Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is it an accident to electrocute someone in a fish pond?

Is it an accident to electrocute someone in a fish pond?

It was an accident.

In the hit drama The Knockout, Xu Jiang's son Xu Lei was not actually killed by Gao Qiqiang. Looking back at this story several times, I found that Xu Lei's death was not only an accident, but also closely related to Gao Qiqiang.

Xu Lei and his companions went to a wild pond for electric fish, and made an electric fish device. Before getting ready to go down to the pond, Xu Lei's companion asked Xu Lei with some doubts and worries: "Brother Lei, why did you change such a big one this time?"

Xu Lei grabbed two electric fishing rods and responded: "The last electric fish, this electric fish." While talking, Xu Lei also asked his companion if he had turned on the electric fish device. After being answered by his companion "It's already opened", Xu Lei walked to his companion with two electric fishing rods.

The companion suddenly turned around and saw two electrified electric fishing rods so close to him that he jumped away in fear. Seeing that his companion was scared to roll aside, Xu Lei smiled and walked into the pond with two electric fishing rods.

Here is a detail, that is, the electric fish equipment has been powered on at this time. Xu Dian and his companions asked for electric fish. As long as a fish is found in the pond, the positive and negative poles of two electric fishing rods touch each other instantly, and the fish will corona. Because this action is completed in an instant, the human body is generally not subjected to short-term electric shock.

Seeing Xu Lei in the water, his companions followed him. He anxiously asked Xu Lei, "Brother Lei, I said that this thing won't leak electricity, right?" Xu Lei and his companions walked into the electric fish in tandem.

At this time, when the camera turned, Gao Qiqiang appeared. For the first time, Gao Qiqiang was inevitably a little nervous when he did this kind of debt collection, beating people and scaring people. Although Gao Qiqiang soon saw Xu Lei and his companions in the pond, he was so nervous that he went to the Woods to pee before he laid hands on him.

At this time, I carefully looked at the details and found that Gao Qiqiang walked into the grove when he was urinating, and the position was a certain distance from the charging and discharging equipment of the electric fish device in Xu Lei on the shore. Therefore, it can be judged that when Gao Qiqiang urinates, there will be no urine splashing on the electric fish device, and the discharge amount of the electric fish device will not be increased.

Therefore, some viewers speculated that the conclusion that "when Gao Qiqiang urinated, urine splashed on the electric fish device, which led to the start of the electric fish device, thus increasing the power or leakage of the electric fish device, which led to the electrocution of Xu Lei and his companions" was incorrect.

Careful viewers can also find that when Gao Qiqiang urinates, the diesel generator supplying power to the electric fish device is in the starting state, and there is a "chug chug" sound. Therefore, the conclusion that "the electric fish device was started because Gao Qiqiang's urine splashed on it" is also invalid.

Legal issues involved in the plot

According to the provisions of Articles 30 and 38 of the Fisheries Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), it is forbidden to use fried fish, poisonous fish and electric fish to destroy fishery resources. Fishing by means of destroying fishery resources such as fried fish, poisonous fish and electric fish. , in violation of the provisions of the closed fishing area and closed fishing period.

Or fishing with prohibited fishing gear, fishing methods and nets smaller than the minimum mesh size, or if the juvenile fish in the catch exceeds the prescribed proportion, the catch and illegal income shall be confiscated and a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; If the circumstances are serious, the fishing gear shall be confiscated and the fishing license shall be revoked; If the circumstances are particularly serious, the fishing boat may be confiscated; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

In addition, from the unfortunate death of Xu Lei and his younger brother in the process of electric fishing, it can be seen that electric fishing not only harms aquatic organisms, but also easily puts actors and other wading birds in danger.

If the electric fisherman knows that there will be the danger of electrocution, he still fishes in the fish pond and causes others to die, which can be regarded as indirect intentional homicide; If an electric fisherman causes serious injury or death due to negligence in the process of electric fishing, he may be suspected of negligence causing serious injury or negligence causing death.