Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Unit 6 Translation of Classical Chinese in the first volume of Grade Three Chinese

Unit 6 Translation of Classical Chinese in the first volume of Grade Three Chinese

Chen She Shi Jia

Chen Shengsheng, a native of Yangcheng, is involved in words. Wu Guangzhe, Yang Xiaren, is an uncle. When Chen She was young, he tried to plow the fields with people's help. He felt sorry for a long time on the ridge where he gave up farming. He said, "If you have money, you will never forget each other. The mediocre man smiled and replied, "if you are a mediocre farmer, how can you be rich?" "? " Chen She sighed and said, "Alas, the sparrow knows the ambition of the swan! 」

In July of the first year of the second year, the left guard Yuyang, 900 people in osawa township. Chen Sheng and Guangwu became captains of chariots. It will rain heavily, the road will be blocked, and the temperature has already been lost. When time is lost, the law will be cut. Chen Sheng and Guangwu said, "If you die today, you will die. Will you die if you wait to die? " ? Chen Sheng said: "The world is suffering in Ku Jin. I heard that II had a younger son, but it was not done properly. It was done by his son Fu Su. Fu Su admonished foreign generals with several words. If you are not guilty today, you will be killed by II. Many people have heard of their sages, but they don't know their death. Xiang Yan, the general of Chu, made many contributions and loved foot soldiers. The Chu people pitied him. Or think of death, or think of death. Today, I sincerely call myself Fu Su and Xiang Yan, and sing for the world, which should be more appropriate. " Guangwu It is a matter of spreading the cloth and knowing its meaning. The fortune teller said, "Everything is successful with one step, and the merits are boundless. But the first step is a ghost! " Chen Sheng and Wu Guangxi thought of ghosts and said, "This teaches me to show my ears first." It was written by Uncle Dan and put in the belly of a fish. Strangely, a pawn bought fish to cook and got a book in the fish's stomach. He was still in the temple next to Wu, and forced a bonfire at night. what does the fox say said, "Chu Xing, Chen." All the soldiers are afraid at night. On the day of his death, stroke often talked, all referring to Chen Sheng.

Wu Guang loves his wife, and his foot soldiers are mostly users. Drunk the captain, so he said he wanted to die, angered the captain and humiliated him to anger his public. Weiguo kuan Wei Jianting, widely circulated, captured and killed the captain. Chen Sheng assisted him and killed two commanders. The summoner said, "If it rains, it's overdue. If they don't pay it back within the time limit, they should be beheaded. On orders from my brother, I don't want to be beheaded, but I want to protect the dead. If a strong man dies, he will become famous, and princes will have descendants! " All the disciples said, "Respect your commands." He is the son of Fu Su, who follows people's desires. To the right is called Dachu. Alliance altar, sacrifice to the captain. Bobby Chen became a general and Guangwu became a captain. Attack osawa Township, and then attack. In this case, Commander Ying Ge turned his soldiers to the east. Attack, hairpin, bitter, zhe, qiaocheng all fall. Okay, retreat. Compared with Chen, he rode six or seven hundred cars, rode more than one thousand, and killed tens of thousands of people. When attacking Chen, Chen Shouling was away, and he was fighting alone. Fu Sheng and Shou Cheng died according to Chen. A few days later, the monastery called three elders, heroes and everyone to the finance room. The three elders and the heroes' association all said, "The general is determined to win, and he can attack without exception. He destroyed Qin and rebuilt Chu, so he deserves to be king." Chen She was made king and named Zhang Chu.

At this time, all the counties harmed by Qin officials were punished by their officers and killed in response.


Bobby Chen is from Yangcheng County. Guangwu is from Yang Xia County. When Bobby Chen was young, he was hired to farm with others. (One day,) he stopped farming and went to the high ground near the field (to rest). He sighed and hated for a long time because of disappointment, and said, "If (I) have money one day, I won't forget you." The person who was hired smiled and answered him: "How can you talk about wealth when you are working for others!" " Chen Sheng sighed and said, "How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan? "


In July of the first year of Qin Ershi, the poor were recruited to station troops for Yuyang, and 900 people were stationed in osawa Township. Chen Sheng and Guangwu were both stationed in the garrison and served as captains. It rained heavily and the road was blocked. I guess I have missed the deadline. If you miss the deadline, you will be beheaded according to the laws of the Qin Dynasty. Chen Sheng discussed with Guangwu, saying, "Running away now is also death, and the uprising is also death. Die for national affairs, okay? " Chen Sheng said: "People all over the world have been ruled by the Qin Dynasty for a long time. It is said that II is the youngest son (of Qin Shihuang) and should not be made a monarch. The monarch should be the father Su and the son. Because of Fu's repeated remonstrance, the emperor sent troops abroad. Now someone heard that there was no charge, and II killed him. Most people heard that he was clever, but they didn't know that he was dead. Xiang Yan, the general of Chu, made great contributions and cared about the foot soldiers. The people of Chu state like him very much. Some people think that he died in the battle, while others think that he escaped. Now, if we pretend that our sons are Fu Su and Xiang Yan and call (advocate) the whole country, there should be many people responding. " Guangwu thinks (this view) is correct.


(two people) and then went to calculate divination. The fortune teller knew their intention and said, "You can do anything and make contributions. But ask a ghost! " Bobby Chen and Guangwu are very happy. They thought about the diviner and said, "This is to teach us to establish prestige among people first." Just write the word "Chen" on the vermilion strips and put it in the belly of the fish caught by others. The soldier bought the fish and cooked it. He found silk strips in the fish's stomach, and he has already blamed it. (Bobby Chen) secretly sent Guangwu to a temple in the jungle next to the station. At night, he shouted in the voice of pretending to be a fox: "Great Chu is revived, and Chen Sheng is king." The soldiers were afraid all night. The next day, the soldiers talked about it everywhere, pointing at each other and gesturing to Bobby Chen.


Guangwu always cares about the people around him, and the soldiers obey Guangwu's orders. The officer escorting the garrison was drunk, and Guangwu deliberately offered to escape many times, which made the commandant very angry and made him blame and humiliate him to anger the soldiers. That police officer really used a whip and a stick to fight guangwu. The soldiers were filled with indignation. The officer drew his sword to scare the soldiers. The officer drew his sword, and Guangwu jumped up and grabbed it to kill him. Chen Sheng helped Guangwu and killed two officers together. (Bobby Chen) telephoned and ordered the people to say, "You all missed the deadline in the heavy rain. If you miss the deadline, you will be beheaded. Even if you can only avoid being beheaded, six or seven out of ten people guarding the frontier fortress will die. Besides, if a gentleman doesn't die, there will be great things. Will princes have natural noble species? " The foot soldiers all said, "I will obey your orders." So he pretended to be the team of Fu Su and Xiang Yan, and obeyed the wishes of the people. (Everyone) shows his right arm (as a symbol of the rebel army), which is called Dachu. Build a platform (with earth), take an oath (on the platform) and worship the sky with the heads of two (captains).


Chen Sheng is a general and Guangwu is a captain. (Insurgents) attacked osawa Township and retreated from osawa Township to attack Qixian County. After capturing Qixian, he ordered Ying Ge, commander of the army, to lead troops to capture the east of Qixian. (Chen Sheng leads the main force) attack, suffer, Zhejiang, Qiaocheng (and other counties), all of which are gained. During the March, the soldiers were gathered along the road. In Chen county, there were six or seven hundred chariots, more than a thousand cavalry and tens of thousands of foot soldiers. When attacking Chen county, the county magistrate and the county magistrate were absent, and only the guarding city fought the rebels in the city gate cave. (Rebels) couldn't win, and (soon) the guarding city was killed, so the rebels invaded and occupied Chen County. A few days later, (Chen Sheng) ordered local township officials and prestigious people to get together to discuss. People with prestige in the local area all said, "General, you personally wear armor and hold weapons. You should be the king in the work of cracking down on the heartless and bad king, destroying the cruel Qin State and restoring the Chu State." Chen Sheng was acclaimed as king and declared to expand Chu. At this time, people who were oppressed by officials of the Qin Dynasty, in order to respond to Chen Sheng, punished the local chief and killed them.