Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who can help me untie the tarot cards? Thank you! This is Tarot Fans 2. Select 1.

Who can help me untie the tarot cards? Thank you! This is Tarot Fans 2. Select 1.

Sammy, this question looks familiar. I don't know if it has been solved. . . . . .

But in any case, I have to say that the name of this card array is definitely not an option. . . . .

Release the card below.

Your current love mentality → Moon You are probably still confused or very upset.

Your current state of mind → Wheel of Destiny You hope that your relationship (if you have a boyfriend) will be better, but you are unwilling to do anything, and everything is resigned to fate.

The other person's current state of mind → "Tower" The other person probably knows nothing about you. You may have had a fight, right?

Suggest the way to get along → Hermits suggest not to be too demanding. In fact, it is not good to be calm when you are separated, or you are not suitable for being lovers at all.

Looking for the direction of love and reconciliation → "death" to end this relationship, the so-called old does not go, the new does not come.