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Cookies draw pictures and write compositions.

1. Composition evaluation was drawn with biscuits. In today's composition class, the teacher mysteriously took out a yellow schoolbag and asked us what was in it. Let's touch it. We guess it's toys, and some people guess it's food. Finally, the teacher took out a bag of biscuits. Wow! It's cookies! That's right. Today's theme is "Cookie Bite Painting".

Cookie bite painting means that the teacher says a number and we bite it out with cookies. At first, the teacher asked us to bite a triangle, and everyone was biting intently. Some students took the first bite of the biscuit. Fortunately, I bit patiently and slowly, and I bit it out soon. The second time the teacher asked us to bite out a crescent, my nervous nose was sweating, and I began to concentrate on biting. Some students said, isn't it crescent-shaped when I bite the biscuit? But they were wrong. If you bite like them, if you push too hard, the cookies will all break at once. After hard work, I finally bit out the crescent shape. At this time, my deskmate didn't bite out. I helped her, but in the end, when I was close to success, the biscuit was broken.

Finally, the teacher asked us to play in groups. We are a three-person team. One of us is a sunshine group and the other is a dream group. We gave them a bone-shaped topic, and they gave us a pentagonal topic. Although the difficulties increased, we managed to pull through with Qi Xin. The teacher gave each of us 10 stars.

We finished the activity of biting cookies and painting with great interest. This activity made me understand that things need patience. Things can't be done well without patience. I wish I could take part in such fun activities again!

2. Write a composition about making cookies, and describe my story with details, actions and language. One morning, a large dark cloud suddenly came, making people unable to tell day from night. I was watching TV in my room when suddenly dazzling lightning flashed across the sky, followed by deafening thunder, and the TV disappeared with that roar. I just stood there with my head in my arms, watching the rain drift away from the window like a ghost. It's cold behind me ... a white-gray shadow rushed in from the window and flew over my head, only to hear a bang, hit the wall and slipped at the bottom. ":Ah ..." I screamed. I quickly hid in the quilt. I thought I heard a ghost scream, which made me tremble all over, but after a while, I leaned out and said, "Are you all right?" Sepals blurted out, carefully crawling towards something gray, for fear of making a sound. I was relieved when I found out that the devil I imagined was actually an' angel'. A pair of yellow eyes, crystal clear, looked at me in fear and panic. My body keeps twisting and trying to spread its wings, but it is so weak. I think even if it can spread its wings, it may not be able to fly. Because of it. Feathers were scattered all over the floor and soaked to the skin. This must be caused by the storm just now. Every time it's the poor gray pigeon that's wrong. I can see that if I don't help, it will never fly in the blue sky again. So I extended a helping hand to it ... Every thought, he struggled to "fly" resolutely! No, it can't fly. I caught it when it was about to fall. Meanwhile, I feel a few drops of warm blood on my hands! I gently opened its wings and there were some feathers dyed red! "Don't worry, I'll let you out alive!" There are several adults in my family who are doctors and one is a nurse, so I can't help learning a few tricks. I tried to dry the blood on it with cotton, then disinfected it with alcohol and iodine, then dried it with a hair dryer, and then bandaged it with medicine ... all this went smoothly, because I'm afraid it had no strength to resist. I remember it ran out of the bird's empty cage the other day, and now it comes in handy. So I put it in. By the way, I added a little water and whole grains. I didn't expect it to look weak when it "opened its eyes", as if it had not eaten for more than ten years. I was shocked to see it so hungry, and then I poured it some food. In the blink of an eye, it finished eating again. After settling down, I cleaned up and took a lunch break. In the afternoon, the rain stopped, the sun was shining and the sky cleared up again. I put the pigeon on the table. From then on, every day when I came home from school, I ran to the table, fed the pigeon and watched it gobble up. After that, I will change its dressing, but now it has recovered its strength, so it is difficult to change its dressing! In the evening, I eat cookies and draw pictures on the table. The rest 1/3 is placed by the cage. When the pigeon saw it, it immediately got up and pecked twice. He found it delicious and ate it all. This time, I put the biscuit in my hand and put it beside the cage, trying to look at it with gentle and friendly eyes. At first, it was scared to hide. Later, unable to resist the temptation, it timidly came over and stretched. In the next few days, his injury improved, his feathers grew, his courage increased, and he fought with my Beijing dog, even the puppy dared to peck on his nose! Now every time I sit at the table and eat cookies again, he will not shrink aside like a poor guy, but strut up to me and ask for cookies. I can not only feed him cookies, but also touch him with my fingers! What surprised me even more was that I patted his head with my finger and he pecked me playfully. Now he is not afraid of me, and he is getting closer and closer to me. After he fully recovered, I tied an orange rope on his leg to make him look beautiful. One day when I went out to play, Grandpa Yuzryha helped me tidy the birdcage in advance. When I came back to see the lovely figure, I saw it was empty. If the cage is not properly closed, it will accidentally fly away. "Tears like don't turn off the faucet, rolled down. It left. Grandpa quickly said, "Don't cry, grandpa will buy you one tomorrow." "I want that! "I was so angry that I cried and ran back to my room. That night, I used to eat cookies. I looked at the empty cage as if the pigeons had returned. It's eating the cookies I gave it, ha! It's still pecking my finger, I patted its head with my hand, and it's still addicted to cookies! When I came to my senses, I found that my finger had been put into something in the cage. Two days later, our family was having lunch and the dog was gnawing at the bone. Suddenly, I was on the balcony and shouted, "Woof! Woof! Wang! " .

3. Write a composition about cookies today, and ask Doudou to come to my house to make cookies. Soon she came and I heard her laughing upstairs. I'm very excited. Me too. Maybe it's because cookies are interesting.

Mother took out a piece of yellow dough from the refrigerator, and each of us pinched a small piece and kneaded it into a ball. The ball makes me feel sticky and soft, like mud. Then I squashed the cotton ball, rolled it flat, and selected my favorite biscuits to form on it. The cake was separated by the tip of the bear mold, and then I filled the whole cake into the mold of the heart, moon and star. Put the biscuits neatly in the baking tray. After a while, the baking tray will not be full. There are overlapping shapes such as heart, bear, star, moon, diamond and circle. I am very happy to think that my cookies will be baked soon. And it's cookies with all kinds of lovely patterns! Mom preheated the oven to 180 for 10 minutes. I have been guarding the oven. I found that the edge of the biscuit slowly turned brown. The voice of "Ding Dong" told me that the cookies were baked! I can't wait for mom to take out the cookies and put them on a plate to cool down. I picked up a piece and put it in my mouth. I took a bite and found it really delicious. I'm so happy!

4. Learn to make cookies. The composition topic is 600 words. Today, my mother took my brother and me to the cookie shop to make cookies.

After arriving in Li Dian, we put on work clothes and washed our hands. Then, we followed Li Dian's aunt to learn how to make cookies step by step. First, we take out the prepared flour and add water to knead it into dough, then put the kneaded dough on the table with dry flour and roll it out with a rolling pin to make a big cake.

Then the mold was pressed heavily on the pie, and a lovely figure came out. Finally, I carefully cut off the flour at the edge of the mold and put the finished patterns in the oven one by one.

Then I waited patiently. You can finally eat it. My mouth watered when I looked at the golden cookies. I couldn't wait to pick up a biscuit and put it in my mouth: "Wow! It's too hot.

"Look at my mess, everyone laughed.

5. The composition "I learned how to make cookies" has more than 450 words. I'm really happy to have a composition written today, because I can make cookies. In the past, all the cookies were made by my mother. They are beautiful and delicious. Every time I watch my mother make cookies, I envy her and want to make them myself.

I have been clamoring for my mother to teach me how to do it since last week. On Saturday, my mother finally promised to teach me how to make cookies. Mother took me to the kitchen and told me to wash my hands and dry them. Then, my mother sat me down and slowly told me the main steps of making soda cookies.

After listening carefully, I couldn't wait to stand up and start weighing my face with scales. Then I added milk, yeast, baking soda, salt and other raw materials to the noodles. My mother taught me to mix these ingredients evenly and knead the noodles into dough. Then, my mother taught me to knead dough with butter. It was hard to wipe at first, and butter was everywhere, which made my face and hands dirty. I really want to give up. My mother touched my head and said, "Daughter, everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you work hard, I believe you will succeed. " My mother's encouragement gave me great confidence. Sure enough, in a short time, the butter was absorbed by the dough and kneaded into a smooth dough. I rolled the dough into thin slices and made it into my favorite cookie shape.

Finally, my mother put them in the oven. Ten minutes later, my soda cookies were ready. Tasting the fruits of one's own labor, I feel that today's biscuits are particularly crisp.

I can make cookies, which is very fulfilling. I've also learned that you can't do anything halfway, but try to overcome difficulties until you win.

6. I made a 500-word biscuit composition for the first time and finally learned to make biscuits. On weekends, I finish my homework and have nothing to do. I suddenly remembered the method of making cookies I saw on the internet during the summer vacation, and I couldn't help but want to give it a try. I turned the kitchen and balcony upside down and finally gave everything I needed.

Today, I will learn to make cranberry cookies from my mother.

We have prepared ingredients: low-gluten flour, dried cranberries, egg liquid, butter and powdered sugar. My mother patiently told me the steps, and I began to make my own cookies. It was the first time I made cookies, and I was really nervous. I'm worried that I can't do it well. At this time, my mother saw it and said to me, "don't be nervous, just do it seriously." If you fail, it doesn't matter. You will definitely do better next time. " After listening to my mother, I did it with confidence. I weighed 60 grams of powdered sugar and put it into melted butter, and stirred it evenly with a spoon. Then I added the egg mixture and stirred it. Then I poured in dried cranberries and low-gluten flour, and stirred it thoroughly. Then I made dough and put it in the refrigerator for 50 minutes. Although I was slow and unskilled, I persisted in finishing it. It really pays off. Time is up. Take it out, cut it into pieces and bake it in the oven for 20 minutes.

Cookies are well baked, although they are not as good as mom's, but I don't want to mention how happy I am to see the delicious cookies I made. We ate fragrant and sweet cookies together, and my mother praised me for being really capable!

Read more about how I learned to make cookies.

7.Cookie's self-report composition 600 words description: Hello, everyone, I am a playful puppy, dressed in black and white, as graceful as a gentleman, and my eyes are like black gems. I am so cute.

Every summer, I stick out my tongue to reduce my fever. I like eating bones very much. Whenever my young master has a meal, he will send me a plate of delicious bones. Sometimes, my young master forgets, and I have to find food slowly.

I like playing with stuffed balls best. Once, I saw a fur ball. I don't know what it is, and my heart is full of curiosity. So I touched it gently, and I had a good time. Unconsciously, time passed quickly. When I stopped, I found that the battlefield was out of control. I thought: the room is so messy by me that the host must beat me when he comes back.

I had to find the young master and take him to the room. He was shocked when he saw this scene. But he didn't want his mother to know, so he quickly cleaned the room.

Seeing him sweating, I smiled shyly and thought, young master, you are so kind to me! I am a gluttonous and sleepy puppy, and occasionally I play some practical jokes. Do you like me? The self-report of five puppies is 350 words, hello everyone! I am a lovely puppy. My hair is pure white. Guess what I like best? Ha! Guess what? I like scrolling best.

Especially in summer, the weather is hot and spicy, and I like to roll in the mud for a long time. From a beautiful and clean puppy to a black and dirty puppy, I became a little mud dog. It's nothing. The most troublesome thing is that my master has to help me bathe every day. When I take a bath, my master first rubs me with soap, and then gently rubs me with his hand. Really comfortable! After a while, many bubbles appeared, and I was about to bite when I opened my mouth. Inadvertently, I spilled water on the young master's face. Of course, my little * * * got a free "* * *". I like sausages. At dinner, my young master picked up a sausage and put it in front of me. I quickly opened my mouth, but the young master didn't send it directly to my mouth, so I had to sit there in frustration.

The young master put the sausage in front of me again. I stared at it, looking for the right opportunity. I jumped and bit the sausage. It tastes great! Every Sunday, my master helps me buy clothes, and I buy one after another. There are so many beautiful clothes that I see things in a blur. Take me to the barber shop after buying clothes, trim my beautiful long hair and perm it. How beautiful! This is me. Do you like me? If you like it, make friends with me! The dog's self-report is 300 words. Hey, everybody! I am a puppy, bought by a lovely little owner last year, and we have become a pair of good friends since then.

Young master began to call me "Huanhuan", and I was not used to it. Over time, I became familiar with it.

And as soon as my master called me Huanhuan, I looked back at my master. I have white hair and look like a pile of snow from a distance.

When I walk, I dance like a pile of cotton. I have big round eyes and a greedy mouth under my small nose.

As for me, when I am angry, I will bite my tail and turn around, treating my tail as my enemy. What I don't understand is why young master is so happy. Maybe my appearance is too funny! I am greedy, hehe.

As long as there are fish, meat and bones. I don't seem to have enough to eat I really tasted the delicious food in the world! My master loves me, too. If I throw a big bone into the air, I will "throw a dog into the air and fall three feet empty"

Anything will do as long as you can eat. Hey, don't underestimate me. Although I am greedy, I am also loyal to my duties.

But when a stranger invades, I will pounce on him rudely until I drive him out. How's it going? Usually get along well with the young master and laugh at each other. I will be my young master's best pet.

8.Cookie's self-report composition is 350 words (using explanatory method). Today, I went to CR Vanguard to play with Cece, Tong Tong and Tang Tang. Let's go to the warrior camp first, then eat steak and finally make cookies. Of course I'm writing cookies now! All right, let's get started!

Step 1: Uncle will knead the biscuit noodles into rectangles for us first. Step 2: Take out various models, including rabbits, kittens and cars. Step 3: Take out the biscuit noodles and put them in the iron plate. Step 4: Make a big square and put it in the middle. Step 5: Spread the jam, put it in the oven and wait 15 minutes.

I think the most interesting thing is to make cookies of different shapes with models. Tong Tong and I are on the same team. We choose the mold carefully. I choose a Christmas tree mold. When the mold is placed on the surface of the biscuit, press it, then put it in the iron plate and press the button. It's amazing! When we make a lot of cookies, carefully put them away, and write my and Tong Tong's names with jam, a work is finished. I imagined my father eating this packet of biscuits, so I smiled. ...

9. Making cookies is a popular snack. I think everyone is familiar with it, but have you ever made cookies? No, my mother took me to love baking and making cookies yesterday, and experienced the infinite fun of making cookies by myself.

Walking into the cookie house, an aunt tied a small apron on me. In front of me was a basin containing some flour, sugar and a ball of butter. My aunt asked me to rub it hard with my hands until the flour turned yellow, and my aunt gave me another egg.

What! I even want to stir it with eggs. Gee, I don't want to "massage" the sticky egg at the thought of it. But "you are not a hero without massaging eggs"! Close your eyes and put your hands down. After ten fingers meditation, eggs and flour are mixed together to form dough.

Haha, it's not difficult to make cookies! I am complacent, but this is the most crucial step-kneading the dough. "Squeeze hard, push hard, or the cookies won't taste good when baked, understand?" I nodded in confusion.

I squeezed, I pushed, squeezed and pushed, and it took a lot of effort. Although I used my "magic power", it was still not as good as the teacher's kneading. The dough kneaded by the teacher is particularly soft and surprisingly soft.

Look what I stole. If you throw it hard, you might kill a person! "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! I'll help you adjust it right away. Come on, you pinch this first! " This shouldn't be pinched! I wiped it without much effort! I divided the dough into three equal parts, one with chocolate powder, one with matcha powder and one with original flavor.

Next, it's time to make the shape of cookies with molds. I first picked up a heart with a dark chocolate ball at the bottom with the yellow word "love" on it. This one is for my mother.

Then I picked up a big circle, ordered three different colors of noodles to be arranged in turn, took a long strip each, circled it into a lollipop, and then glued it with a chocolate bar. This piece is for dad with a straight face every day. I wish him happiness every day, just like soaking in a honey pot! Finally, make yourself a windmill. There is only one last process left to bake.

The thought of delicious baked cookies makes my mouth water! Finally, I saw my dear biscuit. After wrapping it, I tasted it for my parents like the wind. Looking at their satisfied smiles, I also feel that my labor has gained. Looking at the biscuits with different shapes in the packaging bag is like seeing a perfect answer sheet, which is so gratifying and proud.

10. composition on the 600th day of making cookies for the first time, the teacher said that he would take us to make cookies. At that time, I was so happy that I thought: My own cooking must be delicious.

In the afternoon, we began to do it. I thought it was easy to make cookies, but it was really difficult! Simple because: we do this step very simply, as long as we spread the flour flat and press it with a mold, a biscuit will be ready; The hard part is: paste noodles.

The batter is very important, and you can't put less auxiliary materials. Paste the noodles and let's start making cookies.

Spread the flour flat first, not too thin or too thick, because too thin will break, too thick will break during baking, so it should be exactly half of the mold. Then press molds of various shapes to make a perfect biscuit.

When we make cookies, we make coconut balls. Coconut balls are not easy to make: first knock three eggs, put some sugar in the egg white, stir well and then add egg yolk, flour, milk and coconut.

When the dog winter flower of Diandeng Temple in Yunnan section of Jun Fu's intestine is stirred into pieces, held in his hand a little, kneaded into a ball, and baked in the oven for 15 minutes, the coconut ball is finished. After a long time, the biscuits and coconut balls were finally finished! Everyone tastes the fruits of their labor, which is very sweet and delicious! Finally, everyone got a cookie made by themselves.

There was a little fat man in the class who was so greedy that he ate it all. Some people only ate a little and took it home to share with their parents. Hee hee, including me! Do you like to eat your own cookies? Do it if you like.