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What is dyslexia or dyslexia? What should I do?

Guide children to improve their learning difficulties.

Academic performance of children with learning difficulties

Children with learning difficulties are mainly characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and uncontrollable class behavior; Reading is difficult, and there are often too many words added, missed and skipped; Calculation is easy to make mistakes, ignoring decimal points and remembering wrong operation symbols; There are few words, and it is difficult to make sentences and write; Poor memory, bad mood, bad temper, willfulness, can not get along well with partners and so on. Their academic performance is always at the lower and middle level. Because of poor academic performance, these children are often criticized by teachers and ignored by classmates at school, and often accused or even beaten by their parents at home. Over time, their self-evaluation is reduced, their self-confidence is insufficient, and they gradually lose interest in learning, thus further reducing their academic performance and forming a vicious circle.

Most of these children's IQ is normal, and some even exceed the norm, but their learning ability level has not reached the actual age level. Their listening perception, visual perception, sensory movement and hand-eye coordination ability cannot be improved with age, so their learning ability cannot develop in a balanced way.

Therefore, when children have the above-mentioned learning difficulties, parents should give them full understanding and sympathy, and take them to professional treatment and education institutions for examination and testing in time to thoroughly understand whether their learning ability is normal, abnormal or backward, so as to train and correct them in time. After determining the types of learning difficulties, professional institutions will formulate personalized training plans for them, and carry out all-round training such as sensory movement, auditory perception, visual perception, hand, eye and brain coordination in a way that children like to play, so as to stimulate cerebellar development. Cultivate children's self-esteem, self-confidence and self-improvement, constantly let them experience success and constantly stimulate their enthusiasm for learning. Parents, please miss the best opportunity to intervene.

The specific aspects are as follows:

First, reading difficulties

Reading is a learning activity, which requires a variety of cognitive processes (such as perception, memory understanding, generalization, comparison, reasoning, etc.). As long as children have problems in any of these cognitive abilities, their reading ability will be affected. Therefore, dyslexia is common among children with learning difficulties.

1. Reading habits

When reading, you are nervous, frowning, biting your lips, reading sideways or twitching your head; I lost my position and couldn't find where to start reading; Reading is too close to the book you are reading; Refuse to read by crying or other questionable behavior.

Step 2 read aloud

One or several words in a sentence are often omitted; Insert words into sentences at will; Replace the words in the sentence with other words at will; Invert the words before and after the phrase at will; Reading is not smooth, stopping in an inappropriate place; Sharp voice, wheezing and so on.

Step 3 remember

First of all, it is difficult to recall the basic facts and can't answer the questions about the basic facts such as time and place in the article; Moreover, it is difficult to recall the story in order, and it is impossible to repeat the story in the order of the story plot; At the same time, it is difficult to recall the theme and can't say the theme of reading.

4. Understanding skills

It is difficult to understand word by word, and it is impossible to correctly say some details and some specific information in the reading content; Lack of understanding ability, unable to draw conclusions from reading materials, unable to compare the differences between viewpoints, unable to integrate new viewpoints with learned viewpoints; Lack of critical understanding skills, unable to combine reading materials with their own lives, unable to analyze the author's intentions and beliefs, unable to compare reading materials with each other.

5. Application of reading strategies

It is difficult to draw the key points, understand the nature of the reading materials, and divide the paragraphs.

Second, writing is difficult.

It is found that many children with learning difficulties have underdeveloped fine motor skills, which leads to different writing difficulties. Dysgraphia is also called dysgraphia or visual motor integration difficulty. The typical writing difficulties of students with learning difficulties generally have the following manifestations.

1. incorrect pen holding method

Finger is too close to the pen tip, or too far from the pen tip; Use only the index finger to hold the pen; The paper is not in the right position, often moved or placed too obliquely.

2. The writing posture is incorrect

Improper distance between the body and the desktop, too far or too close; The distance between the arm and the body is improper, too close or too far away from the body.

3. Improper power control

Pencil too hard will break the tip or puncture the paper; Muscle tension, stiff fingers and inflexible operation; The grip is not strong enough or the pen path is too shallow.

4. The writing is uneven

Lack of understanding of the results of a single word, big is not big, small is not small, for example, the left and right parts of "eat" are written as big as each other and become "begging"; Words vary in size and thickness.

5. Incorrect word spacing

The distance between the components of each word is too far, for example, the distance between the left half and the right half of "Ming" is too far, and it becomes "the sun and the moon"; The distance between words is too big or too small.

6. The stroke order is incorrect

Don't follow the rules of stroke order, such as the word "country", stamp it first, and then write the word "jade" in it; Split a pen in two, or connect several pens into one.

7. Scribbled handwriting

Words are unstructured, uneven and out of proportion; There are no strokes, horizontal is not like horizontal, vertical is not like vertical, and the handwriting is scrawled. Sometimes even I can't recognize what I wrote.

8. Mixed words

Especially when writing pinyin letters or numbers, you can't tell 6 from 9, 5 from 2, B from D, P from Q and so on.

Third, math difficulties.

Mathematics learning is also an activity that requires the participation of various cognitive processes, especially the ability of reasoning, classification, combination, abstraction and generalization. In addition, language ability plays a very important role in solving application problems and learning algebra. Children should have certain preparation skills before learning mathematics, such as being able to compare, classify, pair and arrange objects according to their size, shape, color and materials, recognizing that the whole is the sum of parts, understanding the Arabic numeral 10 and its meaning, assigning all individuals in an object to different objects one by one, and imitating and recalling the spatial arrangement of objects.

If children's preview ability is not developed, it will be affected when learning mathematics. Therefore, parents should pay special attention to the development of children's skills in this area, and remedy the deficiencies as soon as possible, so as not to have a negative impact on children's formal mathematics learning.

The difficulties of children with learning difficulties in mathematics learning are mainly manifested in the following aspects.

1. Difficulties in reading and writing numbers

When reading and writing, it is easy to confuse 5 and 2, 6 and 9.

2. It is difficult to count.

When counting loudly, I often skip some numbers; Ordinal numbers are difficult to understand, such as not knowing which day is the second day of the week; It is impossible to correctly count the girls in red skirts according to certain requirements, such as counting the girls in the class, counting from L to 30 in order, but not counting the numbers containing 4 and multiples of 4, it is often impossible to complete correctly.

3. Digital difficulties,

I can't understand the concept of numbers, nor can I understand that the same number can represent different values on different numbers. For example, 4 means 4 in the unit, the tenth place is 40, and the hundredth place is 400. Numeric difficulties will affect the addition and subtraction of forward and backward positions.

4. Poor computing skills

Confusion in operation methods, such as sudden addition in multiplication; If the algorithm is not well mastered, it will not abdicate, decrease or add; Omit an operation step, such as omitting a remainder in a division operation.

5. Problem solving defects

It is difficult to solve mathematical vocabulary problems and application problems. This is mainly due to the defects of language skills. Other children find it difficult to solve problems because of their lack of analytical and reasoning skills.

6. Difficulties in space organization

Invert or reverse the number, such as 7 1 pronounced17; There is an error in the arrangement of numbers during the operation, such as 54-36 = 22.

These learning difficulties are due to cerebellar hypoplasia. If the cerebellum function cannot be effectively exerted, it will lead to various learning difficulties. Therefore, learning difficulties often have similar manifestations and symptoms often overlap.