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Historical Records (III)-Biography? Wu Zixu

Wu Zixu, a famous official, is the second son of Wu, a teacher of Chu State. In the seventh year of King Chu Ping, Wu She was killed. Wu Zixu passed through China Wu, such as Song and Zheng. After helping Wu Gongzi assassinate and seize the throne, it was for Wu Wangpu Lu. With the help of Wu Zixu, Wu became more and more prosperous. Soon after, Wu Jun broke Chu, and Wu Zixu dug the tomb of King Chu Ping, flogging 300 corpses, to avenge his father and brother. Because this work is sealed in Shen, it is also called. When the prince of Wu was in Fu Cha, he was gradually alienated because he advised him to refuse to seek peace across the country. Finally, the prince of Wu listened to the slanderers of Taizai Zhanbo and gave his subordinate Wu Zixu a sword to commit suicide.

Wu Zixu, a native of Chu, was appointed as a committee member. His father's name is Wu She and his brother's name is Wu Shang. His ancestor was called Kung Fu, and he worked for Chu Zhuangwang. His descendants are very famous in Chu because of their outspoken suggestions and prestige.

King Chu Ping had a prince named Jane. Ping Wang sent Wu She to be the teacher of the Prince, and Wu Fei has always been the teacher of the Prince. Fei Wuji is not loyal to Prince Jian. Ping Wang made an engagement for Prince Jian in Qin State and sent Fei Wuzong to Qin State to marry him. This Qin girl is very beautiful. Fei Wuji hurried back and reported, "This Qin girl is very beautiful. The king can marry her himself and marry a daughter-in-law for the prince. " Ping Wang personally married Miss Qin and loved her very much. Later, he gave birth to a son named Qi. Wang Ping also married a daughter-in-law for the prince.

Fei Wuji used this Qin woman to please him, so he left the prince to serve. He was worried that one day King Tianping died and the prince would commit suicide after he succeeded to the throne, so he spoke ill of Prince Jian in front of King Tianping. His mother is Cai, and she is no longer loved. As a result, he gradually alienated Prince Jian and sent Jian to be stationed in the city father to be responsible for border defense.

Soon, Fei Wuji spoke ill of Prince Jian in front of King Ping day and night. He said, "Because of the girl from the State of Qin, it is impossible for the prince not to feel uneasy and disappointed. I hope the king is prepared. Since the prince's father settled in Beijing, he has been in charge of military forces and interacting with foreign princes, and is about to enter Beijing to make trouble! Ping Wang Zhao Wu She, Wu She is the teacher of Wu Wang. Knowing that Fei Wuji had spoken ill of the Prince in front of King Ping, Wu She took the opportunity to say, "Why did your majesty alienate his father and son because of the slanderers' bad words? "Fei Wuji said," If the king doesn't stop it now, his plot will succeed and the king will be caught! So King Ping was furious, put Wu She in prison and sent Sima Fenyang, the father of the city, to kill the prince. Before Fenyang arrived, he sent someone to tell the prince: "Prince, leave quickly! Otherwise, you will be killed! " Prince Jian fled to Song State.

When Wu Zixu arrived in Song State, it happened that there was a minister named Hua in Song State. He launched a coup, so he took Prince Jian to Zheng State. Zheng is very friendly to him. Prince Jian went to the state of Jin again and said, "The prince is on good terms with Zheng's officials, and Zheng trusts the prince. If the prince can be my inside man, I will attack from the outside and kill Zheng. Destroy the state of Zheng and seal it with the prince. " The prince then returned to Zheng. Before things were ready, it happened that Prince Jian had a personal affair and planned to kill a man who followed him. Knowing his plan, the man went to the state of Zheng and told Zheng that the son of Prince Zheng had been built and killed. Wu Zixu had a son named Sheng. He was so scared that he fled to Wu with Sheng. When he arrived at Zhaoguan, the officers and men of Zhaoguan wanted to arrest him. Wu Zixu fled on foot with Sheng, almost impossible to escape. The pursuers followed closely. When I came to the river, a fisherman was rowing a boat. Seeing that Wu Zixu was dying, I crossed the river in Wu Zixu. When Wu Zixu crossed the river, he took off his sword and said, "This sword is worth a hundred gold. Give it to your old man! " The fisherman said, "According to the reward system announced by the State of Chu, those who catch Wu Zixu will be rewarded with 50,000 stones of millet, which will be handed over to the responsible officials. Is it just a sword worth 100 gold? " So he refused to accept that Wu Zixu fell ill before he arrived in the capital of Wu, and had to stop to beg for a living. When he came to the capital of the State of Wu, King Ji Liao of Wu was in power, and his son Ji Guang was a general. Wu Zixu sought audience with Wu Wangliao through the relationship of Gongzi Guang.

After a period of time, both Beiliang in the border area of Chu and Beiliang in the border area of Wu raised silkworms, and women in the two places fought for mulberry leaves. King Chu Ping was so angry that the two countries rose up to attack him. The State of Wu sent a son to attack Chu, occupied Li Zhong, lived in Chu's lair, and returned triumphantly. Wu Zixu advised Wu Wangliao: "Chu can be completely destroyed, and I hope to send it to you again." The son just said to the king of Wu, "Later, Wu Zixu's father and brother were killed by Chu. He suggested that the king attack Chu, but he just wanted to avenge himself. Attacking Chu cannot destroy Chu. " Wu Zixu knew that Childe was ambitious at home and wanted to kill Wu Wangliao and be a prince himself. So we can't convince him with external actions, so we recommend Zhuan Xu to Gongziguang and retire. The son built with the prince won a farm in the country.

Five years later, King Chu Ping died. At first, Wang Ping, the daughter of Qin State, got it from Prince Jian and gave birth to a son named Qi. When he died, Qi actually succeeded to the throne. This is Zhao Haoqi. Wu Wangliao took advantage of Chu's funeral to send his two younger brothers to attack Chu. When Chu sent troops to cut off the back road, he could never return to the empty kingdom of Wu. Childe just asked Zhuan Xu to kill Wu Wangliao and become king on his own. That's why He Lu became. When his wish came true, his name was Wu Yuan, and he was appointed as a pedestrian. All state affairs were discussed with him.

Chu killed his ministers, Wan Wan and Li. Bozhou Plough's grandson fled to the State of Wu, and the State of Wu appointed Bo Kuo as a doctor. Before Wu Wangliao sent troops to attack Chu's two sons, the back road was cut off and they couldn't come back. Later, I heard that Lu Hong killed Wu Wangliao and became king on his own, so he surrendered to the State of Chu with his troops, and the State of Chu sealed them in Shu. He Lv reigned for three years, and sent troops to temporarily attack Chu with Wu Zixu and Bo, occupied Shu, and captured two sons of the original fruit country. He Lv wants to take advantage of the situation and March into Ying Du. General Sun Wu said, "The people are tired and can't wait any longer." I quit my army and returned to China.

Lu was king for four years, and Wu attacked Chu, occupying six places and the whole land. He Lv reigned for five years, attacked and defeated Yue. He Lv reigned for six years, and King Zhao of Chu sent his son Bow Wow to attack Wu. Wu sent five soldiers to fight, defeated the Chu army and occupied the nest of Chu again.

He Lv reigned for nine years. He Lv said to Wu Zixu and Sun Wu, "At the beginning, you said that Ying City could not be attacked. What now? " The two men replied, "General Chu is greedy for money, and both Tang and Cai hate it. If the king must attack Chu on a large scale, he must first obtain the support of Tang and Cai. " Following their advice, they mobilized all the troops to attack Chu with Tang and Cai. On both sides of the Hanshui River, Wu Jun and Chujun lined up. Wu Wang's younger brother Jun Fu led the army and asked to go out with him. He Lv didn't answer. Fu almost attacked the Chujiangzichang with his five thousand troops. Zi often fled to Zheng. So Wu Jun moved on, and after five battles, he reached the capital city of Chu. On the eighth day, King Zhao of Chu escaped. On the day of Chen Geng, the prince of Wu entered Yong City.

King Chu Zhao fled and hid in the swamp of Yunmeng. Robbers attacked Zhao Haoqi and Zhao Haoqi fled to YUNDI. Yungong's younger brother said brightly, "Ping Wang killed our father, and it doesn't matter if we kill his son!" " ! The man was afraid that his brother would kill Zhao Haoqi, so he fled anywhere with Zhao Haoqi. Wu Bing surrounded this place and said to people all over the country, "The descendants of Zhou Wang in Hanchuan area were all wiped out by Chu. "People everywhere want to kill Zhao Haoqi. Rebecca, the prince of Yan, picked up Zhao and said he was the prince of Zhao to prevaricate them. People everywhere thought it was unlucky to give the King of Chu to the State of Wu, so they politely refused to give the King of Zhao to them.

Earlier, Wu Yuan and Shen were bosom friends. When Wu Yuan fled from Chu, he said to Shen, "I must subvert Chu!" Shen said, "I must save Chu!" When Wu Bing invaded Chu.

Wu Zixu didn't get it when he was looking for Zhao Haoqi, so he dug up King Chu Ping's grave, dragged the body out and beat him three hundred times before stopping. Shen fled into the mountains and sent someone to see Wu Zixu, saying, "Your revenge is too much! I heard:' Many people can conquer the sky, and God's will can destroy people. You used to be a courtier in Wang Ping, and you personally served him. Now you have reached the point of insulting the dead. Isn't that unreasonable to the extreme? Wu Zixu said, "I apologize to Shen for me:' My situation seems to be that the sun is going down soon, and the road is still far away, so I can only retreat (I can't do things as usual). "So, Shen ran to the state of Qin to report that the situation was critical and asked the state of Qin for help. Qin refused. Shen stood in the court of Qin, crying day and night for seven days and seven nights. Qin Aigong pitied him and said, "Although the King of Chu has no choice, how can he not help him save the State of Chu?" He sent 500 chariots to save Chu and fight Wu, and was defeated by Ji in June. It happened that the prince of Wu stayed in Chu for a long time to find the prince of Zhao, while his younger brother Fu Jingjing secretly fled back to China and became king on his own. When He Lv heard the news, he had to put aside the affairs of Chu and return to attack his younger brother Fu almost. My husband almost fled, and then went to Chu. King Zhao of Chu saw the civil strife in Wu and returned to Tancheng. The king of Chu named Tang Xi as his husband and called Tang Xi's family. Chu fought against Wu again, defeated Wu, and the king of Wu returned to China.

Two years later, Lu Hong sent Prince Fu Cha to attack Chu and occupied it. Chu was afraid that Wu would send troops again, so he left Tancheng and moved to the capital county. During this period, due to the planning of Wu Zixu and Sun Wu, Wu invaded the powerful Chu State in the west, blocked Qi Jin in the north and conquered Yue State in the south.