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Complete works of sitting details

Sitting posture usually refers to the posture of the human body when sitting.

To sit correctly, in addition to following the following leg swing skills, you should always keep your upper body straight, that is, your neck, chest and waist should be straight.

Subjects sit on the plane adjusted to the height of fibula head, with the head at the level of eyes and ears, eyes looking straight ahead, left and right thighs roughly parallel, knees bent at right angles, feet flat on the ground, and hands gently placed on thighs.

Basic introduction Chinese name: sitting posture type: common sense of life object: refers to human body performance: upper body straight, graceful posture, health impact and other sitting posture points, sitting posture research, sitting posture point 1, when sitting down, be light and steady, go to the front of the seat, turn around and sit down gently and steadily. When a woman sits down, if it is a skirt, she should fold it slightly with both hands, and don't stand up to tidy up her clothes after sitting down. 2, with a smile, eyes looking up, lips slightly closed, jaw slightly open. 3. Put your shoulders flat and relax. Your arms naturally bend on your knees, or you can put them on the armrest of a chair or sofa. 4, straight waist, chest, upper body naturally straight. 5, knees naturally close together, legs placed or placed on the side. 6. The chair should be at least 2/3 full, and the back of the chair should be gently tilted. 7. When you stand up, step back with your right foot, and then stand up. 8. When talking, you can sit sideways. At this time, the upper body and legs turn to one side at the same time. 9. Sitting, as a manner, is also divided into beauty, ugliness and elegance. The correct sitting posture can give people a serene and solemn impression. 10, sitting is one of the main contents of etiquette, and it is indispensable for studying, attending meetings, interacting with people, talking and enjoying life. 1 1. Men's sitting posture: legs together, upper body straight and upright, feet slightly extended forward, hands on knees respectively. 12. Lady's sitting posture: Sit up straight, with her upper body straight, her legs together, her feet swinging to the left or right at the same time, and her hands stacked on her left leg or right leg. Beautiful posture 1. The sitting posture of office workers is 1. The body leans back slightly and the neck is supported, which ensures that the neck releases its own pressure on the support and can avoid neck fatigue. 2, the arm naturally droops and relaxes the shoulder muscles; The arm is supported, which reduces the fatigue caused by the arm trying to keep the position. 3. Adjust the height of the desk to ensure that the hand can be parallel to the keyboard. 4. Place the leg health pedal so that the knee is slightly higher than the thigh to ensure smooth blood circulation in the leg. 5. The angle between the line of sight and the geocentric vertical is about 1 15 degrees. That is, the computer screen is slightly lower than the parallel line of sight. Ladies' sitting posture II. Driving posture 1. The upper body leans back slightly, and the neck is protected by the driver's cervical vertebra. 2, the body towards the steering wheel, head and shoulder height, look straight ahead. 3, the hand should reach the left hand to hold the steering wheel clock between 9- 10, and the right hand atmosphere between 3-4, but the left hand must be higher than the right hand. 4, the back is supported by double cushions, the chest is slightly stiff, and the lower abdomen is slightly contracted. 5. Knees are naturally separated. Third, the correct posture of students in class and homework is 1. The back is naturally straight, the chest is open, the shoulders are flat, and the chest is about one punch away from the desk; Put your arm on the table and open it slightly. Separate your left thumb from the other four fingers to form a figure of eight, and press the left side of the paper. When writing, keep your eyes one foot away from the paper. Health affects sitting posture. If it is not correct, it will not only look listless, but also be prone to backache and even affect the spine and oppress the nerves. Ultimately affect your health. Correct and elegant sitting posture is a civilized behavior, which can not only reflect a person's formal beauty, but also reflect the beauty of behavior. The correct sitting posture requires "sitting like a clock", that is, sitting as straight as a clock. The language mind-reading of sitting posture sounds mysterious, and many people equate it with magic, but it is not. Mind-reading is a very common psychological analysis skill, which is usually analyzed according to psychological theory through the words and deeds of the other party. Compared with psychological tests or divination, mind-reading is often more scientific and accurate. Because no matter how to hide and reveal, everyone will subconsciously expose the most real thoughts, even subconscious thinking activities. In seemingly trivial or even extremely ordinary behaviors, the inner activities of the other party may be hidden. Whether in life or at work, learning to be "likable" means a big step towards success. So interested people may wish to learn one or two tricks to prepare. The chair is shallow because you didn't open your heart? When you are nervous, you usually sit very shallow. When I meet my elders for the first time, many people just sit by the chair. This kind of shallow sitting is actually putting yourself in a position where you can get up at any time, and it is an act of keeping nervous at all times. Psychologically, this is called "the level of awakening is too high". With the progress of the dialogue, the two sides formed harmony with each other. At this time, it is likely that you will lean back and sit deeper. If someone has been sitting very shallow during the conversation, it means that he is not going to open his heart, or because he is in the position of junior and subordinate, he can't relax too much in front of his elders and superiors. When people from different positions face to face, the dominant party is more likely to relax and sit deep. On the other hand, the disadvantaged party is often nervous and sits shallower. In business negotiations, both sides usually sit shallowly, but if you want to be honest with each other or give each other more peace of mind, it is very important to actively adjust and guide each other to change their sitting posture. When talking to each other, "there is a door behind", the environment behind it actually has a vital influence on psychology. "stress interview" is the practical application of this theory in life. During the interview, the interviewer sat in the depths of the room facing the door, and the candidate answered questions with his back to the door. The back entrance has become an inducement for the candidate's inner tension, thus exposing his shortcomings that he can usually cover up. Presumably, many people have had similar experiences. In social etiquette, the so-called "respect" is also true. Deep in the room, the relatively safe position in the back environment belongs to the upper position, and the position of the back door belongs to the lower position. 1. Sit in a dangerous position with your feet together and lean forward slightly. Touching the ground with your whole foot shows that you are sincere and open-minded. Your characteristic is that you do things in an orderly way, but you are easy to be serious, strive for complete perfection, and sometimes even have a tendency to be neat. It is inevitable that you will stick to the form and appear dull. Although you look a little cold from the outside, it's all an illusion. You are a warm-hearted person. You only do what you are sure of and never take risks, so you lack enough innovation and flexibility. 2. Sitting with your legs crossed, no matter which leg is placed on it, it is natural to show that you are confident, know how to live and have harmonious interpersonal relationships around you. 3. Sitting with your legs crossed, with one leg hooked on the other, shows that you are cautious, reserved, unconfident and even hesitant. And people around you will think that your personality is too complicated. However, because your attraction and proper limit are not bad, people can correctly evaluate you and like you. 4. Sitting with your toes together and your heels apart shows that you are hesitant to do things, and sometimes being too meticulous will affect your flexibility. You are used to being alone, and communication is limited to people you feel close to. But you are very insightful and can make an accurate analysis and judgment of other people's personalities as quickly as possible. It's just that sometimes you overestimate your abilities. 5. Feet forward and cross your ankles. When men show this sitting posture, they usually put their fists on their knees or hold the armrest of the chair tightly with both hands. When women take this sitting position, they usually put their hands on their knees, or press one hand on the other while their feet touch each other. That means you like giving orders and are naturally jealous. So, to be honest, you may be a difficult person to get along with. Research shows that this is a typical sitting posture to control feelings, tension and fear, and it is very defensive. 6. My legs and feet keep shaking, and I like to shake my whole leg with my feet or toes. The most obvious manifestation of this kind of person is selfishness. From the perspective of self-interest, they are very embarrassed to others, but they are very indulgent to themselves. But you are good at thinking and can often ask some unexpected questions. 7. People sitting with their hands and feet open suggest that you may have a preference to take care of everything, have a commanding temperament or a dominant personality, or are extroverted and sometimes ignorant. If women adopt this sitting posture, it also shows that they lack rich life experience, so they often act self-righteous. Computer family MM best sitting posture Computer family often feels cervical pain and dry eyes. Because the computer is often used, the head is in the same posture for a long time, which leads to cervical spondylosis for a long time. According to the health survey of Internet practitioners, 98% of office workers who use computers for a long time feel that their health has declined, and more than 80% think that engaging in the Internet industry will lead to diseases such as "computer face" and "computer mania". Computer face: the sequela of too little communication with people. Xiao Wei said that her boyfriend said that she was getting less and less enthusiastic, a little stubborn and sometimes as unreasonable as a computer. Zhang Jie, a psychologist, explained that none of this can be blamed on Xiao Wei, because she has been dealing with lifeless computers, which only carry out orders and will not resist. QQ is used for chatting, email is used for notification, and there are few opportunities for face-to-face communication with people. Over time, I became a little self-centered. Remedy: Keep in touch with friends and enhance feelings through face-to-face communication. In addition, active participation in physical exercise can greatly release psychological pressure and improve the excitability, balance and flexibility of neural processes in cerebral cortex. Muscle tension headache: After sitting for a long time, the head looks heavy. Xiao Wei is a "workaholic" and always keeps a posture in front of the computer. Now, Xiao Wei watches the computer for a little longer. In the afternoon, her temple hurts very much. Her head still feels heavy and tense, and it is difficult to concentrate. The pain even affected her sleep quality. The doctor diagnosed her with muscle tension headache. Remedy: Work for about two hours, exercise your neck and relax your neck and shoulder muscles with your hands or hands. Once the headache comes, change to a cool and quiet environment, take a hot bath under the guidance of a doctor and take some painkillers. There is also a physical remedy, which is to use the sitting posture correction system to physically restrain the sitting posture and improve all kinds of hazards caused by incorrect sitting posture. Others go to have a midnight snack after the night shift, or watch movies and surf the Internet, and then continue to work at night. In the long run, it will lead to a decline in health. Dry eye: staring at the screen for a long time is dry eye. Now, Xiao Wei's eyes are often dry and his eyesight has plummeted. The doctor said that it may be that Xiao Wei paid too much attention when watching the computer, and the number of blinks decreased, which eventually led to vascular neuromodulation disorder and conjunctival congestion. I work in an air-conditioned environment, and the water in my eyeball evaporates too quickly, which weakens my ability to wash foreign bodies in my eyes, leading to dry eye. Remedy: Every time you work 1 hour before the computer, you should rest 10 minutes, close your eyes, do eye exercises to relax your muscles around your eyes, or watch the distant scenery; When the eyes appear sour, dry, blurred vision and other symptoms, you should seek medical advice in time and choose appropriate eye drops under the guidance of a doctor. Mouse hand: heavy shoulders and elbows, fingers do not work. As an office worker who has been dealing with computers for many years, Xiao Wei's hand is also infected with the so-called "mouse hand". Sometimes when dragging the mouse, the fingers are inflexible and prone to cramps, and the palms are numb, which can be relieved after activities and hard handshake. It turned out that every time Xiao Wei operated the mouse, his arm was in an elevated position, and his shoulder and elbow were under pressure for a long time, which led to carpal tunnel syndrome in medicine. Remedy: The healthiest place to put the mouse is the elbow height when the upper arm is perpendicular to the ground when sitting. Knocking on the keyboard or using the mouse for half an hour or an hour should take a rest and exercise your wrist. If you find that your fingers are stiff and uncomfortable and your palms and wrists are painful after using the computer, you should communicate with your doctor in time and take corresponding measures. Don't delay any longer. Cervical spondylosis: The reason why she doesn't sit heavy when playing computer is that the small neck that oppresses the spine hurts is because she has been sitting incorrectly for a long time. Xiao Wei really doesn't pay much attention to the sitting posture when using the computer. His seat is higher than the screen. He always bends his head at his desk and likes to cross his legs. These bad sitting postures directly lead to the compression of the spine, and then suffer from compensatory hyperplasia of the cervical spine. Remedy: It is generally believed that sitting up straight can prevent cervical spine problems, but a British medical study pointed out that sitting up straight and leaning back at 45 degrees can reduce back pain. When operating the computer, the upper body can lean back, but the lower back is straight and the knees naturally bend 90 degrees. Keep your feet on the ground and exercise your neck every half hour. Patients with early spinal pain can be improved as long as they have proper rest and correct exercise. The best sitting posture of computer family: 1. The center of the computer screen is on the same level as the operator's chest. 2. The distance from the eyes to the screen depends on the screen size: generally, 14 inch should be 50 cm to 60 cm, 15 inch should be 60 cm to 70 cm, and so on. 3, the line of sight should be kept horizontally down about 30 degrees. 4. The waist of the lower body is straight, the knees naturally bend 90 degrees, and the sitting posture with both feet on the ground is maintained. Up to now, there is little research on the best sitting posture. 1999 A comprehensive analysis in the United States pointed out that sitting at an angle of 100 degrees to 130 degrees on the trunk and thighs can relax the spine most. A study published in Scotland in 2007 found that sitting back at an angle of 135 degrees is the best way to prevent back pain. Dr. Golubic said that although these studies are interesting, for most people, it may not be feasible to maintain the sitting angle so accurately. Cleveland Clinic has treated patients with various chronic diseases. Almost all of these patients are sedentary every day. In 2002, the President's Committee on Physical Fitness and Exercise coined a new word-sedentary death syndrome to deal with the increasingly serious problems brought by sedentary lifestyle. Dr. Golubic said: "Studies on physical inactivity syndrome show that sedentary behavior may lead to low back pain, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity." In other words, no matter which sitting posture you use all day, it is quite harmful to your health. The best sitting posture is the decisive factor of breathing effect. Dr. Golubic said, "Relax and sit up straight"-keep the core of your body stable, open but don't tighten your shoulder blades, and straighten your spine-"Hold your chest out and take a deep breath ... you will feel more energetic and more focused". In order to maintain this sitting posture, you need to keep a certain distance from the back of the chair to prevent yourself from collapsing in the chair, and keep your feet firmly on the ground. Sometimes, he will ask patients to take a blue dot sticker home and stick it on the computer to remind patients to sit up straight, stretch and take a deep breath when they feel sore. In addition, there is an application called PostureTrack, which can give an alarm when users hunch over. The danger of hunchback is not that you will hunchback after sitting for a day, but that Dr. Golubic said: "If your muscles are not strong enough for a long time, your bones will be deformed. As far as I know, there is no study on the volume change of internal organs (such as liver and spleen) when people sit up straight and hunchback. But what we know is that when you hunch over, you will send a signal that makes people feel depressed and depressed. " He added that when you sit up straight, "people will think you are in a better mental state." Signs of Low Back Pain If you are not used to sitting up straight, you may feel low back pain-this shows that you need to carry out core strength training to improve your overall physical fitness. Basically, Golubic will advise all patients to start practicing yoga: "In yoga class, the first thing we learn is the correct sitting posture." Walk more and avoid sedentary bottom line: Dr. Golubic said that how you sit is far less important to your health than how long you sit. He himself will leave his desk as often as possible, "have a meeting while walking" with his colleagues, and answer the phone outdoors. He said, "If you can't walk around, you should at least stop more."