't hurt others, only yourself. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

38. People in rivers and lakes are like flowers blooming. It is often involuntary opening and falling, gathering and dispersing. -Gu Long

39. Even in the gentlest and most beautiful sunshine, all the ugliest and most terrible things often happen. -Gu Long

40. Sometimes I really don't understand why a woman always hurts people who love her. This may be because she can only hurt people who love her. -Gu Long

4 1 65: He didn't want to believe it at first, and he couldn't bear to believe it, but now he can't believe it. Invisible knife is the most terrible knife. People who can make people lose sight of their true colors are the most terrible people. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

42. It's strange that women know everything they shouldn't know, but they don't know everything they should know. -Gu Long

43. After you save a person, you never know when he will repay you. Although this is not the greatest pleasure of saving people, it is at least one of the pleasures. -Gu Long

44. If you are willing to spend a quiet time at home, you will definitely change back to your original self. -Gu Long's Little Li Fei Road

45. Mutual respect between friends is valuable, but the respect between enemies is often more rare and touching. Unfortunately, this kind of emotion is always the most difficult for others to understand! -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

46、 ? Poverty? It is a kind of loneliness, and loneliness always comes with poverty. -Gu Long

No matter what you plant in this place, there will be no good harvest, but you planted the seeds anyway. This is life. Everyone has to live, and everyone has to find a way to live. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

48. Vagrancy is also a disease, just like cancer. It is not easy for you to cure it, nor is it easy for you to infect it. -Gu Long

49. He did a lot for many people. Some people turned their backs on him, some people forgot him, and some even betrayed him. He has done nothing for Guo Songyang, but Guo Songyang is willing to die for him. This is true friendship. This kind of friendship can't be bought or exchanged. Perhaps it is because this friendship still exists in the world that the glory of mankind can last forever. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

50. The most beautiful woman is not necessarily the cutest, and the fastest horse is not necessarily the strongest-beautiful women often lack tenderness, and fast horses often lack endurance. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

5 1, yes, drink. Why can't he drink? Why should he bear this humiliation and pain soberly? So he drank again and got drunk. Drunk and awake, awake and drunk. Dignity, courage and strength were poured into the bottle. Now all he has left is that knife. The sheath is dark and the handle is dark. The pale hand holding the knife seems to be shaking. He hasn't had his first glass of wine today. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

If a person loses himself, who else can find him except himself? -Gu Long

As long as he thinks he should do something and has a clear conscience after doing it, you can't stop him even if you put a knife rest around his neck. -parting hook of Gulong

54. I've heard a lot? Xiao Li explores flowers? I have always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and I regard wealth as a cloud. Twenty years ago, I abandoned the name dung. Ten years ago, I squandered my wealth, remained anonymous, and cleared customs? -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

55. Only blood can arouse people's primitive animality-lust and hatred. Other things may be possible, but blood has never been so direct. -Gu Long

56. The wind blows the phoenix tree, but the wind keeps cutting and the sorrow keeps cutting. But hatred can be cut off, but it can be cut off. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

57. Tigers and wolves kill people just to survive, but people can kill people for no reason, and as far as I know, people kill more than tigers and wolves. -Gu Long

58. A truly brave person sometimes looks like a coward in the eyes of others. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

59. Why do people always not cherish the feelings they have got, but regret after losing them? And this kind of pain is originally the most primitive pain of people. -Gu Long

60. You love her and she doesn't love you; You don't love her, she loves you. This is the woman. -Gu Long

6 1, if a person's heart is broken, even if he still has strength, he is unwilling to let it out again, and he can't let it out again. Everything that human beings have is originally changed with their moods. Wine can't really destroy him. What really destroyed him was his inner pain and despair. Now his heart has spread. His attitude suddenly became full of confidence, because he knew that the person he loved had not betrayed him, and his hand holding the knife became strangely calm again. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

62. People forgive their mistakes more easily than others. -Gu Long

63. People who set fires usually mix with people who put out fires, either because they don't want to be suspected by others or because they feel the pain of others putting out fires and being set on fire. This is of course a cruel and abnormal psychology, but isn't it a cruel and abnormal person who set fire? Unfortunately, the appearance of such people is usually not easy to see. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

64. If a man feels ashamed to live, he would rather never see the woman he loves again, and he would rather wander around the world than die. Because he was ashamed to see her. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

65. As long as you are human, there will be pain, only to see if you have the courage to overcome it. If you have this courage, it will become a great power, otherwise you will only be trampled and enslaved by it for life. -parting hook of Gulong

66. Many things in the world are like this-a person who invented the car must be too lazy to walk. It is precisely because people don't want to suffer hardships that human life will progress. -Gu Long

67. People always feel that only their own sadness is real, and they don't want to feel the pain of others at all. -Gu Long

68. I have only heard people say that tigers and wolves are vicious, but I have never heard that tigers and wolves say that people are vicious. In fact, tigers and wolves kill people just to survive, but people can kill people for no reason, and as far as I know, people kill more people than tigers and wolves. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

If a man doesn't love his wife, he will never be afraid of her. This is called fear of love. -Gu Long

70. A man should never tell a woman to shut up, because she may have really shut up at that time, but she may nag you for the rest of her life. -Gu Long

7 1, I am different from others, I must be famous, or I will die. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

72. This generation is suffering because they hate it the most and love it too little. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

73. Affectionate people are inevitably vulnerable. If a person is fragile, there is nothing to be afraid of no matter how strong fencing is. -Gu Long

74. The change and profundity of human nature can never be described. If people can understand? Yourself? , is to have eternal truth. -Gu Long

75. If you want to know what a master has done, it is important to look at people in detail. Before the enemy moves, I move first, and the enemy moves. I have moved. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

76. Most people in the world would rather value a hypocrite who is full of lies than a real villain who is outspoken. A person will never be happy if he does not cultivate, but only seeks harvest. -Gu Long

77. Peace is happiness. Happiness is not absolute. Happiness in your eyes may be misfortune in others' eyes. -Gu Long

78. providence is like a knife-Gu Long's parting hook

79. The biggest problem for women is that they never treat men as human beings. They always think that women deserve to make men suffer, and men deserve to die if they make women suffer. -Gu Long

80. I haven't given it to others, and I won't give it to others. I just gave it to you. -Gu Long's Little Li Fei Road

8 1, it is harder for a woman to keep her mouth shut than for a camel to get a needle. -Gu Long

82. No matter how sharp the sword is, it can't compare with the most touching smile of the human heart. -Gu Long

83. Who is the best at keeping secrets? Dead people. -Gu Long

84. The lighter the sword, the harder it is to use. Unfortunately, few people understand this truth. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

85、 ? Even if you don't want others to leave, someone will want you to leave. Your people are in the Jianghu, so you have no choice. ? -parting hook of Gulong

86. Men all think that women are weak and that they can control women's destiny, but they don't know that most men's destiny is controlled by women. -Gu Long

87. A broken chrysanthemum is tumbling in the sand, and I don't know where it came from or where it will be blown. Isn't the world like this chrysanthemum, and who can predict their own destiny? So why do people mourn for its fate? Chrysanthemum will not complain when it knows, because it has had its own glorious years and is praised and cherished by people. That's enough. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

88. Imagination is always much better than reality. -Gu Long

89. Never treat others too stupid and never take advantage of others. -Gu Long

90. Really great martial arts are not cultivated by cleverness and hard work. You must have a great heart before you can practice truly great martial arts. -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"

He loves and is loved. -Gu Long's Little Shi Lang

92. If a person is willing to sacrifice himself to help others, he will feel great, and this feeling will alleviate his pain. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

93. With the kindness of a little water, I will repay you with a spring to keep you alive and fly together. Life is unfortunate, you are heartless and hateful, lonely and far away until you die. -Gu Long's Legend of Wulin

94. When a person refuses to admit that he is afraid, he is scared to death. -Gu Long

95. As long as there is a sunset, there are healthy horses running at the sunset racecourse. -parting hook of Gulong

96. Knife is the murder weapon. People are not fierce, but they will be infected to some extent. -Gu Long

97. Only the dead are real heroes. They are no longer afraid of anyone or anything. -Gu Long

98. What is life? Forget? It's harder. Unfortunately, the greatest sorrow of mankind is that people often think of people and things that they should not think of. -Gu Long

99. His eyes are empty, as if he had no thoughts. Is he unable to think or unwilling to think? I can't bear to think about it. -Gu Long sentimental swordsman ruthless sword

100, as long as you kill one person, countless people may come to kill you! As long as you miss one, you will never have the right to ask others why they came to kill you! -Gu Long's "The prodigal son of Border Town"