Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - I can give several representative examples of different materials.

I can give several representative examples of different materials.


Say no to "Harvard girl"

After the book Liu Yiting, a Harvard Girl, became an instant hit, classic books of "making geniuses" such as My Family is so stupid that I went to Cambridge, Easy to Go to Harvard, Yale Boy and A Dream in Oxford came out one after another.

However, in the applause of these books, a 5-year-old Qingdao girl bravely stood up and said no loudly! It turns out that the little girl's mother is an enthusiastic reader and practitioner of Harvard girl Liu Yiting. According to Liu Yiting's training mode described in the book, the mother holds a famous book every day and chases her daughter to read it to her. After a long time, the little girl finally couldn't stand it. She covered her ears and shouted, "I hate Liu Yiting. I don't want to listen to famous books anymore! " Cheerful children become withdrawn and irritable, and parents have to ask the doctor for help. The comedy has turned into a tragedy, and the crying of the little girl in Qingdao hopes to arouse the reflection of parents in Qian Qian and Qian Qian who are also trying to cultivate "Harvard girls"-every child is different, and the growth path they have taken will certainly be different.

A caterpillar starved to death.

In France, a scientist named Faber made a famous "caterpillar" experiment.

Faber put some caterpillars on the edge of the flowerpot so that they were connected end to end in a circle. At the same time, some pine needles they like to eat are scattered 6 inches outside the flowerpot. Because this kind of insect has the habit of "following" by nature, I saw them crawling around the flowerpot one by one. Time passes slowly, one minute, one hour, one day ... the caterpillar hovers like this. For seven days and nights, they were hungry and tired, and all died.

At the end of this experiment, there is a sentence in Farber's notes-"If one of the caterpillars is slightly different, they can immediately change their fate and bid farewell to death."


Doe and fawn

Bringing giraffes into this world is a difficult process. The giraffe fetus falls out of its mother's womb and falls about 3 meters underground, usually on its back. In a few seconds, it turned over and its limbs curled under its body. Relying on this posture, it can see the world for the first time and get rid of the last amniotic fluid in its eyes and ears. Then, the giraffe mother brought the baby into real life in a rude way.

Gary Richmond described how a newborn giraffe learned the first lesson in his book Zoo Watch.

Mother giraffe looked down to see clearly the position of the little giraffe and made sure that she was directly above the little giraffe. She waited for about a minute, and then she did the most unreasonable thing-she raised her long legs and kicked it to make it somersault and spread its limbs.

If the little giraffe can't stand up, the giraffe mother repeats this rude action. The little giraffe tried to stand up. Because giraffes sometimes stop trying when they are tired. Mom will kick it again when she sees it, forcing it to continue its efforts. Finally, the little giraffe finally stood up with trembling legs for the first time.

At this time, the giraffe mother made a more unreasonable move. It kicked the giraffe down again. Why? It wants it to remember how it stood up. In the wild, giraffes must be able to stand up as soon as possible, so as not to leave the herd and be safe in the herd. Lions, hyenas and other wild animals like to kill giraffes. If the giraffe mother doesn't teach her children to stand up and keep up with the big army as soon as possible, then it will become the prey of these wild animals.


Don't make excuses for yourself and give up your efforts.

There was a man who experienced two tragic accidents in his life.

The first misfortune happened when he was 46 years old. An airplane accident burned more than 65% of his skin. In the 16 operation, his face was turned into a colorful plate by skin grafting. Fingers are gone, legs are too small to move, so I can only collapse in a wheelchair.

Who would have thought that six months later, he personally flew the plane into the blue sky!

Four years later, fate brought him misfortune again. The plane he was flying suddenly fell back to the runway when taking off, and all his 12 vertebrae were crushed to pieces, and he was paralyzed forever from the waist down.

But he did not regard these disasters as the cause of his depression. He said, "Before I was paralyzed, I could do 1000 things. Now I can only do 9000 things, and I can still focus my attention and eyes on 9000 things I can do. I have experienced two major setbacks in my life, so I can only choose not to use setbacks as an excuse to give up my efforts. "

The strong man in life is Mitchell. It is precisely because he never gave up his efforts that he eventually became a millionaire, an orator, an entrepreneur and gained a place in politics.

Frustration is the best gift in life.

A soldier had just left the army, had only a high school education, and had no skills, so he had to work as a delivery man in a printing factory. One day, the young man sent a car with forty or fifty bundles of books to the seventh floor office of a university. When he walked to the elevator with two or three bundles of books for the first time, a guard in his fifties came over and said, "This elevator is for professors and teachers. No one else is allowed to take it. You must take the stairs. "

The young man explained to the doorman, "I'm not a student, but I want to send a car load of books to the office on the seventh floor." This is the book ordered by your school! " "

But the guard said with a straight face, "No isno.". You are neither a professor nor a teacher. You are not allowed to take the elevator. "

They quarreled at the elevator for a long time, but the guard still refused to let them go. The young man thought, if you want to move all the books from this car, you have to walk back and forth at least 20 times, which will be exhausting. Later, young people couldn't stand unreasonable difficulties. He crossed his heart, moved forty or fifty bundles of books to the corner of the hall and left in despair. Later, the young man explained what happened to the owner of the printing factory and got an understanding, but he also resigned from the boss and immediately went to the bookstore to buy a set of high school textbooks and reference books. Swear with tears that I will work hard and be admitted to the university. I will never let others look down on me again. In the first half of the college entrance examination, the young man studied 14 hours behind closed doors every day, because he knew that his time was running out and there was no way out! Whenever he slacks off, he will cheer up and work harder when he thinks of the humiliating and discriminatory scene of "the guards forbid him to take the elevator". Later, the young man was finally admitted to the medical school of a university. Now, more than twenty years have passed, and he has become a medical expert in a famous hospital.

However, he thought, if it was not "unreasonable and discriminated by the guards" at that time, how could he dry his humiliating tears and stand up bravely? And isn't the security guard he hates also the benefactor of his life?

Money will be spent, status will change, and friends will leave us one day, but developing a good habit of dealing with "setbacks and failures" when you are young is the best gift for your life, and no one can take it away.

Indeed, everyone is frustrated sometimes. However, I believe that "frustration and failure are the best gifts in life". Only when people encounter setbacks, are made difficult by others, discriminated against and laughed at can they "wake themselves up" and wake themselves up with "blows". Isn't this the most precious gift in life?

Every setback, every pain and every failure in life has its own meaning.


Learning to cherish requires a new way of thinking.

The disciple told the master, "I'm going crazy. Wife, children, parents-in-law all live in a unique room. The room is like hell. " The master said, "Will you do as I say?" The disciple said, "Yes." The host said, "Bring all the animals in your house to your room." A week later, the disciple found the master again: "My nerves are about to collapse." The master said, "Drive all the animals out." Then the disciple thought, "How sweet life is! Animals are out, and home is heaven, so quiet, tidy and spacious."

This story tells us that too many people forget to cherish what they have. Happiness is to cherish and appreciate what you have, not the other way around.

Cherish and enhance the value.

A boy who grew up in an orphanage asked the dean pessimistically, "What's the point of an unwanted child like me living?" The dean handed him a stone and said, "You can sell this stone tomorrow, but it's not really for sale. No matter how much money others pay, you must never sell it. " The next day, the boy squatted in the corner of the market. Many people really want to buy this stone, so the price has gone up. In the evening, the dean asked him to sell it in the gold market tomorrow. In the gold market, someone bid ten times higher than yesterday for the stone. Finally, the dean told the boy to go to the gem market to sell stones. As a result, the value of the stone has increased tenfold compared with yesterday, and it has even been passed down as a "rare treasure".

The dean said to the boy, "the value of life is like this stone, a very humble stone, which has been enhanced because of your treasure."


Girl's choice

/kloc-A 0/4-year-old girl stands in the court of divorce judgment and chooses her father or mother.

Choosing her father, she chose to stay in China; Choosing her mother, she chose to go to Australia. Choosing her father, she chose poverty, and her father is just an ordinary engineer who gets paid; By choosing her mother, she chose Fugui, and her mother is going to marry a software vendor. By choosing her father, she chose reality. She will, as always, study hard, go to high school, go to college and go abroad for further study. This is her goal and her father's expectation. By choosing her mother, she chose her dream. Before that, she had dreamed of her mother coming back countless times, taking her across the ocean and enjoying everything brought by modern material civilization. When she chose her father, she chose the hardships of love. For ten years, her father raised her alone, and she was both a strict father and a loving mother. By choosing her mother, she chose the promise of love. Her mother said that after going abroad for ten years, all her efforts were aimed at "receiving the best education" and "living the best life" for her daughter.

Everyone, including the judge, thinks it is too difficult for a child who is not familiar with the world.

The girl chose father and poverty. The girl said that this choice is actually very simple.

Don't be disturbed by superficial phenomena.

Suppose we had to choose one of the following three candidates to benefit mankind, which one would you choose? Let's look at the candidates:

Candidate A: I believe that witch doctors and fortune tellers have two mistresses, have many years of smoking history and like martinis.

Candidate B: I was kicked out of the office twice and didn't get up until noon every day. When I was in college, I smoked opium and drank a quart of brandy every night.

Candidate C: He was a national war hero, kept a vegetarian habit, never smoked, only drank beer occasionally, and never did anything illegal when he was young.

Do you think this information is enough to help you decide the best person? Don't think this is an easy choice. Now let's reveal the answer and see who you choose. Candidate A is franklin roosevelt, candidate B is Winston Churchill and candidate C is Adolf Hitler.

(For your reference)