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What does 13 mean?

In many cultures (especially in Europe and America), 13 is considered as an unlucky number. One of the reasons is that there were 13 people when Jesus and his twelve disciples had their last supper in Christianity. There is a theory that the ominous view of 13 stems from primitive people's fear of the unknown, because 13 cannot be counted with 18' s fingers and two soles.

If one day in a month is both 13 and Friday, it is called Black Friday.

Why do westerners taboo "13"?

This taboo stems from two legends:

First, it is said that Jesus had dinner with his disciples before he was killed. The person present at the dinner was Judas, a disciple of Jesus. It was this Judas who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities for 30 silver dollars and made Jesus suffer. The Last Supper was attended by 13 people, and the date of the dinner coincided with 13. "13" brought suffering and misfortune to Jesus. From then on, "13" was regarded as a symbol of misfortune. "13" is synonymous with betrayal and betrayal.

Legend has it that Jesus was crucified 13.

Second, westerners' taboo "13" originated from ancient myths. In Norse mythology, there were 12 gods at the banquet in Ha Fula. During the dinner, an unexpected guest, Loki, the God of Trouble and Noisy, suddenly broke in. The intrusion of the 13 visitor led to the death of Bert, who was loved by the gods.

(Bert is Odin's son god of light. Outstanding talent, outstanding appearance, smiling. People felt very happy when he smiled. He had a nightmare and had a premonition that he would be assassinated. The gods were worried about this, so Odin sent an official to strictly prohibit all birds, animals, plants and animals from hurting Bode. But your official didn't send a message to mistletoe, because he felt that this fragile and incompetent plant didn't need to be guarded. Loki, the Vulcan, took advantage of this opportunity to make a sharp arrow with mistletoe, inciting Holder, the god of darkness, to come forward, aiming with a bow and shooting Balder to death. )

There are many such legends, which spread widely, especially the legend about the last supper, which has been deeply rooted in the hearts of western people. Leonardo also painted the famous oil painting The Last Supper, which was widely circulated. Therefore, "13" has become the most taboo number in the western world.

Because of taboos, westerners try their best to avoid contact with "13". In the Netherlands, it is difficult for people to find the house numbers of buildings 13 and 13. They replaced 13 with "12A". You can't find 13 rows and 13 seats in British theaters. The French are very clever, and there are generally walkways between rows 12 and 14 in the theater. In addition, people are also taboo to travel on 13, even more taboo to eat with 13 people, and even more unacceptable to 13 dishes. Respondent added 20 10-02-08 10:00.

Black Friday originated from western religious beliefs and superstitions: Jesus Christ died on Friday, and 13 is an unlucky number. The combination of the two makes people believe that something unfortunate will happen that day. Friday and 13 both represent bad luck, and two unfortunate individuals finally combined into a super unfortunate day. Therefore, no matter which month 13 coincides with Friday, it is called "Black Friday".

Black Friday originated from western religious beliefs and superstitions. Many westerners are afraid of "13", because according to superstition, as long as 13 is the day of every month, the witches of 12 will hold a carnival night party, and the devil Satan of 13 will appear at the climax of the night party, which will bring disaster to people. Therefore, Westerners are not only jealous of the day "13", but also the number "13". A typical example is that many buildings in the west do not have 13 floors.

Many people in West Renye Fang taboo "Friday". The Bible says that after God created the first man Adam, he took a rib from him and made a woman Eve. It is said that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit on Friday, and the day they died was also Friday. Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, also killed his younger brother Abel on Black Friday. To westerners, Friday is an unlucky day. On this day, some people will be unable to get up because of fear, some people will refuse to fly, refuse to buy a house, and even refuse to buy a certain stock. And if Friday falls on 13, it will be a very bad day. Because people will not fly or do business as usual on this day, the business loss can reach 800 million to 900 million dollars. It is estimated that this fear afflicts tens of millions of people in the United States.

13 and Friday both represent bad luck, and two unfortunate individuals finally combined into a super unlucky day. Therefore, no matter which month 13 coincides with Friday, it is called "Black Friday".

Desai, the author of Fear and Fun, is a folk historian. He said that the fear of Black Friday was deeply rooted in ancient times. Friday and 13 both represent bad luck, and two unfortunate individuals finally combined into a super unlucky day.

Desai traced the fear of 13 back to a Norwegian myth about 12 god holding a banquet in their paradise, Varhala Palace. Loki, who was not invited, was the 13 guest at the banquet. When he got there, he asked Holder, the god of darkness, to shoot Balder, the god of happiness, with an arrow pointed by mistletoe. Balder died, and the whole earth fell into darkness and sadness. From that moment on, the number 13 became an ominous sign.

In Philadelphia, a group of rich people once formed a club called "Black Friday". They only get together on "Black Friday" to exercise their determination and willpower against fear. Every time they meet, they enjoy a hearty dinner together, and then they start to do all kinds of crazy actions that normal people think are evil, such as smashing a big mirror, sprinkling salt everywhere, opening an umbrella in the room, releasing black cats and so on. Independent experts who study anomalies say that human beings are afraid of certain special days. They believe that the calendar can reflect the flow of time and the intensity cycle of invisible forces in the universe. After a certain degree of development, every civilization will draw up its own calendar. For centuries, human history has warned people that when the strength of invisible cosmic forces reaches its peak, people should be particularly cautious.

Black Friday originated from western religious beliefs and superstitions: Jesus Christ died on Friday, and 13 is an unlucky number. The combination of the two makes people believe that something unfortunate will happen that day.

Friday and 13 both represent bad luck, and two unfortunate individuals finally combined into a super unlucky day. Therefore, no matter which month 13 coincides with Friday, it is called "Black Friday".

On April 1970,1,13, 13 minutes 13 seconds, Apollo 13, which carried out the third moon landing mission, was launched at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On April 13, when the spacecraft was expected to enter the lunar orbit, it exploded, not only giving up the mission to the moon, but also almost killing three astronauts. Some people pointed out that the almost disastrous Apollo 13 mission to the moon proved that the number 13 was unlucky.

The unlucky number 13 is also involved in the Bible. Judas, the preacher who betrayed Jesus, was the 13 guest at the last supper. At the same time, in ancient Rome, there were 12 groups of witches in legend, and 13 groups were considered as demons.

Thomas Faessler, a scientist at the Center for Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Delaware in Newark, said that the number 13 was so unfortunate because it was after 12. Faessler believes that digital scientists believe that 12 is a "complete" number, with 12 months in a year, 12 gods in the zodiac, 12 laborers in Olympus, 12 tribes in Hercules. When it exceeds 12 a little, 13 "slightly exceeds' complete' a little", this number becomes unstable.

Now the fear of 13 is still very strong. According to Desai's survey, 80% of high-rise buildings don't have the floor of 13, many airports have missed the door of 13, and hospitals and hotels usually don't have the room number of 13. On the streets of Florence, Italy, the number between 12 and 14 is 12.5. Among the famous French sonnets, they once thought that they could be the first 14 guests at the banquet and get rid of an unfortunate fate.

As for Friday, it is the day when the famous Christian Jesus was persecuted. Some biblical scholars believe that Eve tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit on Friday. Perhaps the most important belief is that Cain killed Abel on Friday 13.

1307 65438+ 10 13, it was a Friday (this is one of the origins of Black Friday). Philip IV sent a secret letter to officials all over France without warning, asking them to open it at the same time. The content of the secret letter is to arrest the members of the Templar. Philip's surprise attack was a complete success. Almost all the French Templars were arrested. In Paris alone, 138 members of the Templar were arrested, including the leader of the Templar, Jacques de Moulay. Philip IV accused the Templars of heresy, which is really interesting. The Templar is really not a man who believes in women. You can call them greedy and cruel, but heresy is a bit bizarre. Since its establishment, the Knights Templar has been the most loyal force under the Pope, who granted them hundreds of privileges before and after. However, what Philip IV needs is not a logical point of view. He only needs to plunge the Knights into the abyss. The French Inquisition immediately began interrogating members of the order. Under the "fruitful work" of the Inquisition, the Knights Templar began to repent, including its head Jacques de Molay. The court also asked him to issue an order to all members of the Order to solve their confidentiality obligations. After Mali's order was issued, members of the Order submitted strange confessions to the court. Some admit that joining a club will spit on the cross, some say they practice witchcraft, and some say they worship pagan idols. As for what this pagan idol looks like, everyone has his own opinion, and there are homosexuals among the knights-this may be the only credible accusation. According to the records, 36 members of the Order died in the trial in Paris alone. We can imagine under what circumstances these confessions were obtained.

In a dark corner, the soul of Jesus floated there. It turned out to be Friday. 13.

One day he floated there, scaring to death 13 adults and 5 children. This sounds terrible.

] The influence is in the west, and 13 falls on Friday, which is called "Black Friday".

Many westerners are afraid of "13" because, according to superstition, as long as 13 is the day of every month, 12 witches will hold a carnival night party, and 13 Satan will appear at the climax of the party, which will bring disaster to people. Therefore, Westerners are not only jealous of the day "13", but also the number "13". A typical example is that many buildings in the west do not have 13 floors.

Many people in West Renye Fang taboo "Friday". The Bible says that after God created the first man-Adam, he took a rib from him and created another woman-Eve. It is said that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit on Friday, and the day they died was also Friday. Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, also killed his younger brother Abel on Black Friday.

Legend has it that Judaism (Judaism) takes Friday sunset to Saturday sunset as a rest day, which is called the Sabbath.

Britain used to execute criminals on Fridays, so Fridays were sometimes called "Hanging Day".

Because of the above legend, westerners are very taboo to see "13" and "Friday" at the same time. If "13" coincides with "Friday", it is considered more unlucky and called "Black Friday".

Now, the meaning of "Black Friday" seems to refer not only to the day when 13 coincides with Friday, but also to what many people call "the worst day", whether it is 13 or not.

Analysts believe that the problem is not what magic these two days have, but that people who are afraid of these two numbers are at work. I think "13" plus "Friday" is the most sinister day.

Not only ordinary people but also celebrities are afraid of "13" and "Friday". Whenever this happens, Goethe always sleeps; Napoleon never used force, Bismarck never signed any treaty, even if he didn't touch anyone's fundamental interests.

In fact, not all "13" are ominous. Some Europeans like 13: Israel is divided into 13 parts; Savior just arrived13; There are many mysterious divinations of 13 in Europe, such as Tian Quan of 13 and Tianmen of 13. People who believe in God hope to get 13 kinds of magical medicines. In ancient Egypt, in the eyes of Maya (Indian ethnic group), 13 symbolizes God's favor. Some people think that 13 is not only unlucky, but also brings good luck to people. Lindbergh, the first pilot to fly across the Atlantic, failed in the first flight 12, but succeeded in the first flight 13. ...

For a long time, people have done a lot of work to overcome superstition and advocate science. For example, 179 1 year, a British shipyard will build a big ship. The manufacturer specially chose 13 to start construction. It was Friday, and the name of the ship was also called "Friday". The day when the ship was first launched was Friday. [Edit this paragraph] Jesus and Russian Pravda discussed the image of "Black Friday" that westerners call. According to the article, some independent experts believe that there may be invisible cosmic forces behind the "Black Friday" phenomenon.

Friday is regarded by westerners as the most unlucky day of the week, and the day when Jesus was crucified is Friday. So some people think that the crimes committed by human beings more than 2000 years ago changed the history of human beings, and Friday was given an unlucky reputation.

People may think that it is a superstition to regard Friday as the most unlucky day of the week. However, many insurance company experts say that the most important time of the week is Friday. Not only Christians think Friday is unlucky, but Muslims also hold the same view. People in most Islamic countries don't choose to do important things on Friday.

Speaking of Friday, we should talk about 13, which is considered as the most unlucky number among all the numbers. It's called "devil's 12" in Russian. Up to now, westerners still don't use the number 13 when naming streets and buildings. There is no seat on the plane 13, and there is no cabin on the ship 13. If Friday happens to be 13 on the calendar, people call it "Black Friday". On this day, the doctor won't do any important surgery.

For many famous public figures, the worst thing happened on "Black Friday". Al Capona, a gang leader in Chicago, USA, was arrested and imprisoned on a "Black Friday", and rapper Ye Paike also died on a "Black Friday". Two years ago, a German driving club published a set of accident statistics. After years of observation, the club found that every "Black Friday", the number of car accidents will increase by about 60%. This may be the reason why Muslims think Friday is not suitable for travel. Most western travel companies follow the rule of not sending tourists out on Fridays.