Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - I want to know what you think of xxxholic.

I want to know what you think of xxxholic.

April 1 Rijun News &; Doumeki Shizuka

1, which is euphemistically called ability.

Toto Maggie's ability is to exorcise ghosts, which was known from 24 times. Because of this, Zhang Zixi hopes to get along well with Toto Meggie on April 1 day. There is still a question about Tomomi's ability, that is, why he can't enter that store. This should also be related to his ability. After the night attack, Zhang Zi explained that he didn't need the shop. Later, at 8 1, Zhang Zi explained why he didn't need this store, that is, even if he told him that his wish could not be realized, he would continue to work hard and find a way to solve it himself. Is that the answer? Is it that simple? Let's wait until later to find out ... (cunning ...)

2.4 months 1 day capacity

April 1 day has a special ability, which was known at 1 day. He can see monsters and attract them. You can even distinguish between good and evil monsters. But I always feel that his ability is not that simple. At least, from 77 words, we know that he still has an ability. His blind right eye seems to see something, and this ability will definitely play a great role in the future. If he can only see monsters, why does Rain Girl appreciate him so much and point out that he should finish the task? Seeing monsters isn't that useful, is it? What's more, it is sometimes strange to say, for example, on page 39 12, "The chocolate made in April 1 daily use is the' special chocolate' that is really suitable for boys to express their feelings." If "ability" here really means seeing ghosts, what does this have to do with making chocolate?

3.4 months 1 day and many beautiful characters and hearts.

The young man in Zuo Fu likes him very much (he is very supportive of both of them, and thinks that the scene of sending him home in the daytime on April 1 day is the most interesting ...), and he doesn't like the reputation of being much better than him. There is also a reason for this. Sometimes I feel that Duomei is not so enthusiastic about helping others. For example, when Tomaki knew that "language" was a shackle, he thought that he had heard people say that he didn't seem to be in a hurry to help them. On April 1 day, he first proposed to liberate twin sisters from the shackles. Tomoji's description is not as much as April 1st, so I can't understand it thoroughly, but I always feel that he will not be so enthusiastic to help others. Only urgent things that happen in front of me, especially those related to April 1 day or himself, will he take care of them. This is the difference between them. Although Duomeiqi seldom helps others, he is still an honest man. His lack of enthusiasm may be related to his experience and personality. He grew up in a temple, a quiet place, without interference, evil thoughts and mood swings. This may be Dodo Maggie's childlike heart (qi), or it may be the source of his ability to exorcise ghosts (a sign of nocturnal ghosts). To tell the truth, I've never seen Toto Maggie's face before 75 times. He is always expressionless, unable to laugh, bitter, angry and afraid. Only 75 times have I seen him angry once, and I haven't seen him since. This is completely different from April 1 day. April 1 day is extremely rich in expressions (if XXXHolic is a TV, China will name it "Amazing Monarch ..."), and it is not as calm as Duoduomei, and likes dancing. He is easily excited and often loses his temper and complains. However, in a word, he is also a very good person (Zhang Zi said this on page 10 for 7 times and page 15 for 30 times ...), and his heart is also very kind, which can be seen from many places, such as the fox's shop (36 times). There is another difference between Dodomeki and April 1 day. Dodomeki speaks directly and never thinks about anything else, but April 1 day is different. Back in 49, the two men went to ask Xiao Kui for something. April 1 day, because I was embarrassed to speak, I didn't say anything, so Duomei said it directly. On the 46th time, April 1 day, Duomeiqi was asked what he liked to eat in order to cook a lunch for him. Duoduomei blurted out chestnuts, regardless of whether chestnuts can be found in April 1 day. In a word, Duomeiqi's personality is in sharp contrast with April 1st, and it is really difficult for them to become partners.

4.4 months 1 day and many beautiful life experiences.

The life story of these two people is a huge mystery. April 1' s ability is ancestral, so his family should not be ordinary people. 19 on page 6, the fortune teller said that his parents died unexpectedly on April 1 day to protect Jun Xun. What kind of accident was that? This is still a mystery. His parents died to protect him, unlike Harry Potter, right? Many beautiful life experiences are also very interesting. His grandfather is a temple host, and his ability is inherited from his grandfather. However, his grandfather seems to be a great man. Who could he be? His grandfather seems to know a lot about exorcism, doesn't he?

The fate of April 1 day.

Out of "need", he came to Zhang Zi's shop on April 1, but did Zhang Zi really just leave him for one more job or to realize his wish? Will the ability of April 1 day really disappear? At the end of the seventh episode, Zhang Zishuo's words seem to have been waiting for the arrival of April 1 day, and his coming and going are very useful. Why do you have to be there on April 1 day to welcome the little wolf and woody cherry (or black and white mokna)? Zhang Zishuo Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan can't touch them, but she should be able to do it herself. If the role of April 1 day in this matter is only to kill Moco, it is unnecessary. Why does Zhang Zishuo have to attend? Also, at the end of 30 times, it seems that both Kuoko and Kuoko predicted the arrival of April 1 day. What does this portend? April 1 day should play a key role in the end, right? Also, many people say that April 1 day has changed (fortune teller, small lamp, ghost tree, etc. ) because of death. What is this change? I don't know what April 1 day is like, and I can't compare it. However, to be sure, Zhang Zi's "inculcation" should be very useful, which made April 1st understand a lot.

Yiyuan guazi

This person is the soul of XXXHolic, who combines all kinds of advantages and disadvantages (I think there are more disadvantages than advantages ... don't laugh at me ...). Her philosophical discourse runs through the whole article (and the torture on April 1 day ...). Let's talk about her thoughts in detail later. Now let's talk about her mystery.

1, her relationship with Chloe

Xunzi's magic is very powerful. Faye Wong said that she was the only one who admitted that she was magical. Life, the source of magic, and why he used a pseudonym are all mysteries. However, her relationship with Sekulo is very strange. It seems that they have known each other for a long time, and there are still many contacts. Zhang Zi himself said that they were predestined friends. They not only foresaw many things, but also created Mokner together, which seems to have a deep relationship. However, when Zhang Zi first mentioned Kuluo, he said that he was a vicious boy and seemed to hate him. But after mentioning him several times, I still miss him very much. It seems that the relationship between the two is really unusual. What did they foresee? Does this have anything to do with Faye Wong? How did the other two meet?

2. Scorpion's purpose

Zhang Zishuo opened her shop for the future. What the hell is this? And there must be April 1 day. Besides, at 59-60 times, who is Zhang Zi fighting? Does this have anything to do with her purpose of opening a shop? It seems that there are two candidates behind the scenes, Kunogi Himawari and Reid. After eating the words in the doctor's right eye on April 1 day, Xiao Kui seems to be more suspicious. Obviously, Zhang Zi of episode 84 also noticed this book. Does this have anything to do with the main plot? However, I always thought that Wing had a deep relationship with XXXHolic, and Faye Wong also took Zhang Zi as an opponent. It shouldn't be serious, should it?

3. The Age of Scorpions

The age of Xunzi is absolutely a mystery. Personally, she likes reading comics (her favorite comics won't be Wings and XXXHolic…… ...) and they are delicious. It seems that she is only a teenager. Judging from the way she smokes and drinks, she seems to be thirty or forty years old, but judging from her understanding of Koro, she seems to be several hundred years old, but Koro is dead and she is still alive. Judging from her personality, sometimes she is as lively as a child and sometimes as gloomy as an old man. From her hobbies and personality, even from what she said, you can't tell her age. This man is smart enough.

"XXXHolic" is indeed a profound work. When I first saw it, I just thought it was very interesting. When I looked back, I found many interesting things, and the meaning of the story was quite rich. Now I try to make a comprehensive analysis of my work and make up my mind to write it down, but I hope I can stick to it. Please criticize if there is anything wrong.

Nine Xuanzang

1, Zanzi's evaluation of her

For the first time, Zhang Zi's evaluation of Xiao Kui was that she was not the lucky goddess in April 1 day (the first four pages), and this was indeed the case. She met Xiao Kui unexpectedly for the first time on April 1 and witnessed a tragedy. It was because of the sudden appearance of Xiao Kui that the intern teacher successfully opened the box where the ape was. I dreamed that the little kwai who lost her right eye was in April 1 day. It seems that Xiao Kui is not only the lucky goddess of April 1 day, but also the supernatural. This may also be the reason why Zhang Zishuo is a troublesome child (2 1 go back to page 7). However, it seems that it is not that simple. Zhang Zi seems to have a deeper evaluation of her unfinished work (page 24 15).

2. Rain Girl's attitude towards her

Rain girl is a relatively advanced demon, so her evaluation and feelings about people are very valuable. Back in 49 years, on April 1 day, when Maggie and I went to Xiao Kui to ask for something, Rain Girl actually hid. It's a mystery why Xiao Kui's things are so useful, and what Yu Girl said is even more a mystery. She said: "Of course, in order not to be influenced by her, you can get along so well with people of that physique." (Page 49 19) What is the constitution of Xiaokui, which actually makes the Virgin Rain taboo? This may mean that she will cause misfortune. or ...

3. What is Xiao Kui's real identity?

The following content analysis and speculation will be great. When I watched it 24 times again, there was an interesting sentence. Zhang Zishuo (as Confucius said …): "As long as Duomei is with April 1st, the monsters around April 1st will be driven away. So they will make trouble, so you can quarrel with Toto Meggie. " (Page 24 14) You can think about why you quarreled with Toto Maggie on April 1 day. On the one hand, because of their personality, Dodomeki always asks him what to cook for him on April 1 day, even if it has nothing to do with monsters, because monsters can't control Dodomeki, right? However, the biggest contradiction between the two comes from Xiao Kui. April 1 day was the first time I hated Duo Duo Mei, because Duo Duo Mei blocked the ball of April 1 day in front of Xiao Kui, which made April 1 day lose face. In addition, Xiao Kui said that Toto Maggie was very popular with girls, which further strengthened the suspicion and disgust of Toto Maggie on April 1 day. Since then, all the actions of Xiao Kui have provoked a fight between the two. For example, give two people the same chocolate, care about Duomeiji and so on. However, the relationship between the two improved, but there was no sign of Xiao Kui. Although the activity of going to school was requested by Xiao Kui, she decided to let Toto Miki go with her on April 1 day. The chocolate delivery incident, the cobweb incident, and the one who almost died on April 1 have nothing to do with Xiao Kui. Recalling Zanzi's words, maybe Xiao Kui is ... a monster? Did she accidentally ruin the relationship between the two? The book she lent to Toto Maggie cured her eyes on April 1 day, with 77 strange words: "This happens more often after classmates and Toto Maggie become friends on April 1 day." (Page 6) "This situation" refers to the situation that she has something to do, right? This sentence seems to say that if the relationship with Toto Maggie is not so good on April 1, she will have less things to do and can go home with April 1. (In addition, this sentence takes up a page, which should be very important ...) And even if we go home together, we have to pull hundreds of ghosts. These seem to be deliberately provoking April 1 day and Dodomeki. In addition, she often said that "41 and Duomeiqi have a good relationship" to stimulate 41, and always felt that she was suspicious. It seems that the bad relationship between two people is intentional. If you touch Zhang Zi, you will think that she may be a monster or something (of course, this is just a hypothesis). Let's see what the following story can develop on her!