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What are the two musical instruments in the gossip?

The concept of Yin and Yang originated from the natural view of ancient China people. Ancient people observed various natural phenomena in nature, such as heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, cold and heat, men and women, up and down, and summed up the concept of "Yin and Yang". As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Yin and Yang were mentioned in Yi Zhuan and Lao Zi's Tao Te Ching. The theory of Yin and Yang has penetrated into all aspects of China's traditional culture, including religion, philosophy, calendar, Chinese medicine, calligraphy, architecture, divination and so on.

Before and after the Northern Song Dynasty, a Taoist Taiji diagram appeared. Taiji diagram divides the circle into two halves with a curve, forming half white and half black, white as yang, black as yin, black spots in white and white spots in black, indicating that there is yin in yang and yang in yin. The two halves are like two fish, so they are commonly called yin-yang fish.

Tai Chi symbol (? Unicode encoding of) is 0x262f (hexadecimal), which can be written as? .

According to the theory of Yin and Yang, everything in the universe has two properties of Yin and Yang, and both of them contain the relationship of interdependence, mutual restriction and mutual transformation.

"Tian Zi Xun in Huainan" talks about the origin and evolution of heaven and earth, and holds that before heaven and earth are divided, after chaos is divided, those who are light and clear ascend to heaven, and those who are heavy and turbid condense into soil; The sky is yang and the earth is yin, and the two gases interact to produce everything. It can be seen that Yin and Yang are two basic particles, which are the basis for the formation of macro-matter.

In China's traditional scholarship, there are so-called concepts of "solitary yin is not long (grows long), solitary yang is not long (grows long)" and "yin cannot be born without yang, and yin cannot be transformed without yin".

The characteristics of Yin and Yang are as follows:

1. The two are opposites: everything has its opposite characteristics. If heat is yang, cold is yin; The sky is yang and the earth is yin, which shows that everything in the universe exists in opposition. However, this relative feature is not absolute, but relative. The upper part is yang, the lower part is yin, the flat land is relative to the mountain peak, the mountain peak is yang, and the flat land is yin; However, if the flat land is relative to the underground, the flat land belongs to Yang and the underground is cloudy, the relative relationship between Yin and Yang can be seen.

2. The two are interdependent, transforming, and rising and falling: Yin and Yang are interdependent and transforming. There is yang in the yin and yin in the yang, and neither party can exist alone without the other. Due to the fluctuation of yin and harmony, many different phenomena have been classified.

3. Yang represents: heaven, father, male, heat, sun, face, past, destructive power, singular.

4. Represents yin: earth, mother, female, cold, night, interior, future, tolerance and plural.