Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Will studying the astrolabe hurt you?

Will studying the astrolabe hurt you?

Studying the astrolabe won't hurt researchers.

Astrology is a method to reveal the relationship between the position of celestial bodies and human destiny by interpreting the astrolabe. Everyone's astrolabe is unique, calculated by the time, place and date of birth. Contrary to some people's fears, astrolabe research can make researchers know themselves better. By understanding your own personality characteristics and tendencies, you can better understand and accept yourself.

Astrolabe research can reveal the deep potential and advantages and help researchers find their own direction. It can also help researchers understand their own emotional needs and how to better handle the relationship with others. Astrolabe research is not a tool to predict the future. It will not tell researchers what will happen in the future, nor will it limit researchers' choices. The study of astrolabe is more of an inspiration and guidance.

Explain the recommended method of astrolabe;

1, the sun and the moon rise

Commonly known as the rise of the sun and the moon, from three aspects, is to see which constellation the sun, the moon and the rise fall in respectively. Through these three aspects, we can make a general positioning for ourselves.

2. Trinity (constellation, planet and house)

These three aspects are combined to look at the astrolabe, what kind of energy the planet represents, what kind of identity the constellation represents to exert this energy, what kind of identity the house represents to exert this energy, and in which field it may be easier to produce this energy, so as to make a comprehensive interpretation of yourself in this way.

3. Look at the overall situation (position, movement trend)

Considering the position between all planets and the movement trend of some planets as a whole, it is the most complete birthday map and a birthday map. But it should be noted that you can't judge a person just from an astrolabe. Astrology does not reflect what will happen next, but helps you find your true self. That's all that matters.

The above contents are for reference only.