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Constellation Friendship _ Constellation Friendship Articles

The Story of the Rescue of the Twelve Constellations

? Original: Watch button "Twelve Constellations Rescue Story" ... It seems that it can only be seen in Jinjiang, and the big post has been deleted. Don't worry, there's no charge, it's really super, super beautiful! ! ! Recommended! ! !

? Note from the original party: the main cp of the same humanities is Aries X Gemini, and the deputy cp is all the official positions in the text! Really not abusive! No abuse! ! No abuse! ! ! The timeline is that even the lion beat came back from England after the end of the original work. Veolia's memory still stays in her childhood, but besides Veolia, there are eleven people who are guardians. They all work hard at the headquarters (cross out). The author thinks that OOC is serious, and little Chris is a little black ... In fact, whenever he uses the symbol "~", it shows that his mentality is a little collapsed ... Provide a link to a fan map (post it, bar owners is the author himself, and his writing and painting are very, very powerful! ! ):/p/5853022842? traceid=

? Introduction: David (Aries) May (Taurus) Chris (Gemini) Wendy (Cancer) Caroline (Lion) Lucy (Virgin) Melissa (Libra) Jessica (Scorpio) Cindy (Sagittarius) Anna (Capricorn) Sean (Aquarius) Veolia (Pisces).

? CP:

Aries x Gemini

Aquarius x Libra

Lily Group (GL)↓:

Lion x shooter

Scorpio x cancer

Capricorn x Taurus

Virgin x Pisces

Rescue Story of the Twelve Constellations and Bastard ...

? Bastard ... how can you ... just ... forget me ... ah, but it doesn't matter. Just remember Wendy. Am I ... it doesn't matter ... but ... but why, it's still so sad. ...

? Chris suddenly woke up from his dream with tears on his face. Glittering tears ran down his white cheeks to his neck, soaking the messy blonde hair. Ah, he dreamed again. In the dream, David naturally crossed him and walked to another guardian's side, chatting happily, farther and farther away ... However, Chris clearly remembered one of his good friends. I don't remember all my friends, but I'm a little unwilling that my friendship with him for so many years disappeared because of the car accident, but why David doesn't remember him, but he is so sad ... "David, you bastard ... why ... when you have an impression on everyone, I think you are a stranger, why ... you don't remember me ... David, I'm so tired ... I miss you so much ..." Forget it. We're going to be late. Let's go. Chris didn't notice that he came to David's bedroom to sleep again yesterday. He went to the bathroom to wash his face, came out to change clothes, practiced smiling in the mirror, and said to himself wryly, "Oh, I used to laugh at those guys who always had a smile on their faces, saying that they were too fake, even well-intentioned, but now I am like this ~ I was a little fake at first, and two months passed (provided that David disappeared for about 45 days ... I was wrong and I was fake." It's just ... our lovely classmate Chris didn't expect that David he missed was just outside the door ... peeping at the door ... er ... peeping (David: I didn't. I didn't. Stop talking nonsense! Ah, ah, Chris, don't be angry! Chris (actually super angry): ... going out to sleep today ~ my dear David ~)

? Two hours ago.

? "I am Chris! Who are you? " "..." "Oh, don't be so silent, I didn't mean any harm ..." ... Nana, we agreed that David and we would never ... "..." David. ? Wendy. ? It is really you! Great! I didn't expect you to be guardians ... "... who said all this? Why don't I remember? Why do I feel sad when I think that I have forgotten these things ... David is receiving Caroline's rehabilitation training. During the break, some inexplicable words and information entered his memory. Before he could think about it, the next training began. David stabilized his emotions and got into a fight with Sean. All right, all right, David, Sean, you go back and rest first, and I'll go first! Cindy ~ ""Carol! Here! "Well, they started to spread dog food again ... David and Sean said goodbye briefly and began to recall the information they suddenly remembered. Suddenly a house number appeared, and he decided to go and have a look.

? Pushing open the door, I thought I would see a messy and dusty room, but I didn't expect the room to be spotless ... It's a pity that someone is on the bed and David will look again. Golden retriever is not a Gemini guardian Chris. who is it? It's just ... lively teenagers huddle together, tightly wrapped in quilts, sobbing in a low voice. Water dripped from his face, and his mouth moved slightly, uttering several syllables. David listened carefully. What he said was actually "David".

? Suddenly, Chris moved and David was surprised. He ran to the door quickly and secretly opened a door. He was shocked himself: when has he ever done such a thing as peeping? Although he has lost his memory, he also knows that this is something abnormal ... However, in front of this guy named Chris, it seems that ... all his rules and habits can be changed ... He heard what Chris said and saw Chris start crying. He silently lowered his head and knocked helplessly on his head. Alas, I still can't remember ... Chris stood up, and he knew that the safest thing at this time was to turn around quickly. Personally, I just want to see more Chris unconsciously ... He heard Chris talking to himself in front of the mirror, and his heart ached. Is he so tired ... two months ago ... when I just disappeared ... Male ... "Big ... David ..." He looked up again and saw Chris standing at the door, pouting and clutching his trouser legs. David fought back a severe headache and turned around. Chris stood there alone, for a while, and quietly left. There are only a few drops of crystal liquid on the ground to prove that he has been here (I (patting David on the shoulder, earnest): Young man, wife abuse is a pleasure, chasing his wife to the crematorium. David: … Chris … Chris: Oh, no need to explain, love rat, you'd better move back. I'm leaving. David: I love you … I love you … I love you.

? five minutes later

? "... Chris, where's your tie? ""oh, forget it! I am going to find it! " Chris remembers that he left his tie at David's house. He ran to find it. As soon as he stepped out of the stairs, he saw David lying on the ground. Chris's heart almost stopped beating. He hurried forward to check. Fortunately, he is still angry, but he is in a coma. Chris dragged David downstairs and called for help. Generally speaking, David achieved his goal before he passed out: to go back to the hospital. I also got an extra benefit: being held by Chris (? )……

? In the ward, David woke up leisurely, opened his eyes, and saw Chris leaning on the arm beside the hospital bed, and his sister Wendy sleeping on the sofa. David raised his arm slightly, trying to make Chris's face slide to the hospital bed. Chris's face did slide down, but unexpectedly, Chris's soft lips slipped on the back of David's hand, and David froze and didn't dare to move. Hum, what a troublesome and annoying guy. David complained in his heart, but his face turned red. He suddenly realized an important problem: he liked Chris before and now. ...

? Face to face in Wendy's wind: Should I tell my stupid brother that I am actually awake? ...

? Outside the ward, other guardians are outside. Our naive Chris and David forgot that the glass in the hospital psychiatric department is a one-sided mirror ... "Ahhh! Carol! Look! I knew they were a couple! " Cindy, who witnessed the whole process of David's blushing, excitedly held Caroline's hand. "Wow, they have really become, so excited …" Sean smiled at his uncle, and the silent Jessica said that she was very happy: the last two men who left with Wendy were her brother-in-law Guy and Wendy's sister-in-law. Now they just need to guard against women. ...
