Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Four-character idioms with two big characters

Four-character idioms with two big characters

1. Two big-character idioms, right and wrong, auspiciousness, ups and downs, benevolence and compassion.

First, right and wrong.

Vernacular interpretation: refers to the principle of right and wrong.

Dynasty: modern

Author: Xu Chi

Quotation: Goldbach conjecture: "Page after page of history has been written, and finally there is selfless public opinion."

Second, good luck.

Vernacular interpretation: very auspicious and smooth. Used for divination and blessing in the old days.

Dynasty: Ming dynasty

Author: Luo Guanzhong

Source: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 54th time: "Kong Ming said,' I know what I came for. Reading Yi in time is a good sign. "

Kong Ming said: I already know your purpose, and I have just divined a divination, which is very auspicious and smooth.

Third, ups and downs

Vernacular explanation: Describe the ups and downs change extremely quickly and greatly.

Dynasty: A.D. 1944.

Author: Lao She

Proof: "Four Generations under One Family": "Her joys and sorrows are ups and downs."

Fourth, benevolence and righteousness.

Dynasty: Ming dynasty

Author: Luo Guanzhong

Source: The Forty-third Session of Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "Those who endure chaos and seize the inheritance of the same clan are really benevolent."

How can you have the heart to rob the inheritance of the same clan? This is true generosity and respect for righteousness.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) shows great pity and sympathy.

Vernacular interpretation: Buddhist terms. To love all people is great compassion, and to pity all those who suffer is great compassion. Sometimes used to satirize hypocrisy.

Dynasty: 1 century.

Author: Sakyamuni Buddha

Source: The Analects of the Lotus Sutra: "Great kindness and great compassion are often tireless."

Love all people, pity all those who suffer, and never get tired of it.

2. Four characters with big characters are disastrous.

The most basic and important thing

Famous articles

An eloquent man does not say much to express himself.

A specious person is cautious and does not show his edge.

walk with vigorous strides

A very talented person.

Use more and use less-use less and use less talents.

People with summer wood can win the task.

Sharp insight and understanding

Complete disillusionment

Focus on key points

Painting or writing should work in the main part.

Pay attention to key points


Expounding Buddhist teachings-brazenly boasting

Although there are defects in details, it is sound on the whole.

Be kind.

all wet

Come to blows

Natural and poised

Bold and resolute

Be warmly welcomed by the people

In the face of dangerous enemies

spring returns to the earth

Come to blows

Generosity and tolerance


Too big to be practical

Show infinite sympathy and pity

blow a fuse

The minister is faithful and conscientious.


Great sorrow

Loosen your tongue

3. What are the big four-character idioms? There are many idioms with big names. I can only name a few: eating and drinking, laughing, making a mountain out of a molehill, goose feather and heavy snow, showing off one's talents, being notorious, being frightened to disgrace, controlling water by Dayu, being amazed by heavy snow, being magnificent, being as rich as an enemy, punishing and remonstrating without boundaries, being profound, suddenly realizing, putting righteousness above family, and being profound. Monster, swaggering, running away, crying, omniscient, natural and graceful, relevant, easy to understand, * * *, public, overqualified, carrying forward, making a fuss, righteously, careless, big waves, big benefits, big tail, ridiculous, generous,

4. Idioms Daquan Four-character idioms include big strides, overqualified, fully aware, aggressive, compassionate, boastful, ignorant and so on.

Make a scene, be furious, be selfless, be frightened to disgrace, the general trend, make waves, find a needle in a haystack,

Lucky, well-off, the river of no return, the north and south of the river, the streets, making a fuss, eye-opening,

Great rivers and mountains, great disasters, great people's hearts, big waves, famous, magnificent, disappointed,

Violating the law, in public, is quite different, righteously, righteously, useful,

Success, elegance, pouring rain, great wisdom and courage, profoundness, boldness and bitterness,

Vast territory and abundant resources, great joy, too big to lose, too big to catch the wind, too big to learn, exaggerated, flew into a rage,

Famous, ridiculous, generous, ambitious, arrogant, small, very different.