Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What's the use of the Crash 2 fetter badge?

What's the use of the Crash 2 fetter badge?

The fetter is a branch task of the awakening weapon, and there is a weapon awakening task, which rewards crystals and garbage house fragments respectively.

The scene map includes Xueyuan City and its surroundings, and the next scene can be automatically unlocked after completing the task of one scene. Prayer is divided into girl prayer, big miss prayer, princess prayer and witch prayer. Maidens' prayers can be completed by consuming friendship points, while the prayers of big girls, princesses and witches must be completed by consuming crystals.

Kiana's Yuqian College is located in a huge academic park city in the suburbs. There are six famous middle schools, ten universities and research institutions, and hundreds of thousands of students and staff live in them.

The game * * * has 46 plot maps, and there are two modes to choose from. After a perfect customs clearance, you can get a customs clearance reward (new products and inheritors only) from the task list in the lower right corner of the map.

Academy 2 can unlock thirteen characters, and the way to get the characters comes from prayer. All equipment and player levels are shared between characters. Each character has 1 costume slot, 3 weapon slots, 3 skill slots and 1 magic slot.