Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Horror Edition Chapter 10 Who brought down Zhao?

Horror Edition Chapter 10 Who brought down Zhao?

This topic dates back to the time when Lv Buwei was in power. I'm not sure what year it is, it's about 244 BC. In order to isolate Zhao, Yan, then the prime minister, sent to the north of Zhao to contact feelings, forming a trend of attacking Zhao in the north and attacking Zhao in the west. Cai Ze worked as a mediator in Yan State for many years, and finally persuaded Yan State to make an alliance with Qin State, and sent Taizi Dan to Xianyang as a hostage. At the same time, he asked Qin to send a minister to Yan as prime minister, so that Yan and Qin could coordinate their policies against Zhao, just as Qi and Qin sent Meng Changjun when they cooperated. On second thought, it is more appropriate to send Qin Tang. After divination, the fairy thought so. Unexpectedly, Zhang Tang found out and thought that Cai Ze had deliberately harmed him, so he could not get sick. Lv Buwei, like an old turtle, repeatedly persuaded Zhang Tang to live or die. He said: "If you want to go to Yan State, you must pass through the territory of Zhao State. From the beginning of the battle of Changping, Zhao people hated our guts. How can I cross the line? " Cai Ze, who has just become a monarch, has this ability. Let him do it! "At that time, there was a child in early adolescence named Ganluo, the grandson of a famous Qin. He was twelve years old and didn't wet the bed. He came to Lv Buwei with an old model plane. As we know, children in the Warring States period invented the helicopter. They use a small stick as the shaft, and the top of the shaft has feathers arranged like a propeller. When the small hand rubs the stick, the feather cuts into the airflow to generate lift, and the stick flies upward. This is an ancient helicopter, a children's toy in the Warring States period. Gan Luo sat in an ancient helicopter and said to Lv Buwei, "I heard that Zhang Tang, an old turtle, refused to be the prime minister of Yan State, which made you so unhappy. Please allow me to share your worries and persuade Zhang Tang! " Lv Buwei said, "Parents don't care whose child it is. Don't let children take care of adults! " "Guo Xiang must know that Xiang Tuo became Confucius' teacher at the age of seven. I am twelve years old, five years older than Xiang Tuo. I will never wet the bed again. Hey. "Gan Luo studied children's English, so he got mixed up. What he said about Xiang Tuo was an unreasonable child, and he was angry with Confucius. Once, Xiang Tuo stood in the middle of the road with a group of naked children, peeing in the mud. Confucius came by in an animal cart and told him to get out of the way. He said, "Is the city avoiding cars or cars avoiding cities?" "You should avoid driving into town. "Confucius said." Yes, we are building a city with urine and mud. Drive away quickly! "Confucius repeatedly praised the child for knowing how to behave, hurriedly bowed and ran away. Luz, a driver, was very angry and wanted to go down and pull the child's ear. Confucius said, "Don't you know that new traffic laws have been promulgated? If a pedestrian is killed by a car in violation of regulations, the driver is still responsible. "That's why I said that the child knows the rules and manners! Let's slow down and go around! " This story is a tribute to Confucius, saying that Confucius didn't bully children. That's how a word from a gentleman comes about. At the same time, Xiang Tuo is also famous for being a male among children (just as Kong Rong made pear a female among children). "Lv Wang excites the old, and Xiang Tuo makes the baby pity." Xiang Tuo has also become the pride of children. Ganluo should learn from Xiang Tuo to scare adults. He took Lv Buwei's orders to talk about Zhang Tang, and immediately oppressed Zhang Tang and said, "How do your old grades compare with Bai Qi?" Zhang Tang replied, "I defeated Chu in the south for no reason, and conquered Zhao in the north. I don't know how many cities. My grades are not as good as mine. " Gan Luo solemnly pointed out: "Although brave, I want him to attack Zhao. He thought it was difficult to win and refused to be ordered out. So he was expelled from Xianyang Qili, strangled and killed, and his death was ugly. Now, Prime Minister Lv Buwei invites you to be Xiang Yan and get married, but you pretend to be an old turtle. I don't know where you will die! Is it Xianyang Qili or Bali! " Zhang Ran stood up and said nervously, "Please intercede for me and arrange for me to go." So Zhang Tang set out. For Ganluo, Zhang Tangxiangyan is just his bargaining chip, and Ganluo himself has to do great things. Ganluo borrowed five cars to open the way, and went straight to Zhao with the children's favorite biscuits. Zhao Haoqi Mouxiang (son of Zhao Haoqi Cheng Xiao) was surprised to find that the new comer was a young boy with a thin figure and a childish face. He was about to ask, when Gan Luo had hit him like three bricks with three fierce words: "Your Majesty, Yan Taizi Dan has taken Qin as a hostage, do you know? Do you understand? " Zhao Dunxiang was caught off guard and said, "I really know!" "Qin sent Zhang Tang as the Prime Minister of Yan. You got it? ""I see. " "Obviously, these two things echo each other. Yan Taizi Dan entered Qin, and Qin sent Zhang Tang to Yan, which means that Qin Yan and the two countries are married and do not invade each other. Zhao is caught in the middle, which is very dangerous. " Just like the smiling eyes between Hitler in Germany and Stalin in the Soviet Union, Poland in the middle is bitter, waiting to be carved up by the Soviet Union and Germany. Zhao Haoqi MouXiang said anxiously, "Yes! Yes! This is the Qin people's far-reaching and near-attacking strategy. How can I crack it? " "Ha ha, this is easy. As long as the king of Qi is willing to give Qin five cities, Qin is willing to break up with Yan. Zhao Guobi 'an. " The opposite thought: "No, it's a bad idea, so we gave our land to Qin for nothing." Gan Luo was ready, and smiled: "If the King gives the Qin State five cities, the Qin State is willing to allow the King to attack the Yan State in the north, and all the gains from the attack will go into your pocket, which can make up for the loss of the five cities." (This is indeed the truth. Any international military action must be acquiesced by the countries concerned. If Qin did not acquiesce, it would not be safe to attack Yan in the north. Therefore, Gan Luo and Mou Xiang signed the Munich Agreement: Qin acquiesced in Zhao's attack on Yan State and did not interfere in Zhao's military action against Yan State. In return, Zhao will give one-tenth of Qin and one-fifth of Zhao Cheng and Yan an attack. After the signing of the Agreement, Zhao's troops immediately took action to attack Yan. With the support of Qin people, Zhao successfully selected 36 counties in the ancient area of Yan State (Zhangjiakou area) and gave one-tenth of his income (3.6 counties) plus five Zhao Cheng to Qin State. When Ganluo returned to Xianyang with the map of 8.6 city, all Qin people were shocked: a child came back alive with 8.6 city in a few days. What a good man! According to work, the child Ganluo was named supernatant without any dispute. This is the story of Ganluo's twelve-year-old envoy worshipping Shangqing. Ganluo's vertical and horizontal diplomacy seems to have earned 8.6 cities for Qin, but it is actually a wrong strategy, belonging to inbreeding and attacking from afar. Gan Luo connived at Zhao Guobei's attack on Yan State. Although some of the achievements of attacking Yan State were transferred to Qin State, Zhao State got 27.4 cities in the "income statement", more than Qin State, and Zhao State was strengthened. It's not cost-effective for Qin. It's like Meng Changjun joined forces with Korea and Wei to attack the State of Qin, and it was Korea and Wei who grew up in the end (the land gained from the war went into their pockets). From this strategic mistake of Qin State, Zhao Haoqi Duixiang tasted the sweetness. In order to taste more sweetness, he personally went to Xianyang to visit the king of Qin in 237 BC. For those who want to establish a longer-term cooperative relationship with the new ruler of Qin State, let them continue to taste the sweetness of attacking Yan and accumulate the benefits of "income statement". At this time, Wang Zhengcai of Qin was only 23 years old. He is young and has no brains. He bought wine to entertain guests in Xianyang and continued to attack Yan with Zhao. In the second year, Zhao started to act. According to the plan agreed with Qin, with the acquiescence of Qin, Zhao sent general Pang to attack Yan. But the king of Qin soon woke up and decided not to tolerate Zhao's growing strength in the process of attacking Yan. The king of Qin was treacherous and attacked Zhao's lower back from west to south, which was called "Operation Yellowbird". "Operation Yellowbird" was led by Wang Jian, a famous Qin, and the South Route Army was led by Huan, a rising star of Qin. The former attacked Taihang Mountain Fortress on the west side of Zhao (only130km away from Handan). The latter attacked Yecheng, an important town south of Handan (50 kilometers away from Handan)-it can be seen that the territory of Zhao has shrunk very little after endless attacks over the years. The unification of the six countries by the king of Qin also belonged to the ancestors, but it was the last straw to crush the camel. Two Qin Jun killed, just like two lion's paws on the ass of a wildebeest. Zhao is in a hurry. At this time, Zhao's main force attacked Yan in the north. When Pang Li returned from Yan State and went south to rescue, he found that the Zhanghe River Basin in the south of Zhao State, the Taihang Mountain Fortress in the west and Hejian City in the east all changed hands and were owned by Qin State. Seeks to scold Qin for treachery, backstabbing people, scolding the Ministry for being too stupid and moving too slowly. In the end, he was so anxious and hateful that he couldn't afford to lie down. When he turned to winter, his life ended. King Zhao Dunxiang "died unsatisfied". I want to be old when I die, so I got a "mourning" for posthumous title, which is a sign of early mourning. From then on, Zhao Daoxiang and a bar girl (prostitute) combined to have a bad king ascended the throne, and Zhao's luck was exhausted. The following year, in 234 BC, Duke Huan of Qin attacked Pingyang and Wucheng (Zhanghe Valley and Yecheng area) in the south of Zhao again, killing the general Hu of Zhao and beheading 100,000 people. At this critical juncture, a man of the hour of Zhao appeared: Li Mu, commander-in-chief of the border guards, generously donated money and was ordered to lead 200,000 people to break through and flee to Yan State, writing the last glorious poem of the people of Yan and Zhao who perished in the long river of history. The border guards were stationed in the north to resist the Huns. If a country puts all its frontier defense into a hegemonic war, it must be poor, just like tearing down the door panels for firewood, and no longer guarding against thieves because there is nothing to steal. Zhao's border guards, swords, spears and halberds, lined up in a long queue and meandered in Hebei at sixes and sevens. Overhead, a rising cloud saw these soldiers go south to save the country. Most of them will lose their lives in the next few years, but this is an army with excellent record and iron discipline, and Li Mu will be the leader. Li Muyuan fought against Xiongnu in Dai Jun, Hengshan region in northern Hebei. It was called Changshan at that time, and Changshan was full of fierce people. Zhao Zilong is here, and so is Yang Jiajiang's activity area. When Li Mu was stationed in the county, his task was to resist the Huns, but instead of fighting, he was busy catching food. Hammer a few cows to death every day to feed the sergeant, like a logistics director. A military farmer's market has also been established, charging ordinary people booth fees to support the army. But he ordered the soldiers not to fight the Huns. The soldiers all said, "Director Li is a coward!" Seeing that he could not fight at all, the court dismissed him and sent other generals who could fight, and many people died in the end. So the court asked Li Mu to go out again. Li Mu said: "I can go out of the mountain, but I must be the same as before." The court said, "All right!" So, Li Mu went to the front to hammer cattle and collect booth fees. Everyone says the cowardly logistics director is back. After a rest, Li Mu saw that the conditions were ripe, so he selected 1,300 chariots, 13,000 good horses, 50,000 warriors who could break the enemy, and 100,000 archers with strong arms, and stepped up training day and night. Then people were released to graze sheep, plow fields and set up stalls outside. Xiongnu eyes a bright, diversified, a head into Li Mu decorate pocket. Li Mu's encirclement and suppression on three sides cut off the Huns' rear road. After a brave battle, the Huns went bankrupt. The history book says: "Xiongnu died in a great collapse, with more than 100 thousand riders." Hundreds of Xiongnu knights did their best, and it was a murder. The late autumn wind sobbed, and debris and limbs were everywhere, which made Li Mu feel sad. But the reality is so cruel that the question of "why" is left to philosophers. After more than ten years, Xiongnu dared not go near Zhao. In 233 BC, Huan Xi, a famous minister of Qin State, left Taihang Mountain and threatened Handan. Zhao Wangqian ordered Li Mu to come to the rescue. Li Mu's nearly 200,000 northern troops were greatly supplemented by Hu Qi in the Xiongnu War, thus enhancing their mobility. Moreover, the cold in the north and the harsh natural conditions have cultivated the strong physique of the northern army. Grazing and galloping horses on the grassland in Dai Jun County created the skillful horse skills of northern soldiers. In a word, this is a very strong wolf from the north. The horse on which they rode is world-famous. Li Mu arrived in Shijiazhuang, north of Handan, and set up bases in important strongholds such as Yi 'an, and confronted the surging Qin Jun. Li Mu took out the tactics of the logistics director and directed everyone to step up the construction of fortifications, misleading Huan. Huan felt that Li Mu in the battle of Changping was probably imitating Lian Po, and he was determined to destroy Qin Jun without fighting. So he laughed it off and decided to leave Yi 'an, which Li Mu insisted on, and attack another stronghold of Zhao (Jinxian County, Hebei Province) to lure Li Mu out of Yi 'an to come to the rescue. Once Zhao is on the road, Qin Jun can pounce on it and launch a decisive battle. In modern military theory, this idea is called mobilizing the enemy, which is an inevitable choice when attacking the city without bravado. Seeing Qin Jun's attack on Fei Xia, Zhao Cong proposed to send troops for support. Li Mu stopped and said, "When the enemy attacks and saves us, it is subject to people, which is a taboo for military strategists." Yes, how can you be mobilized by the enemy at will? Li Mu refused to support Fei Xia, but analyzed it according to the military map: "Qin Jun's base camp is just outside Yi 'an. If they leave the base camp and divide their forces to attack Fei Xia, the base camp will be empty. If we attack and capture in their nests and Qin Jun, we will become ghosts and ghosts, and we can hit Qin Jun hard. " Zhao's action surprised Qin Jun. Li Mu pretended to be timid in advance, built a fence and paralyzed Huan. Huan thought that Li Mu didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, so the base camp was caught off guard, and finally he was captured and captured alive, Li Mu. In addition, the proportion of cavalry in Li Mu's army is relatively high, and the quality of riding horses is higher than that of horses in the Central Plains. Li Mu made full use of the cavalry's long-range attack ability, and quickly completed the task of long-range camp grab before the enemy's rescue. After Li Mu captured the Qin stronghold, he immediately divided the left and right wings to meet those who withdrew their rescue stronghold from the fat side, and launched a fierce battle on the road. Li Mu's northern Zhao minions are very powerful, and there are many northern heroes like Zhao Zilong. They bravely charged and broke into the enemy line, and the white blade flew over. The cavalry also joined in, and rushed in droves, with such a huge momentum that people were afraid of it and did not dare to fight it. After many fierce battles, Qin Jun was defeated, and nearly100000 Qin Jun was wiped out near Yi 'an. It was called the "Great Breakdown" in history, which was a heavy casualty in Qin Jun's Hundred Years' War and the largest annihilation at the end of the Warring States Period. The good news spread to Handan, and Zhao people celebrated in unison. Zhao rewarded Li Mu and named him. Up to now, there are four people named as "Wu Anjun" in the Warring States history: Zhang Yi, Su Qin, Bai Qi and Li Mu. Wouldn't it be great if Li Mu saved the day it fell? The so-called "Wu Anjun" is a kind of monarch, which means "pacify the world by force". After the "Fat War", Li Mu was as quick as lightning and broke an attack of the Qin people. But did Li Can Mu really save the day? Can't! Although Li Mu has suffered repeated wars and defeats, the loss of troops is very serious, and its territory is getting smaller and smaller, leaving only the remaining Handan area. It is the comprehensive national strength that determines the overall victory or defeat of the war, and Zhao Guoli is inherently weak. Although Li Mu was defeated again and again, just like Fu Cha, the king of Wu, was defeated again and again, it eventually went into decline, and the accumulated war consumption could only accelerate the demise of Zhao. Although Zhao won the battle, it doesn't mean that Zhao Jun didn't die, and Zhao's food and materials were not consumed. This kind of consumption is undoubtedly fatal for a weak country that is close to total collapse. Today, we see many enterprises accelerate their expansion and then get into trouble soon. The reason is roughly similar-the cash flow is accelerating. At that time, an international observer, a subordinate of Lv Buwei, went to the State of Zhao, called Sima Kong, and foresaw the demise of Zhao. He gave the prince of Zhao an idea: "Simply give half of Zhao's territory to Qin. "Qin acquired a large area of land and suddenly expanded, threatening the six countries. The six countries must be afraid. If everyone is afraid, help each other, and then vertical things can be done. " Zhao was shocked by this seemingly absurd suggestion and said, "Is there any other way?" Sima Kong glanced gloomily at the calm sky of Zhao State and said, "There is no other way." Although Zhao Wangqian did not accept Sima Guang's amazing suggestion, he also partially agreed with his point of view. It's really impossible to rely on Zhao alone. Seek foreign aid, especially qi. However, knowing Zhao's intention, Qin immediately sent a group of advisers to Qi to lobby with gold in an attempt to destroy the alliance between Qi and Zhao. Wang Jian of Qi and his ministers are money worshippers. They feel that Zhao's life and death have nothing to do with them. Perhaps, only as Sima Kong said, only when Zhao suddenly lost half of the country, Qi people would come to help. Or we can cut half the country to Qi, and let Qi people save it. But who can make such a risky choice? Seeing that his door panel was almost burned without the help of his neighbors, Zhao Wangqian had to fight against the powerful Qin people alone to spend these years. Num said: in the ten years before the demise of Zhao, no foreign soldiers came to rescue Zhao, and Zhao's diplomacy was really a failure. This is because Lian Po and Lin Xiangru fought too much with Qi and Yan and offended all their friends. In 230 BC, the third year after the "Fat War", a major earthquake occurred in northern Zhao, causing houses to collapse and people to die. At the same time, there was a drought in Handan and the land was barren. Qin people can take the opportunity to destroy Zhao. But this is not the best time for Qin people to attack Zhao. We have to wait for Zhao people to be hungry for another winter. When they were hungry in the second year, they mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops, and under the command of Wang Jian, Yang Duan and Li Xin, they launched an unprecedented general attack on Zhao in three ways. Li Mu dare not neglect, and his lieutenant Sima Shang, crustily skin of head to continue fighting Qin Jun, but Qin Jun soon relieved the distress of two general Zhao-killed Li Mu with double agent and abolished Sima Shang. Li Mu died at his own hands. The situation is not harmonious, and it is useless to ask for nothing. Three months later, Wang Jian led hundreds of thousands of people to defeat Zhao, killed him, and then captured Handan, which was conquered and occupied. The glorious state of Zhao finally perished. Qin personally went to Handan to receive it. There are many versions about the cause of Li Mu's death, the most worth mentioning is the version of "Han Cang": Zhao fell in love with a very gossipy person named Han Cang. Han Cang framed Li Mu-I don't know exactly how to do it. Zhao actually listened. Han Cang ran to the court reception office and informed Zhao of his purpose: "Li Mu, do you know the crime? Once you defeated and went back to Korea, the king gave you wine. When you toast the king, you have a dagger in your hand! " Li Mu suddenly stunned: "I am wronged! Although I am tall, my arms are not the same length. My right arm is ill and I can't straighten it. When you sit on your knees, your arms can't touch the ground. For fear of disrespect to the king, the workers made a piece of wood and stuck it on their hands. If the king doesn't believe me, you can show him. Where is the dagger? " He held out the wooden hand in his sleeve. "You don't have to explain. Your Majesty has punished you for holding a dagger. " Li Mu's lofty sentiments suddenly leaked into the sand. He drew his sword, looked at the sage in the hall, and bowed. He was about to commit suicide when he suddenly remembered something and said, "courtiers can't commit suicide in the palace." I'm afraid the king can't bear it, or it's very troublesome to clean it up. So Li Mu rushed out, out of the door, and his right hand raised his sword to commit suicide. But his right arm was short and bent, and he still couldn't reach his neck, so he put the tip of the sword in his mouth and rushed up at the post, killing himself with a splash. The blood of loyal ministers dyed the pillars of this country red. After the subjugation of Zhao, Zhao was lucky not to die, and was sent to Hanzhong in the south of Shaanxi by the Qin people. Every day, like Li Houzhu, he misses his hometown and does such a thing as "a river flows eastward", which makes all listeners cry. I wonder if he has any remorse for Li Mu. In 233 BC, five years before the demise of Zhao, a son of the Korean royal family named Han Feizi came to Xianyang of Qin in an ancient carriage. He is well dressed and radiant, in his early forties, and his heart is full of the urge to die. At present, the voice of Qin to destroy Korea is very high. Wang Han 'an felt that it was time for him to die. When he hears death hovering on the stairs, he will knock on the door of South Korea. Wang Han instinctively wanted to escape, but there was no way out. Qin Jun was about to go out when he sent Han Feizi to lobby the State of Qin. There are many bases in the suburbs, and scholars are ashamed of it. Han Feizi has long had the ambition to serve the country. It's a pity that he stutters a little, and his personality is "withdrawn and irritable". For various reasons, he was not appointed as the leader of South Korea. It is very generous of Han Feizi to send him to Qin now. He deserves to be a great writer. When he arrived in Xianyang, he sent a letter to the king of Qin, using metaphors to guide the situation. His writing is sharp and polished, and he is fascinated by the king of Qin. If Reese hadn't refuted it, everything had been done by Han Feizi. Han Feizi wrote: "In the past 30 years, South Korea has been acting as the younger brother of Qin State, acting as an umbrella when going out and as a pillow when getting started. Qin sent sharp divisions to attack the princes, and South Korea sponsored them with soldiers. South Korea's resentment hangs over the world, but all the achievements are attributed to Qiang Qin, but we still have no regrets and try to be your younger brother. However, your country recently proposed to destroy North Korea. Absolutely impossible. " In order to explain the significance of saving Korea, everything is done. He wants to establish enemies of Zhao for Qin, so he went on to write: "Zhao is now assembling his foot soldiers to contact the princes (since Li Muchu, he has moved to listen to Sima Kong's advice and make good friends with the princes everywhere, especially with Qi), meaning to make good friends with the west. The king released Zhao, a hostile and evil element, but beat his brother Korea and stole it for the king. " Next, Han Feizi threatened: "Besides, it may not take a year for the king to attack South Korea. The governors, especially Qi, will be confident when they see the failure, and dare to accept Zhao's wooing and be your enemy. Qi, Zhao and Wancheng have merged together, and South Korea has been forced to become your enemy, so Wei is bound to react. In this case, the world will compete with the state of Qin, and the schedule of the annexation of the world by the king of Qi has to be postponed again and again. May your majesty be cautious, or it will be dangerous! " Han Feizi's statement of interests seems reasonable, and it worked a few years ago, but now the situation in various countries is strongly one-sided. South Korea is trying to contain Qin with the threat of Qi and Zhao, forcing Qin to unite with South Korea against Qi and Zhao, so that South Korea can live for a few more years, which is not so convincing. However, Wang Zheng of the Qin Dynasty has always been a fan of everything Han Feizi did, and he deeply loved Han Feizi's masterpiece. He has a dream, that is, to swim in Europe with Han Fei for five days without holding a grudge. Today, Mo Bao, who kissed Han Feizi, is still very excited and wants to give him face. So Reese quickly wrote to discourage it. Li Si is a classmate of Han Feizi. Together, they gilded teacher Xunzi's door. At that time, the sky was always blue and the days always passed too slowly. They borrowed an eraser from each other. Li Si thinks that his intelligence is inferior to Han Fei's. However, Reese's letter is actually more convincing. Reese said: "Korea is not our shit brother, but our heart disease." Judging from the current situation, Zhao is desperately wooing Qi. If Qi and Zhao are harmonious and their strength is enhanced, then South Korea will inevitably move towards Qi and Zhao. They cooperated with each other, and we Qin people reappeared the crisis of Hanguguan. " Reese tried to create the theory that "North Korea cannot be trusted". Once Qi and Zhao make friends, guys like South Korea who have no credit will attach themselves to Qi and Zhao and become a danger to Qin. Therefore, it is better to destroy Korea first, so as to avoid endless troubles. However, Han Feizi tried to prove that the State of Qin had to unite with the Han and Wei Dynasties in order to reach an alliance and the Zhao camp. The two views are tit for tat and incompatible with each other. Who should Qin trust? Qin hesitated for two or three years. Objectively speaking, Qin temporarily gave up the plan to destroy Korea, all in order to get to Xianyang. Han Feizi can achieve such great things in his life, and it is not ugly to die. It's a pity that Han Feizi lost only two or three years for South Korea. When it was difficult for Zhao to protect himself, the Qi-Zhao alliance was not established, and South Korea lost its value as an ally of Qin. Qin destroyed it without hesitation, just in 230 BC, two years before Zhao destroyed it. Han Feizi's rhetoric lobbied forcefully, but failed to save South Korea. Literary lobbying must also be based on the material basis of going forward bravely and breaking the city to kill generals. After the demise of South Korea, Sean, the son of former Prime Minister Zhang Ping, led 300 family members to wander the rivers and lakes, lost everything, recruited soldiers and trained terrorists, and was always ready to assassinate Qin and avenge South Korea. This is another story. Han Feizi finally didn't see the day when the motherland perished. After he had a big debate with Reese, Reese felt that his political stance of "protecting Korea" was stubborn, which was not conducive to the development of Qin State and his career, so he and another "peaceful evolution" expert (wandering around, bribing and alienating princes with gold, and misbehaving in private, so he was humiliated and scolded by Han Feizi in front of Zheng, so he made a fuss) said: "Han Feizi was finally designed for South Korea. Now Han Feizi has been in Qin for a long time. If we send him back, we will reveal the political and military secrets of Qin. It is better to put him to death. " Qin thought the same thing, so he locked up his idol. Reese was afraid that Qin Wangzheng would go back on his word, so he forced Han Feizi to take medicine to commit suicide. Han Feizi cursed: "Reese, you beast! The key will hurt me if you like! " He stutters when he is excited. ) Reese forbade Han Feizi to write an appeal and finally forced him to commit suicide. Han Feizi, a generation of literary giant and great thinker, just chased endless running water. Although Han Feizi died, his thoughts ruled the Qin Dynasty, and he was the invisible teacher of Qin Shihuang, which had a great influence on the whole society of China in the next two thousand years. Everything is done by Han Feizi in one sentence, but it is also immortal. After careful consideration, the king of Qin decided not to kill the Korean idol, so he sent someone to forgive him, but Han Fei had already committed suicide by taking medicine. Qin Wei lamented for a long time. Category: Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Title: Bronze Age War and Warring States Period Horror Edition Author: Xiao Shui