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Nu Wa Fuxi, Nu Wa Fuxi, what's the matter?

What's the matter between Nu Wa and Fuxi? Fuxi and Nuwa are brother and sister.

According to ancient legends, Fuxi and Nuwa are both brother and sister and husband and wife. For example, Custom Yi Tong said, "Nu Wa is Fuxi's sister." "Spring and Autumn Annals" said: "Hua Xu was born with Fuxi as a male and Nuwa as a female." Lu Tong's Poem on Friends with Mayi, a subset of Yuchuan, says: "Nuwa was originally the daughter of Fuxi." All illustrate this problem.

Extended data:

Fuxi and Nuwa were originally brother and sister. Later, in order to save the whole life, they joined together and became husband and wife again. Therefore, the relationship between Nuwa and Fuxi can be described in one sentence, that is, they are both brother and sister and husband and wife.

In myth, about 9000 years ago, a goddess named Hua Xushi visited Razer, only to find that she turned into a snake-headed Raytheon. Soon after I came back, I became pregnant, and this pregnancy lasted for twelve years. Finally gave birth to a pair of twin brothers and sisters, namely Nu Wa and Fuxi.

Later, when brother and sister grew up, a great disaster happened in the world. The sky was crumbling and a terrible black hole appeared. Coupled with the raging rainstorm, a very serious flood disaster has been formed, which has plunged the surrounding areas into chaos and caused countless human casualties.

In the end, with the rescue of two people, Patian killed the black dragon and everything finally returned to normal. However, there were too few people left in the tribe at that time. In order to breed human beings and the world, Fuxi proposed marriage.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Fuxi Nuwa

What is the relationship between Nu Wa and Fuxi? It is said that Nu Wa married Fuxi by blood relationship and established marriage system and rules with Fuxi. Nu Wa and Fuxi Shennong are ancient mythical figures.

1, Fuxi, one of Huang San, the ancestor of Chinese culture, the earliest recorded king in China ancient books, and one of the founders of China medicine. According to legend, Fuxi was the first snake, married Nuwa's brother and sister, and had children. According to the changes of everything in the world, he invented divination gossip, created characters, and ended the history of "knotting notes"

2. Nu Wa, the goddess of creation in China ancient mythology. Also known as Wa Huang, Nu Wa and Nu Wa Shi, it is the beginning of Chinese people's humanities and the true god who bless the country.

On a stone unearthed in Henan, there is a portrait of Fuxi Nuwa. The front of this painting is engraved with two cigarettes, which symbolizes the union of husband and wife. On the tombstone of the Han Dynasty, the portraits of Fuxi and Nu Wa made mating shapes, painting Fuxi as a fish scale body and Nu Wa as a snake body, implying the meaning of snake god and goddess.

Extended data:

In the creation story of Nu Wa legend, the theme is to emphasize the great and sacred women, save the world and create everything, and its originality is obvious.

Fuxi's legendary gossip and wedding revealed the stage and track of human progress and development. When Fuxi Nuwa married her brother and sister, she was covered with a leaf fan because of shame, which more and more expressed the thoughts and feelings of human beings entering the social ethics category under a high civilization.

There are many creation myths in China, which come from the early people's initial understanding of the universe and the explanation of the origin of people, plants and animals. That is, the embodiment of animism. Some objects of worship have become the totem of the clan. Man is the soul of all things, and the origin of man will of course be the first concern.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Fuxi Nuwa

Nu Wa and Fu Xi gave birth to several children. Fu Xi and Nu Wa Yi gave birth to four children, namely Kirin, Phoenix, Shaodian and Fu Fei. According to Sima Qian's Historical Records and other ancient documents, "Hua Xushi" gave birth to "Fuxi Nuwa", Fuxi Nuwa gave birth to "Shaodian" and Shaodian gave birth to "Yanhuang". According to legend, when Hua Xushi went out, she accidentally stepped on the giant's footprints and got pregnant. After 12 years of pregnancy, she gave birth to Fuxi, and later gave birth to her daughter, named Nuwa. In the later period of Hua Xushi, mankind suffered a great flood, and only two brothers and sisters, Fuxi and Nu Wa, hid in the gourd and survived, praying to heaven and getting inspiration from heaven. Brothers and sisters get married, get married and have children, which continues the human blood.

According to the myth and legend "Shan Hai Jing", when the universe first opened, Nu Wa and Fuxi lived in Kunlun Mountain, living alone and ashamed to get married through consultation, so they entrusted their fate to heaven and decided to decide by divination. They each lit a bonfire and made a big wish.

Said: "If God doesn't let mankind become extinct, let my brother and sister get married, and let the smoke of two fires merge into one;" If you don't agree to our marriage, let the smoke of two fires separate. "When two thick clouds are intertwined, they begin to have sex in order to reproduce human beings. Fuxi took a fan made of straw and covered their faces when they made love. There are many legends about Fuxi and Nuwa, which have been passed down to this day and have far-reaching influence.

Later, with the development of productive forces, the human marriage system began to be standardized, some marriage modes were banned, and brother-sister marriage was also banned. Er Shen is the creator of China myth, and the children of Nu Wa and Fuxi also occupy an important position in China myth. Their grandson Emperor Yanhuang became the ancestor of the Chinese nation. Nu Wa and Fuxi have done a lot for mankind. Nu Wa made man to mend the sky, and Fuxi taught man to use fire and weave nets to fish.

What is the relationship between Nu Wa and Fuxi Shennong? It is said that Nu Wa married Fuxi by blood relationship and established marriage system and rules with Fuxi. Nu Wa and Fuxi Shennong are ancient mythical figures. Fuxi, Nu Wa and Shennong were called Huang San in the Spring and Autumn Period in Shu and Shilu, Dou Yun.

1, the leader of ancient Jiang tribe in China, was honored as Shennong, Kuikui, Lianshan, Lieshan, and Zhu Xiang, posthumous title (it is still controversial, and it is also said that there were three generations of leaders of Zhu Xiang tribe).

2. Fuxi, one of Huang San, is a pioneer of Chinese nation and humanities, and also a god who shares the happiness with Nu Wa. Chu Silk Book recorded it as the God of Creation, the earliest recorded God of Creation in China.

3. Nu Wa, the goddess of creation in China ancient mythology. Also known as Wa Huang, Nu Wa and Nu Wa Shi, it is the beginning of Chinese people's humanities and the true god who bless the country.

Main legend of extended data characters:

1, Fuxi Fishing and Hunting: I don't know how long it took before people began to weave nets with ropes, which was much better than hunting with wooden sticks and stone tools. Not only the animals on the ground, but also the birds in the sky and the fish in the water can be photographed and captured. Most of the birds and animals caught are alive and can't be eaten for a while. You can also keep it until the next time, so people learn to keep it again.

This work of weaving nets, hunting and raising animals is people's accumulated experience in labor. Legend has it that the people who invented these things were Fu or Dong (Dong Yin páo xī, Dong is the kitchen, and sacrifice means sacrifice), which is simplified as a bag or a bag.

2. Shennong tasted a hundred herbs: Shennong was originally one of Huang San, and was born in a cave in Lieshan Mountain. It is said that he is an ox head. Because of his special appearance, hard work and courage, he was promoted to tribal leader when he grew up. Because his tribe lives in the hot south, it is called Yandi, and everyone calls him Yandi. Once, when he saw a bird holding a seed, he invented grain agriculture. Because of these outstanding contributions, everyone also called him Shennong.

Seeing that people were sick, he went to Tiandi Garden to get herbs. When he was given a whip on the same day, Shennong took the whip all the way from Duguang to Lieshan.

Shennong tasted a hundred herbs and was poisoned many times, thanks to tea detoxification. Because he vowed to taste all the grass, and finally died because he tasted the grass. In order to commemorate his kindness and achievements, people regarded him as the God of the King of Medicine, and built the Temple of the King of Medicine, offering sacrifices in four seasons. At the junction of Sichuan, Hubei and Shaanxi in China, it is said that Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, which is called Shennongjia Mountain Area.

3. The main contributions of Nuwa family are: developing population with texture; Together with Fuxi, he founded and perfected the marriage system, rules, conventions and customs. Flood control and disaster relief. Nu Wa also fired pottery and developed pottery-making technology. Pottery came into being at the end of Fu era, which is actually the result of three technological innovations: one is the technology of using fire, the other is the technology of using gourd, and the third is the technology of painting mud.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Huang San

Nu Wa, does Fuxi really exist? The mythical Fuxi and Nu Wa have real prototypes in history.

It is said that Fuxi lived around 7600 BC, but the birthplace of Fuxi Nuwa is still controversial. There are four opinions from Shandong, Gansu, Shaanxi and Jiangsu. Fuxi was born in Ji Cheng County and moved in ancient times because of the records in the ancient books such as Notes on Water Classics in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Roughly in the southeast of Gansu Province, Pingliang City and Tianshui City are nearby, so many people tend to be born in Qin 'an County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province (PS: ancient Ji Cheng County was regarded as Chengxian County, Longnan City, Gansu Province). From the perspective of Fuxi culture left over from Tianshui and other areas, Fuxi should have its own people in history. Fuxi church clans woven nets, fished and hunted, and invented equipment. Also invented the gossip, of course, some people say that Fuxi invented characters, but judging from the legend of "Cangjie created characters", although Chinese characters may not be created by Cang Xie alone as in the legend, it should be true that Cang Xie generally reorganized and reorganized, and the history of word creation is no problem, but it seems too early to count the Fuxi period. Cang Xie came from the period of the Yellow Emperor, that is, around 2600 BC. In the late Shang Dynasty, primitive Oracle Bone Inscriptions was used. Thus, Fuxi was about 5000 years earlier than Cang Xie. At that time, it should be impossible to create words. Because there were no characters in Fuxi era, there were few archaeological clues about Fuxi Xishi left in history. Therefore, although we know from some ancient books that Fuxi was a clan leader, the specific situation of Fuxi period cannot be verified. Therefore, some legends about Fuxi can only be guessed. For example, the legendary Nu Wa and He are brother and sister, and both have been clan leaders. As far as Nu Wa is the clan leader, it seems to be in the matriarchal clan society, while Fuxi should be in the paternal clan society. This is hard to understand, perhaps just at the junction of matriarchal clan society and paternal clan society. In a word, the legendary content may be different from the actual situation in history, but Fuxi Nuwa should be a real woman in history. Fuxi is said to have lived around 7600 BC, but the birthplace of Fuxi Nuwa is still controversial, mainly including Shandong, Gansu, Shaanxi and Jiangsu. Many people tend to think that Fuxi was born in Qin 'an County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, because it is recorded in ancient books such as Notes on Water Classics in the Northern Wei Dynasty that Fuxi was born in Ji Cheng County, which migrated in ancient times, roughly near Pingliang City and Tianshui City in the southeast of Gansu Province.

What is the story of Nu Wa and Fuxi? The story of Nuwa and Fuxi is as follows:

Once upon a time, heaven and earth were interlinked. They crossed the Eastern Sea in the east and Kunlun Mountain in the west, and reached the two ends of the Tianhe River, namely, the south and north ends, each with a checkpoint called Nantianmen and Beitianmen. Anyone who crosses the Tianhe River or enters the North Tianmen Gate of Nanyao is going to the fairy world.

One day, the Jade Emperor was not feeling well. The queen mother hurried out of Yaochi to visit the sick in the Jade Palace. I saw the jade emperor's eyebrows puckering into a wild figure of eight, sighing and asking the jade emperor what was not refreshing.

The Jade Emperor said, "Alas! You see, mortals are getting smarter and smarter, and one day I won't sit on the throne! "

The Queen Mother comforted the Jade Emperor: "Don't worry too much. Ordinary people can't cross the east sea and the west mountain. In the south, there is Si Tian Sheng Di guarding the pass, and in the north, there is the brand of Emperor Zhen Wu. How can they get to heaven?

"Nine of my ten sky lanterns (the sun) were shot black by them. Maybe one day, they will shoot arrows in my Lingxiao Hall. "

"The mortal robbed once in five hundred, and the immortal once in five hundred. Let me go to the mortal world for you! "

The queen mother left the jade emperor and came to the world to become her mother-in-law She wants to try the good and evil of mortals and see if the Jade Emperor is worried about himself. She got the boss, who scolded her, and she got Lucy, which was too much for her. In the house, the old man drove her away with a cane. In the house, the dog bit her. She sighed and said, "There are really no good people in mortal world, and mortals are really going to be robbed!" " "

When she walked to the river, she met two brothers and sisters who had no parents and no home. My brother's name is Fuxi and my sister's name is Nuwa. They live on ships and live on barracuda. Fuxi felt sorry for her mother-in-law and wanted to keep her as the mother of her younger brother and sister. Nu Wa sympathized with her mother-in-law and entertained her with rice and fresh fish. She sighed again and said, "There are still good people in the world. People should be robbed, but they should not be extinct. "

She told her brother and sister, "This will be a disaster. You should find enough firewood and hide it in the boat. Natural disasters are coming, you can only save animals, not people, remember, remember! " After the charge, she left Fuxi's Nuwa brothers and sisters and came to the sleeping Longshan.

There is a big black dragon sleeping in Longshan cave. It will sleep for 500 years, and when it wakes up, it will be in big trouble. The queen mother woke it up and ordered it to gather all the people in the world quickly and then come back to sleep. The black dragon was awakened and dozed off, and he was too angry to lose his temper to his face. After the queen mother left,

I rushed out of the hole, drove away the dark clouds, and took a bath on the edge of the Tianhe River. One made a hole in Tianhe, held his breath and went back to sleep in the hole. gsdaquan

No sooner had Fuxi and Nuwa filled a boat full of rice than the heavy rain lasted for 7749 days, and the flood flooded the gap in Tianhe. The boat was drifting in the flood, and a man drifted to the side of the boat. Seeing his pity, the two brothers and sisters saved him from the ship regardless of the instructions of the Queen Mother. Later, I saved a turtle and a dog. The boat drifted to the foot of the trapped Longshan Mountain. The brother and sister asked the rescuer to watch the boat and took the turtle and dog up the mountain to find a place to live. The man guarding the ship is a heartless guy. When Fuxi Yao Nu Wa climbed the mountain, she secretly took the boat away.

Brother and sister, with harpoons, searched everywhere and found the trapped dragon cave. They think this is a good place to live, and they are going to go down and move the rice into the hole. The dog's nose is very clever. When he smells a strange smell in the cave, he whispers to his brother and sister, "Go in and drive the monster away. If you don't kill it, we can't live in a cave. "

Brother and sister turned into the cave and saw the black dragon sleeping and snoring. The two harpoons were put down together, and Nu Wa's fork plunged into the black dragon's throat, while Fuxi's fork slit the black dragon's stomach. The black dragon was fatally wounded and rushed out of the hole in pain and rolled to the southeast. In an instant, the mountain shook and the place where the black dragon rolled turned into a winding mud river. With this river, the flood flows into the eastern sea. The black dragon fell into the sea and died. The queen mother's words that "every mortal must be robbed once every 500 years" cannot be fulfilled. This river is the famous Yellow River.

Brother and sister came down the mountain to transport firewood, but they didn't know that the flood had gone and the boat was gone. The two brothers and sisters thought that the boatman was killed by the black dragon, and Nu Wa also cried bitterly. Then, they live in caves with turtles and dogs, hunt in the mountains and fish in the river. Clothes are worn out, leaves are used to hide ugliness in hot weather, and skins are used to keep out the cold in cold weather.

One day, Fuxi said to Nu Wa, "There is no one else in the world. People will become extinct. Let's get married! "

Nu Wa said, "I am a sister and you are a brother. Brothers and sisters are born to the same mother. Even if the world is going extinct, brothers and sisters can't get married. "

Brother and sister can't argue clearly, so they call the dog to judge.

The dog said, "Two flowers, one male and one female, one vine, brother and sister will get married if they want to blossom and bear fruit."

Nu Wa refused, and called the tortoise to ask.

The tortoise said, "It's raining in the sky, plants are blooming and full of vitality. Father is the sky, mother is the earth, and brother and sister should become husband and wife."

Nu Wa still refused to accept, and said to Fuxi, "We ran around a hill. If you can catch me, I will be your wife. "

Nu Wa ran in front and Fuxi chased after, catching up with the sun from sunrise to sunset, but she still couldn't catch up. The tortoise said to Fuxi, "She ran and you ran, since childhood. She ran away, you didn't run, she caught it. "

Fuxi believed the tortoise's words and hid behind the rock, so he stopped chasing. When Nu Wa ran near her, she came out and caught her. Brother and sister became relatives. So couples in many places are still brothers and sisters.

What's the difference between the creators of China, Nu Wa and Fuxi? In ancient myths and legends, Nu Wa and Fuxi are not only brothers and sisters, but also husband and wife, but they are not demons. It's just that Nu Wa first took charge of the underworld, so she became a demon saint, and then created human beings and became a Terran saint. Why is Nu Wa related to the demon race? At the beginning, the relationship between Nuwa and the demon family was like this. It is said that Nuwa and Fuxi are brother and sister. Fuxi is good at calculating money, and his own calculation ability is comparable to that of the saints before Nu Wa created man, while Nu Wa is good at incarnation, and often becomes hundreds of millions of members to play tricks on Fuxi. Fuxi once told Nu Wa that he had figured it out that these two people would create a powerful ethnic group in the future. Why not try to create?

So Nu Wa and Fuxi began to create life. Because Fuxi Nuwa created life for the first time, she didn't have enough experience, so she only created a way to cultivate into a demon. And the life formed by this way of training is born with it, but not enough. This incomplete life is called a demon. The humanoid appearance of the demon race is often more beautiful than that of Nu Wa. Because Fuxi helped the demon family to come up with a shortcut to growth, the demon family quickly became strong. Although born strong, but the innovation ability is insufficient, so the demon family failed to occupy an absolute dominant position. Because Fuxi Nu Wa and Nu Wa jointly created the cultivation method of the demon race, the demon race was officially born, and both of them became semi-saints. Later, Fuxi and Nu Wa decided to cooperate for the second time to create a new life. This time, Fuxi and Nu Wa decided to create a complete life that can be cultivated into a saint, so they took some flesh and blood from themselves and gave birth to Terran. Nu Wa endowed the Terran with innate emotion, while Fuxi endowed the Terran with acquired knowledge. This time it was successful. Fuxi's actuarial ability surpassed that of later saints for the first time, while Nu Wa gave birth to Terran. However, the demon race began to envy the Terran, and under the instigation of descendants of other races, three demon race wars finally took place before the Lich War. For the first time, the two sides of the shemale tied, and the Terran consumed too much. Although the Terran was defeated for the second time, it ended in a draw under the interference of Fuxi. The third time, Fuxi could only help two shemale families once, but could not help the Terran, so the Terran was slaughtered by the shemale. Because the second clan of shemale was created by Nu Wa herself, and the demon clan was about to rule the heaven, and the semi-holy Fuxi was biased towards Terran, so the same semi-holy Nu Wa took a neutral position in the killing of Terran by the demon clan. Seeing Nu Wa doing this, Fuxi was disappointed, and shot all his strength at Nu Wa's dead hole, and then Nu Wa's skill finally became the first official. Because before the Lich War, the Lich clan lost a lot of power because of the war with the Terran, and at this time, the Lich clan suddenly attacked and set off a war between the Lichs. During the Lich War, Nu Wa felt guilty because of Fuxi, who was reincarnated as a Terran. When Fuxi led the Terran, Lao Zi and other religious saints who had secretly helped the Terran appeared. For the sake of his own calculation, he made an excuse to retaliate against the massacre of Terran before the demon race. The sage taught people to stop Nu Wa's help to the demon family, which led to the lich's defeat twice and squeezed Nu Wa's terran wealth side by side. This scene made the sad Nu Wa retire. After Fuxi was born again, he became the first emperor of Terran, leading Terran to become stronger and dominate the world. Fuxi eventually became a semi-saint and an honorary emperor in the sky, known as Di Qing Sheng Di. Fuxi stopped Nu Wa's disrespect for the Terran after he recovered his memory, and still respected Nu Wa as a sage of the Terran. However, due to various reasons, he could not take the initiative to see Nu Wa, so Nu Wa always took the initiative to go to Huoyun Palace to find Fuxi. In the Romance of the Gods, Nu Wa went to Huoyun Palace and was born for Fuxi. Nu Wa spent Fuxi's birthday as her own. Later, Nu Wa became a permanent neutral god in the palace because of Fuxi's help in calculation. However, Nu Wa is in charge of the reproduction and marriage of Terrans, so the more Terrans have, the stronger Nu Wa will be. Before Nu Wa became a saint, with the help of Fuxi, the upper, middle and lower bodies were cut off and became matchmakers, while Fuxi, who became a semi-saint again, only cut off half of her good body and became a lunar elder. Among the five emperors in heaven, Jade Emperor is Terran, Wei Zibei Emperor is Ghost, Immortal Emperor is Immortal, Qingyang Emperor is Protoss, and Gouchen Emperor is Demon. It is said that Emperor Gou Chen had Fuxi and Xue Jing, the son-in-law of Nu Wa, which can be regarded as their blood relatives. He is called the demon race, just like Fuxi. Let's start with the historical story: As for the real Fuxi Nuwa, Nuwa secretly loved Fuxi from the age of eight, and finally married Fuxi in her twenties at the age of sixteen. After Fuxi proclaimed himself emperor, he ceded the Central Plains to Nuwa and stationed himself in the northwest frontier. But Fuxi was ambushed and died at the age of 60, so Nuwa, who was in her 50 s, succeeded to the throne. They gave birth to four sons and four daughters. Except Fuxi, Fu was the first emperor of Fuxi's Nuwa dynasty, and spent most of the rest of the time as the empress dowager and regent, so Nuwa's influence was higher than Fuxi's, and Fuxi's reputation was corrected by Shennong Dynasty and Xuanyuan Dynasty. This is the process that Fuxi established patriarchy, Nu Wa restored it, and finally Shennong and Xuanyuan re-established patriarchy to replace it. Send a hint: Nu Wa's birthday is March 15, and Fuxi's birthday is March 18. Generally speaking, whoever celebrates his birthday first is the boss. But on weekdays, Nu Wa was with Fuxi on March 15th, and didn't return to the palace until March 18th, so they went to Amanome three times. Therefore, whether it is myth or history, I am more optimistic about this loving China couple. They are the symbol of harmony between dragon and phoenix of the Chinese nation! How to (177) Nuwa (17)