Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Gao yi's ancient prose

Gao yi's ancient prose

The teacher said

(Tang) Han Yu

Ancient scholars must have teachers. Teacher, so preach and teach. People are not born knowing, who can have no doubt? If you are confused and don't follow the teacher, you will be confused and you will never understand. Before I was born, I heard Tao, so I learned from it. After I was born, I learned Tao, and I learned from Tao first. I am a teacher, and I don't know that years were born in me. Therefore, there is no nobility, no inferiority, no length, no shortage, and the existence of Tao and the existence of teachers.

Ha ha! It's been a long time since the teacher passed on the Tao! It's hard to be confused! The ancient sages are far away, and they are still in the teacher's question; Today's people are far from saints, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. So saints are good for saints, and fools are good for fools. What makes saints holy and fools stupid?

Love his son, choose a teacher and teach him; Being a teacher in it is shameful. Confused! The boy's teacher, the sentence of teaching and learning books, is not the person I am talking about telling his story and solving his confusion. I don't know, I don't understand, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Witch doctors and musicians are skilled workers, and they are not ashamed to learn from each other. The families of the scholar-officials called their teacher disciple Yun, and they got together and talked and laughed. When asked, he said, "He is almost the same as that year and in the same way." Humble is shameful, and being an official is close to contempt. Oh! Teacher's way is unknown! Witch doctors are highly skilled musicians, and gentlemen disdain them. Today, his wisdom is out of reach, strange and embarrassing!

Saint impermanence teacher. Confucius studied under Tan Zi, Changhong, Shi Xiang and Lao Dan. Scorpions' disciples are not as clever as Confucius. Confucius said, "Where there are three people, there must be a teacher." So disciples don't have to be inferior to teachers, and teachers don't have to be superior to disciples. They have a good understanding of Taoism and specialize in their skills. That's all.

Seventeen-year-old Li is good at ancient prose and knows all six arts. He has unlimited time to learn from Yu Yu. Yu Jiaqi can follow the ancient road and write Shi Shuo to make it last forever.

To annotate ...

Tao: refers to the philosophy and politics of Confucianism and Confucius and Mencius. You can refer to the original road chosen by Han Yu in this book. Accept: by "granting". Industry: Generally speaking, it refers to the study of ancient classics, history, hundred schools of thought and the writing of ancient prose. Please refer to the author's research content described in Han Yu's Selected Works of Jin Xuejie. [2] People were born knowing: The Analects of Confucius said: "Confucius said:' I was born knowing, so I wanted it. ""The Analects of Confucius. Shuo Wen: "Confucius said:' Those who are born with knowledge are also superior; Those who learn and know, second. "Confucius admitted that some people were born with knowledge, but he thought he didn't. Han Yu further clarified that no one was born with it. [3] Wen Dao: The text "The Analects of Confucius": "Confucius said,' If you listen to Tao, you will die in the evening. "Smell, listen, extended understanding. Teacher: Use it as a verb and learn from the teacher. [4] Yong: Yes, it is the tone of rhetorical questions. [5] sentence reading (dòu teasing): Also called sentence reading teasing. In ancient times, it was called a sentence with full meaning, which was read (teased) with full stop as a circle and comma as a point. There are no punctuation marks in ancient books, so teachers should teach children to be funny when reading. [6] Witch doctor: In ancient times, people who used superstitious methods such as prayer and divination or used drugs to treat diseases were also called witch doctors. Yizhoushu drama has a record of "Witch Doctor". " "The Analects of Confucius Ji's": "A man without constancy cannot be a witch doctor. "As a lower occupation. Baigong: refers to craftsmen in general. [7] similar, similar: similar, almost. [8] Yu Yu: Flattery, flattery. [9] Gentleman: In ancient times, "Gentleman" had two meanings, one was a person with high status, and the other was a person with high moral character. The former is used here, which is equivalent to a scholar-bureaucrat. Disdain: disdain for the same column, showing contempt. Teeth, originally referring to age, also extended to arrangement. The young horse grows a tooth every year, so the age of a horse is counted by teeth, which also refers to the age of a person. The ancients often arranged each other according to their age. This sentence reflects the traditional prejudice of the feudal class. [10] Immortal teacher: The Analects of Confucius Zhang Zi: "Zi Gong said,' ...' How can a master not learn, but how can he always be a teacher?' "Master, teacher, refers to Confucius. Zi Gong said that he didn't learn anything. Why should he have a certain teacher? [1 1] Tan Zi: During the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius once asked Tan Guo (now Tancheng, Shandong Province) for his official name. Chi (Chang) Hong: A doctor in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, to whom Confucius asked for advice on ancient music. Shi Xiang: During the Spring and Autumn Period, the musician of Lu was named Xiang, from whom Confucius had learned to play the piano. Teachers, musicians. Lao Dan: Laozi, a Chu man, a thinker and the founder of Taoism in the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius once asked him questions about manners. [12] Three sentences: The text "The Analects": "Confucius said:' A threesome must learn from me. Choose the good to follow and change the bad. (13) Li: in the 19th year of Zhenyuan (803), he was a scholar. Six arts: refers to the six classics, namely, poetry, calligraphy, ceremony, music, Yi, Spring and Autumn. Classic: Six Classics. Biography: Annotate classic works.

Full text translation

People who are eager to learn in ancient times must have teachers. Teachers are used to impart truth, teach research and answer difficult questions. People are not born with reason and knowledge. Who can have no problems? If you have problems but don't learn from the teacher, those problems can't be solved after all. Born in front of me, he understood the truth earlier than me, so I (should) follow him and take him as my teacher; The person born behind me, (if) he understands the truth earlier than me, I should (should) follow him and learn from him. I take Tao as my teacher, so it doesn't matter whether he was born earlier or later than me! Therefore, regardless of status, age and age, where Tao exists is where teachers exist, and where Tao exists there are teachers. )

Alas! In ancient times, the fashion of learning from teachers has long been cut off! It's hard to make people have no problems! Ancient saints, far superior people, even asked teachers for advice; Now, he is far below the sage, but it is a shame to learn from the teacher. Therefore, saints become wiser and fools become more stupid. Maybe this is why saints become saints and fools become fools! (Some people) love children, so they choose teachers to educate them. They are ashamed to be teachers. (Really) confused! That child's teacher is to teach the child to write and read, so that he can learn to break sentences and learn to joke. (And) he is not the person I said to teach truth and solve problems. (but) for those who don't know how to read sentences, some people learn from them; If the problem cannot be solved, some people will not learn from it; I can't see where he is clever. Wizards, doctors, musicians and craftsmen are not ashamed to learn from each other; When people like scholar-officials heard these words, they got together and laughed at them. You ask them and say, "Who is about the same age as who, and the reason (they know) is similar." Low status is shameful. High office is considered almost flattering. Alas! In ancient times, the fashion of learning from teachers could not be restored, which can be seen! Wizards, doctors, musicians and all kinds of craftsmen, gentlemen disdain (and these people), but now they can't catch up with (these people) in the knowledge they learn from teachers, isn't it strange?

A saint has no fixed teacher. Confucius used to learn from Zanzi, Changhong, Shi Xiang and Lao Dan. These people are not as clever as Confucius. Confucius said, "When three people walk together, there must be a teacher." Therefore, the apprentice is not necessarily inferior to the teacher, and the teacher is not necessarily better than the apprentice in everything. Knowing that it is the first, there is a specialization in the art, that's all.

The Li family's child, Pan, is seventeen years old and likes classical Chinese. Both the text and the interpretation of the Six Classics are generally studied. (He) was not bound by the shy atmosphere with the teacher at that time and asked me for advice. I rewarded him for inheriting the ancient fashion of learning from teachers, so I wrote this "Teacher Shuo" as a gift for him.

English translation/ translator/ interpreter

In ancient times, people who wanted to learn would find a teacher, a teacher who could spread teachings, impart professional knowledge and solve doubts. Since no one is born omniscient, who can claim to have no doubt? If a person has doubts and is unwilling to learn from the teacher, his doubts will never be solved. Anyone who was born before me and studied teachings before me is my teacher. Anyone who was born after me and studied teachings before me is also my teacher. Since I am eager to learn doctrine, why should I care whether he was born before or after me? Therefore, a person's status and age are irrelevant. Where there is doctrine, there is my teacher.

Alas! The tradition of learning from teachers has long been ignored. Therefore, it is difficult to find a person without any doubts. Far beyond our ancient sages, and even learn from teachers. People who are far less than them today regard learning from teachers as a shame. Therefore, smart people become smarter, and people without learning become more stupid. This explains what makes a wise man and a stupid man.

It is absurd for a person to choose a teacher for his son out of love, but refuse to learn from the teacher, thinking that it is a shame to do so. His son's teacher only teaches children reading and punctuation, not propaganda or confusion as mentioned above. I think it is unwise to learn from teachers when one doesn't know how to punctuate, but it is unwise to learn from teachers when one has unresolved questions, because I find it foolish to learn from small things and ignore big ones. Even doctors, musicians and craftsmen don't think it is shameful to learn from each other. When a scholar calls another person his "teacher" and calls himself his "student", people will get together and laugh at him in unison. If you ask them why they are laughing, they will say that because he is almost the same age as another person, he is as knowledgeable as another person. If another person's social status is lower than him, it is degrading for him to call him a "teacher"; It would be a compliment if the other person had a higher social status. Alas! Obviously, the tradition of learning from teachers can never be restored. Witch doctors, musicians and craftsmen are despised by gentlemen. How strange it is that gentlemen are not as clever as these people!

Ancient sages were not limited to specific teachers. Confucius once learned from Tan Sitong, Changhong, Shi Xiang and Lao Dan, who were not as virtuous and talented as Confucius. Confucius said, "If three people walk together, one of them will be my teacher." Students are not necessarily inferior to teachers, and teachers are not necessarily more moral and talented than students. The real fact is that one person may have learned the doctrine earlier than another person, or he may be a master in his own special field.

Pan, the son of the Li family, is only seventeen years old. He loves to study Qin and Han classics and is proficient in the Six Classics and its notes. He is not a conformist and is willing to learn from me. I admire his ability to act according to the ancient learning tradition. So I dedicate this piece to him.