Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Zhou Wuwang's complaint against Zhou Wang.

Zhou Wuwang's complaint against Zhou Wang.

First, the so-called evil of yin is either slander or saying good things are bad things.

According to the author, Cao Cao's notoriety is far beyond Yin's reach. The difference is that Cao Cao is the founder of the country, leaving behind immortal deeds and outstanding poems, which cannot be concealed by orthodoxy. Yin is the king of national subjugation. From the Zhou Dynasty, all references to him in ancient literature were all negative, and there was never a word of praise. It is shocking that the history books list his debauchery and tyranny. But strangely, the six charges imposed on him before were nothing more than exaggerating Xia Jie's charges. Moreover, they are all from the "Walker" week, and they have destroyed the propaganda of the "former king". He quoted Xia Cengyou, the author of "Ancient History of China", as saying that there must be some who have learned to do well and those who have not learned to do badly. Then the author analyzes the six major crimes listed in Shangshu. The author thinks that the Yin people's "drinking capacity" is nothing more than the Yin people's habit of drinking good wine, but they may drink a lot of alcohol and drink much better wine. As for "the meaning of a drunken man is not in wine, how to know that it is not a blessing" will never become a fact. How to treat a confused person and become an invincible person who died after 100 grams? As for the "wine pool meat forest" and other anecdotes, they are all born from this. And "not being an old minister" is actually headed by his younger brother Wei, and some elderly people once had rights. After Zhou Wang acceded to the throne, they opposed Zhou Wang, did not hold power, and were dissatisfied. They put it on their heads and were used by Zhou people to promote it. Besides, "boarding a villain" is actually overcharging. It is a pity that slaves were promoted to doctors and celebrities at the end of Yin Dynasty, but it should be a progressive measure. His superb martial arts and immortal contribution to national development and cultural development are inseparable from this move. Moreover, Tang and Wu Ding, who were earlier than him in martial arts, took the same measures and made an exception in employing people. As for "listening to women's words", it is only a rumor of the opposition and a rarity of Zhou people. The author said that capable women were very active in the Yin Dynasty, and many women appeared in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. For example, concubines in Wu Ding have a good temper and can lead thousands of people to kill the enemy. Even the earthquake star Yun Dunge (Dunge: a word, because I didn't know what to look at, I couldn't find it, so I did it) is under her control. Why can't such a woman listen? However, this is unimaginable for backward Zhou people. Zhou Wang women may be the same person as Fu Hao. But because of her wife, she was hated by the opposition and attacked by Zhou people. Stranger still, the Fifth Earl said that Zhou Wang "believed in life in heaven", while the Sixth Earl said that he "paid no attention to sacrifice". In fact, it is against history to ask people in the Yin Dynasty not to believe in heaven, and it is even more fabricated to say that Yin does not worship ancestors. Judging from the unearthed Oracle Bone Inscriptions, the sacrificial ceremonies of First and Di Xin were the most complete in the Yin Dynasty.

Therefore, judging from the above-mentioned so-called charges, it is either slander or that what was originally a good thing has become a bad thing. The author said that Cui Dongbi and Gu Jiegang added another charge of "ignorance" to Zhou Wang. Is Zhou Wang, who set a record of "100g", really a mediocre person? Zhou people praised Di Yi many times, and even called him "King Yin Zhe". Wei Zi was a very capable person. How do you understand that Deyi doesn't have a capable eldest son, but he has a stupid younger son?

Second, Wei, who opposes Yin, is the main person in charge of forgetting Yin and slandering.

Subsequently, the author believes that it is an important key issue to investigate the cause of the collapse of the Yin Dynasty, because Yin has become a "world evil" because of "national subjugation" and "fruit for cause". The author believes that the demise of the Yin dynasty was first caused by the great division within the Yin royal family. The author said that according to Zuo Zhuan's Biography of Lu Chunqiu and Zheng Xuan, Wei was the eldest son of Di Yi and Yin people were brothers and sisters. However, Di Yi passed the throne to Zhou instead of Wei, and Wei Zi could not stand, so he was naturally unwilling. After Zhou acceded to the throne, two factions were formed. A lot of things started from the week of micro-faction. Wei bears a grudge against Zhou because he can't succeed to the throne, and deliberately slanders Zhou, which can be proved by the fact that almost all of Zhou's six major crimes come from Yin people. Opposition and enemy, singing before and making peace after, are just like beating drums. Comparing these materials, there is no doubt that the spokesmen of the enemy countries were all hidden in the Yin Dynasty. Yin, because he used a group of talented people, the regime was very consolidated, and he often fought in the north and south, but he only tolerated these rumors. Until the conquest of the battle of Dongyi, Yin people were killed and injured for a long time, and the opposition was ready to move inward. When Zhou Wang returned from victory, the struggle between the two factions became more acute. According to the author, there was an assassination. For example, the opposition "Shang Rong tried to defeat Matu with a feather trap" and fled to Taihang Mountain without success. Beagan clashed with Zhou Wang and was killed. Ji Zi was imprisoned. Wei Zi hid, and Wei Zi's confidants Chunyu Kun and Shao Shi fled to Zhou Wuwang, exposing the inside story of the Yin people. Zhou Wuwang, the great schemer, took this opportunity to tell the ministries to send troops to attack immediately. Yin was suddenly attacked by the powerful Zhou Lianjun when the newly demobilized soldiers were difficult to recruit, the standing army was limited, tired and unstable internally. I finally won, only to meet the defection of prisoners on the battlefield, and the "waverers" broke up in discord and finally died in the battle of Makino. Therefore, the author thinks that Wei is the culprit who slandered the people, provoked infighting, sent people to defect and attracted foreign aggression, and was mainly responsible for Yin's death.

Three, Yin's five great achievements and four great advantages.

The author believes that Yin made five great contributions to the people at that time and the Chinese nation in history. He personally has four advantages related to these achievements. His achievements are as follows: first, to explore the southeast and develop the nation. Zhou pingding Dongyi played an important role in the preservation and development of the Yin nationality. Later, the Yin people withdrew from the Central Plains and moved south, which was a failure for the Yin people, but it was of great significance for the whole Chinese nation to develop the southeast. This is Zhou Wang's immortal contribution to national development. Second, carry forward traditional culture. The author believes that from the negative materials, at least three points can be affirmed: architecture is superior to the previous generation, technology is invented and advocated, and music is advocated and created. Third, spread culture to the backward southeast region. The author said that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were many ancient artifacts handed down from Xu, Chu, Wu and Yue countries in the south, and most of them were four-character inscriptions, which were roughly similar to those handed down from the north, showing the general situation of southern culture, especially the appearance of Chu Ci literature in the Warring States Period, which added luster to the south. Needless to say, this is inseparable from the southward migration of Yin culture. The fourth is to choose people on their merits. The author said that Zhou people used to "use villains" to crack down, but it was an innovative move to promote a large number of new people to the stage when the old people were full of dynasties. These people put forward a lot of progressive suggestions for the literary martial arts at that time. Moreover, Zhou Wang changed from employing talents to "those who have no talents are far away", and even more "those who have talents are happy to use them", which played a good role in the political, economic and military development of the Yin Dynasty. Fifth, pay attention to prisoners. The author said that it was a great event at that time to treat prisoners as soldiers and give them weapons. In the war of clan society, we only kill each other and don't want to be captured at all. In the slave society war, although prisoners are the target, they are not taken seriously. The author also said: According to Oracle Bone Inscriptions's records, before Yixin (especially Wuding), the number of prisoners sacrificed was very large, but when Yixin arrived, the number of people killed was generally less than ten. Compared with using captives as soldiers, Zhou Wang attaches great importance to captives. As for Zhou's own advantages, the author thinks: First, he is both wise and brave. This is from Yin Benji: "The Emperor was very sensitive and talented when he heard that he was ill. He is a beast with hands. He is content to protest from a distance. His words are enough to embellish the mistake. It can be proved by the description of "to respect people, to be a minister, to call the world by voice, and to think that the world is under oneself". The second is to "understand people better." In my opinion, this is the premise of "employing talents". The third is "pay attention to integrity." The author said that Yin was able to give his life resolutely under extremely unfavorable and desperate circumstances, and this heroic spirit of sacrifice is enough to prove this. Fourth, the military and civilians are convinced of him. Why do you see it? The author said that the record of "Hundred grams" is impossible without the support of the army, and from the situation of "blood floating", it can also prove that Zhou's main force is United as one. For another example, after Zhou people talked about Yin, a strange phenomenon appeared, that is, Zhou people did not establish Wei to succeed Yin, but established the father of Wu Genglu (the son of Zhou) to govern Yin people. What forced Zhou people to do this? The reasonable explanation is that Zhou people knew the Yin people's beliefs, and only by establishing Wu Geng can the situation be stabilized.

Finally, the author said that under the malicious propaganda, the correct facts were of course lost, but only from the above, it is clear that Yin made contributions to the people at that time and to the development of the nation and culture. Get rid of the stereotype that success or failure lies in people. Among the monarchs in the slave-owner society, Zhou's contribution to the people and history should be among the best, and his position is higher than that of Wuding before and after. "Yin has been wronged as a negative teacher for three thousand years and should be rehabilitated."