Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Four tarot cards, please explain!

Four tarot cards, please explain!

Right hermit: advice, knowledge, independence, caution, judgment, caution, vigilance, caution, self-denial, retreat, retreat, cancel, tend not to show feelings, and fear of being discovered.

Empress: prosperous, emotional, firm in faith, open-minded, elegant in life, prosperous in wealth, public figure, attractive woman, full of love, rich in relationships and pregnant.

Meaning: Like-minded, mutual understanding, true love.

Inverse position of the moon: the gradual improvement of the situation and time is the best medicine to dispel doubts and avoid harm. Affection and marriage: Only the cultivation of time can bring the two sides closer, find false love, marriage can be expected, misunderstanding disappears, friendship is frank, and the appearance of the opposite sex shows a simple side and passive waiting.