Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - There is a kind of "cosmetic surgery" called Weiya makeup remover. After removing false eyelashes, is this the same person?

There is a kind of "cosmetic surgery" called Weiya makeup remover. After removing false eyelashes, is this the same person?

If you want to occupy a place in the entertainment circle where beautiful women gather, plastic surgery may be a shortcut, but in the circle, plastic surgery has long been an open secret. Many female stars have embarked on the road of plastic surgery in order to look better on camera.

Today, Bian Xiang Xiao tells you that female anchors are just like plastic surgery before and after makeup. Now many girls are almost determined not to go out without makeup. Can makeup really change a person's face value?

When we saw the photos of anchor Viya before and after her makeup removal, even the moment when she took off her false eyelashes, many netizens said: Is this the same person?

Wei Ya, whose real name is Huang Wei, 1985 was born in an ordinary family in Anhui Province. Her parents are in the clothing business, and she is very busy every day, so she has little time to spend with Olivia. Because she can't adapt to the boring life in school, her favorite thing is singing. In 2007, she also formed a women's group with friends and served as the lead singer.

Viya met Ding Haifeng for the first time in college, and they soon established a relationship. Viya thought she would go further and further on the road of music. This idea changed quietly after she met Ding Haifeng. At that time, Viya 18 years old, and I first met Ding Haifeng in university. Soon, the relationship between them was confirmed.

But Viya's parents don't agree. They think that Ding Haifeng does nothing but dance hip-hop and has no proper occupation. Her parents hope that she can find decent people to do business with. Ding Haifeng was very unhappy to hear this. He firmly believes that he can still do business.

When they were still in college, they opened a clothing store together with a start-up capital of 6,000 yuan. Maybe it was luck. It was SARS that year, and the store rent was very low. They rented a shop next to Beijing Zoo, only a few square meters.

There is a dance academy next to the store, with many students. Viya wants to sell women's clothes and some clothes that he can wear. Fortunately, their business was very good, and they made a lot of money in three months, which surprised Via.

With several years of experience in physical stores, when the opportunity of e-commerce came, Viya and her boyfriend seized the opportunity in time. With several years of experience in physical stores, I must be good at it. The opportunity for e-commerce came and Viya and her boyfriend seized it in time. Viya's success is inseparable from her boyfriend's keen business vision.

In the following sales, Viya paid great attention to drainage. During the period, the team also spent a lot of effort on drainage. Sure enough, in the following years, her business became better and better, and her sales reached a new high year by year.

Viya has always had her own principles in bringing goods. Her live broadcast became more and more attractive, and fans even gave themselves a name: Via's woman. With the gradual development of Taobao, Viya's record is getting better and better.

Via became the queen's best title with commodities. At that time, she won many honors, such as "National Treasure Second Material Officer", "Global Good Material Recommendation Officer" and "Chief Recommendation Officer", which were unparalleled in the world. Last year's Double Eleven, Viya broadcasted three times in a row, creating a commercial miracle of 2.7 billion sales.

It can be described as a walking machine with goods. Wu Xiaobo sighed with emotion: Viagra's annual sales are equivalent to the turnover of a women's clothing listed company. This is a miracle among miracles.

With the increasing popularity of Viya, there are often stars in the live broadcast room. There will be no sense of disobedience in the same box as the star, and her face value is beyond doubt.

In a variety show, Viya, known as the goddess, took off her makeup in front of all the audience in order to give fans the most authentic effect, and appeared in the form of plain face.

When I saw Via Su Yan, many netizens were boiling. Her plain appearance is even more surprising. The original bright eyes suddenly became dim, there were no false eyelashes, and Viya's eyes didn't look that big.

The change of Viya's face value makes fans can't believe their eyes. Netizen said: Is this the same person?

In fact, this is understandable. After all, he is a big anchor and wears makeup every day. Long-term makeup will definitely do some harm to the skin. Busy life leads to unstable work and rest, and it is normal for eyes to look tired.