Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Of all the gods, who is the true god? Or is everyone a true god?

Of all the gods, who is the true god? Or is everyone a true god?

Who is the true god?

Some people worship fire, some people worship trees, some people worship snakes, some people worship big stones, and some people worship idols made of sun, gold, silver, wood and stone. Some people worship everything and believe in fate, horoscopes, palm reading, divination and geomantic omen ... why do people ask God indiscriminately? Seek god's instructions?

My friend, if you believe in the true God, you will also believe that there are many false gods. It is certainly a pleasure to worship the one true God. We want to congratulate you. If you mistake ghosts and gods for worship of gods, it is not just a problem of being ineffective; If it doesn't work, it's just a scam. If it succeeds, it is a mistake and the consequences are endless. Of course, the consequences are unimaginable. So be careful, lest you worship the wrong person, trust the wrong person, and get lost in superstition.

Or how do you know whether you worship a true god or a false god?

If you want to know the accurate answer, you must have accurate principles. The following are the principles that you should agree to seek the true God.

1. The true god must be omnipotent, and the false god must be low-level and low-energy;

Therefore, you should seek a god who creates the universe, manages the history of all mankind and gives people a breath of life. What can only make you "make a fortune", "prosper in your career" and "turn around Gankun" ... can't be called a god.

2. The true God must be the best and the most sacred, and the false God must forgive crime and evil;

Therefore, you should seek a God who does not sin and does not allow you to sin. If the so-called God doesn't mind gambling, fighting, hatred, fornication, cheating, stealing, and eating white powder to launder money … it must be a big problem. The Bible points out that God has formulated a strict law that "the wage of sin is death", and there has never been a god as holy and perfect as the one introduced in the Bible.

3. The real God must be completely rich:

If he accepts other people's sacrifices and is willing to bless others, then he must be very pitiful. How can a poor god be a true god? The true God we preach is willing to give eternal blessings to people without any sacrifice or gift, as long as people are willing to repent, leave their sins, aspire to return to the Lord and trust in the savior Jesus.

4. The real God must be reasonable:

Unreasonable, full of mistakes and contradictions, not worthy of being called God. We know that many scientists, doctors, doctors, scholars, experts, presidents and kings believe in Jesus. Christians pay attention to explaining and studying the truth. The true god is not a fairy monster that does not exist in some supernatural novels.

5. the true god must be a lover, which is not conducive to employing people;

In fact, it is a utilitarian idea to exchange sacrifices for blessings. The true God is our heavenly father, and the father only loves his children unilaterally. How can they use people and seek something? Therefore, the Bible tells us that the true God loves the world and even gave his only son to the world, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but will have eternal life. (about 3: 16)

6. The real god must be just, can be just, can be angry:

He is a holy and righteous Lord, a just and strict God, who will not cover up evil, tolerate or accept bribes, and will not take guilt as innocence. When his righteous anger arose, the earth shook in order to deal with sin. But the Lord is the true God, the living God and the eternal king. When he was angry, the earth shook; When he gets angry, all the people can't stand it. Everyone has become an animal without knowledge; All silversmiths are ashamed of the idols he carved. His idol is fake, there is no breath in it. "(Jeremiah I: 10, 14)

7. The true God is unique and alive;

He declared himself: "I am God". This Lord will not disappear just because someone ignores him, as Psalm 14 says, "A fool says in his heart,' There is no God.' "But the fool's point of view can't change the fact that atheists will die and God will live forever.

The true God is unique, not full of gods, Buddhas and idols, just as God himself said, "There is no other god except me." God will not change with people's imagination. When God spoke to Moses in the burning thorns, he said, "I am who I am." (Exodus 3: 14) He didn't say, "I am what you think I am." Yes, we see many conflicting religious ideas, but there is only one God. God will not change with our thoughts. We'd better change our minds with God. In short, light and darkness cannot coexist, and truth and falsehood cannot coexist. We must choose between the two. This is a serious matter of life and death.

Real banknotes and counterfeit banknotes, real gold and fake gold are put together, and the wrong choice is made indiscriminately, which will only lose money; However, if the real medicine and fake medicine are put together, the right medicine will rejuvenate. If you choose the wrong medicine or use fake medicine, you will not only lose money, aggravate your illness and suffer more, but also lose everything and even your life. Some people who still worship false idols should wake up!

"If you want to know God, you will have peace; Blessings will also come to you. " (Bo 22: 2 1)

"To know your only true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent is eternal life." (Jn. 17: 3)