Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Poetry of understanding of life

Poetry of understanding of life

1. Those literary masterpieces all have their own famous sentences, represented by the Four Books and Five Classics.

"If you are poor, you will be immune to it, and if you are rich, you will help the world." Mencius is a set of things.

Oh, yes, and Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang. After that, the literati who lived in the past dynasties were called Hao.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui Dynasty are not to say that there were no great achievements. Tang Libai: Sometimes, I will raise my muddy sails and sail in deep, deep seas.

Bai Juyi: Wildfire never completely devoured them. They grew taller in the spring breeze. Du Fu: There are tens of millions of luxury houses in Ande, which greatly protects the poor in the world from all smiles and storms.

Song Sushi: Bamboo shoes are lighter than horses. Who's scared? A raincoat and hemp fiber, despite the wind and rain, still live my life.

Xin Qiji: When people die, their hearts are as iron as iron. Try your hand to mend the sky. Li Qingzhao: Life is an outstanding person, and death is a ghost.

Wen Tianxiang: Who hasn't died since ancient times? Take the heart of Dan and follow history. I won't talk about it in the yuan dynasty.

Art is the mainstream, but also modesty: I hope all people are warm and take pains to walk out of the mountains. Don't be afraid of death, keep your innocence on earth. )

Qi Jiguang: I don't want honor. Hope it will be high.

2. Sentences about life perception. April drizzle. It's sunny and falling, and the air is very cool.

The young leaves are still small, but there are some green leaves everywhere. Shy Chunyang only gently leaned out some soft light from the thin clouds, and the figures and shadows on the ground were very weak.

The wild peach blossoms bloomed the earliest, and the faint pink was swaying in the wind and rain, like a weak village girl, dressed simply and beautifully. -"Erma" sees the clouds coming, soars in the Wenshu Academy, the balcony, floats across the Donghai Gate and the Xihai Gate, and penetrates into Beihai Hotel and Baieling.

So erratic; If it is changeable. Between milliseconds, the scenery is different; The same place, changing rapidly.

Sometimes the sun is shining, sometimes the rain is flowing. But there will always be clouds floating away; The whole park, hidden in it.

A few pine trees, a few pine watchers, dissolved and dissolved; There are ancient landscapes and simple brushwork. And the wind roared, shaking the pine trees like dragons and phoenixes, showing their vigor and color.

Their roots are embedded in crevices, the color is like granite, and they are generally loyal. They have wavy awnings trimmed by the wind; Because of the wind, they spread their wings like flying.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, they look like moss, covered with rocks; Looking up from the mountainside, they are like daughters in the sky, slim and elegant. Fold along the rock wall and one by one will come out. The gauze is light and the exposed figure dances lightly.

And this kind of dancing wind blows the clouds in a variety of ways, which is dazzling. Whether the cloud is scattered or gathered; The mountain peaks are flashing.

It was raining cats and dogs just now, and it was foggy, but it stopped and dispersed in less than one thousandth of a second. On the solemn Tiandu Peak, Hada was put away; The beautiful lotus seed peak unveiled a cicada-like veil.

As soon as the sun shines, Dan Cliff is golden. At this time, the sea of clouds is rolling, such as the tide of Haining, and it goes straight to the cliff bank in front of Wenshuyuan Hotel.

The cinnabar peak was swallowed up, the powder peak reached the bottom of the wave, the ploughed Yunfeng became an island, and Aoyufeng swam among the snow waves. The waves are calm and the moonlight is dazzling.

At this time, the Wenshuyuan is in the south, and Scorpio's whole body, like a dragon, lies motionless in front of me. Waiting for someone to ride, you can take off.

But when I woke up suddenly in a quiet hotel with dark blue mountains and peaks, I got up gently and saw that the mountains and peaks were only dark, but the morning glow was gradually purple, blue and green. The rising sun showed the first light.

I have never seen this bright red so red, nor have I seen this bright red so fresh. In a blink of an eye, the fireball flies and the rosy clouds are hidden in the gaze.

Light and shadow are ever-changing, and space shoots hundreds of beams. Wansonglin is beautiful, and Yungu Temple is radiant.

Suddenly I saw a precious glass lamp hanging high in front of my peak. Colorful, fireworks scattered in the dock.

Fireworks are flying. Darkness changed color, and omnipotent clouds gathered again.

Sheng Guan sings together, and the mountain calls the valley. The wind is urgent.

In front of the west sea, the snow waves are surging. In front of Paiyun Pavilion, just like a busy seaport, there are packages of soft goods loaded and unloaded on the dock.

How I want to sail from here. But there are many reefs and the waves are big and sinister, which can definitely smash my sail mast and overturn my ship.

I crossed the jungle path and ran up the left peak. There is a platform on the ground where you can see the sea.

But it's very strange to see the vast and boundless Three Seas and Penglai. I walked through dense forests, climbed strange peaks, wound my way through dangerous cliffs and stepped into deeper waves.

A reed can sail, and I reached Feilai Peak in the center of the sea.

3. What are the poems about life attitude? 1. One day, I will ride the wind and waves, sail straight up and cross the deep sea. It is difficult to find Li Bai in Tang Dynasty.

-Although there are many obstacles ahead, one day, you will ride the wind and waves, hang up the Yun Fan and cross the ocean to reach the ideal shore.

2. Once you climb to the top of the mountain, you will see that all the other mountains look short under the sky ... Tang Du Fu's "Looking at Yue"

I must climb the top of Mount Tai and overlook the mountains, which will be extremely small.

3. Worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later. Song Fan Zhongyan Yueyang Tower

You should be sad before everyone in the world is sad, and enjoy it after everyone in the world has enjoyed it.

4. Since ancient times, there has been no death in life. The crossing of Dingyang in Tian Xiang, Wen Song.

-since ancient times, people are bound to die! But to die meaningfully, if you can be loyal to your country, you can still shine and go down in history after death.

Who knows that there are no fewer students, and the flowing water in front of the door can still move westward. Don't bemoan the passage of old age! Song Sushi's "Huanxisha Right Habitat Water Qingquan Temple"

-who said that you can't be a teenager when you are old, and the running water can still flow westward. Don't lament the passage of time, you hurt yourself when you are old.

6. Life is a hero, and death is a ghost. Song Qingzhao's Summer Poems

-Be a hero among people when you are alive, and be a hero among ghosts when you are dead.

7. Why don't men take Wu Gou and accept fifty states in Guanshan? Tang de nan yuan

-Why don't men take Wu Gou with them to collect the fifty states of Guansai River and Guansai Mountain divided by the buffer region?

8. It is still strong, and it is southeast wind and northwest wind. Xiezhushi

-you are still strong after many trials and tribulations, and you can blow the east and west and blow the north and south winds.

9. I will walk until the river blocks my way, then sit down and look at the rising clouds. My Seclusion in Zhongnanshan by Wang Wei in Tang Dynasty

Sometimes go to the end of the water to find the source, or sit and watch the rising clouds change.

10. I smile from the horizontal knife to the sky, and I will stay in Kunlun Mountain. Tan Sitong's Prison Wall in Qing Dynasty

-I draw my sword out of my sheath and laugh at the sky, because the dead and the survivors are just like Kunlun Mountain, aboveboard.

Modern people's famous sayings about life attitude:

1. The world is like a mirror: frown at it and it frowns at you; Smile at it, and it smiles back at you. (Samuel)

2. What is failure? Is nothing more than the first step towards a better state. (Wendy Phillips)

Every day we wake up is a new beginning and another opportunity. Why waste time on self-pity, laziness and selfishness? (Kathy Bate)

Almost any situation, good or bad, is influenced by our attitude towards the situation. (Academia Sinica)

4. Comprehend the philosophy of life. Comprehend life: three realms, three things, three sentences, three realms that are not alive. The first realm: there are many things to endure in life.

There are many words in life that need patience. There is a lot of qi in life, which needs to be endured.

There are many hardships in life, which need to be endured. There are many desires in life that need patience.

There are many feelings in life that need to be endured. Patience is a vision, a mind, an understanding, a life skill, and a law of wisdom.

Sometimes forbearance is a sign of cowardice, and sometimes it is a coat of strength. Sometimes forbearance is the social requirement of environment and opportunity for human nature, and sometimes it is a kind of self-discipline for the evil spirits of human nature in the depths of the soul.

Learning to be patient is a basic livelihood course in life. If you know how to be patient, wandering around in life will become easy and handy.

Be patient, bow your head, work hard, and self-evident to show your quality. Inappropriate forbearance, furious, running and shouting, strong and passionate, self-satisfied with heroic spirit.

If you know how to endure, you will know what is intolerable. People who only know that they can't stand it, like children dancing with sticks, have been swinging themselves exhausted, but they don't know that most of the swinging movements are just wasting their physical strength.

Just put up with it. Be patient, and patience will be easy.

Therefore, the boundary of tolerance is actually the boundary of tolerance. The second realm: how many things can the holder catch with only two hands? Grasping one thing means giving up more things.

Giving up and losing is always the overall situation of life. Don't think you have gained anything. In fact, people are losing time, life, wealth and opportunities all the time.

Don't hold on too tightly. The tighter you hold on, the more you lose.

Don't be complacent if you have it. Don't lose heart if you don't get it.

The journey of life is too short, and there are too many beautiful things in the world. What to grasp and what not to grasp is not the key to the process of life, but the key is choice. Choice is the most exciting and tempting topic in life.

And holding is just a random or inevitable result after selection. When the selected proposition is completed, the result of the selected thing may have a great influence on the individual's life, but it is not completely controlled by the individual, so it is insignificant.

After all, it broke away from the desire track of individual life and entered the track of the development law of things. The key topic in life is choice, but the most difficult thing in life is that people should keep choosing.

Sometimes you just make one choice and then you have to make another. Sometimes you make the right choice at first, but you may make the wrong choice in the second step.

Sometimes I have been making a choice that suits me, but before the last choice, I went to another road that doesn't suit me. Therefore, to keep the world is not to keep anything, but to choose what to give up.

We should know what we don't need. After all, our hearts have too many desires and too few hands.

Only by learning to give up can we grasp it better. Giving up is a college problem in life.

Holding the border is actually a kind of abandonment. The third realm: Enlightenment When the fire is about to be hot and taught to children, there will still be many actions that are burned back and repeated in history.

And many things that have not been taught have been discovered by children. Human understanding is a magical thing.

Different understandings, the same environment and the same event may have many different results. My mind is erratic, unpredictable and wonderful.

The process of eyes, mind, expression and life is actually a process of continuous understanding. Standing at 30, not confused at 40, knowing the destiny at 50, keeping at 60, and not exceeding the moment at 70.

It can be seen that enlightenment has been going on until the end of life. Enlightenment is not to teach others to show off and show themselves as personal heroes, but to constantly improve their own self-mind.

Enlightenment is a kind of introspection and self-discipline. The original intention of enlightenment is to better transform the objective world.

But we must first transform ourselves or the subjective world, and then we can transform the objective world more easily and better. Therefore, understanding the world is not only a psychological activity, but also a kind of words and deeds.

Enlightenment is also a kind of practice. Do three things well 1 and learn to close the door: that is, learn to close the door of yesterday and tomorrow, and live a good life today.

2, learn to calculate: that is, learn to calculate your own happiness and calculate what you have done right. Calculating happiness will make you happier, and calculating the right things will make you more confident in yourself.

3. Learn to give up: I especially recommend a good word, which is "willing". Remember, "giving up" comes first, and "getting" comes last.

Things in the world always have to give up to get what they want, or give up to get what they want, and if you don't give up or want everything at all, it will be counterproductive or accomplish nothing. Say three words: 1, forget it! The best way to deal with the unchangeable fact is to accept it.

2. Never mind! That is, no matter what happens, even if it is a big thing, you must say "it doesn't matter" to yourself! Remember, a positive and optimistic attitude is the first step to solve any problems and overcome any difficulties. 3. it will pass! No matter how hard it rains and how many days it rains, you should be confident that it will clear up, because it won't be cloudy all the time.

Naturally, so is life. Enjoy the "three pleasures" and "three pleasures", that is, helping others, being content and having fun.

Furthermore, we should help others in good times, be content in ordinary times and learn to enjoy ourselves in adversity. Get rid of three "blind" hands, do something wrong, and make the simple complicated; Blindness, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss, and lose your way; The heart is boundless, confused and confused, and the floating mind can't find a home.

Learn three noes 1 and don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes. In real life, there are many people who are not afraid of suffering and death. No matter how heavy the burden is, no matter how difficult it is, it can't scare him, but he can't stand injustice and injustice.

In fact, grievances and grievances mean that others made mistakes and you didn't; And can't stand injustice is to punish yourself with other people's mistakes. Knowing this truth, the best way to deal with this situation again is to laugh it off and not take it seriously.

Don't punish others with your own mistakes.

5. Poetry 1 About the feelings of life, remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten.

Change what can be changed and accept what cannot be changed. Time is the only thing that can wash away everything except tears. The longer the time, the lighter the conflict, as if tea were being diluted. Complaining is God's greatest contribution from human beings and the most sincere part of human prayer. 4. The price of wisdom is contradiction.

This is a joke about life in the outlook on life. Girls in the world always think they are proud princesses (except a few extremely ugly girls and a few extremely smart girls). If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure to beat him. 7. If a friend makes you angry, you still care about his friendship. 8. Ling Huchong said, "Some things are beyond our control, so we must control ourselves."

9. I don't know if what I am doing now is right or wrong, but I don't know until I die of old age. So what I can do now is to try my best to do everything well and then wait to die of old age.

10, maybe some people are hateful and some people are mean. And when I put myself in his imagination, I realized that he was more pitiful than me.

So please forgive all the people you have met, good or bad. 1 1. The fish said to the water, you can't see my tears because I am in the water. Water says I can feel your tears because you are in my heart. 12, happiness should be accompanied by sadness, and the rain will clear up.

If rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please let us face this parting frankly. Smile to find an impossible you! 13, death teaches everything, just like the results announced after the exam-although it suddenly dawned, it was too late ~! 14, when you were born, you were crying and people around you were laughing; When you died, you were laughing and everyone around you was crying! Everything is reincarnation! ! ! ! We are all in samsara! ! ! ! 15, there are very few women that men think are suitable for them before marriage, and many women that are suitable for them after marriage. 16, among thousands of people, meet the people you meet; In thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, it happened to catch up with 17, neither too early nor too late. Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy to be covered by habit, blurred by time and consumed by inertia.

18, life is only a few decades, don't leave any regrets for yourself. Laugh happily, cry if you want, love if you should, and there is no need to suppress yourself. In peacetime, it is always painful for fantasy to face reality. Either you are knocked down by pain or you step on it. True love is 2 1, and does not pay attention to excitement, ostentation, prosperity and howling. In life, people keep leaving or entering.

So, what you see, what you can't see; Remember, forget. In life, there are gains and losses.

Therefore, the invisible see; Forgot, remember. However, does invisibility mean non-existence? Remember, will it never disappear? 22. Our life is really hard. First, we must bear all kinds of external pressures, and more importantly, we must face our own inner confusion.

In the struggle, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life. Maybe just a brief glance is enough to make me feel excited. 23. I don't think about whether I can succeed. Since I chose the distance, I only care about hardships; I don't think about whether there will be cold wind and rain behind me. Since the goal is the horizon, all I can leave to the world is the back.

24. Regret is an emotion that consumes the spirit. Regret is a bigger loss than loss and a bigger mistake than mistake.

So don't regret 25, the sun rises in the East China Sea and sets in the West Mountain, and one day you will be sad and happy; If you don't walk into a dead end, you will be comfortable and your heart will be comfortable. Let go of love and hate and let nature take its course.

2。 Doing your best for others is doing your best for yourself; People who don't help others can't get help from others.

3。 In order to control persistence, we must observe the door of good feeling.

4。 Don't forget the lonely old people at home when playing with friends outside.

5。 Implicit is a kind of beauty and a kind of respect for others.

6。 Everyone has potential, but it is easy to be covered up by habit, blurred by time and consumed by inertia.

7。 When you are bored, you'd better go for a walk outdoors. The worst thing is watching TV all the time.

8。 Don't be satisfied with the small achievements in front of you.

You have to ask yourself, is this the only way in my life? 9。 People who don't know their own shortcomings will never want to improve.

10。 A beautiful face is for others to see, and a clever mind is for yourself.

1 1。 When you walk, every step is like landing on your feet. We should be happy.

Peace. Peace comes to the earth.

12。 When we accidentally fall, don't get up in a hurry. Now that you have fallen, enjoy the autumn in the same place.

13。 Don't forget the lonely old people at home when playing with friends outside.

14。 All success can't make up for the failure of the family.

15。 Man's wisdom comes not from studying great theories, but from observing ordinary things.

16。 After the desire is really extinguished, the shackles of life and death are untied, followed by real peace.

17。 Death teaches people everything, just like the results announced after the exam.

Although it suddenly dawned, it was too late! 18。 Absorb new knowledge from people in different industries.

Remember, ask questions. 19。

Clinging to what we think is lovely and satisfying is the reason for planting bitterness, because nothing can last forever. 20。

People have no tears when they are most sad and panic. Tears always flow at the end of the story, at the end of everything! 2 1。 There are two kinds of people who can get happiness and happiness in the world: those who do good and don't commit crimes, and those who commit crimes and know how to repent.

22。 If you shed tears, my heart will be wet first.

23。 A peaceful heart is the highest quality. It has no boundaries and is complete.

Innocent. It's concentration.

Perception. Love and the highest wisdom.

24。 You can live without me. Life itself is love and beauty.

25。 Be loved for helping others, charming for gentleness, favored for gentleness, and respected for possessing all virtues.

Current location: Information Resources Network >> Famous Quotations >> Classic Quotations >> Reading 100 Classical Philosophical Quotations. Hate can stir up disputes, and love can cover up all mistakes.


6. Poems by the same poet with different feelings about life 1. Answer: I chose Li Bai's poems.

1. When I went out, my wife grabbed my clothes and asked me how soon I would go back to the west. If you wear a golden seal when you return, don't learn from Su Qin. Oh, how can I seriously bow and scrape to those high-ranking people? They will never tolerate others showing them a sincere face! Second, the source: 1 "Don't go inside and collect three poems" and two poems "Climbing Mount Tianmu in a Dream".

Third, analysis: Li Bai had the ambition to help the world in his early years, but he disdained to climb the official career through the imperial examination. As a result, he roamed all over the country and made friends with celebrities, thus gaining a good reputation.

In the first year of Tianbao in Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty (742), Wu Jun, a friend of Li Bai, recommended Li Bai to Xuanzong, and Xuanzong called him to Chang 'an. Li Bai had high hopes for this trip to Chang 'an, and wrote in his farewell poem "Don't go on an expedition to the mainland" to his wife: "If you wear a golden seal when you return, don't see Su Qin disembark."

Li Bai had a brief pride when he first arrived in Chang 'an, but he was arrogant and refused to go along with the powerful. Even Xuanzong was dissatisfied with him because he offended the dignitaries and colleagues of the Hanlin Academy. He only lived in Chang 'an for more than a year, and his dream of being famous for his clothes was completely shattered when he was given gold by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

This is a major political failure of Li Bai. After leaving Chang 'an, he made friends with Du Fu, Gao, Liang, Song, Qi, Lu and Dong Lu.

At this time, Donglu's home is quite big, so you can enjoy killing time at home. But Li Bai didn't do it. He has an unstable soul, and he has a higher and further pursuit, so he left his home at the east foot and embarked on a wandering journey again.

Mount Tianmu in a Dream was written when he bid farewell to Duke Lu Dong. The two poems reflect Li Bai's different feelings about life in two or three years.

7. (Urgent) Understanding of Li Bai's outlook on life and poetry Oh, let a man with spirit take risks in his favorite place, and don't point his golden cup at the moon! .

Since God has given talents, let them be used! As for the money, although it is scattered, it will get together again.

Throughout Li Bai's life, his thoughts are more complicated. Confucianism, Taoism, strategists and rangers all influenced him. He envies the immortals and yearns for seclusion, but he doesn't want to be an abbot of Penglai. On the contrary, he wanted to "apply Yan Guan's words, seek the skills of emperors, and strive for their wisdom. He is willing to help him enlarge the atlas area and make Hai Xian County clear "(Dai Shoushan answers Meng Shaofu's command). He has great political ambitions, but he is unwilling to take the road of imperial examination. He wanted to gain fame by living in seclusion and seeking immortality, so that he was recruited and reused by the emperor under the recommendation of celebrities to realize his ideals of "helping the poor" and "securing the country", and then retired after success. It is under the guidance of this thought that the poet lived a wild and bumpy life.

He has the decadence of sober people in the old days, sages are forgotten, and only great drinkers can be immortalized.

There are also people of our generation who laugh at the sky and go out.

Oh, how can I bow and scrape to those high-ranking people? They will never tolerate the anger shown by a sincere face.

When I was young, I visited many famous mountains and rivers, and my poems were magnificent and distant. The better poems about my outlook on life in this period are: Dapeng rises with the wind one day and soars in Wan Li; We are both sublimed to distant thoughts and want to spend nine days on the moon and other languages.

In middle age, Zeng Gui was a trusted minister of the son of heaven and was overjoyed when he was called. He described his mood as "we are Artemisia people, laughing and going out". However, Li Bai only entertained people with poems in the court, such as "Passing the Gate" and "Pear Blossoms in Spring Rain" by Lu. This also made Li Bai disappointed. He finally left the officialdom with the words "Alas, how can I bow and scrape to those high-ranking officials who never want to be seen with sincere faces".

In his later years, Li Bai was still a warm-blooded man who gave his old bones in the face of Anshi Rebellion. However, Li Bai didn't expect to take the wrong side in politics and join Li Lin, the shogunate of Wang Yong. As a result, he was exiled to Yelang. Fortunately, when he was demoted to Baidi City, Li Bai was pardoned by imperial edict and happily returned to Jiangling for one day, but he died in Dangtu, Anhui Province soon.