Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Help me analyze the constellation!

Help me analyze the constellation!


Obviously, Pisces men or Pisces women have no hope of conquering Leo men such as women. This also violates all astrology and natural commandments. So, why can you see so many Pisces gathered around Leo? This is because being conquered doesn't always mean unhappiness for Pisces when the "big cat" pretends to be the winner.

Leo is usually generous to the conquered, and the benevolent king has no savage and malicious attitude (although he often shows arrogance). Moreover, when Pisces women get love, especially when they fall in love with Leo men, most of them will be involuntarily dominated by them. In fact, being dominated will make life a lot easier. Let another person tell you what to do and leave more time to daydream about Neptune without making a responsible decision. Typical Pisces always join a group, leaving enough time to travel freely. As for whether the next trip is upstream or downstream, people who like to do this kind of thing choose the route. Pisces doesn't do this kind of thing. Domination and conquest are boring and exhausting for Pisces, which will exceed the energy and creativity of ordinary Pisces.

Occasionally Pisces dreams of a man or woman who conquered Leo, probably because Mars was born in Aries, so he prefers to lead others rather than follow. Indeed, Mars exerts a terrible influence with its unique Aries, which makes Pisces less humble and easygoing. However, with all its strength, courage and courage, Mars will never defeat or dominate the dazzling Apollo sun god. It can be found from Greek mythology that any planet, including the formidable Pluto or the stern Saturn, has the powerful life-giving power of the sun, and this dazzling sun exerts influence on the Pisces sector of the zodiac at birth, making him or her belong to Pisces.

When a person begins to breathe for the first time after birth, the position of the sun at that time is the key to determine a person's inner nature. This is because the sun is the most influential celestial body in the sky. Besides, the sun happens to be the master of Leo. Let's go back to the domination between the two constellations. No matter how you judge this question, Leo will dominate Pisces. When Pisces are naturally tired and have more active vibrations (such as Mars in Aries or the moon in Aries), it may give Leo men and women more challenges. However, even people born in Aries will eventually succumb to the advantages of Leo, thus maintaining equality. So how much can the help of planets at birth increase the chances of defeating the noble "lion king and queen"

Appreciate and admire Leo's cheerful nature. No one can appreciate and admire Leo more emotionally than Pisces. On the other hand, the warm sunshine of Leo can also gently care for the delicate flowers of Pisces, and no one can care and love more gently than Leo. So they can encourage each other and complement each other together, and find a lot of happiness and comfort in the combination, unless there is a fierce conflict between them on the position of the moon, the planet or the sun and the moon.

Because Pisces can bring a lot of tenderness and understanding to Leo's life, and Leo can bring a lot of passion and security to Pisces' life, such a combination is not uncommon. Nevertheless, this "big cat" may swallow this "fish" when it is tired of playing. Because they are incompatible in nature, they must live in harmony. Lions want to settle in hot and dry jungle areas, while fish want to stay in cool waters. There are many fundamental differences between them. However, in order to be together, one of them must give up the familiar environment. If Leo has the advantage of Aquarius or the moon is in Aquarius, it is easier to give up jungle life. Enter the waters of Neptune; If Pisces has the advantage of fire house or the moon is in fire house, it is easier to breathe on dry land instead of rushing to escape to the ocean submerged by passion.

Leo and Pisces will combine in 6-8 days, and it is possible to establish a good relationship. Because external forces are always attractive to internal forces, and vice versa. Because Pisces people have inner noble spirit compared with Leo people with external arrogance, if they work hard, they can try to get along well in all aspects of life, whether in business relations, friendship, family or marriage.

Leo is the sixth house of the zodiac that serves Pisces, which shows that Leo can be willing to serve Pisces in different ways, which is not the behavior of other sun constellations. Of course, even so, we can't deny his superiority syndrome, but it is slightly diluted. Although the "monarch" constantly serves his "goal", he is a monarch after all.

Most Pisces people find it difficult to determine what they really want to do or what kind of person they want to be. They are willing to listen to almost everyone's advice, but only for a short time-or do nothing. This is the source of trouble. Leo is either obedient or miserable. Pisces can't bear to see anyone suffer; Leo can't bear to see anyone wandering aimlessly. The unhappy ending is an angry "lion" and a crying "fish".

Pisces people are often immediately tempted by two things, one is temptation and the other is what they like. If necessary, the "lion" should let the "fish" spread their wings and flow quickly. Because Pisces people need time to discover things through various experiences without pressure-this can be used as a way to discover themselves (or herself). Only the clever lion gave Pisces the right to try. After all, Leo people have this natural self-esteem and wisdom.

In daily contact with lions, a "fish" should always believe that appreciation (flattery) from residents' hearts will soothe this "beast" faster than pouting, tears or silence. Don't forget that tenderness is the most reliable bait to lure sensitive Pisces. The roar of the emperor will only make the "fish" flap its wings wildly and struggle to breathe. As long as two people adopt a positive attitude and adjust to each other, it is not difficult to find happiness.

As an organizer, Leo will demand (or at least expect) to control money, but they are very extravagant. Pisces' financial management ability is often surprisingly good, but they actually don't care about money at all. Therefore, it will be better for Leo and Pisces to take turns to manage their income and expenditure. People who love Neptune's dominance treat everything by intuition, not reason. This will make Leo people who are dominated by the sun suffer all kinds of setbacks, because for Leo people, reason is the only sensible basis for all thoughts and actions. This is just a little, and there are other aspects. It is natural for Leo, who is a regular organizer, to finish his daily work smoothly. However, for Pisces, the commands and rules needed to successfully organize and complete various tasks are not so easy to produce.

When a "fish" discovers the messy situation faced by the "lion" and corrects it, it may anger the "lion", such as check stubs, messy tables and messy houses. Maybe we should use the word "chaos" instead of chaos. Leo people like to put everything in one place, each with its own place. Pisces people think that it is a waste of life to put things neatly and plan things carefully in every hour of life. Fish always feel more relaxed in a more comfortable and slightly disordered environment. Not too neat, thank you.

Pisces rarely face conflicts with a truly offensive attitude. Neptune-dominated men and women will take an evasive attitude. As mentioned above, there is a positive and strong vibration in the horoscope, such as Mars or the moon in Aries, but this situation will also set off ominous waves. But even so, these "fish" will eventually swim away and enter a calmer bay. So running away is the last choice and action. Pisces rarely makes any promises. Neptune is a symbol of gas, which cannot be controlled when seeking liberation.

In astrology, the symbol of Pisces-fish is said to be a greedy whale, which is a fact. Neptune has some unexplained changes. But even the rare whale-like Pisces will find that their behavior is different from Leo's "lion" when they swallow "cancer" or "virgin". Between them, either the lion becomes the winner or the fish swims. Although the basic impression of Pisces people is inaccessible, the "big cat" is good at sneaking up on those "animals" who think they are in a safe zone, and the "lion"' s claws will suddenly knock them to the ground unexpectedly. The result of any serious conflict between "lion" and "fish" is foreseeable.

The lion wants to live in harmony with the fish. He must find a way to mix Neptune's duality, gently soothe them, dispel their anxiety, and guide them to truly create the fog of daydreaming and enter reality and real light. You can see how smart they are! As mentioned at the beginning, the "lion" will be the leader in this relationship and strive to make the relationship between the two sides better. Pisces people need to hold a powerful paw or an arm when crossing the dense jungle to guard against some invisible dangers lurking in the bushes, so as not to be suddenly attacked without warning. Besides, in the face of danger, who can be stronger than a lion? The lion gave protection. Pisces is very grateful ... if it hadn't rained, what a wonderful day it would have been. If it rains, the mature "fish" will also tell the "lion" how to avoid unexpected storms in life without getting wet. In short, good intentions are rewarded.

Leo (male)-Pisces (female)

Not every Pisces woman will bow to a Leo's husband and lover, but most of them are at least out of respect for this "lion" and will not rush to provoke his roar, including those Pisces women whose moon or Mars is in Aries, and even whale-shaped Pisces women. As far as the latter is concerned, there is not much cautious fear, but there is a strong sense of avoiding the situation of getting something for nothing-when Leo men feel that disrespectful spikes pierce their claws, they only have dramatic constant shouting and cold pouting.

A typical (non-whale) Pisces woman who has a relationship with a Leo man intuitively knows that she must obey his authority. She knew this and didn't mind what she said-and the advice she got from a kind friend: "Face him bravely once." Pisces women are smart enough to master people's psychology and won't get bored with those sexy methods.

The Lion is a great sentimentalist and a hopeless romantic. Only Taurus may be more affectionate and romantic than lion. The abused "cat" may initially be attracted by the pure femininity of Pisces women, but this is only a temporary conditional surrender. He will never give up his "throne" forever, nor will he give up his "kingship".

It is worth remembering that Leo belongs to the Fire Palace and Pisces belongs to the Water Palace. "Fire" will secretly fear the threat of "water". No matter how domineering a Leo man tries to treat the Pisces woman he loves, he will have such a fear that she may "destroy" the fiery feelings in his heart. On the contrary, Pisces in Aquarius thinks that too much fire will dehydrate. If the love between these two people can last for a long time, it will eventually become a strong feeling of mutual respect. This is because of the combination of "fire" and "water", and everyone knows that they can destroy each other's existence. However, from an emotional point of view, you can bet on this responsible "big cat", at least on the surface.

This kind of woman seldom tries to guide or encourage men to do something. She prefers to persuade others gently, persistently and with clever flattery. If it doesn't work, she may finally remain coldly silent, suggesting that Feng is not injured. This may make the more open-minded Leo men feel frustrated and angry. She'd better hold moderate flattery, or there will be anger, rage and tears.

"Lion" often idealizes his lover as perfect as a goddess, and then hopes to live with her as he imagined. It is difficult for him to admit that his partner is a person with characteristics and personality. He will regard her as his own shadow and have ideal charm. Sometimes let her lose what she had before and become his idol.

Like all fire palaces, Leo men are very talented in drama, usually full of genius and verbal expression. Pisces finds it not so easy to express herself. After repeated attempts, she may take a shortcut to give up and choose to escape. Pisces people are willing to take the method of disappearing under persistent dissatisfaction or serious emotional pressure. Many "lions" will look around after arrogantly scolding others to see if the trembling victims around them are obedient and punished-they can only patiently smile at the empty place where Pisces women have sat. Where did she go?

She's gone. She's gone a long way.

Therefore, Leo men should learn a lesson. What is reassuring is that his warm and lovely "big cat" has regained courage and creativity with a smile that can make you feel happy-always with a hint of challenge. Without this, Leo men will really weaken.

What a happy ending! We should pray for every "lion" who lost his Pisces partner because of unprovoked arrogance and pride. A wise planet will give him a very lucky opportunity to learn humility ... Pisces taught him a good lesson-Leo men need to learn more, or let us hope that this chapter can give a warning to Leo and Pisces couples and partners who have read this book, open their hearts in time, and let his "sun" and her "Neptune" merge into one.

The aspect where there is not much conflict between the two is sleep. People who have done some research in this field claim that lions in nature sleep for 17 hours in 24 hours, and Leo is likely to do the same. As for Pisces, she is not the one who gets up on time at dawn. They both like to rest with their eyes closed, so the alarm clock is a question that rarely causes them to argue, especially when saying "good morning", which is usually a gentle prelude to their sex, and it is often more than just a prelude-it is probably the chord of such a romantic music the night before.

Pisces represents Leo's eighth house of sex (among other things). Therefore, when a Leo meets a Pisces woman for the first time, he is often not attracted. However, that "tremor" can make him surrender at the first sight of her, and then he may start to worry again. As the saying goes: "Cold-blooded fish will also throw themselves into emotions for no reason." Fish in nature are not tame or warm-blooded animals after all. This is not to say that Pisces woman is ruthless-it is just that it is difficult for her to match the strong enthusiasm of Leo men and meet the requirements of Leo. However, in terms of sexual combination, the "lion" must make sexual life full of romance, so that the "fish" girl can adapt to it and she can bring their intimate moments into a mysterious and extraordinary realm.

In this combination, sexual jealousy is a common thing between lovers. The typical Pisces woman is a little coquettish, and the roar of the "lion" reveals a hint, reminding a rival in love who may have targeted her partner. In addition, he will ask her, just for his vanity and the need for praise, hoping that she will not care about his indiscretion and indiscretion.

Pisces women will always be loyal to a man, from a typical real debauchery to an innocent and reliable loyal wife, and will not be suspicious of Leo's male partner. Whether it is a "lion" or a "fish", you should cut your feelings first and then make a long-term commitment. Infidelity will anger the lion and hurt the fish deeply. Unlike Aries and Scorpio, anything can be tolerated by them except direct rape.

Both Pisces and Leo regard love as a kind of advanced spiritual enjoyment, because love is very important to both of them. Their importance to flogging is unpredictable. Pisces may become nuns or prostitutes, or lovely wives. They speak too well, which is not true. The same is true of Leo men. In short, Leo men and Pisces women should talk openly before they fall in love deeply.

In the sexual union, Pisces women yearn for and need all the emotions and wonderful feelings, as well as some mysterious hints. Leo men seek more explicit expressions-enthusiasm, intimacy and passion. He needs emotional expression before or after sex. But too many words don't conform to Neptune's magical idea of women's love. Therefore, the degree of harmony and happiness that this man and a woman can achieve together depends largely on the position of the moon in their respective constellations. If her moon is in the fire palace, his moon is in the water palace, or their moons are all in the same house, they will be able to understand each other and realize their respective wishes ideally. Otherwise, they will need some patience and tolerance.

Both "lion" and "fish" need emotional freedom (not geographical location here). The more generously they can give each other this precious gift, the closer they can be together. But freedom must go hand in hand with trust and honesty-otherwise, it will only lead to one party escaping and the other party suffering. The earth itself is round, so when you go around it, you will find that the end point is its starting point. If love is true, its journey is also a circle, that is to say, when love leaves, it is the moment when you are most looking forward to emotional return. Please rest assured that this feeling will come back sooner or later.