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What are the traditional festivals of Gaoshan people?

Introduction: Understand the national festivals, understand the characteristics and characteristics of our big family, and when you see a strange festival, you can't help but ask which nationality it belongs to. So when you ask a nation, should you also know what festivals it has? If you want to know about the festivals and traditional festivals of Gaoshan people, please see my introduction.

Festival of Gaoshan people

There are many festivals of Gaoshan nationality. However, because Gaoshan society is a society where soul worship and sacrifice prevail. The soul is considered to be full of everything in the universe. From the vast sky, the sun, the moon and the stars, the clouds and the clouds, the thunder and lightning, to the vast land, mountains and rivers, lakes and seas, birds and animals, insects, snakes and fish, there are mysterious souls. Therefore, most of their traditional festivals have a strong religious color, and they basically appear in the form of sacrificial ceremonies. During the festival, in addition to song and dance banquets, sports competitions, cultural exhibitions and entertainment activities were also added.

There are more than 70 kinds of sacrifices of Gaoshan people, including farming, fishing and hunting, fighting, childbirth, weddings and funerals, architecture and long-distance travel. In particular, a series of sacrificial activities around agricultural activities such as millet, rice, taro and potato, including fixed ceremonies, such as reclamation, sowing, weeding, interplanting, harvesting, warehousing, hunting and harvest; There are also temporary sacrifices according to local conditions, such as insect repellent, rain and sunshine. In addition to the common ancestor sacrifices, farming sacrifices, hunting sacrifices and river sacrifices, there are some special sacrifices, such as the short spirit sacrifices of people, the millet sacrifices of Cao people, the boat sacrifices of the Ami people, the flying fish sacrifices of the Yami people, the five-year sacrifices of paiwan, the monkey sacrifices of Peinan people and the big hunting sacrifices. As far as the sacrifice time is concerned, the short time is 10 day and 8 days, and the long time is actually 4 months. For example, the flying fish festival of Yamei people is held every year in the season of flying fish fishing, that is, from March to June, which is consistent with the production of flying fish fishing. It can be said that many sacrifices, long time and complicated ceremonies are a prominent feature of the sacrifice celebration of Gaoshan nationality.

Important festivals of Gaoshan nationality include: sowing sacrifice (Atayal nationality, spring sowing ended in late March), peace sacrifice (Bunun nationality, the fourth day of April), ancestor sacrifice of "Ali" (Pingpu people, September 16th) and harvest festival (Cao people, Rukai people, Ami people, etc.). August 15th) and bamboo pole sacrifice (paiwan, October).

What are the traditional festivals of Gaoshan people?

Ear joint

Ear-beating Festival, also known as Ear-shooting Festival, is a traditional festival of sacrifice for Bunun people of Gaoshan nationality in Taiwan Province Province. It is held in April of the lunar calendar every year. Before the festival, men will go hunting in the mountains, and women will make wine at home and prepare thatch and fresh water. On the day of the festival, people send the newly cooked animal meat to the ear-beating field of the conference, and then hold an ear-beating ceremony.

Weeding sacrifice

Weeding Festival is a festival of Gaoshan Bunun nationality in Taiwan Province Province. It is held in February and March of the lunar calendar every year. Before the sacrifice, each family made wine and prepared articles for the sacrifice. On the day of the sacrifice, the children dressed up and came to the field one after another. Parents bent down to pull weeds and prayed to God to bless the rapid growth of rice seedlings. After that, I patted everyone's back with a weed, which is said to relieve the pain in their backs. After the sacrificial ceremony, the traditional festival and custom of Gaoshan nationality is to shoot rattan balls made of grass and bark on the way home. A symbol of killing all pests that eat crops.

Youth Day

Youth Day is a traditional folk festival of Cao nationality of Gaoshan nationality in Taiwan Province province, which is held in March of the lunar calendar. From the age of 12, Cao boys and girls living in Alishan District will receive special training for five years. At the beginning and end of each training period, a grand celebration ceremony will be held, that is, Youth Day. At that time, men will be armed to the teeth, armed with spears, and the square will be packed, while women will be dressed in festive costumes and the square will be packed. First, a big fat pig was driven to the center of the square. The men shouted and stabbed the big fat pig with spears until they stabbed the pig to death. People put pig's blood on the spear tip, put it around the square, then cook the pork on the spot and distribute it to all the men present, together with the rice cake. The men who take the meal rush to the boarding house of the trainees, singing songs, having dinner there and having a good time. After that, the trainees will leave home for training. Five years later, before the end of the training, there will be a legendary exam, and those who pass can graduate.

Smius de Momochi

Smius de Momoh, the Atayal are sowing. Taiwan Province Gaoshan Sacrifice Festival. It is held in January of the lunar calendar every year. At that time, the leader of the "Jia Jia" Sacrificial Group will be the priest who will preside over the ceremony. Before the sacrifice, all families should kill chickens to prepare wine, pound millet to make cakes, and then send the sacrifices to the priest's house. On the day of the sacrifice, the priest had to wait until the millet field with grain seeds and wine, first insert a bamboo branch, then put a stone next to the bamboo branch, symbolically sprinkle some seeds, then gently cover it with soil, and then start praying. The next day, families began to prepare for sowing.

Dwarf sacrifice

Short spirit sacrifice is also called big love sacrifice and biennial sacrifice. Traditional Sacrificial Festival of Gaoshan Nationality in Xia Sai, Taiwan Province Province. It is held every two years. October 13th to 19th of the lunar calendar. Six days. According to legend, in ancient times, the great lover lived with Xia Sai people. The relationship was originally very harmonious, but later, because the lover was a lecherous Xia Sai woman, she was designed by Xia Sai people and died in the river. The last surviving couple also disappeared. Because of his great love for teaching Xia Sai millet and singing and dancing, his soul often troubled Xia Sai people after his death. In order to remember the good old days, pray for the love of the deceased to stop their troubles and protect their own production and life, Xia Sai people hold a love festival every two years to offer sacrifices to their loved ones, accompanied by a series of song and dance feasts to entertain and charm the gods. The ceremony is very complicated. The first is the spiritual welcoming ceremony, and then the spiritual reception ceremony. The spirit of entertainment is the center of the whole ceremony, which is mainly composed of a group of little guys wearing big hats decorated with bells, jumping, singing and dancing. They danced all night and the atmosphere was very warm. The sacrifice of love, and finally the funeral ceremony. The priests sent food to the loved ones, and the dancers didn't pay attention to the spirits and entertain the gods, but shouted and threw thatch and stones in the direction where the loved ones returned, in order to drive away the loved ones.

Fishing sacrifice

Fishing Festival is a folk festival of the Ami people of Gaoshan nationality in Taiwan Province Province. It is held in May of the lunar calendar every year. At this time, the dry rice has been harvested and entered the fishing season. According to a-mei's legend, there was a god named Abdul Yule in ancient times. In order to enable Ah Mui to fish and hunt, they were asked to hold a fish festival once a year after harvesting dry rice, which has been held until now. Before the sacrifice, the new (adult) teenagers in each village will gather by the stream to build a hut. On the day of the festival, the young and the old came to the hut for a simple sacrificial ceremony, and then went fishing in the sea, and the caught fish was cooked on the spot. The way to cook fish is very strange. First, cut the fish open and wash it, then put it in betel nut skin and add water. When red-hot stones are put in, water will boil. After putting a few stones, the fish will be cooked. After the fish is cooked, it should be divided into two generations, old and young. After eating, I went back to the village to hold a sacrificial ceremony again, so that the gods could bless the harvest.

Pass the ceremony

The rite of passage is a traditional festival for the Amei people of Gaoshan nationality in Taiwan Province Province. It is held every seven years, usually on the day of the full moon after the harvest of millet (about mid-August of the lunar calendar). In the Ami area of Heather, all young people in the tribe who have reached the age of 18 must participate. They began to practice singing, dancing and running hard a month ago until two days before the ceremony. Young people will go to catch the pheasant to prepare rice wine for their elders. During the festival, young people of Gaoshan traditional festivals and customs will gather at the village head's home to listen to the teachings of their elders. They are going to be adults, and everything should be required by the standards of adults. Then they will run naked to the seaside destination, and when they all reach the finish line, they will sing and dance at the seaside. In the afternoon, all the young people dressed up, put on feather crowns, inserted their trunnions into the clubhouse and continued to dance in a circle. In the meantime, the village leaders will give lectures, and then they will sing, dance and feast all night.

First night fishing festival

The first night fishing festival is a folk festival of the Yamei people of Gaoshan nationality in Taiwan Province Province, which is held every year on the evening of the third day of the third lunar month. This is the season of flying fish, and Yamei held the first night fishing sacrifice at sea, so it was called the first night fishing sacrifice. At that time, the captain of the first fishing boat that sailed into the sea presided over the sacrifice. First, tie a pig to the boat and let the pig bleed into the sea. Put an urn and paddle filled with clear water at the bow, and then sprinkle a small ladle of millet and clear water into the sea to sacrifice the spirit of flying fish. After the sacrifice, I started fishing. When the first flying fish was caught, the helmsman put the bamboo stained with chicken blood that the captain brought on board into the mouth of the flying fish and said, "There are still many flying fish to catch!" " "In order to return with a full load. Then the fish must not be taken home to eat, but must be put on the boat. Yami people rely on the fishing quantity of ships in this night to predict the abundance and shortage of fisheries in this flood season.