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DOTA2 how to play witch doctors, witch doctors play in detail.

How to play dota2 witch doctor? As a mage, he has the skills of control and output, which is powerful, but brittle, which is also a common problem of wizards, especially after the other hero has BKB, it is not fun. The following is a detailed introduction by Xiao Gu on how to play dota2 witch doctors and how to play them.

I. Background story

A slender figure with uneven outline crisscrossed the battlefield with strange steps, looking for the enemy's achilles heel and causing serious damage with his terrible talent. No matter whether his twisted body is interrupted or congenital, no one can question its power. The witch doctor Zawak beat the ground with his long stick. He is a terrible combination of superstition, witchcraft and spells. This body learned magic knowledge and honed it in the plateau of Aktura Island, and now it is accurately used on his enemies. Heal friendly forces and trample on enemies. Zawak can be your good comrade-in-arms or your worst enemy.

2. The basic attributes of a hero

Life span: 454

Magic: 3 12

Armor: 0

Attack power: 5 1-6 1

Moving speed: 305

Vision: 1800/800

Attack distance: 600

Ballistic velocity: 1200

Jitter before/after attack: 0.4+0.5

Shake before/after casting: 0.35+0.52

Basic attack interval: 1.5

Heroes grow up as follows:

Three. Introduction and analysis of heroic skills



1 Skill: Paralysis potion


Throw a wooden bucket full of paralyzing powder, bounce among the enemies, stun the enemies and cause damage.

Magic cost:110/120/130/140.

Cooling time: 20/18/16/14.

Skills: unit goals

Impact: enemy units

Damage type: magic

Damage: 75/100/125/150

Heroic vertigo time:1111/.

Ordinary unit vertigo time: 5/5/5.

Damage to heroes: 50/50/50/50

Number of bounces: 2/4/6/8

Skill details: ① The target can receive multiple actions as long as other nearby units can bounce. ② Phantom vertigo for 5 seconds.

"Skills Analysis and Precautions"

The control skill of witch doctor, paralysis potion, commonly known as bouncing music, will cause dizziness and injury because it needs to bounce between multiple targets. Therefore, its practical application effect is often affected by many uncertain factors in the field. It should be noted that the best environment for releasing paralytic drugs is that there are two heroes on the opposite side, who can bounce between them and cause dizziness. Of course, you can also choose to eject between enemy heroes and soldiers. In short, the fewer objects are ejected, the better the ejection effect.


2 Skills: Voodoo Recovery

Witch doctors concentrate their magic on healing nearby friendly units.

Magic cost: 25/50/75/ 100

Cooling time: 0

Skills: no goal, switch

Mana consumed per second: 8/ 14/20/26

Scope of action: 500

Therapeutic dose: 16/24/32/40.

Skill details: ① The treatment interval is 0.33 seconds. ② Effective for magic immune units.

"Skills Analysis and Precautions"

Witch doctor's recovery skills, full-scale treatment of 40 points of blood per second is still relatively objective. Therefore, witch doctors are often regarded as the priority targets. The effect of early voodoo recovery is generally mainly that the witch doctor himself has less magic and can't open it for a long time; But in the later stage, with certain equipment support, witch doctors can recover for a long time, which is very useful for promotion. It should be noted that although voodoo recovery is a range recovery skill, the range is not very large. When the front row needs to be restored, the witch doctor will stand in the front, so players need to be careful not to be killed because of their position.

3 Skills: Curse

Curse all enemy heroes in an area for continuous damage 12 seconds. In addition, after being cursed, every 100 health points will suffer additional damage, which is calculated every 4 seconds.

Magic cost:120/120/120.

Cooling time: 35 minutes

Skills: aim at the target

Influence: magic

Time of injury: 20 10 May 20th.

Extra damage: 16/24/32/40

Action scope: 150

Duration: 12

Skill details: ① The damage caused is based on the difference between the current health value and the health value when receiving the curse.

"Skills Analysis and Precautions"

Witch doctor's curse is a phased damage calculation skill, especially when cursed, you will get extra damage for every loss of 100 health points, which is very effective in team battles. Can further improve the damage. It should be noted that this skill is a range skill, and it is necessary to test the player's operation level by cursing as many enemy heroes as possible.

4 Skills: Death Guard

Continuous casting-summons a death guard to attack enemy heroes. The Death Guard has a range of 700 and attacks every 0.25 second. At level 3, the attack can be expelled once. It lasts for 8 seconds. Personnel upgrade: increase the attack power of death guards.

Magic cost: 200/200/200

Cooling time: 80

Skills: Keep casting spells and point targets.

Type of injury: physical injury

Duration: 60/90/ 120

Staff attack power upgrade: 90/ 120/ 150.

Skill details: ① The Death Guard is invincible, and will only be destroyed after the witch doctor is interrupted or the duration is over. ② Death Guard can be controlled and choose to attack specific targets. (3) Death Guardian casts 600 spells.

"Skills Analysis and Precautions"

The powerful skills of witch doctors, especially against some uncontrolled heroes or teams, are very powerful. The attack speed of Death Guard is very fast, it can attack once in 0.25 seconds, and the early damage is very considerable. However, it should be noted that the death guard of the witch doctor is a continuous casting skill, and the death, dizziness, movement and casting skills of the witch doctor will cause the casting of the death guard to be interrupted. In addition, players are advised to turn on voodoo recovery before turning on Death Guard. This will ensure that you are not easy to be killed when casting spells.

How to become a qualified witch doctor

1. As an assistant, the witch doctor needs to help his teammates make up for it online in addition to making a good vision. The task of witch doctors in the early stage is to supplement, broaden their horizons and protect their own core.

2. Witch doctor's skill consumes a lot of magic. Before there are secret shoes, any skill is more precious. Especially after voodoo recovery, the consumption of magic is very fast. As a qualified witch doctor, you should control your magic, and at least keep 200 magic points when you open the death guard.

3. Witch doctor 1 skill paralysis drugs have great uncertainty. Players can't regard it as a complete control skill, but more as a skill to disrupt the opponent's formation.

4. Witch doctors should stand in the last row of the team when fighting in groups. Its skills are far away, and witch doctors don't need to come forward, which will only increase their own danger. Witch doctor's skills can well divide the battlefield, separate the opposite side from the back row, or protect his teammates through skills, which can play a very good role. In addition, in team battles, don't leave skills, but use all skills that can be lost on time. For a witch doctor in an auxiliary position, it is very likely that he will fall to the ground in an instant under the opposite wave of skills, so in order not to cause regret, the skills that should be left must not be left.

4. The heroic orientation of witch doctors

The witch doctor is positioned as the fifth assistant wet nurse in the team, but she has very strong anti-killing and recovery ability. Therefore, support can be provided on site. Its big move, the follow-up skill of Death Guard is very strong, which can be used as a powerful skill to protect the back row.

5. The witch doctor suggested wearing clothes.

Secret shoes are first and foremost necessary for witch doctors. In addition to improving your magic, you can also provide magic feedback for your teammates. However, witch doctors can choose to use straw sandals before making MacKenslim, and then synthesize straw sandals into secret shoes after MacKenslim is made.

Mackensm provides the survival ability for witch doctors, and it is the necessary equipment for witch doctors in the auxiliary position. MacKenslim can instantly provide 250 health recovery and 2 armor bonus to nearby friendly units. Cooperate with voodoo recovery in group battle, and the recovery effect is very good.

Staff of Hei Di, the most powerful skill of witch doctor is death guard, with terrible attack power and fast attack speed of 0.25 seconds. But witch doctors need to keep singing in the same place. For the skills of continuous singing, I am most afraid of being interrupted by the skills of enemy heroes. Therefore, the black emperor's staff is a must for witch doctors. When the group battle broke out, it would be bad news for the opposite side if a magical witch doctor with a black emperor's staff continued to sing Death Guard.

Blood essence stone, witch doctor's skill is very demon-consuming, as mentioned earlier. Bloodstone allows witch doctors to continue fighting like aircraft carriers. It's just that the high price of bloodstone is very stressful for an auxiliary witch doctor. Usually, it is difficult for witch doctors to make blood stone in the competition, but if they make blood stone, witch doctors can start voodoo recovery at the beginning of the team battle until the end of the team battle and provide continuous treatment for teammates. Its significance can be imagined.

Euler's staff is a very useful item, especially when used with witch doctors, which can be well connected with their skills. First of all, EUL sacred staff can bring 10 intelligence to witch doctors, 150% magic recovery and 35 points movement speed bonus. There is also an active skill: tornado? -Blow the target device into the air for 2.5 seconds. But the blown unit is invincible. With the EUL staff, witch doctors can blow up the opposite side first, and then attack near the landing position with death guards. Euler's staff can also be used to escape. When attacking or using skills from the opposite side, you can blow yourself or your friendly teammates for 2.5 seconds, and you can have invincible time. But because you are still in the same place, when you are chased by the enemy, if there is no teammate to save you, the effect can only be to survive. Euler's staff is similar to the staff of the Force, both of which are very interesting items. Here, we can say that we can use the staff of principle or the sacred staff of EUL to interrupt the continuous singing skills such as witch doctor and mystery.

Force staff, for witch doctors with thin skin and little blood, Force staff can enhance their viability. In addition to using the Force Staff to escape, players should also take advantage of the Force Staff to push the hero to the opposite side. In battle, they can face the front row and the back row, or push the enemy hero to the highland below when they are on the highland. But you need to pay attention to the direction it faces and need a certain hand speed. The Force Staff can also play a great role in protecting teammates, such as when your hero is used by soul eaters? Tear the wound? When you do this, you can push it away with the staff of the Force to avoid its attack. Therefore, as long as the player exerts his imagination, the Force Staff is a very interesting item.

Insight into the channel, insight into the channel can increase the spell resistance of witch doctors And its active skills: Energy shield? -It can shield nearby friendly units from 400 damage and enhance the team's defense against damage. Usually, in the face of powerful heroes exported by magic, it needs to be used as the second equipment in MacKensmore. For example, when facing the lich, the insight pipeline is the necessary equipment.

The function of evil sickle lies in its powerful single control ability. It is conceivable that in a team battle, if we can drop the opposite output core first, the balance of the battle will naturally tilt like our own camp. However, the shortcomings of the evil sickle are also very obvious. The price of 5675 is almost impossible for a witch doctor who is in an auxiliary position in the team. The single control ability of the evil sickle can often play a vital role in the later team battle.

The necromancer book and the necromancer book enhance the propulsion ability of the jammer. The effect of the level 3 necromancer book is very good, and it is also quite good in team battles. Of course, it is only in the early and middle stages, and the necromancer book is relatively weak in the later stage. The necromancer's summoner will deal a powerful blow to the enemy's building. This summoner can be used to protect his back row in a team battle.

6. Witch doctor lineup:

When choosing a lineup for witch doctors, because of the great uncertainty of their paralyzing drugs, they are easily influenced by the surrounding soldiers and are not good at being shot by enemy heroes. Therefore, we need heroes with the skills of clearing soldiers to help witch doctors clear soldiers and increase the effect of paralyzing drugs. One of the best hero choices is the Dwarf Helicopter. Summon missiles? Skills can instantly empty soldiers on the battlefield. In addition to the dwarf helicopter, we can also gather with some heroes who can gather opposite each other, such as the dark sage and the vacuum of the dark sage, so that even if there are soldiers around, paralyzing drugs can bounce between enemy heroes to a great extent. Another advantage of gathering people is that curses can do as much damage as possible to enemy heroes.

In restraining witch doctors, witch doctors are very afraid of control, especially the control skills that can ignore magic immunity. Among them, the bat knight and the mysterious trick are more representative, and their ignorance of magic immunity can well interrupt the witch doctor to sing the death guard. Besides these two heroes, the spirit of revenge is also a headache for witch doctors. He has control skills and transposition skills, and can interrupt witch doctors who haven't made the Black Emperor's Staff yet.

Seven. Witch doctor's skill combination:

Kill the opposite line: When killing the opposite line, the witch doctor's main source of damage is his 3-skill curse. This is because the witch doctor's curse is a phased damage calculation skill. Every time he is cursed, he will lose 100 health points and gain additional damage. First, the player needs to consume the opponent's blood volume, and then look for opportunities to make paralyzing drugs bounce between heroes or between heroes and a soldier. Then connect the curse, and then continue the normal attack. If you or your teammates have low blood volume, start voodoo recovery.

Team battle skill release: In team battle, the witch doctor skill first curses the target hero or multiple target heroes. Then cast the paralyzing potion, start the voodoo recovery, and finally sing the death guard.

Eight. Other precautions for witch doctors:

1. The recommended witch doctor is still auxiliary, so you must have good eyesight at ordinary times. You should take the real guard in the team battle to avoid being attacked by the invisible hero on the other side.

2. In any case, witch doctors should carry TP with them in order to provide effective support.