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Mei Lanfang's Material Analysis and Composition Writing

1. The composition about Mei Lanfang is related to his story. In XJN Peking Opera, Mei Lanfang is best at playing "Dan". In Beijing opera, women are collectively called "Dan", which can be subdivided into many occupations according to the age and personality of the role. A woman with a good family background and status is called "Zheng Dan", and Zheng Dan is commonly known as "Tsing Yi" in Beijing Opera. This is because of Zheng Dan. Dou E, the heroine in the Peking Opera Dou E Yuan, is a typical Tsing Yi character. Tsing Yi's performance is solemn and demure, beautiful, elegant and gentle, and mainly focuses on singing. Generally speaking, Tsing Yi's singing is beautiful and delicate.

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Mr Mei Lanfang has made outstanding contributions to the cultural exchange between China and the international community. He is the pioneer of China's spreading Peking Opera overseas. On 19 19, 1924, 1956, he visited Japan three times, 1930 visited the United States, 1935, 1952 visited the Soviet Union twice. His activities not only enhanced people's understanding of China culture, but also made Chinese Peking Opera enter the world drama forest.

After the founding of New China, Mei Lanfang was successively elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a vice-chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and a vice-chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association. She successively served as the director of China Theatre Academy, China Theatre Academy and China Peking Opera Theatre, and joined China in July 1959, making various contributions to the socialist construction of the motherland.

Mr Mei Lanfang is a symbol of China's performing arts and the pride of our people.

2. Help collect writing materials: Mei Lanfang wrote it last night, I hope it will help you a little. Please reprint the original article. ) Before the release of Mei Lanfang, La ... La:) Life is like a play, and a play is like life.

Everyone plays a supporting role on other people's stage indiscriminately, and everyone appreciates the warmth, sadness and joy in his role. The actors on the stage will deeply forget themselves in the play, and the audience under the stage will also forget themselves in the play.

See others and think of yourself. Think about yourself and look at others.

Everyone is mortal and everyone is himself. Everyone is mediocre and everyone is a legend.

Known as the quintessence of Chinese culture, China traditional comprehensive art Peking Opera and Mei Lanfang, the most famous artist in this art category, are about to reappear on the huge screen before our eyes. Movies have a kind of magic that allows us to travel through time and space. History cannot be copied, but human beings have the most proud wealth in the world-imagination and emotion! It must still be a Chen Kaige movie.

What kind of drama will this child, who grew up in the most absurd era in China, the poet who can't forget the great harm that that era and those people brought him, the cynic who dares to despise the world the most in the history of China movies, and the brave man who has loaded too many swords and shadows and feelings in his movies bring to the current audience? This answer can only appear in people's minds in various ways after the movie. We can only guess, from the yellow land, Chen Kaige began to bear heavy thinking and refutation. How much residual temperature is there now? His obscure recognition of culture and philosophy in king of the children and Walking and Singing, gloom and hopelessness in Windy Moon, cruelty and frankness in Farewell My Concubine, and determination and sharpness in Stabbing Qin, can we still present them one by one? The answer is definitely no.

We should know that his Yellow Land was born in the box office context, his king of the children won the golden alarm clock, his walking and singing skills made him return to Cannes empty-handed, his Romantic Moon was banned, his stab at Qin was a great failure of domestic box office and criticism, and his Promise brought it. We should also know that his life is very different from his stubbornness. A beloved wife and two lovely sons have a far-reaching influence on him, which is manifested in his reconciliation with the secular in With You, his silly look at his children in Zhu Xinzhuang, Kunlun's big eyes and bright ending in Promise.

However, we can't conclude that Mei Lanfang will definitely go to the graceful and restrained route of the warm school, because we saw the deepest and most solid essence of Chen Kaige in The Madman in the Deep Flowers, because we felt that Chen Kaige didn't give up his previous concern and expression in too many metaphors in The Promise! So "Mei Lanfang" has become a mystery that can't be described in one word. Of course, we can also guess that it is likely to be another drama that weaves human affection with complicated history, although it looks like a riddle. The language that all mankind can communicate is love, emotion and heart.

Art is often a bridge between love, heart and heart, and people. When you see other people's ups and downs, joys and sorrows in the world of mortals, your heart may be touched inadvertently. At that time, you will find that some of your tears really belong to others.

You don't know him, but why are you so emotional? This may be a wonder of the world, and of course, it is absolutely beautiful.

Regarding Mei Lanfang's primary school composition, we often hear people sigh that he is born clumsy and can't achieve great things. In fact, these sighs are unnecessary. As the saying goes, diligence can make up for it, which means that poor talent can be made up by hard work. Today, I read a story called "The Great Plan Begins Today". I read it slowly.

This story mainly tells that Mei Lanfang went to learn from a teacher when he was young. The master said that he was born with a pair of dead fish eyes and was gloomy and dull. He is not drama material at all and refused to take him in. The lack of talent did not discourage Mei Lanfang, but made him more diligent. He feeds pigeons and looks up at the sky every day, keeping his eyes on the flying pigeons. He keeps goldfish, and his eyes follow the wandering goldfish, looking for shadows. Later, Mei Lanfang's eyes became like clear autumn water, sparkling and affectionate. After careful observation and pondering, she finally became a famous Peking Opera master.

There are countless people who have made up for their clumsiness and even made great achievements through the ages. It can be seen that a person with a clumsy talent can become smart and become a useful talent in society as long as he is diligent, so that "one person can do anything, and one person can do anything."

On the other hand, if a person doesn't study hard, no matter how talented he is, he can't become a talent. In the Song Dynasty, there was a "prodigy" named Fang Zhongyong, who could write poems at the age of five and was called a wizard by the villagers. He is very clever. However, after becoming famous, he stopped working hard and made progress. But his father took him everywhere to eat and drink and receive gifts all day. As a result, his poems withered and "disappeared into the crowd".

One of my classmates was among the best in the sixth grade exam. Relatives and friends praised him as a clever boy, but a year later, his grades were among the bottom ten. His mother said angrily, "What an idiot!" "In fact, he is not a fool, just become proud in praise, not as diligent as before.

Professor Hua has a famous saying: "Heaven rewards diligence for good training, and one point of distraction is one point." I hope those friends who think they have no talent will not be pessimistic, but believe that talent is hard. As long as they work hard on the word "diligence" and keep moving towards a beautiful goal, they will certainly achieve great things.

I don't know if I have enough words. If it is too much, it can be reduced appropriately.

4. Mei Lanfang's Story Composition 400 Mei Lanfang is a famous Peking Opera actor in China. Peking Opera is the most representative of China's traditional opera art. Mei Lanfang became famous for her hard work and courage to practice since primary school, and was rated as the first of the four famous operas of Peking Opera. He is not only superb in art, but also patriotic. He is determined to introduce Peking Opera to foreign countries and publicize China's traditional art in the world. 19 19, Mei

Mei Lanfang is a famous Peking Opera performer in China. Peking Opera is the most representative opera in China's traditional opera art. Mei Lanfang became famous from the primary school drama, and was rated as the first of the "four famous talents" of Peking Opera by studying hard, practicing hard and being brave in practice. He is not only superb in art, but also patriotic. He is determined to introduce Peking Opera to foreign countries and publicize China's traditional art in the world.

19 19, Mei Lanfang went to Japan, the United States, the Soviet Union and other countries to visit and perform. He won wide acclaim and warm welcome with his wonderful performance and oriental temperament. Many foreigners see the performance of China Opera for the first time, which is very novel. Movie master Chaplin and the famous playwright stanislavski all met Mei Lanfang and made friends. They spoke highly of China's operas. Some people abroad also refer to China's traditional opera art and European drama as the three major systems of world drama. Mei Lanfang has made outstanding contributions to China opera circle.

1937, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. Mei Lanfang was seen by the Japanese. The Japanese invited world-famous China actors to perform to beautify their aggression. Mei Lanfang refused. He grew a beard to show his attitude. Because he is an actor, growing a beard means that he will never perform on the stage again. He would rather give up his artistic career for the honor of his motherland. This patriotic act was widely praised, which aroused the anger of China people.

I like Mei Lanfang's artistic works. How to write this composition about Mei Lanfang in Liyuan?

It was an era of real pursuit of art, and people in that era loved to listen to opera, not only listening, but also singing. As soon as the play begins, it will be the appearance of a famous actor. No matter how well you sing, mix it up first, the audience will give you a drink and give you a performance, and then you will be red, and you will be red. If you can't sing well, you can only quit the pear garden and never get ahead.

The art of Peking Opera developed to the Republic of China, that is, Tang poetry and Song poetry. It has also become a literary symbol of an era. There were Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty. There were Su Shi, Liu Yong and Xin Qiji in Song Dynasty. However, the Republic of China is also full of talented people, including Yu Shuyan, Yang Xiaolou and Mei Lanfang. This is a long list, and any one in the list plays an important role in the pear garden. Dressed up as an old student and Hua Dan. Without makeup, you are a master of art.

Mei Lanfang is a master of art and sings really well. The rules of the pear garden can't circle him because he is not conservative. Yes, Mei Lanfang is not conservative. Conservative Mei Lanfang won't make a splash. Bold reform of traditional drama is his character. So in the movie Mei Lanfang, the conservative "Thirteen Swallows" lost to Mei Lanfang. This is not to say that the old enemy is no match for Hua Dan, but that the reform era of Peking Opera has arrived. Mei Lanfang was only at the forefront of the reform, so he succeeded.

From Lin Daiyu to Yang Guifei, from Li Fengjie to Wang Baochuan, and even that Susan. His figure is active everywhere. In the movie Mei Lanfang, Sun said to Mei Lanfang, "Your time is up". Yes, this is his time. To put it bluntly, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of prospering a national culture. When he stood on the stage of the American Opera House, he already belonged to the whole world. You know, more than half a century ago, we introduced "international plum blossom" to the world.

When I wrote this, I suddenly heard the singing like running water. I know, this is "Mei Qiang". Accompanied by the long sound of Jinghu, I seem to hear the long-lost "the first turn of the island ice wheel ...". I also know that this is the most satisfactory work of Mr. Mei's life. In this way, the story of a generation of pear garden jiaozi is over.

6. I admire Mei Lanfang's 300-word composition. Today, after previewing Mei Lanfang's text, I was deeply moved by Mei Lanfang's patriotic spirit, so I thought of a short story about Mei Lanfang.

One day, Mr. Wang taught Mei Lanfang to practice skipping rope. Teacher Wu moved a moving stool and put a brick on it, so that Mei Lanfang stood on the brick on stilts more than half a meter long and asked him to stand for a while without rest. At first, Mei Lanfang stood at such a high place and was very flustered. He just kept on, even his legs were swollen. Later, after making progress, he tried his best to finish the work by going up a flight of stairs. Water the skating rink and walk on stilts in winter. You often fall black and blue. But every time he falls, he will get up and continue to practice. Mei Lanfang, how did he meet the difficulties! As long as he can practice and skip work, he can tolerate no matter how big the pain is!

Mei Lanfang's spirit of advancing despite difficulties, as his famous saying goes: I am a clumsy artist, without enough talent, I rely on hard work.

7. Regarding the rejected composition materials, Mei Lanfang refused to act for the Japanese:

194 1 year1February, the powerful Japan occupied Hong Kong. Mei Lanfang, a famous Peking Opera actress who stayed in Hong Kong, grew a beard from the first day when the Japanese set foot in Hong Kong. In just a few days, my face was covered with thick black beard. Some friends feel at a loss. Mei Lanfang, who plays a celebrity, has never had a beard. Why does she grow a beard now? Mei Lanfang's youngest son, Mei Shaowu, is also curious about his father's beard. He asked Mei Lanfang quietly, Dad, why don't you shave? Mei Lanfang said, I have a moustache. Can the Japanese still force me to act? I see. The son said happily, Dad really wants to. After the friends in the circle knew it, everyone gave a thumbs up.

Soon, Mei Lanfang returned to Shanghai and lived in the Plum Blossom Poetry House. Mei Lanfang is a celebrity. Knowing that Mei Lanfang returned to Shanghai, many people came to see Mei Lanfang, and some wanted to invite Mei Lanfang to act in their own theaters. But Mei Lanfang closed the door to thank guests. He doesn't want to perform for the Japanese. Mei Lanfang, who has been acting for a living, cut off contact with life after she didn't act. Mei Lanfang had to paint in the house and lived a very poor life by selling paintings and pawning furniture items year after year. When his friends saw him, they all advised him to take action and solve his life problems. However, Mei Lanfang has a lot of backbone and politely declined the care of her friends.

One day, Chu Minyi, the powerful puppet of Wang, suddenly broke into Mei Lanfang's home and asked Mei Lanfang to be the head of the troupe and lead the troupe to tour Nanjing, Changchun and Tokyo to celebrate the so-called "victory of the Great East Asian War". Chu Minyi is the core figure of Wang's puppet. When Wang Pseudo was founded, Wang Jingwei was the president of the Executive Yuan, and he became the vice president and foreign minister of the Executive Yuan. Later, he was the president of Wang Pseudo-Sino-Japanese Cultural Association. He used to be a famous amateur Kunqu opera actor of the Kuomintang, and he thought he was an expert in acting. So I came to ask Mei Lanfang to serve the Japanese.

Mei Lanfang pointed his finger at his beard and said calmly, I am old, I haven't hanged myself, and I have retired from the stage. Chu Minyi smiled insidiously and said that the moustache could be shaved off and the throat could be restored ... He burst out laughing. It seems that Mei Lanfang's reason for not acting was refuted by his expert words. Mei Lanfang saw that Chu Minyi was so insidious and had to "treat each other with reason". He said sarcastically, I heard that you have always liked to play with tickets and are very famous. Your face is very good. I want you, as the head of the troupe, to lead the troupe to express your condolences. Aren't you much stronger than me? Why do I have to go? After hearing what Mei Lanfang said, ChuMinYi chubby face suddenly put away the sinister smile. He was ridiculed by Mei Lanfang and turned red and white. After a few words, he left the Plum Blossom Poetry Room in embarrassment.

1On August 23rd, 946, Chu Minyi was shot in the execution ground of Shizikou Prison in Suzhou, and was charged with being a traitor.

8. About writing her prose or novel, please ask Mei Lanfang for a complete biography.

This is a very distinctive biography and the first complete biography of Mei Lanfang at home and abroad. Based on the excavation and textual research of a large number of historical materials, the author recorded a generation of Peking Opera masters' hard growth experience, artistic path they pursued assiduously, national integrity of generously rejecting the enemy, moral quality of being kind to others, sincere and delicate emotional life in a down-to-earth style. At the same time, he made a deep exploration of their rich and subtle inner world, which can be described as a master of Mei Lanfang's life, thoughts and art. He wrote his master style and colorful life and showed it to readers in capital form.

Biographies of Peking Opera Masters: Biography of Mei Lanfang (with pictures)

Peking Opera is the quintessence of the Chinese nation, and the pear garden masters who have devoted their lives to promoting the development of the quintessence deserve admiration.