Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are China's four great inventions? How were they invented respectively?

What are China's four great inventions? How were they invented respectively?

Four inventions in chronological order:

1 Paper was invented in the Western Han Dynasty and improved by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Engraving printing was created in Sui and Tang Dynasties, and printing fonts were created in Bibilou in Northern Song Dynasty, which made great contributions to the spread of culture. However, the current archaeological investigation found that the West Asian characters were printed in fonts more than 50 years ago.

Black powder appeared in Sui Dynasty, which was said to be used in the military in Tang Dynasty, but there was also a saying that black powder could not be used as a weapon, requiring the use of western yellow powder. In the Yuan Dynasty, China used conventional hot weapons, and black powder was more powerful than yellow powder.

The compass appeared in the Southwest Warring States Period, and it was recorded in Soniwatan written by the compass in the Northern Song Dynasty. There is a difference between Zinan and compass. Zi Nan has neither a good record nor anything. So put the compass down.

China has four inventions. First, the paper-making in the Han Dynasty became more and more smooth after Cai Lun rearranged it. Printing in the Song Dynasty (movable type printing) was invented by people all their lives. Black powder was widely used in the Song Dynasty, and the descendants of Genghis Khan in the Yuan Dynasty began to become powerful. Finally, the compass of the Yuan Dynasty (An Sok) developed into a compass that played an important role in navigation.

Now, we usually talk about the four great inventions of China's ancient scientific and technological inventions. Who first put forward the "Four Great Inventions"?

They used to call it. Three great inventions? Including printing, gunpowder and compass, but not paper. 16-17th century English philosopher Francis Bacon wrote in his book "New Tools": "Printing, gunpowder and compass are three inventions, which have changed the whole face and state of things all over the world: first, academically, secondly, in war, thirdly, in navigation; This has brought about a domino change: no Sect, no empire, no star has such influence on human affairs. Mechanical opening. " Printing and papermaking were invented in the Western Han Dynasty and improved by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Block printing appeared in Sui and Tang Dynasties, and movable type printing was invented by Bi Sheng in Northern Song Dynasty. Fireworks appeared in the Sui Dynasty and was used in the military at the end of the Tang Dynasty. The Northern Song Dynasty built a compass, which is the compass. Add; As early as the Warring States period, the appearance of Sina pointed out the direction. When the Yellow Emperor appeared, it was the legendary south guide car.