Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Ancient myths and legends

Ancient myths and legends

The first chapter Taihao Fuxi Ji

Fu, also known as Bao and Tai Hao, was the head of the company and was called the emperor.

Her mother Hua Xushi is a very beautiful woman. One day, Hua Xushi, the goddess of the Nine Rivers, went to Leize for an outing and found a huge footprint belonging to Thor. Out of curiosity, she stepped on a big footprint, and now she feels like she is entangled in a snake. When she gets home, she is pregnant. This was twelve years, and then Fuxi, a snake with a head, was born.

Fuxi was born smart, and he had the power to move with the wind since he was a child. He could "go up and down" along the building wood growing in the wild in Du Guang as a ladder.

At that time, people lived by gathering food and catching wild animals. When the wild fruits and animals in one place are eaten up, people will move to other places and live by water. If you don't pick wild fruits and catch wild animals for a day, you will starve to death. Seeing this situation, the young tribal leader Fu led people to build houses, give up caves and nests, and began to live a settled life. He refused to eat raw food and chose cooked food, and used the skins from hunting as fur coats to keep out the cold. He also imitated cobwebs and created fishing nets. According to this principle, his courtier Ju Mang created a bird trap. With the snare, people can catch all those who fly in the air, run on land and swim in the water alive, and then raise and breed through artificial training, temporarily alleviating the problem of food shortage. Fuxi also used trees to make musical instruments, harps and harps, invented pottery meteorites and created the joy of driving and arguing. Later, he also invented the book contract, replacing the previous knotting notes; Calendars are made according to the laws of the sun and the moon to record time. Fuxi also divided the territory he ruled into small tribes, appointed and dismissed officials and ruled separately. The tribe also stipulated surnames, formulated a whole set of marriage system, and advocated the marriage customs and etiquette of men hiring women to marry. Men and women must go through a wedding ceremony before they can get married, thus changing the blood marriage into a marriage outside the family.

With infinite wisdom, the Taihao Fuxi family has helped people live a more stable life and won the admiration of everyone. It is known as the "Lord of the League", with Wanqiu as its capital and Longji as its official.

One day in his later years, Fuxi came to Guatai Mountain and suddenly heard a strange call. He saw a dragon horse with a very strange pattern jumping out of the cave opposite Guatai Mountain. The dragon jumped into the air and jumped onto a big stone on the Weihe River at the foot of Guatai Mountain. This Tai Chi-like stone, combined with the pattern of the dragon horse, made Fuxi feel suddenly. He looked up at the sky and looked down at geography, feeling people's confusion about storms, lightning and thunder. Referring to the back print of a thousand-year-old white turtle, relying on the footprints of birds and animals, sum up the gains and losses of a lifetime, and draw (dry), (Kun), (earthquake), (alone), (Kan) and (Li) with the wisdom of a lifetime. Taiji gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip, which is all-encompassing and includes the causal relationship in the world.

Later, Fuxi's body died, his soul ascended to heaven and became the emperor of the East. His servant Ju Mang became his god. Ju Mang has a head and a bird's body, and he drives two dragons. They * * * appeared in vilen's 12,000-mile territory with trees managed by oriental green soil.

Chapter II Shennong Ji

I. Biography of Yan Di Shen Nong

After Taihao Fuxi became the emperor of the East, there were other 15 generations, such as Dading, Huangbai, Zhong, Lulu, Leo Lee, Xushi He, Zunlu, Hao Ying, Zhu Xiang, Ge, Kang Yin and Wu Huai, who all attacked Tai Hao and became the leaders of the alliance. The most outstanding leader in this period was Ge, who taught people autonomy and had their own division of labor. Its tribal members are good at singing and dancing, which was called "harmonious society" at that time. /kloc-hundreds of years after the 0/5th century, another great god, Shennong, came to earth, and later became another "master of the world" after Fu.

Shennong, surnamed Jiang, is also known as "Shen Nong", because he regards fire as king.

Deng's mother is the daughter of Nu Wa, the God of Creation. In her dream, she dreamed that there was a dragon, and later she got pregnant and gave birth to Emperor Yan. Emperor Yan was clever since he was a child and learned to farm at the age of three. When I was born, I didn't need any manpower at all, so nine wells naturally emerged. The water in these nine wells is connected. If the water in one well is pumped out, the water in the other eight wells will fluctuate.

Emperor Yan has a long face and big lips. He is eight feet seven inches tall and thin. The body is exquisite and transparent except limbs, head and internal organs.

Yan Di tribe lives in Jiang Shui area of Qishan, and was originally a nomadic people of Xirong nationality, gathering and hunting for a living. At that time, grains and weeds grew together on the mountain, and medicinal materials and white flowers bloomed together. No one could tell which grains were edible and which herbs could cure diseases. People hunt in the mountains and fish in the water every day. There are fewer and fewer birds in the sky, the animals on the ground are getting thinner and thinner, and even the fish in the water are caught. People can't get food and have to starve. Anyone who gets sick will have to wait for death.

By the time Emperor Yan arrived, the population on the earth had multiplied a lot, and the food obtained by hunting and fishing and the familiar food crops produced on the ground were not enough for people to eat. Emperor Yan led his subjects up the mountain to taste herbs for 7749 days and traveled all over 998 1 mountain. Finally, he realized that rice, millet, millet, wheat and beans in Chinese herbal medicine can satisfy hunger, which is called "five grains" in the world. Therefore, Emperor Yan and his courtiers taught everyone in the tribe to identify food for later collection.

Then one day, Emperor Yan went out and found a big red bird in the air. Emperor Yan looked at the big bird that he had never seen before strangely, and found that the bird still had a string of nine-eared millet in its mouth, which was even more strange. This magical bird seemed to know Emperor Yan, flew to him, shook his head gently, and the grains fell to the ground one after another. The big bird flew around Emperor Yan three times again, and then flew away. Emperor Yan thinks there must be something fishy in it. So he stayed at the edge of the ground and observed it every day. A few days later, the seedlings came out of the soil and grew taller every day. Then each seedling had an ear, which was heavy and swayed in the wind. This is really the millet that everyone usually eats. Emperor Yan finally understood that food can be planted! Emperor Yan decided to teach people how to grow their own food. After a period of time, Yan Di tribes stopped moving around, lived a nomadic life, and began to settle down and live a farming life.

Under the leadership of Emperor Yan, people constantly sum up the experience of agricultural production and improve production tools. The most primitive slash-and-burn farming can only be planted widely and harvested less, and after planting many times, the land becomes barren and the harvested food is less and less. After a period of time, the tribe will move to a new place again. In order to prevent people from suffering from migration, Emperor Yan decided to improve this farming method.

Once, Emperor Yan and everyone came to a woodland to surround pigs. In the woodland, fierce wild boars are arching the soil, with their long mouths sticking into the soil and arching the soil one by one. Arch all the way, leaving a piece of loose soil. Emperor Yan was impressed by wild boar digging. After repeated pondering, Emperor Yan tied a short wooden stick horizontally at the lower part of the sharp wooden stick used for acupuncture. He first put the sharp stick in the ground, then stepped on the crossbar with his foot to force the wooden tip into the soil, and then pulled the wooden handle back, and the sharp stick pried the clod up. This continuous operation will dig up a piece of loose soil. This improvement not only deeply plowed the land and improved the soil fertility, but also changed the planting from hole sowing to drilling sowing, and the grain output also increased greatly. This tool was called "thunder" by Emperor Yan.

Later, in the process of digging, Emperor Yan found that the curved wooden handle was more labor-saving than the straight wooden handle, so he baked the straight handle with a torch "Lei" into a labor-saving bend and became a crank, which greatly reduced the labor intensity. In order to turn over more land, the wooden "thunder" was later changed from one point to two points, becoming a "double-toothed thunder". After continuous improvement, the tip of the wooden "thunder" that was originally used to turn over the soil was changed to a flat blade, which was called a "wooden chisel". The cutting edge of the barrel is there, so the ground breaking resistance is greatly reduced and it can be continuously advanced. The edge of the board is not wear-resistant and easy to be damaged. Later, it was gradually changed into stone, bone or pottery, and some of them were made into wear-resistant plate-side shells, which can be replaced at any time after damage. This is a plow. In order to adapt to different farming activities, the main parts of the mine are made into detachable parts, which are combined as needed when used. With advanced and convenient agricultural tools, Yan Di tribes began to sow hundreds of kinds of grains on a large scale.

When Emperor Yan planted crops, he knocked, walked and shouted in the field with stone chips: "Grass dies! Miao Chang! The grass is dead! Miaolong ... ". Very effective. Many people imitate him. Later, people became lazy. When the weather is hot, stone blocks are hung on trees with ropes, and people sit under the trees, banging and shouting. People become lazy, but grass never dies. No way, people had to shovel grass in the fields with shovels. The ground is dry, and it takes effort to shovel grass. Some of them worked so hard that their shovels were bent. They turn over and continue to shovel, which is actually more effective than shoveling. From then on, the hoe was invented.

Tools have been improved, agricultural production technology has also been significantly improved, and grain has been harvested year after year, and there was a surplus at one time.

Later, the tribes in Yan Di, who lived a stable farming life, became more and more powerful, and the tribal center began to move eastward and finally settled in the Central Plains. After the Yan Di tribe moved to the Central Plains, it aroused strong dissatisfaction from the Yellow Emperor tribe, which had already lived in the Central Plains and was also very powerful. In order to expel the Yan Di tribe and gain a wider territory, the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan publicly attacked the Yan Di tribe. War is inevitable again. Emperor Yan took Chiyou as the general, Kuafu as the pioneer, and commanded all members of the Yan Di Tribe Alliance, Chiyou Tribe Jiuli Tribe and Kuafu Tribe Kuafu Tribe to confront the Yellow Emperor Tribe in Saganquan, which was headed by the Yellow Emperor himself, and Ying Long and Limu as the pioneers. Fighting, you come and I go, hurting each other. However, after all, the Yellow Emperor prevailed and the Yan Di tribe lost. After the failure, Emperor Yan accepted the advice of the Yellow Emperor, and the two factions formed an alliance, expanded again, and more and more tribes surrendered. However, the Jiuli people, headed by Chiyou, who belonged to the Yan Di tribe, despised Yan Di's cowardice and refused to accept the leadership of the Yellow Emperor. The war has happened again. The Yellow Emperor led the Yanhuang Alliance and the Jiuli people led by Chiyou launched a life-and-death struggle with Zhuolu in Jizhou. In the end, the powerful Yanhuang Alliance defeated the Jiuli tribe and captured and killed its leader Chiyou.

After Chiyou was destroyed, the prestige of the Yellow Emperor was unprecedentedly improved. So Emperor Yan gave the throne of the Lord of the world to the Yellow Emperor, and Emperor Yan and his right-hand man Vulcan Zhu Rong moved south to teach the people to farm. So that its capital is not an old mountain, but the Emperor of Heaven in the south of China.

In the later period of Emperor Yan, in order to alleviate the pain, Emperor Yan decided to taste herbs again, hoping to distinguish herbs that can cure all diseases and use them to save lives. Emperor Yan has A Hao whip, which is used to whip all kinds of herbs. Once the herbs are whipped by it, regardless of their toxicity, cold and heat, their respective properties will naturally be revealed. He treats diseases according to the different properties of these herbs. In order to master the properties of various herbs more accurately, he personally tasted them. I was poisoned 72 times a day when I tasted grass. Because Yan Di's body is delicate and transparent, his internal organs can be seen from the outside, so he can know which part of the poisoning is in advance and try to rescue it in time, even though he tasted drug poisoning.

Once, Emperor Yan was gathering herbs in the deep forest and was surrounded by a group of poisonous snakes. The poisonous snakes rushed at Emperor Yan together, some wrapped around their waist, some wrapped around their legs, and some wrapped around their necks, trying to kill Emperor Yan. Emperor Yan was finally bitten to the ground because he was outnumbered, bleeding profusely and swollen all over. He cried out in pain, "Queen Mother of the West, come and save me!" After hearing Emperor Yan's cry for help, the Queen Mother of the West on Kunlun Mountain immediately sent a bluebird to hover in the sky with the life-saving elixir, and finally found Emperor Yan in a forest. At the sight of the angel of the Queen Mother, the poisonous snakes all fled in fear.

Jade bird fed the elixir to Emperor Yan's mouth, and Emperor Yan gradually woke up from the coma. Jade bird flew back after completing its mission. Emperor Yan was very grateful and thanked Jade Bird loudly, but when he opened his mouth, the elixir fell to the ground. The elixir that fell to the ground instantly took root and sprouted, and grew a grass with a red bead on the top. Emperor Yan looked at it carefully, and it was exactly the same as the elixir. Taste it in your mouth, and the rest of the pain will disappear. So he happily said to himself, "finally, there are herbs for treating snake bites!" " People named this herb "Pearl on the Top of the Head" and "Trillium".

When Emperor Yan tasted a hundred herbs, he brought a roe deer, which could only see the internal organs, seven meridians and eight veins, to help him identify the medicinal properties of herbs. One day, roebuck ate croton and had diarrhea. Emperor Yan put it under a green tree to rest, and after a night, the roe mouse miraculously recovered. It turned out that the roebuck sucked the dew on the green leaf tree and detoxified it. Emperor Yan picked the green leaves from the green trees and put them in his mouth to taste. He felt refreshed, wet and thirsty. Emperor Yan taught people to plant this green tree widely and named it "tea tree".

In his later years, Emperor Yan also invented pottery and created banjo. Finally, unfortunately, he was poisoned by Lysimachia christinae. Because of its strong toxicity, he finally died and was buried at the end of Changsha tea town. He is over 500 years old and has been in office 120 years. Emperor Yan and his princess, the daughter of Chishui people, heard that Wosheng had a son named Yanju, Yanju had a son named Jieju and a son named Zhu Rong, who was a Vulcan. Zhu Rong was born in the Yangtze River valley, married and gave birth to the water god. * * * Workers were born, and they didn't agree with their father's personality. Later, they made a mistake and fought with their father Zhu Rong for three days and three nights. He is not angry behind enemy lines and can't touch Zhoushan. * * * workers have a son, born out of phase, head flat like a razor; There is also a son named Houtu, a land god, who later became the god of the Central Emperor Huangdi. Born in Houdi, the god of time choked to death and gave birth to twelve children, such as Kun Dun (child year), Chi Fenruo (ugly year) and Shetige (yin year). Been has a grandson, that is, Kuafu every day.

After the death of Emperor Yan, he was canonized as Nandi by the Yellow Emperor, and together with Vulcan Zhu Rong, vassals, beasts, grimaces and other national protection officials, * * * co-managed the southern territory of 12,000 miles.

Second, The Biography of Vulcan Zhu Rong

Zhu Rong, surnamed Jiang, is a descendant of Emperor Yan Shennong.

From Suiren's invention of drilling wood for fire to Emperor Yan, people generally use fire to barbecue food, keep warm, drive away poisonous insects and beasts, and fight with fire. But at that time, the rainy season was long. It has been raining for a long time, and there is no dry wood, and the method of drilling wood for fire doesn't work. This was extremely inconvenient for the early Yan Di tribes who relied on nomadic fishing and hunting. When people migrate in the rainy season, they must be careful to bring kindling. When they arrive at a new place, the first important thing is to cook, and then they must carefully save the fire.

Later, the Zhu Rong branch of Yan Di tribe was hit by heavy rain again on the way to the east, and the fire was put out. People are in a state of hunger and cold, so they have to stay in a big stone cave and wait until the rain stops before making plans. Who knows that for several days, the rain never stopped. The people in the cave are cold and hungry. Without kindling, you can't live, cook and keep warm. Hungry can no longer support, young adults began to eat raw meat, old people and children can only eat cold water mushrooms. Zhu Rong was anxious to drill wood to make a fire, but all the wood he took along the way was soaked. He drilled for a long time but didn't get out of Mars. Seeing that it was getting dark, Zhu Rong was so tired that he was sweating, which had no effect. In a rage, he threw away the drill in his hand. Unexpectedly, the diamond machine hit the rocks in the cave and splashed a lot of sparks.

Zhu Rong's heart suddenly changed from sadness to joy. He forgot his fatigue for a moment, so he untied his waist, tore it open with great strength, calmly took out a group of tidbits, found a lot of stones, put these reed tidbits under the stones, and then slammed each other hard, only to see sparks flying constantly. If you hit the stone again, Mars will splash down more and more, and the sound of igniting reed tidbits will become louder and louder. Zhu Rong gently blew a mouthful with his mouth, and with a puff of smoke, it ignited a raging fire. Successfully made a fire! People with fire rekindled the hope of survival. All the adults and children in the cave cheered.

Zhu Rong invented "striking a stone to make a fire", which is more advanced and convenient than Suiren's "drilling wood to make a fire", and people no longer worry about fire fighting. Because of Zhu Rong's great contribution, people respectfully call Zhu Rong "Vulcan".

Iii. Biography of Water God's Works

* * * Gong, surnamed Jiang, descended from Yan Di Shennong, with snake face and thick hair.

* * * Workers are another person who has made important contributions to the development of agricultural production after Shennong. * * * Gong is an expert in water conservancy. His method of water control is to level the highlands and fill the lowlands. Dam on the flat ground.

Gong and his son are very proficient in agriculture. They are all devoted to the research of water conservancy irrigation in agricultural production. After a detailed investigation of the land situation, it is found that the terrain in some places is too high and it is very laborious to irrigate the land. Some places are so low that they are easily submerged by water. In order to change this situation, which is not conducive to agricultural production, the workers finally invented the method of damming and storing water after long-term practice. The specific method is: transport the soil from high ground to low ground for leveling. This can expand the planting area after leveling the depression; Leveling the highland is beneficial to irrigation and agricultural development.

Because * * * worker and his son Houtu have made outstanding contributions to the development of agriculture, they have won the respect of the world and are known as tribal leaders.

However, at this time in the south, because the Vulcan Zhu Rong invented the method of knocking stones to make fire, people no longer suffered from floods and hunger and cold, so the Vulcan Zhu Rong tribe was deeply loved by the general public, and the Vulcan Zhu Rong's reputation was even higher than that of the water god. This caused strong dissatisfaction among the workers.

He can't swallow this tone. At the instigation of Liu and Xiong Bifu, the nine-headed figure, * * * led his own Water God Department to launch a strong attack on Vulcan Department in Zhu Rong. My son Houtu disagreed with his father's practice and tried to dissuade him. But its practice is not understood by workers. He still attacked the Vulcan tribe.

During the war, * * * workers and Zhu Rong fought, in heaven and in earth. Suddenly, the wild waves between heaven and earth rolled, and the fire and water blended to outdo each other. The war has been going on, from heaven to earth. Liu, the nine-headed monster, and Xiong, the monster, also came to help the workers. Xiang Liu's people are all snake-faced, all blue and purple, with nine heads. Although they are cruel and greedy, they are loyal to their master. The floating body is brown and red, shaped like a big bear, resourceful and can think of any bad idea. The only drawback is that he listens to his master. In the face of the * * * staff's attack from top to bottom, Zhu Rong was also fearless in a crisis and cautiously greeted them with one move and one type.

After nightfall, * * * workers stirred up all kinds of aquatic creatures in the rivers and formed a mighty army to attack Zhu Rong. Before long, the reinforcements of Vulcan Zhu Rong arrived, all pedaling steam wheels and holding torches. Zhu Rong immediately cleaned up the lineup, spread out the thunder and fire of the sun, the moon and the sky, and returned to the true nature of the beast with a human face. He personally sat on the cloud car, driving two fire dragons in front, and rushed to the camp of Water God in high spirits. The flames they spewed reflected nine clouds. Fire is dry fire, smoke is summer purple smoke, and thunder is meteor thunder. Thunder and fire rumbled, the earth shook and the sky changed color. Even Yamaraja, the tenth temple of hell, was scared out of her wits.

Water god * * * finally defeated the angry Vulcan Zhu Rong. Team scattered everywhere, impatient Upright is trying to escape, but was caught on fire by sudden inaction. All of a sudden, three souls and seven souls were long, and they were taken away by Mount Tai in Yan Luowang. Xiang Liu escaped one step before floating and fled to the north of Kunlun Mountain to hide.

Because * * * engineers are unknown, people's positions are on the side of Vulcan Zhu Rong in this war. The failed workers are still unwilling to lose people's understanding and support. He is determined to sacrifice himself and trade his life for dignity. He came to the foot of the mountain. In order to show his strong determination, he decided to knock down the peak with his head. He drove Ssangyong into the air and bumped into the mountain. There was a loud noise, poor mountain, and this big pillar supporting the sky immediately broke in the middle, and the whole mountain collapsed with a roar. Suddenly, the world fell into Wang Yang and people fell into disaster.

* * * workers fell down, although their behavior was not understood, but this spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice for dignity was respected. After the death of * * * worker, the Central Emperor Huangdi read his spirit, conferring it as the eternal water god, conferring the son of * * * worker as the social god and becoming the local official of Huangdi.

Fourth, the legend of the evil god Chiyou

Chiyou, surnamed Jiang, is a descendant of Yandi Shennong. He is the leader of Jiuli nationality (Yi nationality) and an ancient evil god.

Chiyou has eighty-one brothers, belonging to eighty-one clans. Everyone is dozens of feet tall, with copper head and iron forehead, four eyes and six arms, and a bracket. They are covered with Kouga's sharp teeth and eat iron ingots and stones for three meals a day. The horns on the head are towering, and the hairs on the ears are upright. Stronger than an iron gun and a bronze halberd, ghosts and gods can't stop it. And they are all powerful and can call the wind and rain. Chiyou is also good at making weapons. They used the metal deposits found at the foot of Lushan Mountain to make sharp spears, solid shields, light swords, heavy axes and powerful crossbows. Later, in the three major battles with the Yellow Emperor, due to the excellent equipment of the Chiyou Jiuli Department, at the beginning of the war, the Yellow Emperor was once in a bitter struggle. In the battle of Zhuolu, the practice of Chiyou made clouds everywhere, and the Yellow Emperor immediately fell into chaos, and the battles were defeated one after another. Fortunately, the Yellow Emperor invented the south guide car after the wind, which reversed the defeat in time and was once defeated, but Chiyou was captured alive. After the Yellow Emperor captured Chiyou, he told the world that he was killed in the land of clear autumn. In order to prevent his soul from making mistakes after the reunion, he was buried in a different place.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) the legend of the god of war

The tragic death of Chiyou reached the worse gate, and Emperor Yan could not help shedding two lines of sad tears. Yan Di's tears shed for Chiyou, but inadvertently aroused the ambition of a giant. Giant is a martial minister of Emperor Yan, who loves music very much. He once wrote Li Fu Qu and Feng Nian Ci to celebrate Emperor Yan's birthday. During the Yanhuang War, he stayed in the imperial city.

Chiyou sent troops to the Northern Expedition for the second time. He was eager to try, but was stopped by Emperor Yan. At this time, hearing the news of Chiyou's death and seeing Yan Di's tears, he could no longer restrain his grief and indignation. Somehow, there seems to be a voice echoing, calling him to the north to fight the Yellow Emperor.

Holding a shield in his left hand and a tomahawk in his right hand, the giant quietly left the worse gate and embarked on the road of no return. He knew that the end of the road was the end of life, but he didn't hesitate. He will use courage and blood to prove to all things in the world that Emperor Yan can't be bullied, and his descendants and subordinates can't be humiliated.

The giant walked alone on Wan Li Road, sweeping the door of the central heaven, naming names, and fighting the Yellow Emperor alone. The Yellow Emperor believed that Emperor Yan's men were arrogant and unruly. This man is so bold that he rode through the customs alone. If he doesn't resist the tree, he will be afraid that the south will submit to the sun. He personally went out and fought the giant with Kunwu sword. The two men's knives and axes are in the clouds, each betting on his life skills. The sword rises like lightning, the sky changes color, the axe falls like a meteor, and the earth shakes, from heaven to earth, all the way to Tianyang Mountain, fighting for 300 rounds, regardless of the outcome. Huangdi couldn't beat the giant for a while, so he used his quick wits. He glanced behind the giant and shouted, "Why don't the five tigers come up and catch that guy?" The giant was stunned and his mind was a little scattered. The tomahawk in his hand was slightly loose. Just then, the Yellow Emperor's Kunwu sword had been cut on his neck, and with a loud noise, his huge head fell to the ground, making a big hole in the hard mountain.

As soon as the giant touched his neck and lost his head, he panicked. He quickly put down his axe and shield, bent down and reached out and groped on the ground. That towering tree, the abrupt rock, was broken and cracked under the touch of those giant hands, making it dusty and flying with wood and stones. The Yellow Emperor was afraid that the giant would touch his head, so he quickly raised his sword and split the Changyang Mountain in half. The skull rolled into the mountain, and the mountain became another one.

The Yellow Emperor won the victory. The giant who couldn't find his head picked up the axe and shield and stood up straight again. He has a new name, called Xingtian. Tian Xing unwilling, unconvinced, he still has enough courage, enough strength, he just accidentally beheaded by the sword of conspiracy. Starry sky naked, two nipples as eyes, navel as mouth. His breasts seem to be emitting fierce light, and his navel seems to be singing battle songs. He waved a shield and a tomahawk, fighting to the death with the invisible enemy and fighting endlessly in the array of nothingness. Until he finally died.

Xing Tian fell, but his heroic fighting spirit will always be appreciated by future generations, and the world will call him the God of War.

Sixth, the biography of emperor and daughter

Yan Di * * * has three half daughters. The eldest daughter doesn't know her name, and the world calls her girl. Second daughter Yao Ji; Three daughters, baby girl.

The eldest daughter is smart, lively and lovely, and her beauty is unparalleled. She has no other hobbies, but likes to learn Taoism. His master is the famous red pine.

She asked Akamatsu, who told her: "Everything in the world is blue, red, yellow, white and black, which easily dazzles people;" The five tones of palace, business, horn, sign and feather are easy to make people deaf; Sweet, sour, bitter, salty and tasteless, it is easy to make people lose their appetite. If we can only ask for food and clothing, but not lust, it will be beneficial to mankind. "

The girl was attracted by the charm of red pine nuts and thought what he said was very reasonable, so she asked where the red pine nuts were whenever she had time.

Red pine nuts said to the girl again, "Did you see that trailer outside? Thirty spokes are gathered on a shaft, and there is space on the shaft, which is the function of the car. Just like kneading clay to make a vessel, there is space in the vessel and it has the function of a vessel; Just like digging doors and windows to build a house, there is a room in the room, which is the function of the room. So, anything, if its real part can bring convenience to people, must rely on its empty part to play an important role ... "

Later, Korean pine nuts taught young girls to take a valuable medicine called Shuiyu to exercise. When she ascended to heaven, let the girl come and see for herself. She saw red pine nuts burning violently in the raging fire, and her own body fluctuated with the smoke, and finally she transformed herself into the first person to cultivate immortality.

After the red pine nut became immortal, the girl decided to go to Kunlun in the West Sea and ask the Queen Mother of the West. Along the way, I cleverly subdued the giant and wisely put out the fierce leopard, so that there was only one word in my heart. These hardships were seen by the Queen Mother of the West, and I was deeply moved by her sincerity of being single-minded. So I sent Jade Bird to Yaochi to meet her and personally sent her white jade paste and meat to help her cultivate immortality as soon as possible.

The second daughter, Yao Ji, is pure, beautiful, cautious and positive. Like geese in the clouds, they will never be lonely.

She looks forward to having a girl's pink dream. In a few dreams, the handsome boy has picked her up on a horse, but he is often woken up by the lark. As the saying goes, the sky is jealous of beauty, and the beauty is unlucky. Four girls touched the bed for no reason, suffering from a nameless and incurable disease. In the garden, by the river, I can no longer hear her silvery laughter. Although Emperor Yan was a god of medicine, medicine could only cure diseases, not diseases, and the girl finally died. Her body was buried on the colorful ancient Yao Mountain, and the fragrant soul turned into fragrant straw. The stems and grass are bright yellow, the leaves are twins, and the fruit is like tussah silk. If a woman eats Amomum tsao-ko, she will become bright, sexy and charming.

The stem grass is on the ancient Yaoshan Mountain, absorbing the essence of the sun during the day and receiving the moonlight at night. After several years, they have cultivated into the Wushan Goddess, named Yao Ji. Dayu managed water and dug mountains and rivers all the way to the foot of Wushan, ready to build canals and flood discharge. Suddenly, the hurricane broke out, blowing straight into the darkness, shaking the earth, flying sand and stones, and overlapping flood peaks, like continuous mountains. Caught off guard, Yu left the riverbank and asked Yao Ji, the goddess of Wushan, for help. Yao Ji admires the spirit of not budging for the benefit of the world and sympathizes with the victims who have left their homes and have nothing. At present, the evil spell taught to Yu and the sealed books to prevent wind and water have helped him stop the hurricane. He also sent courtiers Zhang Kuang, Yu Yu, Huang Mo, Daming, Chen Geng, Tong Lu and Bird Pasta to present magic weapons such as lightning beads and electric snake whips, and blew up a gorge in Wushan, so that the flood flowed out of Bashu through Wuxia and merged into the great river. The people of Bashu who suffered from floods were saved.

Standing on a high cliff, Yao Ji looked up and stared at the Three Gorges, which is 700 miles away, at the flowing water flowing eastward, at the birds, flowers and sails on the river, and assisted Dayu in guiding people to control water. Later, due to overwork, Yao Ji finally collapsed. The moment it fell, it became twelve beautiful peaks, namely, Twelve Peaks in Wuxia, which were named Cuiping, Chaoyun, Songluan, Jixian, He Ju, Jingtan, Denggao, Yun Qi, Feng Fei, Shengquan, Denglong and Yao Ji respectively.

The girl is the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, smart and naughty.

Once, the girl went to the East China Sea by boat as usual. She looked at the blue sky on the sea, the white clouds in the sky, the deep sea water under the clouds and the waterfowl flying on the sea. All this makes her very happy. She likes the sea because it is as quiet as her personality.

Suddenly, the waves rolled and set off a huge wave that rolled up the sky. Blink of an eye, Wan Li is far away and Wan Li is high. Pentium roared and closed from all directions, trapping the girl in the stormy waves.

It turned out that the girl accidentally broke into the restricted area of the East China Sea Eye by boat, and the evil East China Sea Devil took the opportunity to activate the sea array that guarded the sea eye. The waves are overwhelming, but in the face of fierce wind and waves, the girl is not afraid at all. She paddled calmly and supported the boat steadily in the direction of the wind and waves. The waves lifted her high and threw her low. She struggled desperately, desperately, trying to get rid of the stormy waves. However, the wind and waves from all directions are too fierce, too fierce and too ruthless. She was exhausted by the wind and waves and never came back.

The girl was buried in the East China Sea. After her death, her soul quickly surfaced and became a bird, breaking the waves in the sea and flying in the boundless sea. This bird has a flower head, a white mouth and red feet. It is shaped like a bird. It's called Jingwei, and it lives on the Hatching Hill in the north.

Standing on the mountain, Jingwei can see the sea every day. Now she hates the sea, the sea that took her life, and the evil East China Sea demon. She decided to make unremitting efforts to fill the East China Sea.

She flies from Fayu Mountain to Xishan Mountain every day and throws pebbles and twigs into the East China Sea. Then I flew to the western hills, looking for pebbles and twigs, and went back and forth dozens of times a day ... Tired, I stopped, wiped my tears, combed my feathers, spread my wings and flew into the sky again.

She met Changfeng and borrowed the power of Changfeng; Facing the cloud, borrowing the speed of the cloud; In the face of heavy rain, borrow the long sigh of heavy rain; Face the thunder, borrow the roar of the thunder. Shuttling between the West Mountain and the East China Sea day after day is bound to fill the East China Sea! She threw anger, hatred, resentment, youth and the cost of life into the sea. The first part is about the competition between ancient times and morality.

The first volume creation volume

The first chapter Pangu Ji

I. Biography of Pangu
