Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Let go of your worries about money and let it come freely.

Let go of your worries about money and let it come freely.

Gogo's free records. Have a nice day.

I am young, but I pay great attention to material things. I am not very petty, and I don't look at others with fierce eyes. I am mainly hard on myself.

Because I feel that wealth can bring me an irreplaceable sense of security for other people's things, I especially long for this wealth to be my own.

It's no good saving money with your family. It means nothing to me. This is an invisible bubble. Don't trust anyone, afraid of losing.

If money is a heavy responsibility, I would rather bear it alone.

Here, I want to tell a story about a very torturous method I used to save money when I was a student with no financial strength a few years ago (although I still do):

The above introduces my desire for money. Every time I open the WeChat account to check the balance, I can taste the ups and downs, even if it is slightly ups and downs, I feel it keenly.

During that time, I was going to save money. The source of income is the living expenses given by my parents and some divination money I earned through divination. Life goes on, and I can save some money by saving a little in all aspects.

Horribly, in this savings plan, I set myself a standard: at first 50 is 0, and I don't care about the balance before 50, and the balance is negative, which makes me have to scrimp and save. When the balance reaches the specified 50 yuan, I regard 60 as 0, so 70,80, 100, 130 ... When the balance has not reached an integer, for example, the current balance is 66 yuan, then I regard 60 as 0, so I have six dollars now. Although the balance shows 66 yuan, I can only spend 6 dollars. ......

For a long time, I have been in a sense of lack and anxiety that I don't care about, although my balance is rising. Although sometimes I am in a good state, I dare not spend more money to treat myself, and it is better for me to spend more money.

Maybe I have deviated from my original intention, because the original intention of saving money is to be able to spend freely, live more comfortably and create a more refined self. But at this time, money is like a heavy boulder to me, so I can't relax at all.

Now I even think this is a slightly abnormal method, which will affect people's mentality. According to the law of attraction, we need to radiate some kind of energy to attract the reality of the same frequency. If we want to attract money and create a rich reality, then we must have a rich heart and a natural and pleasant thought and feeling of "I am rich" to attract the arrival of "wealth".

? But in the way I used to save money, the motivation for saving money actually came from self-mockery and infinite concession. Moreover, if we emphasize the idea of "I have nothing" for a long time, it is likely to become our belief, hidden in the subconscious and affect our subsequent life.

? Whether you have my above behavior patterns or not, as long as you have relevant thinking, you are very worried about money. Save money because you are insecure about money. Money won't make you happy, and the self-worth realized through money will also make you feel wasted and lost. So please rest assured that money and joy can flow flexibly.

I'm Gogo, a psychic tarot soothsayer.

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I hope my heart can help you. Goodbye!