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How to make QQ space with code

Classification: Computer/Network >> Internet

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How to make QQ space with code


Boutique qq space code:

1.qq space Flash code (written in the diary content or the website of the new homepage module) [The Flash address in the code is the website ending in in. swf】。

& lt embedded src =' your Flash address' quality = high plug-in page =' macromedia/shockwave/download/index.cgi? p 1 _ Prod _ Version = shock wave flash ' type = ' application/x-shock wave-flash ' width = 330 height = 240 & gt; & lt/embed & gt;

Note: Width =330 Height =240 This refers to the size of FLASH inserted on the template. Width = width = height = height. All codes are the same. You can modify it yourself.

2.qq space background music code (written in the hyperlink name) [The music address in the code is the website ending with .mp3/ midi/。 WMA/。 WMV】。

Display player:

Don't show to players:

3.qq space video MTV code (written in the URL ~ that is, URL address) [The video file address in the code is the URL ending. rm】。

& ltEmbedded src = your video file address type = audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin console = clip1.

CONTROLS = image window HEIGHT = 124 WIDTH = 180 auto start = true loop = true & gt;

= Height = Width

MTV code is also available, but it cannot be resized.

4.qq space radio code [the radio address in the code is the website address ending with the Internet] (written on the website address is the URL address).

& ltembedded src = your radio address type = audio/x-pn-real audio-plugin console = clip 1 controls = imagewindowheight = 124 width = 180 auto start = true loop = true >

As you wish, some DJ stations are fun! )

MMS 220. 19 1. 13 1.206/jxyinyue

5.qq space SMS

& lt marquee width =157 height = 21> the text you want.

6.qq space mobile phone announcement

& ltbr & gt What did you say?

& ltbr & gt What does it say here?

& ltbr & gt What is there to say?

& ltbr & gt Haha, no need, copy as many lines as you want ~ ~!

& ltbr & gt Is that clear?

& lt/TD & gt; & lt/marquee & gt;


Direction="UP "Changing UP to down means moving down, left and right.

Font size: 12px

Color: #3333FF font color

7.qq space mobile phone friendship connection code can be modified as above! 『***********.q-zone.qq】

& ltmarquee direction = up height = 150 scrollamount = 1 scroll delay = 60 width = 100% & gt;

& ltImg border=0 src= picture address1> & ltbr & gt

& ltImg border=0 src= picture address 2>& ltbr & gt

& ltImg border=0 src= picture address 3>& ltbr & gt

& ltImg border=0 src= picture address 4>& ltbr & gt

& lt/marquee & gt;

Add as much as you need! Scroll up, down, left and right to modify the method is the same as the above mobile announcement!

QQ Space Picture Code

8.qq space weather forecast:

& ltiframe scrolling = YES height = 288 width = 222 frame border = 0 margin height = 0 margin width = 0 src = minisite . QQ/Weather/index & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

9. Merlin's code in QQ space: (I already have my log, and it is very detailed, with all the action codes ~ ~ ~ Go and have a look. (* * * * * * * * *.zone.qq)

10.qq space background skin:

The background skin of Q-ZONE is an "ALL" ID, which is the background image and "Mlogo" is the top image!

& ltimg src= "

If you don't want to change the picture bar at the top, that's enough:

& ltImg src= "See? Delete a piece of code. If you only want the top picture, the principle is the same. Delete another piece!

1 1.qq space music playback:

& ltiframe src = music address frame border = 0 width = 100% height = 34 >

12.qq space home page with flash clock:

& ltEMBED plugin page = macromedia/shock wave/download/index . CGI? p 1 _ prod _ version = shock wave flash src = flash clock URL width = 200 height = 200 type = application/x-shock wave-flash > & lt; /EMBED & gt;

Various flash clock addresses:

Fengzhuju /page-00s/wzgg/ clocks and watches

14.qq space Baidu search: (The sizes are all adjusted, not bad! )

& ltiframe id = " Baidu frame " border = 0 vspace = " 0 " hspace = " 0 " margin width = " 0 " margin height = " 0 " frame spacing = " 0 " frame border = " 0 " scrolling = " no " width = 140 height = 75 src = un stat . Baidu/bdun . BSC? TN = 165 z & amp; csid= 105。 rkcs = 0 & ampbgcr = FFFFFF & ampftcr=000000。 rk = 0 & ampbd= 1。 bdas = 0 & gt

& lt/iframe & gt;

15.qq space home page scrolling news:

Closed circuit television code:

& lt Table Border =0 Cell Spacing = 1 Cell Filling =0 Width =' 98%'>;;

& lttd valign="top">。 & ltdiv align = center & gt

& ltiframe src = CCTV/home page/46/index . s; name = express width = 354 height = 16 margin width = " 0 " margin height = " 0 " frame border = " 0 " scrolling = " no " & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

& lt/div & gt;

& lt/table & gt;

16.qq space calendar code:

& ltiframe name = Jiro 23 src = astro . Sina/calendar 1 width = 600 height = 600 & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

Change the size yourself

17. Insert webpage code in QQ space: (The whole website can be used, and this code is very good if it is used flexibly ~ ~)

& ltiframe frame border = 0 height = 600 margin height = 0 margin width = 0 scrolling = yes src = web address width = 800 & gt; & lt/IFRAME & gt;

18.qq space is set as home page code:

& lta style = cursor:hand onclick = this . style . behavior = ' URL(# default # home page)'; This.setHomePage ('your space address')> set as the home page.

19.qq space IP address code:

& ltiframe src = IP . 9 1/IP/showip? text = & ampbg = & ampline = 2 & ampscro = 1 & amp; leng = 140 frame border = " 0 " scrolling = " no " width = 160 height = 36 margin height = " 4 " margin width = " 0 " >& lt/iframe & gt;

20.qq space pop-up: I have it in my blog. I will send you two upload file spaces: blog.blogchina blogbus and register!

2 1.qq space displays QQ grade code.

& ltiframe name = Jiro 2 1 src = im . QQ/CGI-bin/special/get _ level width = 200 height = 250 & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

22.qq space constellation divination: 1

& ltiframe src = astro . QQ/index/lady astro width = 200 height = 320 frame border = " no " border = 0 margin width = " 0 " margin height = " 0 " scrolling = " no " & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

Qq space constellation divination: 2

& ltiframe src = act 1 . astro . women . Sohu/search/search width = 200 height = 320 frame border = " no " border = 0 margin width = " 0 " margin height = " 0 " scrolling = " no " & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

23.qq space calendar code:

Red time calendar code:

& ltiframe scrolling = no height = 170 width = 165 frame border = 0 margin height = 0 margin width = 0 src = home . id 666/user/* * * * * * * * * */disk/web disk/55 & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

Blue time calendar code:

& ltiframe scrolling = no height = 200 width = 180 frame border = 0 margin height = 0 margin width = 0 src = 8s8s/js time/date 1 & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

24.qq space pop-up window code:

Go to the homepage of Tencent qq space: q-zone.qq, log in with your QQ number and password (note: don't click "Enter My Space"), create a new 1 window, and enter it in the address bar ("Enter content here").

25.qq space small time code: the same as my space!

& ltIMG src = escati . link opp/CGI-bin/clock . CGI? prgb=00ffff&。 time zone = GMT+0800 border = 0 width = 80 height = 20 & gt;