Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The story of Jay Chou

The story of Jay Chou

Behind every glamorous star, there will be many bitter experiences. Even if it is less than three years, Jay Chou is no exception. This taciturn, shy and sensitive child lives alone with his mother and grandmother. Music is his world, and all his troubles and dreams can only be told through notes. No one expected that this child, who can't say ten words a day, would grow into a well-known superstar.

As an only child, Jay naturally became the baby of her grandparents, the elders in her family. The old man loves his grandson and takes Jay with him everywhere. Even when the lawyer's grandfather wants to go to restaurants and restaurants to discuss cases with clients, he will see Jay following like a small shadow.

When Jay was young, the three of us often went surfing and playing at the seaside together. Grinch took many photos. When other children are standing and squatting to take pictures, he will definitely run to the camera, or twist his waist or make faces to grab the camera. Besides playing the piano and recording, he also likes to buy some magic cards when he is only five or six years old. After studying step by step, he even discovered the trick of magic. Performances at family gatherings often surprise us.

This is what Jay Chou's father said in the preface of Gorgeous in D key. From Zhou's description, we can see that Jay Chou had a happy childhood. Family harmony and the love of elders may be the factors of happiness brewing into a lively, naughty and funny side of his character.

When I was a child, Jay Chou was very naughty and loved to laugh. After he became famous, this was also revealed to him from time to time. For example, disturbed by the anecdote reports of entertainment reporters, Xiao Tianwang ingeniously pulled a tall dog to take pictures next to him, and then wrote: "A word to the paparazzi: Enough, be smart, pay attention to safety and be a good person." He also made fun of grandma. "Although grandma is so old, she actually likes being photographed ..."

However, even such a short happy time is not all sunny, and it is always shrouded in clouds that are difficult to swing away. Jay Chou recalled in the song "Dad, I am back":

I heard that there is usually peace after war.

Why do you always see my father beat my mother?

He can take it out on my mother because he is drunk.

I really can't stand it. I feel thinner.

I grew up with only the warmth of my mother. Why is my father so fierce?

If it is true, I have a pair of wings, two pairs of wings that can start at any time.

Starting in secret, I will definitely take my mother away from her old education.

Other people's families, other people's fathers, and all kinds of violent factors always have a reason.

But mom and I are not wrong. I'll call you dad. I'm back.

Don't hit my mother like that again. How can you listen to what I say?

Don't hit my mother like that again. Won't your hand hurt?

In fact, when I get home, I want to stop everything and let my family go back to the past, which is sweet, warm and fragrant.

Although Jay Chou declared in his lyrics that this was a "fabricated fact", judging from his parents' final divorce, it is hard to say that this is not the brand of his childhood family life.

When his parents divorced, Jay Chou 14 was in the second grade of junior high school. Before the divorce, his parents were in the cold war, and he was arranged to live at his grandmother's house first. Perhaps because he saw his parents unhappy together, Jay Chou was very open about their parents' divorce. He said: "My parents' divorce will not have a negative impact on me. They can do what they like, and their pressure will be less. Both father and mother will become more free, so sometimes divorce is not necessarily a bad thing. "But, as Jay Chou himself said, didn't his parents' divorce have a negative impact on him?

The emotional disharmony between parents and even the haze of domestic violence made this lively and naughty boy introverted and timid. "Mom and dad don't love each other. Is this the truth of life? " Young as he is, he can't solve such a profound problem. His parents' divorce made him more withdrawn, silent and unwilling to associate with others. He recalled the most unforgettable thing when he was a child, and even said that it was a big dog raised by his grandmother, because little Jay had no other playmates and often played with this big dog. Sometimes he even fantasizes that he is a general and treats dogs like horses!

Jay Chou said in the book Gorgeous in D: "I'm actually a little afraid of getting married. It is not the other person who is afraid, but himself. I don't think my heart can be settled yet. " He once said frankly: "I am not a good husband." This fear of marriage, as well as his denial and distrust of himself, cannot but be said to be the negative influence of his parents' unfortunate marriage. Jay Chou insists that his home is a happy place, but if he had a contented childhood, where did the blues singer's sadness, sadness and escape come from?

However, everything has two sides. Children from single-parent families suffer more growing pains and puzzles than children from normal families, but they are also more sensitive, rebellious, stronger and harder. In today's entertainment circle, more and more stars come from single-parent families. In the past two years, almost all the new celebrities like F4 and Elva Hsiao came from single-parent families. It is these obvious characteristics that make them famous and shine in the entertainment circle.

Jay Chou, the only daughter who grew up in a single-parent family, is the best at talking to herself and the worst at communicating with outsiders. Maybe he was a lonely neighbor since he was a child. His music is mature, thick and durable, and has a vitality beyond his age. He has only one way to express criticism and reaction from the outside world, and he can only use music to explain his emotions in a work. When star companies rack their brains to analyze the market preference orientation, Jay Chou was born with the coolness of talking to himself completely. I don't think about what you like at all, just show what he likes.

After his parents divorced, Jay Chou's family environment was not very good. Before he became famous, he couldn't afford satin sheets and high-end motorcycles. His most frequent entertainment was playing basketball with friends in the street. Single-parent children are destined to work harder than ordinary people Jay Chou, who graduated from high school, worked as a waiter in a restaurant and experienced many troubles. Because of my love for music, I went to the music supermarket every time I got paid, and spent almost all my money on buying tapes. Once in a bad mood, he was listening to music while walking with food in his hand. I don't want to. I accidentally bumped into a waitress and spilled all the dishes on her. The waitress's hand blistered and she burst into tears. The manager rushed over and unceremoniously fined Jay Chou half a month's salary. He didn't say a word, and tears flowed straight into his stomach.

However, this grievance is nothing compared with congenital illness. 18 years old, once accidentally injured while playing basketball, went to see a doctor for massage. As a result, the disease was not cured, but it was more painful. After further blood tests, the doctor told him that it was ankylosing spondylitis. At that time, he was so painful that he could only sleep on his side and couldn't lift his hands. The doctor told him that the disease was hereditary and could not be cured by physics and medicine alone. Later, I learned that his medical history comes from family inheritance. Besides him, his uncle is also in the same boat with him, and the general onset period is between the ages of 20 and 40. At that time, he was going to serve in the navy. Later, the military found out his illness and directly declared that he didn't need to be a soldier. Honest Jay Chou said frankly that he was really happy for a few minutes when he knew that he didn't have to be a soldier, because he could finally concentrate on his creation.

It is understood that this is a genetic disease with autoimmune system problems. "In the late stage, the whole body will even be as stiff as a zombie," Jay Chou exaggeratedly described. After learning that he was ill, Jay Chou couldn't stand the blow and hid in the recording studio on the seventh floor of Alpha Records every day, because only in music could he forget all this. However, the illness that plagued him always reminded him that he was a patient. When the illness is the worst, you can't even go to the toilet. It is well known that Jay Chou likes to wear a cap. He said it's because its brim is very long, which can help him hide everything he doesn't want to face, including illness and external inquiries. Jay Chou experienced depression for a long time because of illness. It was not until one day that he stepped onto the stage and saw the shock brought by his music with his own eyes that he gradually accepted the fact that he was sick and began to really face it from the heart. But the influence of the disease on him is enormous after all. For example, sometimes when he wants to perform, he has to pray in his heart one day in advance: I hope I will be lucky tomorrow and the disease will not break out. Because his illness is unpredictable, he may be alive and kicking at ordinary times, but it is unbearable when there is a performance. In order to treat ankylosing spondylitis, the doctor advised him to swim frequently to reduce pain and adjust his spine. But because of his two drowning experiences as a child, he was afraid of water and could not learn to swim at all. On the other hand, Jay Chou's favorite basketball, although it has a bad influence on spondylitis, is his favorite and best sport, and whenever he can't write a song, as long as he plays basketball, he will have a steady stream of inspiration, so he will stick to it for the sake of interest and face, even if he is not very active. Now he relies on a small yellow pill to relieve the pain every day.

Jay Chou, which is popular all over Asia, sold many records as soon as it was released. He is not bad at basketball, badminton and other sports, but he often suffers from illness. The more records he sells, the more pressure he has, and the more his back hurts! As long as one day is too busy to rest, the old disease will recur! Even his birthday wish in front of fans is "I wish my spine would stop hurting!"

Brought up by grandma and mom, grandma and mom are the two favorite women in Jay Chou's life. Ma Zhou is an art teacher. From the moment he was born, her mother pinned all her hopes on her son. When I was 3 years old, my mother saw Jay's talent in music, so she took out all her savings and bought him a piano without hesitation. Mother is very strict with Jay. Every time she practiced the piano, she stood behind with a stick and stared at him until he finished practicing. Jay Chou once said with a smile: The music foundation is solid, thanks to that stick.

When composing songs, Jay Chou often locks himself in the recording studio, where he eats and sleeps. He is afraid of being disturbed, so he doesn't answer the phone many times. Ma Zhou will come to the company every three or four days, bring him clean clothes, and then take his dirty clothes home to wash. After my mother came, she often watched Jay Chou for a long time outside the glass window of the studio. After Jay Chou won the gold medal, she saw him immersed in the recording studio. Zhou's mother worried that he was rude to his colleagues, so she tried her best to help him manage his interpersonal relationship and often bought delicious pizza and fried chicken for colleagues in the company. Thanks for taking care of Jay.

Although the shy Jay doesn't say anything, his mother's love is all in his eyes and in his heart, so he always says: The two most important people in the world are mom and grandma! They have made today's achievements. The happiest thing for me now is that I don't have to ask my mother for money, but I can also give my mother living expenses and give gifts to my mother and grandmother.

Looking at grandma and mom from an adult's point of view, Jay Chou said that he felt that his relationship with mom was like brother and sister, but his young grandmother looked more like mom.

Jay Chou, who grew up in a single-parent family, has always regarded family as his life. After becoming famous, although the company bought him a single apartment in Taipei, Jay Chou still liked to live at home with his mother and sleep in his childhood bedroom. He always stays with his mother during the holidays. Therefore, light expression is not enough. He also moved his parents and grandparents into his own work: Ye Huimei, in the name of his father and grandmother. Regarding the song "Grandma", he said, "I will sing it to Grandma as soon as I finish writing this song. Because it was written for her, I also hope to get her encouragement. " In order to please grandma, Jay Chou invited her to be the heroine of MV, which made her very happy. Jay Chou even invited his cousin to walk down the red carpet at the award ceremony of Global Chinese Rankings, which ended not long ago. He was embarrassed to explain: "At that time, my cousin had a summer vacation and did nothing at home all day. Let him feel the atmosphere of the award ceremony together."