Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The real fortune-telling problem

The real fortune-telling problem

Don't worry, son, and don't tell others your horoscope easily. . . Never. . If you see something bad for you, delete your character from it. Bad guys see some spells that will make your soul out of your body. Don't do anything stupid again.

In fact, many people like you have never met. You have special powers. Don't be afraid to hear and see what others can't see. . You may have eyes and ears. I don't know where to live with your family. In Beijing, I have such people around me. There are also some gods, and I believe in Buddhism. You should go to a big temple and ask for some Buddhist scriptures, which will solve some problems for you. You'd better ask experts to give you some advice. Don't look for an ordinary fortune teller, you need a real master to help you solve your doubts. That is, the tall man who looks at the sky. In order to make good use of things that can benefit mankind, we must never take advantage of them at the expense of others.

I'm not two years younger than you, but it's good for you to believe in Buddhism. Buddhists can explain your doubts. Come on ~ ~ it's okay. Be optimistic and happy. I wish you an early settlement! !