Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Ask about the Ming Dynasty.

Ask about the Ming Dynasty.

1. Ma Huanghou

In August of the fifteenth year of Hongwu (1382), a man died. The death of this man seems to be no major event in history, but it is a real tragedy for Zhu Yuanzhang.

This man is Ma Huanghou.

She risked her life to send food to Zhu Yuanzhang when he was in danger and hungry. Although she is a woman, she is very brave. When Chen Youliang attacked Longwan, he donated all his jewelry and property to the army, and also organized women to mend clothes for the army.

Even after she was rich and expensive, she still maintained a simple style, and advised Zhu Yuanzhang not to forget the sufferings of the people. Even in the aspect of employing people, she also put forward her own opinion: "May sages rule the world", which was quoted by Zhu Yuanzhang as a wise saying.

More importantly, he stopped many evil deeds of Zhu Yuanzhang:

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill Zhu Wenzheng. She advised Zhu Yuanzhang that Zhu Wenzheng was your nephew and made great contributions. Please don't kill him.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill Li Wenzhong. She advised Zhu Yuanzhang that Li Wenzhong is your nephew and your adopted son. Keep him alive.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill Song Lian. She knelt down and begged Zhu Yuanzhang. Song Lian is the teacher of the Prince, and the people still respect him, let alone the royal family.

This is how she used her love to care for everyone she knew or didn't know, and saved them from Zhu Yuanzhang's butcher's knife.

She knows the value of human life better than Zhu Yuanzhang.

After a serious illness, she knew it was difficult to cure, and she refused the doctor's treatment. Zhu Yuanzhang asked her why, and her answer was really touching.

She said: Life and death depend on fate. It's no use asking God to worship Buddha. Doctors can only treat diseases, not diseases. If the doctor treats me and the medicine is ineffective, your majesty will definitely blame the doctor, which is what I don't want to see.

This is a person who always cares about others with her love, even at the end of her life, she still does that.

She left Zhu Yuanzhang's last words before she died:

"May your majesty find a saint who can train and finish the business he started. May all children and grandchildren be talented, residents live and work in peace and contentment, and the country will be immortal for thousands of years. "

Say that finish, she left with a smile.

Zhu Yuanzhang leaned against her. This is the woman she loves most in her life. The woman gave him countless help, but never asked him for anything. This is how she spent her life.

After so many hardships, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart is harder than a stone. Since his parents died, no matter how desperate and painful, he seldom shed tears. Because he knows crying won't solve anything.

But at this point, he finally couldn't control his emotions. He burst into tears. Only by crying can he mourn the people in front of him. Only crying can vent his extreme pain!

Because he finally found out that this man in front of him is everything to him and the only one.

Ma girl, an ordinary woman, did not abandon Zhu Yuanzhang who was born in poverty in difficult times, but followed him and gave everything for him. No matter how sinister and complicated the environment is, she always keeps her promise.

Live or die, don't give up!

After her husband became emperor, she still treated others with love. Whenever Zhu Yuanzhang raised the butcher knife, she always stepped forward to stop it. She has cared for and saved many people with the unique maternity and love of women. Although she finally failed to get Zhu Yuanzhang's out-of-control car back on track, she did her best.

Today, we can say that she is a great woman.

Life is like summer flowers and death is like winter snow.

Life is like this, why regret it?

2. Daotong

At that time, the county magistrate of Panyu County (now Panyu District, Guangzhou) was Daotong, who was a very honest person. Due to strict law enforcement, there was a contradiction with local local tyrants and evil gentry. These local tyrants suffered losses and could do nothing, so they wooed Zhu Liangzu and hoped that he would stand up for himself. Simple-minded Zhu Liangzu accepted the benefits and actually agreed.

Since then, Zhu Liangzu has repeatedly had conflicts with Daotong, interfered with Daotong's normal law enforcement, and even sent triads to ambush the same meal. However, Tao Tong did not give in, and made unremitting struggle with Zhu Liangzu.

The contradiction between the two sides escalated step by step and finally reached its peak. Tao Tong caught the bully Roche brothers, and Zhu Liangzu dared to use the army to surround the county government and forcibly rob criminals. But also impeached the emperor for the same charges.

Daotong finally couldn't bear it, so he handed a letter to the emperor to explain the situation, but forgot that Zhu Liangzu had an advantage he didn't have-fast horses.

The horse that Daotong sent someone to deliver the memorial was a post station horse, and Zhu Liangzu used a military horse. Zhu Liangzu also expected Daotong to complain, so he sent someone to pick the best horse and hurried to Beijing to say the same thing to Daotong. Zhu Yuanzhang is a hot-headed man. When he saw Zhu Liangzu's complaint letter, he immediately sent someone to slay Daotong.

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Shortly after Zhu Yuanzhang gave the order, Daotong's letter arrived. Zhu Yuanzhang found the problem as soon as he compared it, and quickly sent someone to chase it. However, it was too late, so Zhu Liangzu killed Daotong.

Tao Tong is an honest official and has no money at home. I was most worried that my mother had no one to support before I died, so I entrusted my friend to support my mother and then passed away peacefully.

When he was killed, countless people came to see him off.

Justice is in people's hearts!

3. His ministers

Zhu Yunwen's complaints and anger are justified, but he underestimated the integrity of his advisers. Many people, such as Qi Taihe and Huang Zicheng, did not escape. They were saving the imperial court from peril by themselves.

Qitai recruits in Guangde, Huang Zicheng recruits in Suzhou, and even recruits in Hangzhou. Although what these nerds have done can't really save the country, they have done their best and fulfilled their promises, so today, we can say that they are a group of brave and honest people.

Qi Taihe and Huang Zicheng were arrested and executed, preferring death to surrender.


Huang Guan, we mentioned this man before. He was another right assistant in the Ming Dynasty.

His recruitment didn't have much effect, but after hearing the news that the capital was about to be threatened, he insisted on going to the capital, although he also knew that the trip would be physical. But for him, the significance of keeping his promise and doing his duty is far greater than dragging out an ignoble existence.

When he arrived in Anqing, news came that the capital had fallen and the new emperor had ascended the throne. Huang Guan knew that the tide was over, but he was not as flustered as people thought. He just lamented and cried, "My wife is an upright person. She must be dead. "

After that, he evokes the soul for his wife, completes the necessary ceremony, and then goes down the river by boat. When he arrived in Luo Cha, he dressed up, bowed to the east and jumped into the river.

Huang Guan said nothing wrong. Before him, his wife had taken her two daughters and ten relatives to the river and died. Anyway, the couple are finally together.

As a close friend and martyr of Zhu Yunwen, Huang Guan was envied by Judy. He crossed out Huang Guan's name from the examination list, so there was only one record in the history of the Ming Dynasty. Although we have mentioned this matter before, here I still want to clear the name of this brave man again:

During the Hongwu period, Huang Guan won three yuan in a row. His name was Judy, the usurper of power, and he died faithfully.

I believe the truth will never be covered up.

These people are not the only ones with integrity. After hearing the news of Ji Tai's arrest, Hanlin, who was recruiting in Guangde with Ji Tai, wrote to Huangyan and Wang Shuying, knowing that the tide had passed, they bathed and changed clothes and wrote down their last words:

I was born, and I didn't make up for it.

Death is in vain, and later generations are shameless!

Then they all committed suicide. They have done enough for these two scholars. As his last words said, they were aboveboard all their lives and were not ashamed of future generations.

Facts have proved that integrity never belongs only to those literati, but also to ordinary people.

A woodcutter in Taizhou is an upright man. He didn't leave a name in history, which is normal, because at that time he was just an ordinary person, cutting firewood in the mountains every day and then picking it and selling it in the city. He never sells firewood at two prices and never cheats. Many people buy his firewood, but no matter from which angle, he should not have anything to do with Jingnan. However, there was a man like him who died after hearing that the capital fell.

Some people may think he is stupid. No matter which emperor ascended the throne, you don't chop wood, you live your life, but I think his behavior has told us that justice lies in people's hearts.

Although he is an ordinary woodcutter, his heart is connected with the world. As an ordinary person, he can't express his anger and protest. Throwing himself into the lake is his only expression.

Ordinary people can also be heroes, as long as you have the courage.

Reply put away Reply 20 10-08-06 12:29

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second floor[British English]; third floor[American English]

4. Yongle ceremony

What Judy wants to repair is neither a book nor a book. What he wants to learn is an encyclopedia covering all ages and containing all kinds of knowledge and wealth!

This is not only a kind of culture, it is the embodiment of comprehensive strength including economy, and it is a symbol of a country's self-confidence and strength!

There are no books outside the ceremony!

We can imagine that when Judy handed the job to Jie Jin, he gave the young man who was only 34 years old hope and burden, but ironically, what Judy thought was extremely important became a "general task" in Jie Jin.

Jie Jin showed no political acumen in this matter. He naively thought it was just the emperor's temporary interest and wanted to make up a book to play with. So in November of the second year of Yongle (1404), he presented the first draft to the emperor and named it "Literary Masterpiece". It should be said that the first draft also made Jie Jin pay a lot of effort, but he didn't expect that his hard work brought Judy a scolding.


Judy was glad that Jie Jin finished the task so quickly, but when he saw the book sent by Jie Jin, he realized that the bookworm didn't understand the leader's intention at all. So he gave Jie Jin a good scolding and then put on an act.

This battle was really great, which fully reflected the comprehensive national strength of the Ming Dynasty at that time. First of all, Judy sent five Hanlin bachelors as presidents (not the kind of presidents in our society today). These five people, led by Jing Wong, are very knowledgeable. Another 20 imperial academy officials were appointed as vice-principals, all of whom were famous scholars. In addition, Judy also launched a general mobilization order nationwide, calling on all knowledgeable people, no matter whether you are old or young, poor or rich, lame or lame, as long as your head can move and your feet can move. They are all called editing, which is probably equivalent to our editor today.

That's not all. Judy has taken a desperate stance and must strive for perfection. He is still looking for people with a certain ability in counties all over the country, but this ability is not learning. Who is he looking for?

The answer is: people who write well.

Because a whole book was being written at that time, it was necessary to collect a large number of books and materials. It was understandable to find someone to copy these materials after they were found, because there was no computer typesetting technology at that time, and only people could write by hand during the writing process.

Since it is a book compiled by the Ming empire, it is natural to be decent and the handwriting of the book must be beautiful and clear. If I want to find someone who is scrawled like me and can only type in front of the computer every day, I will feel ashamed, not to mention Judy doesn't like it. In those days, if you didn't write well, you were embarrassed to say hello to people.

This is a veritable cultural mobilization. It can be said that Judy has gathered elite intellectuals from all over the country to do this. As we mentioned before, writing books can also fully reflect the country's economic strength. This is because if you want to ask so many intellectuals to write books for you, you have to write in the job advertisement: food, accommodation and monthly salary. Never think that intellectuals will be willing to do voluntary labor, and others have wives and children.

Judy is a simple person. He solved the problem efficiently. He set the compilation headquarters in Wen Yuan Pavilion and arranged accommodation for the editors of these books. People in Guanglu Temple will naturally deliver meals when they eat, and the editors don't have to worry about anything. Just compiling your book.

After reading our introduction above, it should be clear to everyone that this book can be completed without money and a lot of money.


A poor dynasty can only run around all day, and it is good to eat a little from the national treasury. Where can I find spare money to repair books?

Writing books in prosperous times is not empty talk.

In addition to the above-mentioned personnel, Judy also sent an assistant to Jie Jin to co-edit the book with him. This man said that he was a helper, but in fact he should be the supervisor, because before that, he had only been the second in command once. Unfortunately, the first conductor was Judy.

This supervisor is Yao.

Yao is not only good at tactics, but also very talented. Song Lian, the first scholar in the early Ming Dynasty, also appreciated his talent. At that time, Jie Jin was still wearing open-backed pants.

Judy's determination to put such a heavyweight beside Jie Jin can be imagined.

When Judy put on such a luxurious lineup with an avalanche, Jie Jin finally realized what a grand and glorious thing he was about to accomplish. If you can't finish it or do it badly, it's not just a matter of losing your official position.

Stop saying anything and start working hard!

After the guidance of the leaders, Comrade Jie Jin finally corrected his attitude and followed the direction instructed by the leaders. As it turns out, Judy was right about the wrong person. Jie Jin gave full play to his talents and arranged his work reasonably.

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Fourth Floor

Purchasing, analysis and editing are all in an orderly way. Every time he finishes writing a part, he will personally review it and put forward suggestions for revision. As the leader of this huge contingent of intellectuals, he has done excellent work.

Jie Jin finally realized his life value and dream when the preparation team of thousands of people was running in an orderly way in his hands and the ceremony was getting closer and closer to completion and perfection. He is no longer a talented scholar, but a pillar of the country.

In the process of preparing for the ceremony, Judy continued to give help and care. In April of the fourth year of Yongle (1406), Judy took time out of her busy schedule to visit all the editors who worked day and night and asked Jie Jin what difficulties she had in her work and life. Jie Jin thanked the leaders for their concern, and said that he would make persistent efforts to do a good job, so as to repay your majesty's kindness and live up to the country's kindness in meeting him. Finally, he suggested that the historical part of the ceremony has been almost completed, but there are still many shortcomings in the subset.

Judy said at once, if you have difficulties, come to me and you can solve them. Isn't it a lack of books? I will give you money, buy it, and give you as much as you want! After that, he immediately instructed the relevant departments (does) to send people out to buy books.

With such political and economic support, coupled with Jie Jin's effective command and arrangement, countless hard-working intellectuals worked day and night. They have been working nonstop for countless brightly lit nights, abandoning their families and entertainment, and paying the price of their health and even their lives (many of them died of overwork) just to finish the greatest book ever.


Many of them may not have great ideals, because most of them are just ordinary scribes and editors. At that time, they were just ordinary scholars. Their life seems to have nothing to do with the word great, but what they do is a great thing. History will not leave their names, but every page and line of this masterpiece is full of their hard work.

Therefore, whether it is an editor who is too tired to vomit blood or a book writer who is immersed in copying books all day, he is a hero and a well-deserved hero.

Everybody is!

With the unremitting efforts of these people, this ceremony was finally completed in November of the fifth year of Yongle (1407).

This book contains more than seven or eight thousand kinds of books from the pre-Qin period to the early Ming Dynasty, including 1 1095 volumes, 22,877 volumes and 370 million words.

It's all handwritten word by word.

Its contents include classics, astronomy, geography, yin and yang, medicine, divination, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, drama, craft and agriculture, covering the intellectual wealth of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is not just a book, but a pyramid in the history of China civilization.

What is even more rare is that the intellectuals of Ming Dynasty, headed by Jie Jin, collected almost all the precious cultural materials with broad mind and all-embracing ideas, leaving us a huge fortune.

Judy's dream finally came true, and he solemnly named this great masterpiece Yongle Grand Ceremony.

Now, I can finally say that under my rule, I have compiled the largest, most comprehensive and perfect book ever! One day, I will grow old, but the brilliance of this book will always shine on future generations and tell them the glory of our time!

Glory! But this is not only the glory of Judy, but also the glory of our country and nation! We have gone through thousands of years of ups and downs, once brilliant, once prosperous, once humiliated, and died several times. But we didn't give in at last. Our civilization passed down and led us to stand up tenaciously.

This is the greatness of Yongle Grand Ceremony. It is not just a book, but a spirit of cultural inheritance and self-improvement.

We should thank this book, because without its birth, many ancient books would never see today.

If we want to make a list of these books, I'm afraid it will be very long. Here, we only list some of them to let you know the significance of this book, such as Old Tang Shu, Old History of the Five Dynasties, Song Bian, Xu Zi Jian Long Bian, etc., which have all been lost. It was not until the Qing Dynasty that they were compiled from Yongle Grand Ceremony and spread all over the world.

So we say that Yongle Grand Ceremony is the pyramid in the cultural history of China.


Jie Jin is an outstanding chief engineer and designer in the construction of China Cultural Pyramid. In fact, his contribution is no less than that of Xu Da and Aquamarine who conquered Xinjiang. Although he doesn't have the heroic spirit of attacking the city and pulling out the village, he doesn't have the scenery of wielding a knife in the desert and fighting with iron horses, but he also has his own weapons, and his weapons are his pen and ink. It is under his leadership that countless hard-working intellectuals left us the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors with pen and ink, and let us know the glorious past and greatness of our ancestors.

Facts have proved that those scholars and literati who are often laughed at by us are also strong and strong, and they are also worthy of our respect.

Who says a scholar is useless? His pen is also a hero!

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Fifth Floor

5. Zheng He

However, the fate of others is quite different. They were not only famous at that time, but also left a name in history and remained immortal. This is the famous Zheng He's fleet and its seven voyages to the West.

The same secret mission, the situation is so different, we can't help but ask: the same person, why is the gap so big?

There are many reasons, such as the size of the team, incidental tasks, etc., but in my opinion, the greatest contribution of such a feat should be attributed to the commander of this fleet-the great Zheng He.

The word "great" is absolutely not excessive for Zheng He, who is not related to the family and has no prominent family background. However, with his own efforts and wisdom, he created a legend-the legend of China people at sea. There were countless princes and princes before Zheng He in history, and there will be many after him, but there is only one Zheng He.

After Zheng He, there was no Zheng He-Liang Qichao.

Let's introduce the magnificent life of this great navigator.

Zheng He, born in Hongwu for four years (137 1), was originally named Ma, a native of Yunnan. He has been smart and studious since he was a child. More importantly, he has a strong interest in sailing since he was a child. It is said that sailing was not a hot subject in China at that time, and Yunnan was not a place to go to sea. Why does Zheng He like sailing?

This is because Zheng He is a devout Muslim, his grandfather and father both believe in Islam, and all Muslims have the greatest wish in their hearts-to make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.


Pilgrimage to Mecca is the greatest wish of Muslims all over the world. Christians living in Mecca are lucky because they can look up to the holy land at any time, but for Zheng He at that time, it was really a very difficult thing. Mecca is in Saudi Arabia today. Interested friends can connect Mecca and Yunnan on the map and multiply it by the scale to know how far it is. Fortunately, his family's economic conditions are not bad. Both his grandfather and father have been to Mecca. When Zheng He was a child, his father often told him about the thrilling experiences of sailing and wading through mountains and rivers and the anecdotes in foreign countries during his pilgrimage. All these deeply influenced Zheng He.

It is precisely because of this that young Zheng He is different from other children of the same age. Instead of sitting at his desk day after day reciting the words of sages for the sake of making a name for himself in the future, he worked hard to exercise and learn the knowledge related to navigation, because deep down in his heart, he had the belief that one day, he would surely ride the wind and waves and make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

If his life goes on like this, maybe after more than ten years, he can realize his wish, fulfill the long-cherished wish of an ordinary Muslim, and then live an ordinary life.

However, some people are doomed not to lead an ordinary life. It seems that great missions and undertakings must be accomplished by these selected people, even if sometimes in a very cruel way.

In the 14th year of Hongwu (138 1), Fu Youde and aquamarine went to Yunnan on the orders of Zhu Yuanzhang. The Ming army was in full swing, and it took only half a year to pacify the whole of Yunnan. It was this expedition that changed Zheng He's fate. By the way, in this battle, a general of the Ming army, Qi Xiang, died. His sacrifice brought hereditary Wu Zhi to the family and changed the fate of the family. Since then, his descendants have practiced martial arts from generation to generation. This Qi Xiang is just a nobody. He is mentioned here because he has a very successful successor-Qi Jiguang.

History is really elusive.

For the Ming government and Zhu Yuanzhang, this was just one of countless expeditions, but for Zheng He, this expedition was a turning point in his life, a painful and unknown turning point.

After the war, many children became prisoners of war. Supposedly, prisoners of war are just prisoners of war, and they are forced to do coolies. But at that time, there was an extremely cruel way to treat child prisoners of war-castration.

The purpose of this convention is self-evident, and it is really unbearable to talk more about futility. A horse as young as 1 1 is one of these unfortunate children.

It is not difficult for us to imagine that the horse's pain and countless dreams seem to have left him, but history has told us countless times that the beginning of tragedy is often the starting point of glory.

Tragedy, or glory, only depends on you, depending on whether you are strong or not.


From then on, this 1 1 year-old boy began to follow the Ming army in all directions. The snow in the north and the yellow sand in the desert left his traces everywhere. At his age, he should have been playing at home, but suddenly he became a member of the war, running a river of blood on the battlefield. Swords and spears have replaced wooden horses and dolls. In the military camp, no one will treat him as a child, and no one will take care of him. In the war, no one can guarantee that he will survive tomorrow, so the only one who can take care of him is himself.