Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Which book is more practical for beginners to learn the Book of Changes?

Which book is more practical for beginners to learn the Book of Changes?

Pan Shouyu's View on the Unity of Heaven and Man (Book of Changes)

With big dreams, Tao can reach people; There is great beauty in the heart, and people are not far away; Heart and love, Tao will help others; Great wisdom is born from the heart, and adults are determined by the Tao.

The human body has the image of heaven and earth, the human body has the image of the universe, the human heart has the truth of the universe, my heart is the truth, and the truth is my heart.

Wealth and country are isomorphic, and heaven and earth are integrated. Li Shizhen's "Examination of Seven Classics and Eight Veins" said: "Only those who look in the opposite direction can observe the tunnels in the mainland." We should pursue the truth of the universe with our own image of heaven and earth and our own hearts, and then consciously feel him, learn things, and be sincere and upright. A well-cultivated person can serve the people's livelihood, the world, and create a peaceful future. "A person who cherishes his life and practices himself well, you won't take destroying mountains and rivers and destroying the harmony of the universe as a career! When you sit there, you have to learn the emperor's Neijing, which is a small Sunday. If you sit on your lap, it will be a standard small Sunday. This place starts at the perineal point and ends here. This place is called Du Meridian, below Ren Meridian and then go to Yinxue. As soon as your tongue reaches the upper jaw, Tianchi point opens the whole body's two channels of Ren Du, which is a Sunday. There are 24 solar terms on the underground 24-speed bone du meridian, the heart is fire, the liver is wood, the lung is gold, the spleen is soil and the kidney is water. The human body is a small universe and a small world. At this point, you will know why Mencius said that "the foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and the foundation of the family is in the body". "You will know why the university said:

From Tian Zi to Shu Ren, one is based on self-cultivation. I tell you: the virtue of self-cultivation is true. Zhuangzi tells you: there are real people before there is real knowledge. A person who doesn't know himself, a person who doesn't take care of himself, you are getting farther and farther away from the truth and the true nature of the universe, which is a very, very important part of our culture. As soon as you sit there, anyone who has studied the Book of Changes knows that if your eyes are broken, it means yin, your ears are broken, your yin is broken, your nose is broken, and your yin is broken. Together, the three yin elements are Kun hexagrams. You can't break your mouth or pee. Do divination. Gan Kun hangs in the middle of this position, a hole in the human body. Inside is the junction of Ren Du and Er Mai. Therefore, Tsinghua's school motto is "Heaven is strong, a gentleman strives for self-improvement, the terrain is boundless, and a gentleman carries things with morality". When you put it together, it is a Thai six-pointed star. You sit there, and the world is peaceful. We all know that Cathay Pacific can make people safe. This is an important Sunday, and people stand up. Their heads are round and their feet are square. Anyone who can play Tai Ji Chuan knows that the meridian of thumb is the kidney meridian, and the kidney is water. Aquatic wood, this is the liver meridian. Wooden fire, this is the heart meridian, this is the spleen meridian, primary gold, lung meridian. So when boxing, all five elements are saved. After coming back, Yin and Yang division came again. Tai Ji Chuan is a kind of self-cultivation boxing as well as a kind of cultural boxing. Tai Ji Chuan's earliest boxing score is not played now. Tai Ji Chuan is simply a kind of culture and several movements, from infinity to Tai Chi. As soon as Tai Chi comes out, two instruments and two instruments are finished, from shaoyin Shaoyang Taiyin Sun, and when the four images are finished, they will be hung eight times, and they will be hung to the air before; From self-improvement to morality, play sixty-four hexagrams again. Therefore, Confucius said: once a person understands the Book of Changes, there will be no doubts. Therefore, although Confucius' history books record that he has a good memory, he is very studious, and Wei has three unique skills. Put the bamboo slips on three times with cowhide rope and grind them off many times.

The composition of Yijing is the last day, next month. I ching is a person who studies all the laws of motion in the world and the laws of motion of the sun and the moon. The Book of Changes is the head of the group classics, the source of the avenue, the classics in the classics, the wisdom in wisdom, the guide to life and career, and the book of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

Confucius said in "Biography of Cohesion": "The ancients were the kings of the Xi family, looking up at the sky, looking down at the land, watching the articles of birds and beasts, observing the appropriate land, taking it from far and near, so they started gossip to communicate the virtues of the gods and the feelings of all things." Second, analysis (personal humble opinion, throwing a brick to attract jade) Fu put his body close and things far away, so he began to gossip. In fact, it reflects our Chinese nation's idea of "harmony between man and nature" since ancient times-observing everything in the outside world, observing our own internal mysteries, understanding the mysteries of the external "big universe" and our own "small universe", and then "inventing" gossip. This point (the idea of "harmony between man and nature") has been repeatedly demonstrated in the Book of Changes-every hexagram in the Book of Changes has a "divination virtue", which is to explain "human nature" in the way of nature (heaven), and the Book of Changes has therefore become the source of all ancient books and hundreds of thoughts (also the thoughts of the Chinese nation). Just take a look at the two hexagrams of "Gan" and "Kun"-"Heaven is healthy, and gentlemen are constantly striving for self-improvement." "The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with morality." You know, looking at heaven and earth ("taking everything far away"), you get the virtue of heaven and earth. What is the virtue of heaven and earth? It is human virtue ("close"). Therefore, learning the Book of Changes is a kind of knowledge accumulation and a kind of moral introspection! If nothing else, just think about the words "self-improvement" and "morality" (the two complement each other). If you can really understand and practice them, you will benefit for life!