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Why is Genghis Khan famous? Answer the point.

About AD 1227, Genghis Khan died on his way to the northwest, but the relevant burial place was not disclosed.

1237, an envoy from China claimed to have seen the mausoleum of Genghis Khan. 1370, a China writer named this place "Jiligu", but the secret of Genghis Khan's tomb has not been solved.

The mausoleum of Genghis Khan may be in Altay Mountain.


Genghis Khan, a generation of tianjiao, once led Mongolian fighters across Eurasia. Historians say that his achievements have had a far-reaching impact on world history. It is such a great hero that he doesn't know where to be buried after his death. The specific cemetery is still a historical mystery. However, not long ago, a discovery in archaeology surprised people!

A few months ago, when live TV broadcasts and newspaper follow-up reports were stirring the Han Tomb in Laoshan, Beijing, a news from Xinhua News Agency suddenly attracted people's attention to distant Xinjiang. It turned out that archaeologists found an unnatural mountain near Sandaohai in Qingxian where Altay Mountain is located. Scholars assert that this mysterious "mountain" is probably the tomb of Genghis Khan!

Genghis Khan died in Ningxia

Yuan Taizu Genghis Khan was named Temujin. From12nd century to13rd century, he invaded the east, killed various Mongolian ministries, and established a huge Mongolian empire with its capital (now Beijing). 1625, Genghis Khan destroyed Xiliao and Hualamozi countries to the west of Ili River, and the following year he led an army to attack Xixia. The reason is that when he led the army to the western expedition, Xixia tried to unite the tribes in Mobei that were not conquered by Mongolia against Mongolia. In February of that year, the Mongolian general suddenly sent a letter to timur, calling the commander of Xixia sandbar to surrender. Seeing the disparity in strength, the other side pretended to surrender and prepared to reward the three armies with wine and cattle. The commander-in-chief of the Mongolian army came to surrender and suddenly saw an ambush everywhere. Suddenly, timur realized the trick and got on the horse to break through. Unexpectedly, the horse tripped and hurt his leg. Xia Bing was about to go forward and catch him, but thanks to one of his soldiers, he gave his horse to timur Hudu, and he escaped in the chaos. Genghis Khan was furious when he heard the news and immediately sent more troops to attack until the city was broken.

Since then, when Mongolian fighters attacked Lingzhou, they were stubbornly resisted by the other side, and the Mongolian army suffered heavy losses. Genghis Khan was very angry at Xixia's desperate resistance. In July, a generation of Tianjiao was seriously ill in Xijiang, Qingshui County, Liupanshan District. On his deathbed, he made a will in the army: if you don't sing after death, you will have it until Xixia dies!

After Genghis Khan's death, the Mongolian army did not mourn. With a strong feeling of revenge, Li Mujian, the late king of Xixia, who came to beg for surrender, was killed, and then the fighters swept the whole territory of Xixia.

Genghis Khan Mausoleum is not a real mausoleum.

According to the literature, "Genghis Khan died in Dinghai in twenty-two years, left noon in autumn and July, and unexpectedly collapsed in the womb of his brother in Surrey River, living 66 years". According to folklore, Genghis Khan's body was sent back to his hometown after his death, and the tomb was buried deeply, and the cemetery was planted into a forest. Because of the unique secrecy customs and traditions of the burial of the Mongolian King of Khan (it is said that after the burial of the Mongolian King of Khan, he will drive his horse and run across the floating soil to cover his tracks, and the burial place is unknown), so it is unknown where Genghis Khan was buried. Until now, Genghis Khan's burial place has never appeared in any historical materials in China, and the real Yuan Dynasty mausoleum has never been accurately discovered in archaeology.

The present "Genghis Khan Mausoleum" is located at 15km southeast of Ateng Xilian Town, Ejinhoro Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and was built in 1954. But this cemetery is only a place for future generations to sacrifice, and it is not the real resting place of Genghis Khan. According to experts, more than 700 years ago, Genghis Khan, a famous soldier, passed through Ordos Plateau when he led his army to the west. Intoxicated by the charming scenery here, he couldn't help but put down his whip and sat on his horse for a long time, admiring that it was: "the land of revival in the declining period, the land where Taiping Sheng Bang lived for a long time, the place where plum blossom deer grew, and the place where white-haired old people rested." And casually say it's beautiful here, so bury me here after you die. It is precisely because of the above background that later generations built the "Genghis Khan Mausoleum" here. Mongolians call this place "Ejinhoro", which means "the owner's graveyard". Although it is not a real mausoleum, it contains the Sulu ingot (spear) of Genghis Khan and the coffins of his two younger brothers. In the eyes of Mongols, "Sulu Ingot" symbolizes the God of War, so every year on March 27th of the lunar calendar, people come from all directions to offer Hada, light candles and incense, and put the most sacred sacrifice of their own nation on the altar to offer sacrifices to this hero.

It takes time to solve the mystery.

So where is the mausoleum of Genghis Khan? This year, archaeologists from Xinjiang Museum accidentally discovered a mysterious "mountain" that has been artificially transformed in Altay, northern Xinjiang. Peter, an assistant researcher, said: "This mountain faces north and south, and there are lakes on the left and right. There is an artificial river between lakes, and half of the mountain is obviously artificially transformed. Many rocks exposed from the soil are inconsistent with the basic direction of rocks. A large animal scapula with a round hole was also found here. This kind of bone was once used as a tool for divination, and most of it was buried with people. "

Although the archaeological excavation has not yet been carried out, Peter speculates: "This will lead to major discoveries", "According to Kyle? The Travel Notes of Polo records that Genghis Khan's body was buried in Altay Mountain. Italian traveler Kyle? Poirot wrote in his book that Kyle? "Polo's Travels" wrote: "On the way to transport the monarch's coffin to Altay Mountain, the escort will regard everyone he meets along the way as a martyr. "The record of Genghis Khan's burial place in China's history books is also vague, or" Qiegu "or" Bourhan Mountain ".

Peter believes that "Qitiao Valley" is located in Sanhai, Qingxian County, Altay Mountains, which is also the hometown of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan crossed the Altay Mountains six times in history, and Qinghe was the only way for Mongolia's western expedition army. Near Sandaohai, there is a four-lane plank road opened by Genghis Khan during his Western Expedition, relics of military accounts stationed in those days, and wooden stakes for tying horses that his father should have soon.

400 meters west of this artificially transformed mountain peak, there is a cone-shaped stone tomb with a height of 20 meters and a bottom diameter of 78 meters. Peter said: "Experts from Crystal and Yang Guangping believe that this is the tomb of Gui Youhan, the grandson of Genghis Khan."

After this explosive news was reported by the media, it attracted wide attention from the local government and Chinese and foreign scholars. Just as people are eagerly looking forward to "seeing the light of day" at the mausoleum of Genghis Khan, the speech of the relevant person in charge of National Cultural Heritage Administration poured a pot of "cold water" on people's heads. The reason is that after the successful excavation of the Han Tomb in Laoshan, Beijing, the public became very interested in uncovering the mystery of the imperial tombs, and some people began to re-examine the excavation of large-scale famous tombs such as Qin Shihuang Mausoleum and Gan Mausoleum. Even some local leaders, from the perspective of developing tourism and cultivating new growth points of regional economy, have reflected their ability to excavate their imperial tombs.

In view of this situation, Song Xinchao, deputy director of the Department of Cultural Relics Protection of National Cultural Heritage Administration, said: In the absence of current technology, the State Council 1997 clearly stipulates that the emperor's mausoleum cannot be dug. Generally, only small and medium-sized tombs are excavated, and they are all damaged during the discovery of illegal excavation or infrastructure construction, which belongs to rescue excavation.

Song Xinchao said that rescue excavations are generally aimed at some small and medium-sized tombs. We still lack the corresponding technical conditions for excavating large tombs. The biggest difficulty is the shortage of personnel and funds, as well as very prominent technical problems. Therefore, from the perspective of better protection of historical relics, it is best to stay in the unearthed tomb, and the stable state in the tomb is more suitable for the long-term preservation of cultural relics. At least according to the current ability and means, the artificial environment lags far behind the natural environment of the ancient tomb.

Experts said that although we have various reasons to suspect that this "mountain" on the Altay Mountains is the mausoleum of Genghis Khan, it will take time to "identify". It is also said that the discovery of the Terracotta Warriors in Xi 'an immediately became "the eighth wonder of the world". Who can say that there was no "ninth wonder of the world" or "tenth wonder of the world" in the excavation of the imperial tomb that swept across Eurasia? We believe that with the unremitting efforts of archaeologists, the historical mystery of Genghis Khan Mausoleum will soon be revealed to the world.