Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - When science meets spirituality-Why is the Trinity an effective tool for science?

When science meets spirituality-Why is the Trinity an effective tool for science?

This post is somewhat technical, mainly through the comparison of various methods (methods) after I embarked on the spiritual path of the upper body in recent years, to verify the effectiveness of the trinity tool and the effective reasons.

What I want to say is that many partners really understand the usage of this tool, and after using this tool in real life, they will feel that their lives have really changed. They tend to see their life patterns more clearly, and then clearly understand their beliefs-emotions-behaviors-results. By consciously releasing their emotions and flipping their beliefs, they effectively changed their work results and improved their relations with their families and colleagues. So what is the reason behind this? Why is this tool really effective? In fact, when anything happens, the design behind any truly effective tool hides a lot of regular knowledge, and the reason why this tool is more effective than many other methods and changes our destiny faster is as follows:

1. operability

We respect the teachings of teachers all over the world who are committed to physical and mental growth. They opened a window for us to know ourselves and the world. Eckhardt's The Power of the Present, Christopher's Intimacy, Pema Qiuzhuo's When Life Falls, and some books by Krishnamurti are all books full of insights. Many of the principles, especially the power of the Present, are highly abstract, so that they will be a little obscure at first. These books are all very good, but when we put them down and come to real life, we encounter practical difficulties. We are still easily led by inertia. Even if we understand some truth in our minds, we can't do it. As soon as I met my own practical problems, I was immediately beaten back to my original shape. In fact, this will inject some self-judgment and self-attack into our already full of anxiety, dissatisfaction and pain.

So where is the way out? What should we do? How can we better face everything that happens around us every day and keep a peaceful and upright heart? How can we really put what we know into practice? "Trinity" is a really practical and effective grasping hand, and it focuses on teaching us how to handle everything with peace of mind in the world of mortals, how to release it effectively every time when the mood is high, and see the layers of beliefs contained in our lives, so as to constantly turn over and let ourselves have space to know ourselves, know others, win back a win-win relationship, and harvest our own life gifts. This tool doesn't need us to set aside a few days for special training. Sometimes when it is inconvenient for us to express it aloud, we can also write it down with our notes and use our mobile phones. Only in this way can we truly feel, feel, release and flip at any time, so that we can have more and more psychological space and make ourselves more and more peaceful.

Therefore, as long as you are willing to keep practicing, you will be able to usher in more pure energy for yourself.

2. uniqueness

What does this uniqueness mean? In fact, there are many ways on the road of body and mind, so how to identify which is the Tao? Among the complicated methods, we only need to determine the only one, and this only one is awareness. As long as it can make you deeply aware of your emotions and beliefs, then this must be the real way.

The starting point of the trinity tool is awareness, awareness, and always maintain this awareness and neutral consciousness. Awareness is the foundation and the beginning of everything. With awareness, it knocks on a door to its inner world. With awareness, one can discover all the existence, all the constraints, all the filthy dark passages, and the infinitely vast and comfortable space behind those dark passages. As long as you are willing to walk in, see everything clearly, move forward bravely, and remove obstacles on the road, you can continue to come to a broader and brighter space.

If we don't perceive, don't walk into our own feelings, and always stay at the brain level to learn all kinds of knowledge, then we will never have a chance to know how many monsters there are in our hearts, and we will never be able to gain inner richness and abundance after defeating these monsters.

3. Grasp the main contradiction

There is an idiom in English: "Hit the nail on the head", which is very similar to our China proverb "Catch the thief first, then win the king". So what is this head in this trinity tool? It's our soul. It is a great contribution of "Trinity" tool to spiritual science to promote the life career that the soul loves to an unprecedented height.

Many books we read, such as Teacher Defen's Meeting the Unknown Self, actually involve these patterns of belief, emotion and behavior. Those contents are also a comprehensive summary of many of her physical and mental classes. But I have to say, these books lack the exploration of these aspects of the soul. Exploring the soul is the most important thing, because only by finding one's own soul attributes and satisfying one's own soul needs can we truly realize live high's divine face, stop seeking outside in the true sense, and truly jump out from the psychological and physical needs of injury. If we don't explore what our soul is and develop our life career, then our needs will easily fall into the pit of injured psychological needs, resulting in beliefs and emotions, so that our life dimension can't be really stretched and expanded.

As a higher self, the "soul" is the supreme commander. If our heart is farther and farther away from our soul, it is easy to produce a lot of negative emotions, which will directly lead to physical illness. In this regard, Edward Bach, the inventor of British Bach's Flower Essence, once pointed out that all the diseases we know stem from deep-seated obstacles in life and are the result of disharmony between higher consciousness and personality. This coincides with the principle of emotional illness that we have learned on the map of life. And more often, we often only treat patients at the physiological level, or study the influence of psychological factors on diseases, but rarely jump to the height of the soul to look at the problems that happen to our bodies.

It can be seen how important it is to find your own soul attribute and live in life! Only then did I deeply understand what Daozi said: "If you do one thing, you can get everything."

Finally, I have to satisfy my gossip psychology and analyze why Daozi first discovered the tool of "Trinity". Generally speaking, people who are very rational, logical and visionary are easy to enter scientific research or other engineering fields, but less likely to enter psychology and spirituality. When a person subtly distinguishes and identifies our inner world with the spirit of a scientist, it is easier to express everything more logically and clearly. So when science meets spirituality, it will inevitably bring some different influences to the world:)